Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Relationship"
Die Bedeutung von "Relationship" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet manifest a relationship?
It means you do things that magnetize the right person and/or relationship put out energy or a certain frequency or you take certain actions to make a relationship come your way. Some of these things may be ie. putting up a profile on a dating site, exploring a new hobby where you can meet new people, letting go of old past relationships.
Was bedeutet toxic relationship?
A bad/abusive relationship. Not going well, lots of hurting 🧠(mentally) and 🤛(physically).
Was bedeutet I don't want to be in a relationship. I just have sex and affairs. Relationship is annoying?
Was bedeutet "I worry that I've gotten more out of relationship than you"
This line is what woman lawer told Sam from the movie " I am Sam".
Can you explain what it means? ?
This line is what woman lawer told Sam from the movie " I am Sam".
Can you explain what it means? ?
It means she worries about the state where she's taken more benefits from their relationship, while Sam (probably) hasn't got anything yet.
Was bedeutet to have a rocky relationship?
an unstable relationship
Beispielsätze die "Relationship" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit relationship.
You can use relationship for many different contests: family contests, “what’s your relationship with her?” “She is my cousin”; romantic involvement “we’ve been in a relationship for 3 years”; logical connections “is there a relationship between A or B?”. You can use it even with your friends when you feel very good with them “you are in a very close relationship with your friend” and something like that! That’s all I think...
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit How long have you continued relationship with your boyfriend?.
If she doesn't have a boyfriend now, but she did in the past:
How long was your last relationship?
If she has a boyfriend now:
How long have you been with your boyfriend?
How long have you and your boyfriend been together?
How long was your last relationship?
If she has a boyfriend now:
How long have you been with your boyfriend?
How long have you and your boyfriend been together?
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit relationship .
We have a strong relationship
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit relationship .
Their relationship was good.
They were in a relationship.
We didn't have a strong relationship.
It was the start of our relationship.
Hope that helps!! :)
They were in a relationship.
We didn't have a strong relationship.
It was the start of our relationship.
Hope that helps!! :)
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit relationship .
They were in a relationship, but they broke up.
I have a very close relationship with my family.
I have a very close relationship with my family.
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Relationship" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen the relationship between two pairs of sisters und the relationship with two pairs of sisters ?
"Relationship between two pairs of sisters" is the relationship that the sisters have with each other.
"Relationship with two pairs of sisters" could be YOUR relationship with the sisters, or someone else's relationship with the sisters.
"Relationship with two pairs of sisters" could be YOUR relationship with the sisters, or someone else's relationship with the sisters.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen relationship und relation ?
Relationship are associated with couples.
Relation can be associated with business relations, the relation that you have with your family, things like that, but can also be related to a person that you're dating.
Relation can be associated with business relations, the relation that you have with your family, things like that, but can also be related to a person that you're dating.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen They broke off their relationship after a big argument. und They broke up their relationship after a big argument. ?
Nothing, however 'broke off' is more commonly used when the people were engaged.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen a relationship of.... und a relationship between..... ?
@alex1986: I'm struggling to think of an example for 'a relationship of'. In scientific speech you could say 'a relationship of reciprocity' or when talking about people or politicians 'a relationship of convenience', but they are both very sophisticated in style and you would rarely come across them. 'A relationship of' is always followed by an abstract noun.
'A relationship between' is used far more often. It just means two things are related; 'there is a relationship between life expectancy and income'.
Let me know if you have any questions
'A relationship between' is used far more often. It just means two things are related; 'there is a relationship between life expectancy and income'.
Let me know if you have any questions
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen relationship und friendship ?
Friendship is a type of relationship.
Some people use "relationship" to mean "exclusive relationship" or a romantic relationship which those involved don't see other people.
Some people use "relationship" to mean "exclusive relationship" or a romantic relationship which those involved don't see other people.
Übersetzungen von "Relationship"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? what does „your relationship is on the rocks” mean
on the rocks = in a bad situation and likely to fail, like a ship that has sailed into a rocky area and is about to hit a rock and sink
Your relationship is on the rocks = Your relationship is doing poorly. You look like you are about to break up with each other
Your relationship is on the rocks = Your relationship is doing poorly. You look like you are about to break up with each other
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? being in a relationship
All these terms are very fluid; some of the meaning comes from the context. Here are a few examples:
Dating is often very general; it implies little or no commitment:
“I'm just dating right now” — could mean I'm not ready to commit.
“I'm dating right now” — could mean I'm looking for a relationship.
“I'm dating Dave right now” —could mean and Dave and I are in a committed relationship.
“I'm seeing someone right now” — means I'm dating one person exclusively, but can imply a casual relationship. I will go out with him when we make plans, but we might not spend much time together in day-to-day life.
Going out can indicate a one-time event, or a committed relationship:
“I'm going out with Dave tonight” — means Dave and I have plans together. It can be used for anything from a first date, to a married couple having a night out.
“I'm going out with someone,” — could be used to describe a one-time event, but it's more often used to indicate a committed, exclusive relationship. I won't spend time with other men. We might plan to spend time together on an evening or weekend, and we will also see each other in day-to-day life.
”In a relationship” — usually means an exclusive, committed relationship, like the above.
Dating is often very general; it implies little or no commitment:
“I'm just dating right now” — could mean I'm not ready to commit.
“I'm dating right now” — could mean I'm looking for a relationship.
“I'm dating Dave right now” —could mean and Dave and I are in a committed relationship.
“I'm seeing someone right now” — means I'm dating one person exclusively, but can imply a casual relationship. I will go out with him when we make plans, but we might not spend much time together in day-to-day life.
Going out can indicate a one-time event, or a committed relationship:
“I'm going out with Dave tonight” — means Dave and I have plans together. It can be used for anything from a first date, to a married couple having a night out.
“I'm going out with someone,” — could be used to describe a one-time event, but it's more often used to indicate a committed, exclusive relationship. I won't spend time with other men. We might plan to spend time together on an evening or weekend, and we will also see each other in day-to-day life.
”In a relationship” — usually means an exclusive, committed relationship, like the above.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? find relationship through internet like snap insta and tinder
You can say "Online relationship" for relationships that take place through snapchat, insta and tinder
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? relationship
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? 蜜月(みつげつ)=honeymoon/in an intimate relationship
Schaue nach der Frage, um die Antwort zu sehen
Andere Fragen zu "Relationship"
Can I say:
- On no! They broke off (= broke up).
Or only:
- Oh no! They broke off their relationship.
- Oh no! They broke things off.
Will be grateful.
- On no! They broke off (= broke up).
Or only:
- Oh no! They broke off their relationship.
- Oh no! They broke things off.
Will be grateful.
The phrase "broke off" can be used to indicate the end of a relationship, but it is not commonly used on its own in this context. Instead, it is more common to say "broke up" or "ended their relationship." So you could say, "Oh no! They broke up" or "Oh no! They ended their relationship." Alternatively, you could use the phrase "broke things off," which is more specific and explicit, and means that the couple ended their relationship themselves. So you could say, "Oh no! They broke things off."
How long have you been in relationship? klingt das natürlich?
× How long have you been in relationship?
✓ How long have you been in a relationship?
✓ How long have you been in a relationship?
1) We found out that their relationship wasn't actually what he was presenting to us.
2) We found out that their relationship wasn't as good as what he was presenting to us.
2) We found out that their relationship wasn't as good as what he was presenting to us.
When say something is wonderful but it in reality it is less than great, people often say "It isn't all it's made out to be."
We found out their relationship wasn't what he made it out to be.
We found out their relationship wasn't all he made it out to be.
We found out their relationship wasn't what he made it out to be.
We found out their relationship wasn't all he made it out to be.
A real romantic relationship should grow / occur naturally and not be forced artificially in some fake way.
Could you please rewrite that sentence ?
I realize that my sentence is extremely awkward and clumsy 😅 Lol
Could you please rewrite that sentence ?
I realize that my sentence is extremely awkward and clumsy 😅 Lol
"Meaningful romantic relationships should grow naturally without being artificially forced."
⚠️ you didn't have to say "in some fake way" because you already said "artificially"
You could also say in a more casual tone like these:
1. Real love can't be faked or forced, it's gotta grow on its own.
2. You can't force real romance, it's gotta happen naturally.
3. You can't just fake a real relationship, it's gotta happen organically.
😎 choose your style.
⚠️ you didn't have to say "in some fake way" because you already said "artificially"
You could also say in a more casual tone like these:
1. Real love can't be faked or forced, it's gotta grow on its own.
2. You can't force real romance, it's gotta happen naturally.
3. You can't just fake a real relationship, it's gotta happen organically.
😎 choose your style.
In romantic relationship, one cannot tolerate one’s sweetheart soon after either of them stops loving the other.
Does my sentence grammatically make sense??😊😂
If not, could you please correct it??😉😭
Does my sentence grammatically make sense??😊😂
If not, could you please correct it??😉😭
The grammar is fine, but a little awkward. Also the vocabulary is a little odd. "Tolerate" is a bit stiff and formal and "sweetheart" is casual, but old fashioned. "One" is also quite formal and only used in essays. Instead you could say "In a romantic relationship, once you no longer love your partner, you can no longer stand them."
Or, even more naturally "Once things end with your partner, you can no longer stand them." or "In a romantic relationship, love can quickly turn to hate"
Or, even more naturally "Once things end with your partner, you can no longer stand them." or "In a romantic relationship, love can quickly turn to hate"
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