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The European Film Forum

The European Film Forum is a platform for a structured dialogue between policy makers and stakeholders in the audiovisual sector.

The European Film Forum (EFF) was proposed by the Commission in its 2014 Communication on European film in the digital era. The EFF's aim is to develop a strategic policy agenda, opening up new perspectives on the challenges and opportunities brought about by the digital transformation.

There are various EU initiatives and rules for the film industry covered by copyright legislation, the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, competition law and the Creative Europe programme. Meanwhile, public financing and a number of regulatory aspects are essentially governed by Member States. Member States provide 30 times more public funding than the EU for the audiovisual sector.

The European Film Forum's dialogue with stakeholders and Member States provides opportunities to enhance cooperation between public actions and enables the exchange of expertise and best practice. This dialogue is taken forward by the European Commission in different venues, notably during Film Festivals and in TV markets where different formats are employed such as conferences, round-table discussions and workshops.

The process involves a wide variety of players including Member State authorities, the European Parliament, the European Audiovisual Observatory, the EFADs. It also involves national and European wide organisations supporting the film, TV and games industries.

Our aim is that through the conclusions of the above-mentioned events, the Forum will facilitate concrete adaptations in European funding systems and provide clear recommendations for the Member States and the audiovisual industries, thus adding value of the upcoming review of the MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe.

What are the issues tackled by the European Film Forum?

  • Financing and public support:  the EFF is a place to discuss the use of modern film financing like private investment by third parties or crowd funding, which develops with digital technology, and smart public support at national, local and EU level.
  • European films and audiences: the forums also encourage the finding of innovative release and promotion practices to help works reach wider audiences.
  • Fostering talent and creativity: the EFF is a place where talent, competences and creativity are addressed by spotting the needs in the evolving AV sector and supporting the upskilling of professionals.
  • Digital transition: The digitalisation and its impact on society is a core part of the MEDIA programme and is addressed in several of the events, assessing the challenges and opportunities for new audiovisual business models and technology, and discussing how to offer new user and industry-friendly solutions to the promotion of European audiovisual works.
  • Social change: the forum addresses horizontal issues such as greening and diversity.

European Film Forum editions







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  • Press release
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  • Digibyte
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