Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Rear"

Ähnliche Wörter wie "Rear" und ihre Unterschiede

Q: Was ist der Unterschied zwischen rear und back und behind ?
A: "Go to the rear of the car" is used most often in writing/professional language.
"Go to the back of the car" is most often used in everyday language.
("The rear of the club" sounds nicer/fancier than "The back of the club.")
If you are going outside the car, these both mean "Go to the the trunk of the car."
If you are going inside the car, they mean "Go toward the trunk of the car, as far as possible."
("Rear/back side" is the same as "rear/back", but a little formal.)

"Go behind the car" could mean "Go to the trunk," or "Go to the opposite side of the car."
"Behind the car" is not inside the car.

"Hit the back of the car."
"Hit the rear of the car."
"Hit a tree behind the car."
"Hit a tree at the back of the car."
"Hit a book in the back of the car."
"Hit a tree at the rear of the car."

When you're talking about things like cars and buildings, you can use "rear", "back", and "behind."
If you talk about things like forests or mountains, "rear" is not used often.
When you're talking about things that you can pick up, like flowers or dice, "rear" also not used.

Talking about people (or animals):
"His/Her/My behind" and "His/Her/My rear" are talking about his/her/my butt/posterior. Depending on the place, these might sound old-fashioned.
"Back" is a person or animal's back.

"Go behind him/her."
"Go behind me."
"My rear/behind hurts."
"My back hurts."
"I have back pain." (You can't say "I have rear/behind pain.")
"I have pain in my back."
"I have pain in my rear/behind."

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