My main interest is the late antiquity in southwestern Germany. My PhD thesis i wrote at the Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte & Vorderasiatische Archäologie of the University of Heidelberg, was about the germanic/alamannic settlement activities of the 3rd-5th century AD in the landscape between the rivers Rhine, Neckar and Enz (northwest of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany). Special interest was paid to the complex processes around the end of the roman period (so called "Limesfall") around the years 260-275 AD and the beginning of an more germanic marked material culture, we in a more classical view would identify with "alamannic culture".
The chosen scientific Area between the rivers of Rhine, Neckar and Enz showed long time as empty or was seen as a white spot inbetween well researched regions, like the Neckar Valley, the Breisgau, the Swabian Alb or the regions around the Main Delta.
This missing link was on of the biggest reasons working up this region as accurate as possible. Thanks to new excavations in the last 10 years, we know today many new and still unpublished settlements with germanic finds, who are building a good base to work further on. For example the largest sites: Güglingen, Wiesloch, Bad Rappenau-Babstadt, Oberderdingen-Flehingen, Gemmrigheim or Lauffen am Neckar.
Thanks to the scholarship of the Gerda Henkel Stiftung and the financial help by the Stiftung Archäologie in Baden-Wuerttemberg the work started in April 2011 and was finihed in November 2014 with "summa cum laude".
The chosen scientific Area between the rivers of Rhine, Neckar and Enz showed long time as empty or was seen as a white spot inbetween well researched regions, like the Neckar Valley, the Breisgau, the Swabian Alb or the regions around the Main Delta.
This missing link was on of the biggest reasons working up this region as accurate as possible. Thanks to new excavations in the last 10 years, we know today many new and still unpublished settlements with germanic finds, who are building a good base to work further on. For example the largest sites: Güglingen, Wiesloch, Bad Rappenau-Babstadt, Oberderdingen-Flehingen, Gemmrigheim or Lauffen am Neckar.
Thanks to the scholarship of the Gerda Henkel Stiftung and the financial help by the Stiftung Archäologie in Baden-Wuerttemberg the work started in April 2011 and was finihed in November 2014 with "summa cum laude".
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