Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Massage"

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Q: I finally went for a massage today. It did relax my body. After the massage, I feel good than ever.

Today, my girlfriend told me that her friend's mother and father said it's not good to marry a man who isn't a christian and I feel not good for hearing this because I cannot feel her faith that we will definitely get married when she told me this thing.

I can't even touch her sensitive parts of body. I started to wonder if it was a mistake to be in a relationship with her, because I haven't been happy since we started to date. I hope that she can let me at least touch her breast but it seems impossible.

I cannot feel the passion without intimacy and she wants to give her first to her husband. Maybe we are not suitable.

I'll continue observing for a period of time to see if we can get some progress. If there is no progress, I'll be the one who says breakup first. klingt das natürlich?

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