Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Rear"
Die Bedeutung von "Rear" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet What mean "deceptive rear garden " in the ad of property?
On the Google Earth maps it looks like 50m long, is this some kind synonym for big garden? ?
On the Google Earth maps it looks like 50m long, is this some kind synonym for big garden? ?
It means the garden either looks larger than it is or the opposite. If this is advert for a property, it usually means the former.
Was bedeutet Get you rears and gear.?
Here's my guess:
"Get your rears and gear" is a very direct and commanding way of saying "Get your butt in gear", aka get yourself ready with all your equipment, but to multiple people.
Yup, Hades is telling the multiple Titans to "grab your equipment (to fight in this case, to go to war)" and go kick Hercules' butt.
"Get your rears and gear" is a very direct and commanding way of saying "Get your butt in gear", aka get yourself ready with all your equipment, but to multiple people.
Yup, Hades is telling the multiple Titans to "grab your equipment (to fight in this case, to go to war)" and go kick Hercules' butt.
Was bedeutet i considered taking out the rear of his shiny volvo, but there were too many witnesses means what?
the “volvo” means car. so he was considering taking, most likely, something from the back of his car but there were too many people watching.
Was bedeutet you bet your gosh-darned rear end we are!?
It is simply a fancy way of saying "Yes, we definitely are." Did you want an explanation on the literal meaning of each word?
Was bedeutet "it rears it's ugly head"?
Beispielsätze die "Rear" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit rear.
The garbage piles up at the rear of the building
They were driving too close to us; they clipped our rear!
Of course I heard you - I'm sitting on my rear, not on my ear
All I saw in my rear-vision mirror was a lot of dust
The garbage piles up at the rear of the building
They were driving too close to us; they clipped our rear!
Of course I heard you - I'm sitting on my rear, not on my ear
All I saw in my rear-vision mirror was a lot of dust
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit rear.
He kicked me in the rear.
The rear of the car is where I keep my spare tire.
It's hard to rear kids correctly these days.
The rear of the car is where I keep my spare tire.
It's hard to rear kids correctly these days.
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit From the rear.
From the rear isn't a phrase I hear used too often. "From behind" might be a more natural way to word the same thing?
"I saw her coming up from behind him"
"I saw her coming up from behind him"
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit rear.
We went into the house through the rear door.
We put the furniture into the truck through the rear door.
I saw the snake rear back to strike.
The horse reared after being startled by a gunshot.
We put the furniture into the truck through the rear door.
I saw the snake rear back to strike.
The horse reared after being startled by a gunshot.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Rear" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen rear und back ?
It depends on the context.
If talking about the human body, the back is where the spine is; the rear is lower down, the part you sit on. They are different. On the other hand, some people do call the rear the “backside”.
The back seat of a car could also be called the rear seat.
If driving a car in reverse, we say you are backing up. We don’t say you are rearing.
If talking about the human body, the back is where the spine is; the rear is lower down, the part you sit on. They are different. On the other hand, some people do call the rear the “backside”.
The back seat of a car could also be called the rear seat.
If driving a car in reverse, we say you are backing up. We don’t say you are rearing.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen rear und behind ?
"Behind" is usually for location. "I wonder what's behind that yellow door?"
"Rear" is the back end of something.
"Rear" is the back end of something.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen rear und back und behind ?
"Go to the rear of the car" is used most often in writing/professional language.
"Go to the back of the car" is most often used in everyday language.
("The rear of the club" sounds nicer/fancier than "The back of the club.")
If you are going outside the car, these both mean "Go to the the trunk of the car."
If you are going inside the car, they mean "Go toward the trunk of the car, as far as possible."
("Rear/back side" is the same as "rear/back", but a little formal.)
"Go behind the car" could mean "Go to the trunk," or "Go to the opposite side of the car."
"Behind the car" is not inside the car.
"Hit the back of the car."
"Hit the rear of the car."
"Hit a tree behind the car."
"Hit a tree at the back of the car."
"Hit a book in the back of the car."
"Hit a tree at the rear of the car."
When you're talking about things like cars and buildings, you can use "rear", "back", and "behind."
If you talk about things like forests or mountains, "rear" is not used often.
When you're talking about things that you can pick up, like flowers or dice, "rear" also not used.
Talking about people (or animals):
"His/Her/My behind" and "His/Her/My rear" are talking about his/her/my butt/posterior. Depending on the place, these might sound old-fashioned.
"Back" is a person or animal's back.
"Go behind him/her."
"Go behind me."
"My rear/behind hurts."
"My back hurts."
"I have back pain." (You can't say "I have rear/behind pain.")
"I have pain in my back."
"I have pain in my rear/behind."
"Go to the back of the car" is most often used in everyday language.
("The rear of the club" sounds nicer/fancier than "The back of the club.")
If you are going outside the car, these both mean "Go to the the trunk of the car."
If you are going inside the car, they mean "Go toward the trunk of the car, as far as possible."
("Rear/back side" is the same as "rear/back", but a little formal.)
"Go behind the car" could mean "Go to the trunk," or "Go to the opposite side of the car."
"Behind the car" is not inside the car.
"Hit the back of the car."
"Hit the rear of the car."
"Hit a tree behind the car."
"Hit a tree at the back of the car."
"Hit a book in the back of the car."
"Hit a tree at the rear of the car."
When you're talking about things like cars and buildings, you can use "rear", "back", and "behind."
If you talk about things like forests or mountains, "rear" is not used often.
When you're talking about things that you can pick up, like flowers or dice, "rear" also not used.
Talking about people (or animals):
"His/Her/My behind" and "His/Her/My rear" are talking about his/her/my butt/posterior. Depending on the place, these might sound old-fashioned.
"Back" is a person or animal's back.
"Go behind him/her."
"Go behind me."
"My rear/behind hurts."
"My back hurts."
"I have back pain." (You can't say "I have rear/behind pain.")
"I have pain in my back."
"I have pain in my rear/behind."
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen from the rear und from the back ?
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen rear und hind , which have similar meaning of behind ?
hind isn't used very often... i'm not sure i can think how to use it as a stand-alone word...
- the arrow struck the hind-quarters of the deer, and it bounded away.
rear and behind are very similar in meaning, though maybe have different parts of speech, depending on usage...
- i saw a car through my rear windshield.
- i got rear-ended by another car when i stopped suddenly.
- i saw a car behind me.
- we put our differences behind us.
- the dog bit him on his behind. (pronounced BEEhind, in this case)
- the arrow struck the hind-quarters of the deer, and it bounded away.
rear and behind are very similar in meaning, though maybe have different parts of speech, depending on usage...
- i saw a car through my rear windshield.
- i got rear-ended by another car when i stopped suddenly.
- i saw a car behind me.
- we put our differences behind us.
- the dog bit him on his behind. (pronounced BEEhind, in this case)
Übersetzungen von "Rear"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? rear
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? "rear" and "rare" and "real"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? rear
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Andere Fragen zu "Rear"
Bitte zeig mir, wie man They're in our rear ausspricht.
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You hit the rear end of my car.
You hit my car from behind.
Are they correct? Are they the same? Thank you.
You hit my car from behind.
Are they correct? Are they the same? Thank you.
They're correct and mean the same thing.
In slang, we also tend to say "You rear-ended my car" (rather than "hit the rear end")
In slang, we also tend to say "You rear-ended my car" (rather than "hit the rear end")
The rear shock absorber completely wore out and the car dealer said the car would not pass a vehicle inspection without replacing it. klingt das natürlich?
The rear shock absorber completely wore out and the car dealer said the car would not pass a vehicle inspection without replacing it.
I think a better way to say it would be: ‘the rear shock absorber was completely worn out and the car dealer said it would not pass a vehicle inspection unless I replaced it.’
I think a better way to say it would be: ‘the rear shock absorber was completely worn out and the car dealer said it would not pass a vehicle inspection unless I replaced it.’
Bitte zeig mir, wie man rear ausspricht.
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a broken rear light klingt das natürlich?
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