Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Heal"
Die Bedeutung von "Heal" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet heal?
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Was bedeutet healed?
to become healthy again
Was bedeutet healed??
Healed means that a cut or something related to injuries have disappeared.
Beispielsätze die "Heal" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit healed.
My wounds from the fight have totally healed; there is no pain or scar left.
To heal your twisted ankle, you will need to apply this cream every morning.
My wounds from the fight have totally healed; there is no pain or scar left.
To heal your twisted ankle, you will need to apply this cream every morning.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit heal.
if somebody gets hurt their injury needs to heal
person 1 "I cut my finger while chopping carrots"
person 2 "Oh! I hope it heals soon"
example 2
person 1 "You remember how i said my back was hurting??"
person 2 " Yes?"
person 1 "Well it must be healing because i've had no pain in a month!!"
person 2 "that's great :)"
it is also used in love songs; a broken heart needs time to heal
stuff like that :)
person 1 "I cut my finger while chopping carrots"
person 2 "Oh! I hope it heals soon"
example 2
person 1 "You remember how i said my back was hurting??"
person 2 " Yes?"
person 1 "Well it must be healing because i've had no pain in a month!!"
person 2 "that's great :)"
it is also used in love songs; a broken heart needs time to heal
stuff like that :)
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit heal.
I need to go for vacation to heal my broken heart.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit heal.
he needed to heal for a while when he broke his foot
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Heal" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen heal und recover ?
When talking about an injury, heal is focused more on the body. Recovery is focused more on returning to normal. For example, if someone got into a bad accident and couldn't use their hand anymore because of the accident, the doctor may say "The tissue in your hand has healed, but you won't make a full recovery. You've lost function in your hand."
I think native speakers don't really notice much of a difference between the two words in other situations, though.
I think native speakers don't really notice much of a difference between the two words in other situations, though.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen To heal und To cure ?
Healing refers to to gradual closing of an injury. Curing refers to using medicine to remove a sickness.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen heal und mend ?
mend is to fix or repair, heal is also similar to this but is used to talk about medicine or the body
1.) I mended the crack in my sculpture.
1.) She healed her wound with the prescription.
1.) I mended the crack in my sculpture.
1.) She healed her wound with the prescription.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen heal und cure ?
Heal means to become healty again (the process)
Cure is a course or a medical treatment to restore health. (The plan)
Heal: I have a cut, I have to let it heal.
Cure: I found a cure for cancer!
Hope this helps!
Cure is a course or a medical treatment to restore health. (The plan)
Heal: I have a cut, I have to let it heal.
Cure: I found a cure for cancer!
Hope this helps!
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen "to heal" und "to cure" ?
"Heal" is more for physical injuries, rather than diseases.
"My cut healed"
"My broken arm healed"
But you would never say:
"He cured my broken arm"
Likewise, it sounds slightly awkward to say:
"He healed my cancer"
There, you'd use "cured":
"He cured my cancer".
"My cold is gone! I'm cured!"
"My cut healed"
"My broken arm healed"
But you would never say:
"He cured my broken arm"
Likewise, it sounds slightly awkward to say:
"He healed my cancer"
There, you'd use "cured":
"He cured my cancer".
"My cold is gone! I'm cured!"
Übersetzungen von "Heal"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? heal
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? heal
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? heal
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? what a heal are you doing here
"What the hell are you doing here?"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? heal
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Andere Fragen zu "Heal"
Bitte zeig mir, wie man heal ausspricht.
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Bitte zeig mir, wie man healed ausspricht.
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1. I'm all better now.
2. I'm all healed. klingt das natürlich?
2. I'm all healed. klingt das natürlich?
#1 sounds more natural
"... turning back on his heal to hand out the rest of the previous day's test papers to the class." Is the word "day's" used correctly? klingt das natürlich?
@gracerose: "day's" is used correctly, but use "heel" instead of "heal"
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