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Q: Please tell me the meaning of "tearing the handle" in a dialogue below.
This is from a computer game which name is "Pathfinder : Wrath of the righterus".
I know a word "handle" means a part of a cup, pan, door etc by which people "handle" those goods.
I cannot imagine how we "tear" a handle. And I also cannot picture in my mind a proper situation that fit in this context.


Storyteller: "Roaring and screaming, they rush toward me in a wave of deformed bodies and unfurled wings. The wave crashes against me, spattering my armor with bloody froth. Broken wings and chopped-up bodies plummet to the foot of the tower. In the heat of battle, I see Joran's pale face down there - he looks up at me in desperation but he can't help, he's carrying two wounded on his shoulders. My city will fall, but my friends will survive! This is what I am fighting for. I am covering the retreat."
Storyteller: "The flow of fleeing people gradually dwindles. My armor is broken in many places, and I cannot heal my wounds any more. The last demon I stabbed with Radiance suddenly recoils, tearing the handle out of my blood-slickened hand. He flies up but falls somewhere far behind the walls, by the road being taken by those fleeing. No more golden glow in my hands. The night closes in on me, filled with shrieking, mocking demon laughter. Drezen, I'm dying with you. Light of the Sword, righteous lomedae, accept my soul."

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