Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Opinion"
Die Bedeutung von "Opinion" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet In my opinion you are as odorous as your boss, Bill Martin.?
제 의견으로 당신은 당신의 사장님 빌 마틴 만큼 냄새 나요
Was bedeutet You indulge in opinions!?
it means that one becomes easily persuaded/influenced by others’ opinions like they can easily believe them and change their own opinion. Sorry Im not so sure hut that’s how I understood it :)
Was bedeutet They had mixed opinions on it.?
It means: they had different reactions, partly positive and partly negative
他们的意见不一, 积极和负混合
他们的意见不一, 积极和负混合
Was bedeutet I've got a very high opinion?
Someone has a lot of respect for you.
Was bedeutet Now remarked in her opinion his letter was well expressed.?
A remark is a comment.
She is making an observation.
She is making an observation.
Beispielsätze die "Opinion" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit opinion
In my opinion, blue is the best color.
You don't have to agree with my opinion.
She has strong opinions about the election.
The public opinion is in Johnny Depp's favor.
They don't have the greatest opinion of Amber Heard.
My doctor said I need surgery, but I'm going to get a second opinion.
You don't have to agree with my opinion.
She has strong opinions about the election.
The public opinion is in Johnny Depp's favor.
They don't have the greatest opinion of Amber Heard.
My doctor said I need surgery, but I'm going to get a second opinion.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit How can I write yet "it's my opinion" in another way ?
"In my opinion" (The more casual way)
In my opinion, horses are rad!
"Well... I think" (talking)
Well... I think that you are wrong and horses are not rad
"Correct me if I'm wrong but" (starting a discussion, more aggressive)
Correct me if I am wrong but horses are cool
"I'm not but..." (stating something that fits into a social group that you are not apart of (supposedly))
I'm not horse-ist but horses are evil
I'm not sexist but women should stay in the kitchen
"My point of view is" (stating what you think on a topic)
My point of view on this topic is that horses are rad. Why? because....
"I believe"
I believe horses are cool
"I prefer"
I prefer horses over all other animals
"I feel"
I feel like horses could control the world!
"This is my opinion on..."
Horses will dominate society, we will have no need for cars. This is my opinion of Horses versus cars
That is all I can think of for now. We usually just counter-argue other people's opinions
"Woah mate, but you're wrong"
"Well I don't believe that"
etc etc.
"In my opinion" (The more casual way)
In my opinion, horses are rad!
"Well... I think" (talking)
Well... I think that you are wrong and horses are not rad
"Correct me if I'm wrong but" (starting a discussion, more aggressive)
Correct me if I am wrong but horses are cool
"I'm not but..." (stating something that fits into a social group that you are not apart of (supposedly))
I'm not horse-ist but horses are evil
I'm not sexist but women should stay in the kitchen
"My point of view is" (stating what you think on a topic)
My point of view on this topic is that horses are rad. Why? because....
"I believe"
I believe horses are cool
"I prefer"
I prefer horses over all other animals
"I feel"
I feel like horses could control the world!
"This is my opinion on..."
Horses will dominate society, we will have no need for cars. This is my opinion of Horses versus cars
That is all I can think of for now. We usually just counter-argue other people's opinions
"Woah mate, but you're wrong"
"Well I don't believe that"
etc etc.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit unpopular opinion.
Say you have three people and one says,
"I like dogs more than cats",
while the others say,
"I like cats more than dogs".
The unpopular opinion here would be to like dogs more than cats while the popular opinion would be to like cats more than dogs. I have run into situations where people act pretentious because they think their unpopular opinion should be the popular one but that isn't always the case and even though a person may hold an unpopular opinion it depends on their character the way they act.
"I like dogs more than cats",
while the others say,
"I like cats more than dogs".
The unpopular opinion here would be to like dogs more than cats while the popular opinion would be to like cats more than dogs. I have run into situations where people act pretentious because they think their unpopular opinion should be the popular one but that isn't always the case and even though a person may hold an unpopular opinion it depends on their character the way they act.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit strong opinion about.
"I have a strong opinion about how the democratic system works really well in our country."
"I have a strong opinion about the right of women being able to vote."
"I have a strong opinion about the right of women being able to vote."
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit strong opinion on.
He has a very strong opinion on this matter. We probably shouldn't pressure him to change his mind.
Your parents have very strong opinions on how we should raise our children. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I have very strong opinions on how people should treat each other. If you aren't kind and respectful to me, I will be neither kind nor respectful towards you.
Your parents have very strong opinions on how we should raise our children. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I have very strong opinions on how people should treat each other. If you aren't kind and respectful to me, I will be neither kind nor respectful towards you.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Opinion" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen opinion on und opinion of ?
Opinion of is usually used for a person. What is your opinion of me? What is your opinion of Donald Trump? Opinion on is usually for other topics. What is your opinion on the refugee crisis? What is your opinion on putting ketchup on hot dogs? There really isn't much difference though, so sometimes people use them interchangeably
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen #1 You need to articulate your opinion und #2 You need to clarify your opinion ?
You need to say your opinion clearly so it will be easy to understand the first time.
You didn't say your opinion clearly and your opinion was confusing the first time, so you need to make your opinion easy for me to understand now.
You need to say your opinion clearly so it will be easy to understand the first time.
You didn't say your opinion clearly and your opinion was confusing the first time, so you need to make your opinion easy for me to understand now.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen frank opinion und candid opinion ?
You can say "I need your honest opinion about my plan."
That's like saying I need your frank opinion but more formal.
That's like saying I need your frank opinion but more formal.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen give an opinion und make a statement ?
When you are stating your opinion you are saying exactly how you feel on a specific subject and it’s kinda just specific to your person feelings
“How do you like my outfit”
“It’s ugly”
“That’s mean”
“Well that’s just my opinion”
And making statement is literally just saying something it’s nor fact or faux you’re not implying anything or making a command you’re just saying something
“Birds are beautiful”
“her dad started a business”
I hope this helped
“How do you like my outfit”
“It’s ugly”
“That’s mean”
“Well that’s just my opinion”
And making statement is literally just saying something it’s nor fact or faux you’re not implying anything or making a command you’re just saying something
“Birds are beautiful”
“her dad started a business”
I hope this helped
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen have an opinion und consider ?
"Opinion" means your thoughts or views on certain things.
"Consider" means to think about.
My opinion is we should feed the poor.
Please consider my offer.
"Consider" means to think about.
My opinion is we should feed the poor.
Please consider my offer.
Übersetzungen von "Opinion"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? In my opinion, we might be able to ease this conflict by ensuring that animal testing is restricted to medicines only. This way, animals are not harmed when we make non essential products, such as fashion items.
do you think this is natural?
do you think this is natural?
Yes, very neutral
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? on my opinion
In my opinion
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? it is okay to say " opinions are not agreed "
Wanting to go to the sea and wanting to go to the mountain is NOT an opinion, it is a choice/preference. The problem you are having is that you cannot agree on your choices/preferences. You cannot get to an agreement about where to go.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? your opinion doesn't count (1)
your opinion don't count (2)
Your opinion not count (3)
your opinion don't count (2)
Your opinion not count (3)
Use the first one. You need a verb (does) and it needs to agree in number with your noun.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? opinions
in my opinion...
personally i think...
i think...
i like...
i love...
i don't like...
i hate...
personally i think...
i think...
i like...
i love...
i don't like...
i hate...
Andere Fragen zu "Opinion"
Could you please correct my English?
In my opinion, good teacher is a person who learn things together with students.
My major was education, so back in university, I joined lots of educational volunteer activities.
That time, I realized that while I’m teaching I can learn more things from students.
And teachers need some humbleness enough to learn from students.
In my opinion, good teacher is a person who learn things together with students.
My major was education, so back in university, I joined lots of educational volunteer activities.
That time, I realized that while I’m teaching I can learn more things from students.
And teachers need some humbleness enough to learn from students.
In my opinion, a good teacher is one who learns together with her students.
As I majored in education, I participated in many educational volunteer activities back in university.
While doing so, I realized how much I could learn from my students while teaching.
In addition, I believe teachers need the humility to learn from students.
In my opinion, a good teacher is one who learns together with her students.
As I majored in education, I participated in many educational volunteer activities back in university.
While doing so, I realized how much I could learn from my students while teaching.
In addition, I believe teachers need the humility to learn from students.
The opinion about job are divided that you should work a job tht you want to do or a job tailored to your ability. It's a shame that mostly good salary and the job you want to do are not proportional.
Do these sentences sound natural?
Do these sentences sound natural?
The opinions about having a job are divided by you should work at a job that you want to do or a job tailored to your ability’s. It’s a shame that mostly good salary jobs and the job you want to do are not proportional.
This is just my personal opinion, but that phrase is not used in normal conversation. klingt das natürlich?
Your usage is perfectly fine. Some other variations you can use as well...
"It's just my opinion, but that phrase is not..."
"In my opinion, that phrase is not..." (this one is nice because it is softer not having a "but")
"In my humble opinion, that phrase is not..."
"In my honest opinion, that phrase is not..."
"In my experience, that phrase is not..."
"It's just my opinion, but that phrase is not..."
"In my opinion, that phrase is not..." (this one is nice because it is softer not having a "but")
"In my humble opinion, that phrase is not..."
"In my honest opinion, that phrase is not..."
"In my experience, that phrase is not..."
It's so difficult to explain my opinions in English. I have been struggling whenever I take English lessons.
Is this writing correct?
Is this writing correct?
It's so difficult to explain my opinions in English. I have been struggling with that whenever I take English lessons.
Your sentence is correct, but mine adds detail.
Your sentence is correct, but mine adds detail.
In my opinion, young generation don't think wrong about single mom or single daddy
내 의견에서는 젊은 세대들은 싱글맘 싱글대디가 잘못됐다고 생각안한다 klingt das natürlich?
내 의견에서는 젊은 세대들은 싱글맘 싱글대디가 잘못됐다고 생각안한다 klingt das natürlich?
× In my opinion, young generation don't think wrong about single mom or single daddy
✓ In my opinion, the younger generations don’t think there’s anything wrong with being a single mother or father.
✓ In my opinion, the younger generations don’t think there’s anything wrong with being a single mother or father.
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