Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Info"
Die Bedeutung von "Info" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet "I've got the info down backwards, forwards and doggy style."?
@massive I’d recommend “I know it like the back of my hand” but basically it means “I know this very very very well”
Was bedeutet sought-after info?
The information/data you or someone were looking for.
"Sought" is the past form of "seek", which means to search, to try to find something.
"Sought" is the past form of "seek", which means to search, to try to find something.
Was bedeutet The info you gave helps a great deal?
It means the information you gave was very helpful.
"Great deal" is sometimes another way to say "a large amount" or "a lot."
"Great deal" is sometimes another way to say "a large amount" or "a lot."
Was bedeutet Because you're accessing sensitive info, you need to verify your password for?
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Was bedeutet I'm gonna'git some info?
"I'm going to get some information."
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Info" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen We have crucial info about this event. und We have decisive info about this event. ?
“Crucial” basically means “important” in this context. “Decisive” means “to settle an issue”. When referring to a person, decisive can mean “the ability to make quick decisions”.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen info und information ?
Info is just a shortened version of information.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen in und info ?
“info” is a shorted form of the word information
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen I'll let you know once I will get the info. und I'll let you know when I will get the info. ?
Same meaning, "once I get" sounds more urgent than "when I get", but it's the same
Übersetzungen von "Info"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? Thank you for the info. Since tomorrow I will have a tight schedule, I would be able to meet you either at 16:00h or at 18:00h, as I have another appointment in the middle
This is quite good
--Be careful with 'since' which has two meanings 'porque' and 'despues de'. It can sound odd if used close to a word meaning a future time.... 'Since Monday' always refers to 'last Monday'; if you want to refer to 'next Monday' use 'after Monday' or 'from Monday'.
-- 'in the middle' means 'en el medio/centro' ; 'between' is like 'entre' - it is more general.
-- Writing times like 09:00h is like the army or navy - normal use is without the 'h'.
Some examples...
I [will] have a tight schedule tomorrow. I would be able to meet you either at 16:00 or at 18:00, but I have another appointment in between [ those times ] .
I [will] have a tight schedule tomorrow but I would be able to meet you at either 16:00 or 18:00. I have another appointment between those times.
Since I [will] have a tight schedule tomorrow, I would only be able to meet you at either 16:00 or 18:00 as I have another appointment in between.
--Be careful with 'since' which has two meanings 'porque' and 'despues de'. It can sound odd if used close to a word meaning a future time.... 'Since Monday' always refers to 'last Monday'; if you want to refer to 'next Monday' use 'after Monday' or 'from Monday'.
-- 'in the middle' means 'en el medio/centro' ; 'between' is like 'entre' - it is more general.
-- Writing times like 09:00h is like the army or navy - normal use is without the 'h'.
Some examples...
I [will] have a tight schedule tomorrow. I would be able to meet you either at 16:00 or at 18:00, but I have another appointment in between [ those times ] .
I [will] have a tight schedule tomorrow but I would be able to meet you at either 16:00 or 18:00. I have another appointment between those times.
Since I [will] have a tight schedule tomorrow, I would only be able to meet you at either 16:00 or 18:00 as I have another appointment in between.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? could you please choose one Among the two?(please see additional info)
@simplyforastro the question that I asked it wrong? :)
is it commonly used ?
is it commonly used ?
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? You're soaping up all the info
Does it mean learning? If so, how the word soap can be related to?
Does it mean learning? If so, how the word soap can be related to?
I think you mean "You're SOAKING up all the info"
In this context, it means learning. How the word soak is related is like when a shirt is soaked with water. The shirt has absorbed the water, like your brain has absorbed the information.
In this context, it means learning. How the word soak is related is like when a shirt is soaked with water. The shirt has absorbed the water, like your brain has absorbed the information.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? info
Andere Fragen zu "Info"
That info is of very value to me. klingt das natürlich?
Instead, say "That info is of great value to me," or "That info is very valuable to me."
Thank you for the info, Christelle! You should have received the document in your inbox.
Regarding the first night in the city, you could do either, look for an apartment close to us, or try exploring another part of the city if you feel like that :)
It will be great if we can set an exact time for your check in, so I can make sure I’ll be home. Let me know when you have a more accurate idea. We’ll be in touch! Greetings! klingt das natürlich?
Regarding the first night in the city, you could do either, look for an apartment close to us, or try exploring another part of the city if you feel like that :)
It will be great if we can set an exact time for your check in, so I can make sure I’ll be home. Let me know when you have a more accurate idea. We’ll be in touch! Greetings! klingt das natürlich?
Almost perfect!
Two things:
it will be great -> it would be great
Greetings (suena más a ‘hola’) -> Thank you / See you / Regards, [tu nombre]
Two things:
it will be great -> it would be great
Greetings (suena más a ‘hola’) -> Thank you / See you / Regards, [tu nombre]
I found out info about gerund and participle and also differences between them. Now it seems to me easy. but now:) I really don't know whether I'll be trouble in my future sentences or not. klingt das natürlich?
"Now it seems easy to me" would sound more natural!
I'll let you know once I will get the info.
klingt das natürlich?
klingt das natürlich?
I'll let you know once I get the info. Sounds more natural. Remove "will".
About the info you inquired, … and About the info you inquired about, … Which one is correct? Thank you.
Concerning the information you inquired about ... Would sound natural to me
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