Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Gpt"

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Q: I asked chat gpt to evaluate the prevalence of the phrases on a scale from 1 to 10. Do you think the generated answer below is accurate?

"Case in Point" - 9/10: "Case in Point" is the correct phrase and is widely used to illustrate or provide an example in a discussion or argument.

"Cash cow" - 8/10: "Cash cow" is a common business and financial term used to describe a product, service, or investment that generates a consistent and substantial income.

"Cash in one's chips" - 4/10: This phrase is less common and somewhat dated. It means to die or to pass away.

"Cash on the barrelhead" - 3/10: This phrase is relatively uncommon and might not be widely recognized in everyday conversation.

"Cash on the nail" - 2/10: This phrase is quite rare and may not be familiar to most English speakers.

"Cast a wide net" - 7/10: "Cast a wide net" is a fairly common idiom used to describe a broad or comprehensive approach to something, such as a search or recruitment.

"Cast Aspersions" - 6/10: "Cast aspersions" is not as common as some other phrases, but it is understood and used in discussions to mean making unfounded or damaging remarks about someone.

"Cast the first stone" - 6/10: This phrase is recognizable and used in discussions about judgment or criticism, but it's not extremely prevalent.

"Cast-iron stomach" - 7/10: "Cast-iron stomach" is a moderately common expression used to describe someone who can tolerate or digest a wide variety of foods without getting sick.

"Cat Got Your Tongue" - 7/10: This phrase is relatively common and is used humorously to ask why someone is not speaking or is being unusually quiet.

"Catch more flies with honey" - 6/10: This phrase is known and used to emphasize the effectiveness of being polite and diplomatic in order to achieve one's goals.

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