Du baust ein vielfältiges Sportteam auf. Wie können Sie Qualifikationsstandards aufrechterhalten und gleichzeitig die Inklusion fördern?
Die Schaffung eines vielfältigen Sportteams, das keine Kompromisse bei den Fähigkeiten eingeht, ist ein strategisches Unterfangen. Um die richtige Balance zu finden:
- Legen Sie klare, objektive Kriterien für die Kompetenzbewertung fest, um Fairness zu gewährleisten.
- Implementieren Sie Mentoring-Programme, um Talente mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund zu fördern.
- Fördern Sie ein Umfeld, in dem unterschiedliche Perspektiven geschätzt werden, um den Teamzusammenhalt zu stärken.
Wie verbindest du Diversität mit hoher Leistung in deinem Team?
Du baust ein vielfältiges Sportteam auf. Wie können Sie Qualifikationsstandards aufrechterhalten und gleichzeitig die Inklusion fördern?
Die Schaffung eines vielfältigen Sportteams, das keine Kompromisse bei den Fähigkeiten eingeht, ist ein strategisches Unterfangen. Um die richtige Balance zu finden:
- Legen Sie klare, objektive Kriterien für die Kompetenzbewertung fest, um Fairness zu gewährleisten.
- Implementieren Sie Mentoring-Programme, um Talente mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund zu fördern.
- Fördern Sie ein Umfeld, in dem unterschiedliche Perspektiven geschätzt werden, um den Teamzusammenhalt zu stärken.
Wie verbindest du Diversität mit hoher Leistung in deinem Team?
Drawing from my experience, I assert that achieving high skill standards in diverse sports teams is attainable and transformative. I unlock my diverse teams' full potential and high skill standards by employing holistic talent identification, personalised development plans, mentorship programs, and inclusive leadership. The Special Olympics Unified Sports program I am currently involved in exemplifies the power of unity by bringing together athletes with and without intellectual disabilities to enhance performance and foster mutual respect. Embracing diversity strengthens our unity, drives success, and enriches the sporting experience for everyone. Let's champion an inclusive sports culture where every athlete has the opportunity to shine.
Al construir un equipo deportivo diverso, mantener altos estándares de habilidades es posible al enfocarnos en indicadores de competencias con un enfoque de “core inclusiva” Esto significa definir claramente las habilidades y comportamientos clave que buscamos, alineados con un ADN organizativo que respire inclusión y diversidad. Al utilizar estos indicadores, valoramos el talento sin sesgos ni juicios preconcebidos, abriendo la puerta a diferentes perspectivas y experiencias. La diversidad no solo enriquece el equipo, sino que también potencia el rendimiento, permitiendo que cada miembro aporte desde su fortaleza única y crezca dentro de una cultura inclusiva y de respeto.
Here's how: - Set clear skill benchmarks: Define the core skills and performance standards required for each position - Broaden talent search: Expand your recruitment efforts to diverse communities and untapped talent pools - Inclusive tryout processes: Design tryouts that eliminate biases, focusing on quantifiable metrics rather than subjective assessments - Diverse coaching staff: Hire coaches from different backgrounds who bring unique perspectives - Skill development programs: Invest in training and development programs that uplift all players - Cultural awareness training: Educate players and staff on cultural awareness and the value of diversity - Promote team values: Emphasize team values like respect, teamwork, and dedication
In building teams, organisations or individuals for me the starting point is what type of team, organisation or individuals do you want. This requires a clearly thought through design/framework with respect to fundamental & universal values, attitudes, standards & behaviours of the thing you are building. Everyone, day one in the team, be that support staff, coaches, athlete's etc, should see and understand these. Recognising that inclusivity is fundamental, and that diverse perspectives within your framework, enriches the team, is crucial for success. But also for dealing with failures, so that inclusivity is a strength that leads to success, progeessive team development and growth.
Es cierto que parece incongruente mantener los estándares de habilidades con cierta exigencia, al mismo tiempo que la inclusión, pero, desde mi experiencia, la base de la construcción de un equipo deportivo diverso radica en, precisamente, la CONSTRUCCIÓN. Tiempo habrá para definir cualidades, competir y obtener resultados. Desde un punto de vista inclusivo, la principal baza del proyecto es la participación y, con ello, se sientan los fundamentos de un equipo participativo, equitativo, igualitario e inclusivo. Formado este, todo lo relativo con la mejora, el desempeño y las aspiraciones competitivas vienen de añadido.
Why should building a sports team be any different from building a team at work? Beyond technical skills, the real difference-maker is the complementary personalities among team members. This applies not only to the athletes but also to the staff you bring on board
To maintain high skill standards while promoting inclusivity, I’ll ensure that our team selection is based purely on talent, regardless of a person's background. Equal opportunities will be provided to all, with comprehensive scouting across diverse areas and communities to ensure fair access. Standards will remain high, with a focus on identifying and nurturing talent from all backgrounds. ⚽️
An interesting question - and at the same time regrettable that a guideline seems necessary at all. Inclusion should be a matter of course and not a strategic construct that has to be specially developed. A diverse and inclusive team should be based on the fact that everyone is welcome. Diversity and quality are by no means mutually exclusive, on the contrary: they promote each other. A diverse team brings in different perspectives, ideas and approaches that ultimately promote quality and cohesion. The biggest challenge often lies less in the actual implementation and more in the attitude and basic values that characterise the team. If these are based on respect and openness, inclusion takes place naturally and organically.
Construir uma equipe esportiva que mantenha altos padrões de habilidade, ao mesmo tempo em que promove a inclusão, exige um equilíbrio cuidadoso entre excelência e diversidade. Aqui estão algumas estratégias para alcançar esse objetivo: 1. Desenvolvimento Contínuo de Habilidades para Todos Treinamentos Personalizados: Ofereça treinamentos que atendam às diferentes 2. Cultura de Inclusão e Diversidade Treinamento de Sensibilização: Realize treinamentos regulares 3. Seleção Baseada no Potencial 4. Promoção de Igualdade de Oportunidades 5. Criação de um Ambiente de Respeito e Solidariedade 6. Programas de Inclusão Social e Acessibilidade 7. Liderança Inclusiva 8. Monitoramento e Feedback Constante Ricardo Araújo
A combinação ideal para integrar habilidades, critérios e desenvolvimento contínuo está na implementação correta de 3 esforços principais: 1) Definição clara de atributos: deve haver um grande esforço para estabelecimento de critérios que definam habilidades, bem como indicadores que possam cruzar quali/quanti na mesma análise. Isso permite criar uma régua de gestão. 2) Outputs de ação: a partir de indicadores levantados na fase anterior, deverá haver clara linha de ação que respeite objetivos futuros a partir de diagnóstico situacional. 3) Programa de treinamento: as pessoas envolvidas nos esforços devem estar submetidas ao processo contínuo de treinamento para criar hábitos de elevação cultural e operacional no time.
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