If you were ever wondering what a $150 order from Stew Mac looks like…here it is!

In the first photo, you can see we have (roughly from left to right) a small bag alligator clips, used for drawing excess heat away from delicate electronic components during soldering.    Just above the alligator clips, we have some weird stuff that apparently “wicks” away the old solder from a connection, so you can add new fresh solder and get a nice clean connection.

Just to the right of the solder wick, is a special ruler used for determining the correct string spacing when you are cutting slots in a nut.  I am planning to use it to help me cut accurate and properly spaced notches in my new compensated bridge, recently installed on the 1968 SG Special.

Just above the string spacing ruler (and difficult to see in its plastic bag!) is a new 500k push/pull pot which I am hoping will fit my cousin’s Gibson Blues Hawk.  The original push/pull pot failed, and it seems to be an odd diameter shaft…and I was not able to find a similar one in the guitar shops around town, and had to order this one.  Fingers crossed…

Fanned out along the lower edge of photo 1, are some gauged nut slotting files…which I am also hoping to use in the cutting of the saddle notches on the SG Special’s new bridge.

The guitar is of course my 2005 ES-335 VOS, which you have seen MANY times here before ;)

Strap, as always, by Jaykco! 

gibson es es-335 vos sg sg special vintage nut bridge saddles tools diy project repair guitar electric guitar my collection toronto stewart macdonald stewmac files strings original photographers photographers on tumblr nikon d3000 lightroom

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