Facta universitatis. Series physical education and sport, Nov 22, 2021
Regular physical activity is one of the most important factors for maintaining health and quality... more Regular physical activity is one of the most important factors for maintaining health and quality of life. Mass recreational sports events is a good way to promote physical activity. In this research, the Sports Olympics of Vojvodian Workers (SOVW) was evaluated as an example. The main aim of the study is to analyze a recreational sports event as a mass activity significant for public health. The secondary aim is the development of a valid questionnaire which is applicable in practice. On a sample of 205 participants of the 12 th SOVW, of different age and gender, an instrument was applied that showed a good metric. The factor analysis gave a stable one-factor model with a unique scale for assessing the quality of mass recreational sports events. It is a simple and understandable questionnaire, easily applicable in practice. The results of this study showed that the ratings of respondents of different age and gender did not differ significantly. The SOVW was evaluated as an event of medium quality (total score amounts to 66.19% of the maximum).
Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 2018
Background. Attitudes of Church teaching, essentially, are not contrary to the efforts of man to ... more Background. Attitudes of Church teaching, essentially, are not contrary to the efforts of man to strive for a healthy and fruitful life (in every aspect), where sport takes an important place in the context of his health-like physical health is not complete without "a healthy soul" and "a healthy mind". And right there, in the work of man's efforts to be "completely healthy", faith (religion, beliefs, commitment etc.) plays a special role in the so-called "Gymnastics of the soul". As knowledge and learning, intellectual development has a duty to uphold the "Gymnastics of the mind". Method. A broad discourse analysis is used, including literature. This study uses a theoretical perspective based on philosophy, the philosophy of sport and theological aspects of human anthropology. Results. The aim of this work is contained in the philosophical-critical analysis of the basic correlative connection between authentic and confirmed sports values compared to the quintessential items of Christian ontology, anthropology, and philosophy. Text explication is primarily aimed at identifying the value aspect of the phenomenon in kinesiology in the context of Orthodox ontology. Conclusion. That is a brief introduction to the philosophical-theological determinants of common being essential starting point and settings that rely displayed Kinesiology phenomena as complementary factors of human beings (spirit, soul and body). Also, as a contribution to further discussion in the field of philosophy of sport.
Na uzorku od 332 studenta koji studiraju oblast sporta i turizma (starosti 19-27 godina, 184 mušk... more Na uzorku od 332 studenta koji studiraju oblast sporta i turizma (starosti 19-27 godina, 184 muškog i 148 ženskog pola) konstruisan je 15-ajtemski upitnik za procenu stresa. Njegovom primenom utvrđeno je da preko 40% studenata ima povećan nivo stresa. Empirijski rezultati značajno su odstupali od normalne distribucije. Izdvojile su se dve grupe ispitanika od kojih je veća imala veoma visok nivo stresa, dok je manja imala veoma niske prosečne vrednosti. Prilikom rešavanja upitnika o stresu, ispitanici su izvršili samoprocenu tri elementa životnog stila: količinu i kvalitet dnevne fi zičkih aktivnosti, subjektivni osećaja zdravlja i redovnost zdravstvene kontrole. Rezultati pokazuju da studenti nedovoljno učestvuju u doziranim fi zičkim aktivnostima i da veoma retko kontrolišu svoje zdravlje. Analiza varijanse je pokazala da najviši nivo stresa imaju studenti koji su sebe označili kao pasivne ljubitelje sporta, dok su sportisti, rekreativci i neočekivano antisportisti ispoljili značajno niži nivo stresa. Signifi kantno veći nivo stresa imali su i studenti koji su svoje opšte zdravlje ocenili kao slabo, dok su najniži stres imali ispitanici koji redovno kontrolišu svoje zdravlje. Muškarci su imali viši nivo stresa od svojih koleginica.
Bojana Radenković Šošić, Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad Dušan Perić, Fakultet za sport i t... more Bojana Radenković Šošić, Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad Dušan Perić, Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad Sažetak Sa usavršavanjem savremenih komunikacionih tehnologija došlo je do razvoja novih načina komunikacije u turizmu čiji uspeh nije uvek jednostavno izmeriti. Predmet ovog rada zasniva se na ispitivanju načina merenja uspeha novih oblika komunikacije koji su danas u marketingu objedinjeni terminom marketing sadržaja. U cilju dobijanja preciznih podataka o uspehu upotrebe nekog oblika marketinga sadržaja u turizmu uočena je neophodnost testiranja mernog instrumenta. Nakon prikaza dosadašnjih saznanja u vezi sa merenjem uspeha marketinga sadržaja, u radu je predstavljen proces testiranja mernog instrumenta (upitnika) zasnovan na empirijskoj metodi čiji rezultati treba da ukažu na konačnu formu mernog instrumenta. Cilj rada je da prikaže značaj ove faze istraživanja u procesu merenja uspeha marketinga sadržaja.
Na uzorku od 42 dece predškolskog uzrasta (22 dečaka i 20 devojčica), uzrasta 6 godina (±3 meseca... more Na uzorku od 42 dece predškolskog uzrasta (22 dečaka i 20 devojčica), uzrasta 6 godina (±3 meseca), procenjen je kvalitet motoričkog ponašanja i nivoa opštih intelektualnih sposobnosti, tè analiziran pojam o sebi. Motoričko ponašanje procenjeno je pomoću šest kretnih zadataka tehnikom skaliranja. Za analizu pojma o sebi korišćen je psihološki intervju tokom kojeg su deca opisivala doživljaj svojih sposobnosti u odnosu na: prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost. Podaci o self-konceptu upotpunjeni su analizom dečjih crteža. Primenom Ravenovih progresivnih matrica u boji procenjene su intelektualne sposobnosti sa ciljem da se grupe homogenizuju i eliminišu potencijalni parazitarni faktori. Statističkom analizom prikupljenih podataka utvrđeno je da motorika ima značajnu ulogu u formiranju pojma o sebi, pre svega kod dečaka. Iako se ispitanici muškog i ženskog pola nisu statistički značajno razlikovali u pogledu kvaliteta motoričkog ponašanja, utvrđene su značajne razlike u pogledu pojmova koje koriste prilikom opisivanja sebe, naročito u sadašnjosti i budućnosti. Pokazalo se da prilikom opisivanja sebe, motoričke pojmove daleko više koriste dečaci, pogotovo oni sa višim nivoom motoričkog ponašanja. U odnosu na prošlost, i dečaci i devojčice sebe dominantano opisuju kroz nemoć. U sadašnjosti devojčice najviše koriste pojmove vezane za igru i samostalnost, dok u odnosu na budućnost najviše koriste pojmove vezane za profesije i polne uloge. Ovo pokazuje da je uticaj socijalnih faktora veoma prisutan već u najranijim periodima života. Utvrđeno je da simptomatične crteže prvenstveno imaju deca sa najslabije ocenjenom motorikom.
Kosti imaju važnu strukturalnu ulogu u organizmu. One obezbeđuju pokretljivost, oslonac, i zaštit... more Kosti imaju važnu strukturalnu ulogu u organizmu. One obezbeđuju pokretljivost, oslonac, i zaštitu organizma, i predstavljaju mesto gde se skladište esencijalni minerali. Zdrave kosti su od ključnog uticaja na ukupno zdravlje čoveka, a aktivnosti koje promovišu zdravlje i utiču preventivno na nastanak bolesti kostiju su ključne u održavanju jakog i zdravog koštanog sistema. Fizička neaktivnost utiče na smanjenje funkcija koštanog sistema, a učestalo oboljenje koštanog sistema je osteoporoza. Osteoporoza je sistemska bolest koštanog sistema koja dovodi do male gustine kostiju i pogoršanja mikroarhitekture koštanog tkiva, i može dovesti do preloma. Fizička aktivnost je od suštinskog značaja za zdravlje kostiju i prevenciju nastanka osteoporoze. Na osnovu dostupnih informacija, najbolji efekatat na održavanje i stimulaciju formiranja mineralne gustine kostiju ima kombinacija dinamičkih vežbi sa otporom koje angažuju više zglobova, velike mišićne grupe, i opterećuju kičmu i kukove. Rezultati ukazuju da vežbe koje opterećuju telo u uzdužnoj osi, kao što su trčanje, skokovi, kao i vežbe snage, dovode do pozitivnih efekata na mineralnu gustinu kostiju. Dakle, trening treba da bude usmeren na adaptaciju specifičnog dela tela koji je najpodložniji povredama, i treba da bude dovoljno intenzivan i da prevazilazi uobičajena opterećenja.
Brojne studije dokazale su značajan pozitivan uticaj redovne fizičke aktivnosti na zdravstveno st... more Brojne studije dokazale su značajan pozitivan uticaj redovne fizičke aktivnosti na zdravstveno stanje i psihofizički razvoj osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću. U praksi se sve više primenjuju različite adaptirane sportske aktivnosti za decu i adolescente sa smetnjama u razvoju. Cilj: Ova pilot studija imala je za cilj da utvrdi uticaj programa adaptiranog fudbala na neke psihosocijalne karakteristike kod adolescenata sa Daunovim sindromom. Metod: Praćeno je 20 adolescenata (prosečna starost 15 godina i 8 meseci) koji su nasumično podeljeni u dve grupe (eksperimentalnu i kontrolnu). Sa adolescentima eksperimentalne grupe sproveden je adaptirani program fudbala dva puta nedeljno tokom 16 nedelja. Adolescenti iz kontrolne grupe nastavili su uobičajeni dnevni režim tokom eksperimentalnog perioda. Pre i posle tretmana procenjeni su agresija, poremećaji pažnje, anksioznost i depresivnost te socijalni problemi. Rezultati: Eksperimentalna grupa ostvarila je statistički značajna poboljšanja u svim psihosocijalnim varijablama u odnosu na početne vrednosti. Istovremeno, u kontrolnoj grupi nisu registrovane značajne promene. Zaključak: Rezultati sugerišu da se primenom adaptiranog fudbala može smanjiti nivo agresije, anksioznosti i depresivnosti, povećati pažnja i poboljšati socijalno ponašanje kod adolescenata sa Daunovim sindromom.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, Sep 9, 2021
BackgroundNumerous studies have proven the significant positive impact of the regular physical ac... more BackgroundNumerous studies have proven the significant positive impact of the regular physical activity on general health conditions and quality of life of people with intellectual disability. In practice, various adapted sports activities are used. The current study deals with the effects of the soccer programme.AimThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the effects of adapted soccer on the motor learning and some psychosocial characteristics in adolescents with Down syndrome.MethodsTwenty‐five participants were recruited and randomised into two groups (exercise and control). Adolescents placed in the exercise group carried out a special soccer programme twice a week during 16 weeks, while adolescents placed in the control group continued with their usual daily regime. Specific motor coordination, level of aggression, attention disorders, level of anxiety and depression, and social problems were measured before and after the training period. Mixed ANOVA were used to evaluate the effects of the experimental treatment.ResultsThe exercise group had significant improvements (P < 0.05) in one of three motor variables (only in the easiest task) and in all psychosocial variables. There are no one significant change in the control group. The adapted soccer programme influenced more seriously on psychosocial characteristics than on motor learning of adolescent with DS.ConclusionsThe results suggest that adapted soccer training can decrease aggression, anxiety and depression levels, and improve attention, social behaviour and simple motor skills in adolescents with Down syndrome.
The aim of our research was to evaluate the changes in levels of cytokines and redox state parame... more The aim of our research was to evaluate the changes in levels of cytokines and redox state parameters in blood and isolated heart of rats subjected to different swimming protocols. Rats were divided into 3 groups: 1) controls, 2) moderately trained rats that during all 12 weeks swam 1 h/day, 5 days/week, and 3) overtrained rats that in 10 th week swam twice, 11 th week 3 times, and in 12 th week 4 times a day for 1 h. After sacrificing, blood from jugular vein was collected, and the heart excised and perfused on a Langendorff apparatus. Samples of the coronary effluent were collected during coronary autoregulation. Levels of superoxide anion radical (O2-), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), nitric oxide (NO) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were measured in plasma and coronary effluent, while reduced glutathione (GSH), activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) were measured in erythrocytes. Venous blood was also used for interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) determination. Moderate training protocol induced the decrease of TBARS in plasma, while both training protocols induced the decrease of O2and H2O2 in coronary effluent. There was no significant difference in levels of cytokines between groups. The results of study add evidence about beneficial effects of moderate-intensity training on blood and cardiac redox state of rats, and furthermore, shows that exercising frequently, if the intensity stays within moderate range, may not have detrimental effects.
Background and Study Aim: Adapted sports activities play a significant role in working with perso... more Background and Study Aim: Adapted sports activities play a significant role in working with persons with developmental difficulties. This study deals with the effects of such a program, where elements of karate have been applied. Aim of analysis there are the changes (assuming that the stimuli will be strong enough) in motor and psycho-social traits created under the influence of adapted karate.
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of new rules tested at the inaugural Men's U... more The aim of this study was to determine the influence of new rules tested at the inaugural Men's Under 23 (U23) World Championship (set to 21 points and 15 seconds between the end of a point and the new serve) on all aspects of time in volleyball matches. The study sample comprised 36 matches partially segmented into 123 sets and 4583 points played. Applying one-way ANOVA, it was shown that the active part of the set and the whole match last slightly more than one third of the total time. The most frequent rally duration was 5 to 10 seconds (43.5% of points). As sets became more unpredictable and approached the end, rest time between points was longer. Time analysis of volleyball matches is important as it helps with proper development of physical preparation for players, gives coaches insight into appropriate match flow and provides a clear time frame of each part of a volleyball match for organisers of competitive events, pools, championships and tournaments.
Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación, Sep 15, 2017
The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of the volleyball serve with the new rul... more The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of the volleyball serve with the new rules tested at the inaugural Volleyball Men's Under 23 World Championship (set to 21 points, excluding the fifth set; 15 seconds between points). In a sample of 36 matches played in 123 sets, 4588 serves were studied. The variables used were serve type, serve quality, serve zone, placement zone, in-game role, score trend and set outcome. Pearson's Chi-Square test was used for data analysis. Significant differences were observed in the following variable relations: serve type by in-game role (p = .000), serve type by score trend (p = .000), serve quality by serve zone (p = .039), serve quality by in-game role (p = .000), serve quality by set outcome (p = .000), serve zone by in-game role (p = .000), serve zone by set outcome (p = .000), placement zone by serve quality (p = .000) and placement zone by serve zone (p = .004). If these changes become part of the official volleyball rules, this study will be a useful guide for building team tactics and strategy. It also provides insight for FIVB about the effect of the tested rules for further developments in the game.
Sažetak Različiti programi pešačenja koji se redovno upražnjavaju kao sadržaji rekreacije u traja... more Sažetak Različiti programi pešačenja koji se redovno upražnjavaju kao sadržaji rekreacije u trajanju od najmanje 60 minuta, te odvijaju u prirodnom okruženju (pešačke staze pored reka, u šumi, na planini, i sl.) predstavljaju preporučenu fizičku aktivnost koja može imati izuzetno pozitivan uticaj na očuvanje i unapređenje zdravlja. Ovo transferzalno istraživanje sprovedeno je u okviru rekreativnog programa "Pešačenjem do fruškogorskih manastira" uz primenu Servej metoda. Cilj je bio da se izvrši procena nekih aspekata kvaliteta ovog programa na osnovu percepcije neposrednih učesnika, uz utvrđivanje metrijskih karakteristika PKPP skale. Na uzorku od 31 ispitanika ženskog pola, starosti od 35 do 57 godina, primenjen je upitnik za procenu elemenata kvaliteta programa. Analizom unutrašnje saglasnosti skale (Scale Reliability Analysis) dobijene su visoke vrednosti Kronbahovog alfa koeficijenta (Cronbach's Coeficient Alpha) (,826). Oblimin rotacijom glavnih komponenti dobijena je stabilna jednofaktorska struktura što pokazuje da upitnik može da se primenjuje kao jedinstvena skala. Rezultati ankete otkrili su da učesnice visoko vrednuju većinu aspekata kvaliteta odabranog programa pešačenja. Nije zabeležena ni jedna signifikantna razlika između skalarnih proseka dobijenih u različitim subuzorcima koji su formirani u odnosu na godine života i navike pešačenja kao redovne rekreativne aktivnosti.
Facta universitatis. Series physical education and sport, Jan 19, 2015
The aims of the current research were to determine body mass index (BMI), percentage of body fat,... more The aims of the current research were to determine body mass index (BMI), percentage of body fat, maximum oxygen consumption and level of habitual physical activities, and differences in student population for both sexes regarding information about health, exercising and nutrition. The respondent sample was composed of 160 students (94 male and 66 female) age 22±1 years. The overall sample of respondants is stratified into two subsamples, 95 of them were students of physical education program that were informed through the study program about health, exercising and nutrition, and the second subsample was consisted of 65 students of other study programs that did not receive the mentioned information. Body height, body weight and percentage of body fat were established, body mas index was calculated, maximum oxygen consumption was estimated (by direct method) and the (weekly) level of habitual physical activities. The data were processed by procedures of descriptive statistics, central and dispersive parameters and distribution of frequencies and comparative statistics, t-test for independent samples, univariate analysis of variance and Chi-square test to analyze the significance of differences between subsamples of students regarding the study program and sex. Results show (complete sample), that almost 2/3 of male students are not physically active, and female students have significantly better indicators of body composition than their colleagues. Results of maximum oxygen consumption (complete sample), show that statistically highest average was obtained in the subsample of students from the physical education study program (49.54 ml/kg/min), and the lowest is identified in a group of female students of other study programs (36.92 ml/kg/min).
The estimate of market attractiveness by the local management structures shows its basic shortcom... more The estimate of market attractiveness by the local management structures shows its basic shortcoming in that it does not take the impression of visitors as a relevant criterion to a sufficient extent. The abovementioned impressions, transformed into the appropriate rating system of the offered values would allow for a more efficient analysis of current cultural-tourism offers at localities. Accordingly, in a research study conducted at the site of the Petrovaradin fortress (in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina), a testing of the modified assessment approach was performed, based on the application of the basic model of tourist valorization: Du Cross (2000). This approach is based on the conversion of quantitative parameters of assessment (numerical score on a scale) into qualitative data (attributive measurement characteristics of attractiveness). By grouping of attributive characteristics, based on the previously performed procedure of average values ranking of the scores, the conditions for creating a unique "structural list" of tourist attractions are made. The principle for grouping is the determination of direction and the size of deviation of average values from the determined arithmetic mean of ranks. Thus, in contrast to the basic model (Du Cross), in which only the position within the relevant field of the matrix of market attractiveness and robustness (MAR) is essentially determined, the possibility is offered to accurately classify the elements of attractiveness according to their importance and partially achieved contribution to the resulting /total market positioning.
... at Mild and Moderate Stage of Knee Osteoarthritis Senka Rendulić Slivar1, Duan Perić2, Serge... more ... at Mild and Moderate Stage of Knee Osteoarthritis Senka Rendulić Slivar1, Duan Perić2, Sergej M. Ostojić2, Igor Jukić3 and ... of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb 10000, Croatia Abstract: The viscosupplementation and kinesitherapeutical program in the spa on the ...
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 2018
The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of the volleyball serve with the new rul... more The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of the volleyball serve with the new rules tested at the inaugural Volleyball Men's Under 23 World Championship (set to 21 points, excluding the fifth set; 15 seconds between points). In a sample of 36 matches played in 123 sets, 4588 serves were studied. The variables used were serve type, serve quality, serve zone, placement zone, in-game role, score trend and set outcome. Pearson's Chi-Square test was used for data analysis. Significant differences were observed in the following variable relations: serve type by in-game role (p = .000), serve type by score trend (p = .000), serve quality by serve zone (p = .039), serve quality by in-game role (p = .000), serve quality by set outcome (p = .000), serve zone by in-game role (p = .000), serve zone by set outcome (p = .000), placement zone by serve quality (p = .000) and placement zone by serve zone (p = .004). If these changes become part of the official volleyball rules, this study will be a useful guide for building team tactics and strategy. It also provides insight for FIVB about the effect of the tested rules for further developments in the game.
The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of point-scoring plays related to level ... more The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of point-scoring plays related to level of set win and in-game role under experimental rules tested at the U23 Men's Volleyball World Championship in Uberlandia, Brazil (21-point set, 15 seconds between points) from the 16th point in the first four sets and the 10th point in the fifth set. The analysis of 1335 points from 123 sets in 36 matches played by 144 males (average age 21.1±1.4 years) focused on in-game role (setter, outside hitter, middle blocker, opposite, libero), final score, finishing point actions (serve-ace, three attack types, three counter attack types, block), set outcome (Win-Lose), and level of set win (Walkover-Balanced-Tough). Pearson's Chi-Square test was used for data analysis. The results showed that the difference in the structure of won and lost points decreased from walkover to balanced to tough sets. Attack-spike and block were the most frequently executed technical elements. Outside-hitter was identified as the in-game role that finished more points, followed by Opposite and Middle blockers. If the tested rules are applied, developing the block, serve and attacks may have greater influence on set outcome in the future.
Facta universitatis. Series physical education and sport, Nov 22, 2021
Regular physical activity is one of the most important factors for maintaining health and quality... more Regular physical activity is one of the most important factors for maintaining health and quality of life. Mass recreational sports events is a good way to promote physical activity. In this research, the Sports Olympics of Vojvodian Workers (SOVW) was evaluated as an example. The main aim of the study is to analyze a recreational sports event as a mass activity significant for public health. The secondary aim is the development of a valid questionnaire which is applicable in practice. On a sample of 205 participants of the 12 th SOVW, of different age and gender, an instrument was applied that showed a good metric. The factor analysis gave a stable one-factor model with a unique scale for assessing the quality of mass recreational sports events. It is a simple and understandable questionnaire, easily applicable in practice. The results of this study showed that the ratings of respondents of different age and gender did not differ significantly. The SOVW was evaluated as an event of medium quality (total score amounts to 66.19% of the maximum).
Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 2018
Background. Attitudes of Church teaching, essentially, are not contrary to the efforts of man to ... more Background. Attitudes of Church teaching, essentially, are not contrary to the efforts of man to strive for a healthy and fruitful life (in every aspect), where sport takes an important place in the context of his health-like physical health is not complete without "a healthy soul" and "a healthy mind". And right there, in the work of man's efforts to be "completely healthy", faith (religion, beliefs, commitment etc.) plays a special role in the so-called "Gymnastics of the soul". As knowledge and learning, intellectual development has a duty to uphold the "Gymnastics of the mind". Method. A broad discourse analysis is used, including literature. This study uses a theoretical perspective based on philosophy, the philosophy of sport and theological aspects of human anthropology. Results. The aim of this work is contained in the philosophical-critical analysis of the basic correlative connection between authentic and confirmed sports values compared to the quintessential items of Christian ontology, anthropology, and philosophy. Text explication is primarily aimed at identifying the value aspect of the phenomenon in kinesiology in the context of Orthodox ontology. Conclusion. That is a brief introduction to the philosophical-theological determinants of common being essential starting point and settings that rely displayed Kinesiology phenomena as complementary factors of human beings (spirit, soul and body). Also, as a contribution to further discussion in the field of philosophy of sport.
Na uzorku od 332 studenta koji studiraju oblast sporta i turizma (starosti 19-27 godina, 184 mušk... more Na uzorku od 332 studenta koji studiraju oblast sporta i turizma (starosti 19-27 godina, 184 muškog i 148 ženskog pola) konstruisan je 15-ajtemski upitnik za procenu stresa. Njegovom primenom utvrđeno je da preko 40% studenata ima povećan nivo stresa. Empirijski rezultati značajno su odstupali od normalne distribucije. Izdvojile su se dve grupe ispitanika od kojih je veća imala veoma visok nivo stresa, dok je manja imala veoma niske prosečne vrednosti. Prilikom rešavanja upitnika o stresu, ispitanici su izvršili samoprocenu tri elementa životnog stila: količinu i kvalitet dnevne fi zičkih aktivnosti, subjektivni osećaja zdravlja i redovnost zdravstvene kontrole. Rezultati pokazuju da studenti nedovoljno učestvuju u doziranim fi zičkim aktivnostima i da veoma retko kontrolišu svoje zdravlje. Analiza varijanse je pokazala da najviši nivo stresa imaju studenti koji su sebe označili kao pasivne ljubitelje sporta, dok su sportisti, rekreativci i neočekivano antisportisti ispoljili značajno niži nivo stresa. Signifi kantno veći nivo stresa imali su i studenti koji su svoje opšte zdravlje ocenili kao slabo, dok su najniži stres imali ispitanici koji redovno kontrolišu svoje zdravlje. Muškarci su imali viši nivo stresa od svojih koleginica.
Bojana Radenković Šošić, Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad Dušan Perić, Fakultet za sport i t... more Bojana Radenković Šošić, Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad Dušan Perić, Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad Sažetak Sa usavršavanjem savremenih komunikacionih tehnologija došlo je do razvoja novih načina komunikacije u turizmu čiji uspeh nije uvek jednostavno izmeriti. Predmet ovog rada zasniva se na ispitivanju načina merenja uspeha novih oblika komunikacije koji su danas u marketingu objedinjeni terminom marketing sadržaja. U cilju dobijanja preciznih podataka o uspehu upotrebe nekog oblika marketinga sadržaja u turizmu uočena je neophodnost testiranja mernog instrumenta. Nakon prikaza dosadašnjih saznanja u vezi sa merenjem uspeha marketinga sadržaja, u radu je predstavljen proces testiranja mernog instrumenta (upitnika) zasnovan na empirijskoj metodi čiji rezultati treba da ukažu na konačnu formu mernog instrumenta. Cilj rada je da prikaže značaj ove faze istraživanja u procesu merenja uspeha marketinga sadržaja.
Na uzorku od 42 dece predškolskog uzrasta (22 dečaka i 20 devojčica), uzrasta 6 godina (±3 meseca... more Na uzorku od 42 dece predškolskog uzrasta (22 dečaka i 20 devojčica), uzrasta 6 godina (±3 meseca), procenjen je kvalitet motoričkog ponašanja i nivoa opštih intelektualnih sposobnosti, tè analiziran pojam o sebi. Motoričko ponašanje procenjeno je pomoću šest kretnih zadataka tehnikom skaliranja. Za analizu pojma o sebi korišćen je psihološki intervju tokom kojeg su deca opisivala doživljaj svojih sposobnosti u odnosu na: prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost. Podaci o self-konceptu upotpunjeni su analizom dečjih crteža. Primenom Ravenovih progresivnih matrica u boji procenjene su intelektualne sposobnosti sa ciljem da se grupe homogenizuju i eliminišu potencijalni parazitarni faktori. Statističkom analizom prikupljenih podataka utvrđeno je da motorika ima značajnu ulogu u formiranju pojma o sebi, pre svega kod dečaka. Iako se ispitanici muškog i ženskog pola nisu statistički značajno razlikovali u pogledu kvaliteta motoričkog ponašanja, utvrđene su značajne razlike u pogledu pojmova koje koriste prilikom opisivanja sebe, naročito u sadašnjosti i budućnosti. Pokazalo se da prilikom opisivanja sebe, motoričke pojmove daleko više koriste dečaci, pogotovo oni sa višim nivoom motoričkog ponašanja. U odnosu na prošlost, i dečaci i devojčice sebe dominantano opisuju kroz nemoć. U sadašnjosti devojčice najviše koriste pojmove vezane za igru i samostalnost, dok u odnosu na budućnost najviše koriste pojmove vezane za profesije i polne uloge. Ovo pokazuje da je uticaj socijalnih faktora veoma prisutan već u najranijim periodima života. Utvrđeno je da simptomatične crteže prvenstveno imaju deca sa najslabije ocenjenom motorikom.
Kosti imaju važnu strukturalnu ulogu u organizmu. One obezbeđuju pokretljivost, oslonac, i zaštit... more Kosti imaju važnu strukturalnu ulogu u organizmu. One obezbeđuju pokretljivost, oslonac, i zaštitu organizma, i predstavljaju mesto gde se skladište esencijalni minerali. Zdrave kosti su od ključnog uticaja na ukupno zdravlje čoveka, a aktivnosti koje promovišu zdravlje i utiču preventivno na nastanak bolesti kostiju su ključne u održavanju jakog i zdravog koštanog sistema. Fizička neaktivnost utiče na smanjenje funkcija koštanog sistema, a učestalo oboljenje koštanog sistema je osteoporoza. Osteoporoza je sistemska bolest koštanog sistema koja dovodi do male gustine kostiju i pogoršanja mikroarhitekture koštanog tkiva, i može dovesti do preloma. Fizička aktivnost je od suštinskog značaja za zdravlje kostiju i prevenciju nastanka osteoporoze. Na osnovu dostupnih informacija, najbolji efekatat na održavanje i stimulaciju formiranja mineralne gustine kostiju ima kombinacija dinamičkih vežbi sa otporom koje angažuju više zglobova, velike mišićne grupe, i opterećuju kičmu i kukove. Rezultati ukazuju da vežbe koje opterećuju telo u uzdužnoj osi, kao što su trčanje, skokovi, kao i vežbe snage, dovode do pozitivnih efekata na mineralnu gustinu kostiju. Dakle, trening treba da bude usmeren na adaptaciju specifičnog dela tela koji je najpodložniji povredama, i treba da bude dovoljno intenzivan i da prevazilazi uobičajena opterećenja.
Brojne studije dokazale su značajan pozitivan uticaj redovne fizičke aktivnosti na zdravstveno st... more Brojne studije dokazale su značajan pozitivan uticaj redovne fizičke aktivnosti na zdravstveno stanje i psihofizički razvoj osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću. U praksi se sve više primenjuju različite adaptirane sportske aktivnosti za decu i adolescente sa smetnjama u razvoju. Cilj: Ova pilot studija imala je za cilj da utvrdi uticaj programa adaptiranog fudbala na neke psihosocijalne karakteristike kod adolescenata sa Daunovim sindromom. Metod: Praćeno je 20 adolescenata (prosečna starost 15 godina i 8 meseci) koji su nasumično podeljeni u dve grupe (eksperimentalnu i kontrolnu). Sa adolescentima eksperimentalne grupe sproveden je adaptirani program fudbala dva puta nedeljno tokom 16 nedelja. Adolescenti iz kontrolne grupe nastavili su uobičajeni dnevni režim tokom eksperimentalnog perioda. Pre i posle tretmana procenjeni su agresija, poremećaji pažnje, anksioznost i depresivnost te socijalni problemi. Rezultati: Eksperimentalna grupa ostvarila je statistički značajna poboljšanja u svim psihosocijalnim varijablama u odnosu na početne vrednosti. Istovremeno, u kontrolnoj grupi nisu registrovane značajne promene. Zaključak: Rezultati sugerišu da se primenom adaptiranog fudbala može smanjiti nivo agresije, anksioznosti i depresivnosti, povećati pažnja i poboljšati socijalno ponašanje kod adolescenata sa Daunovim sindromom.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, Sep 9, 2021
BackgroundNumerous studies have proven the significant positive impact of the regular physical ac... more BackgroundNumerous studies have proven the significant positive impact of the regular physical activity on general health conditions and quality of life of people with intellectual disability. In practice, various adapted sports activities are used. The current study deals with the effects of the soccer programme.AimThe purpose of the study is to evaluate the effects of adapted soccer on the motor learning and some psychosocial characteristics in adolescents with Down syndrome.MethodsTwenty‐five participants were recruited and randomised into two groups (exercise and control). Adolescents placed in the exercise group carried out a special soccer programme twice a week during 16 weeks, while adolescents placed in the control group continued with their usual daily regime. Specific motor coordination, level of aggression, attention disorders, level of anxiety and depression, and social problems were measured before and after the training period. Mixed ANOVA were used to evaluate the effects of the experimental treatment.ResultsThe exercise group had significant improvements (P < 0.05) in one of three motor variables (only in the easiest task) and in all psychosocial variables. There are no one significant change in the control group. The adapted soccer programme influenced more seriously on psychosocial characteristics than on motor learning of adolescent with DS.ConclusionsThe results suggest that adapted soccer training can decrease aggression, anxiety and depression levels, and improve attention, social behaviour and simple motor skills in adolescents with Down syndrome.
The aim of our research was to evaluate the changes in levels of cytokines and redox state parame... more The aim of our research was to evaluate the changes in levels of cytokines and redox state parameters in blood and isolated heart of rats subjected to different swimming protocols. Rats were divided into 3 groups: 1) controls, 2) moderately trained rats that during all 12 weeks swam 1 h/day, 5 days/week, and 3) overtrained rats that in 10 th week swam twice, 11 th week 3 times, and in 12 th week 4 times a day for 1 h. After sacrificing, blood from jugular vein was collected, and the heart excised and perfused on a Langendorff apparatus. Samples of the coronary effluent were collected during coronary autoregulation. Levels of superoxide anion radical (O2-), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), nitric oxide (NO) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were measured in plasma and coronary effluent, while reduced glutathione (GSH), activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) were measured in erythrocytes. Venous blood was also used for interleukin 6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) determination. Moderate training protocol induced the decrease of TBARS in plasma, while both training protocols induced the decrease of O2and H2O2 in coronary effluent. There was no significant difference in levels of cytokines between groups. The results of study add evidence about beneficial effects of moderate-intensity training on blood and cardiac redox state of rats, and furthermore, shows that exercising frequently, if the intensity stays within moderate range, may not have detrimental effects.
Background and Study Aim: Adapted sports activities play a significant role in working with perso... more Background and Study Aim: Adapted sports activities play a significant role in working with persons with developmental difficulties. This study deals with the effects of such a program, where elements of karate have been applied. Aim of analysis there are the changes (assuming that the stimuli will be strong enough) in motor and psycho-social traits created under the influence of adapted karate.
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of new rules tested at the inaugural Men's U... more The aim of this study was to determine the influence of new rules tested at the inaugural Men's Under 23 (U23) World Championship (set to 21 points and 15 seconds between the end of a point and the new serve) on all aspects of time in volleyball matches. The study sample comprised 36 matches partially segmented into 123 sets and 4583 points played. Applying one-way ANOVA, it was shown that the active part of the set and the whole match last slightly more than one third of the total time. The most frequent rally duration was 5 to 10 seconds (43.5% of points). As sets became more unpredictable and approached the end, rest time between points was longer. Time analysis of volleyball matches is important as it helps with proper development of physical preparation for players, gives coaches insight into appropriate match flow and provides a clear time frame of each part of a volleyball match for organisers of competitive events, pools, championships and tournaments.
Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación, Sep 15, 2017
The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of the volleyball serve with the new rul... more The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of the volleyball serve with the new rules tested at the inaugural Volleyball Men's Under 23 World Championship (set to 21 points, excluding the fifth set; 15 seconds between points). In a sample of 36 matches played in 123 sets, 4588 serves were studied. The variables used were serve type, serve quality, serve zone, placement zone, in-game role, score trend and set outcome. Pearson's Chi-Square test was used for data analysis. Significant differences were observed in the following variable relations: serve type by in-game role (p = .000), serve type by score trend (p = .000), serve quality by serve zone (p = .039), serve quality by in-game role (p = .000), serve quality by set outcome (p = .000), serve zone by in-game role (p = .000), serve zone by set outcome (p = .000), placement zone by serve quality (p = .000) and placement zone by serve zone (p = .004). If these changes become part of the official volleyball rules, this study will be a useful guide for building team tactics and strategy. It also provides insight for FIVB about the effect of the tested rules for further developments in the game.
Sažetak Različiti programi pešačenja koji se redovno upražnjavaju kao sadržaji rekreacije u traja... more Sažetak Različiti programi pešačenja koji se redovno upražnjavaju kao sadržaji rekreacije u trajanju od najmanje 60 minuta, te odvijaju u prirodnom okruženju (pešačke staze pored reka, u šumi, na planini, i sl.) predstavljaju preporučenu fizičku aktivnost koja može imati izuzetno pozitivan uticaj na očuvanje i unapređenje zdravlja. Ovo transferzalno istraživanje sprovedeno je u okviru rekreativnog programa "Pešačenjem do fruškogorskih manastira" uz primenu Servej metoda. Cilj je bio da se izvrši procena nekih aspekata kvaliteta ovog programa na osnovu percepcije neposrednih učesnika, uz utvrđivanje metrijskih karakteristika PKPP skale. Na uzorku od 31 ispitanika ženskog pola, starosti od 35 do 57 godina, primenjen je upitnik za procenu elemenata kvaliteta programa. Analizom unutrašnje saglasnosti skale (Scale Reliability Analysis) dobijene su visoke vrednosti Kronbahovog alfa koeficijenta (Cronbach's Coeficient Alpha) (,826). Oblimin rotacijom glavnih komponenti dobijena je stabilna jednofaktorska struktura što pokazuje da upitnik može da se primenjuje kao jedinstvena skala. Rezultati ankete otkrili su da učesnice visoko vrednuju većinu aspekata kvaliteta odabranog programa pešačenja. Nije zabeležena ni jedna signifikantna razlika između skalarnih proseka dobijenih u različitim subuzorcima koji su formirani u odnosu na godine života i navike pešačenja kao redovne rekreativne aktivnosti.
Facta universitatis. Series physical education and sport, Jan 19, 2015
The aims of the current research were to determine body mass index (BMI), percentage of body fat,... more The aims of the current research were to determine body mass index (BMI), percentage of body fat, maximum oxygen consumption and level of habitual physical activities, and differences in student population for both sexes regarding information about health, exercising and nutrition. The respondent sample was composed of 160 students (94 male and 66 female) age 22±1 years. The overall sample of respondants is stratified into two subsamples, 95 of them were students of physical education program that were informed through the study program about health, exercising and nutrition, and the second subsample was consisted of 65 students of other study programs that did not receive the mentioned information. Body height, body weight and percentage of body fat were established, body mas index was calculated, maximum oxygen consumption was estimated (by direct method) and the (weekly) level of habitual physical activities. The data were processed by procedures of descriptive statistics, central and dispersive parameters and distribution of frequencies and comparative statistics, t-test for independent samples, univariate analysis of variance and Chi-square test to analyze the significance of differences between subsamples of students regarding the study program and sex. Results show (complete sample), that almost 2/3 of male students are not physically active, and female students have significantly better indicators of body composition than their colleagues. Results of maximum oxygen consumption (complete sample), show that statistically highest average was obtained in the subsample of students from the physical education study program (49.54 ml/kg/min), and the lowest is identified in a group of female students of other study programs (36.92 ml/kg/min).
The estimate of market attractiveness by the local management structures shows its basic shortcom... more The estimate of market attractiveness by the local management structures shows its basic shortcoming in that it does not take the impression of visitors as a relevant criterion to a sufficient extent. The abovementioned impressions, transformed into the appropriate rating system of the offered values would allow for a more efficient analysis of current cultural-tourism offers at localities. Accordingly, in a research study conducted at the site of the Petrovaradin fortress (in the northern Serbian province of Vojvodina), a testing of the modified assessment approach was performed, based on the application of the basic model of tourist valorization: Du Cross (2000). This approach is based on the conversion of quantitative parameters of assessment (numerical score on a scale) into qualitative data (attributive measurement characteristics of attractiveness). By grouping of attributive characteristics, based on the previously performed procedure of average values ranking of the scores, the conditions for creating a unique "structural list" of tourist attractions are made. The principle for grouping is the determination of direction and the size of deviation of average values from the determined arithmetic mean of ranks. Thus, in contrast to the basic model (Du Cross), in which only the position within the relevant field of the matrix of market attractiveness and robustness (MAR) is essentially determined, the possibility is offered to accurately classify the elements of attractiveness according to their importance and partially achieved contribution to the resulting /total market positioning.
... at Mild and Moderate Stage of Knee Osteoarthritis Senka Rendulić Slivar1, Duan Perić2, Serge... more ... at Mild and Moderate Stage of Knee Osteoarthritis Senka Rendulić Slivar1, Duan Perić2, Sergej M. Ostojić2, Igor Jukić3 and ... of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb 10000, Croatia Abstract: The viscosupplementation and kinesitherapeutical program in the spa on the ...
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 2018
The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of the volleyball serve with the new rul... more The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of the volleyball serve with the new rules tested at the inaugural Volleyball Men's Under 23 World Championship (set to 21 points, excluding the fifth set; 15 seconds between points). In a sample of 36 matches played in 123 sets, 4588 serves were studied. The variables used were serve type, serve quality, serve zone, placement zone, in-game role, score trend and set outcome. Pearson's Chi-Square test was used for data analysis. Significant differences were observed in the following variable relations: serve type by in-game role (p = .000), serve type by score trend (p = .000), serve quality by serve zone (p = .039), serve quality by in-game role (p = .000), serve quality by set outcome (p = .000), serve zone by in-game role (p = .000), serve zone by set outcome (p = .000), placement zone by serve quality (p = .000) and placement zone by serve zone (p = .004). If these changes become part of the official volleyball rules, this study will be a useful guide for building team tactics and strategy. It also provides insight for FIVB about the effect of the tested rules for further developments in the game.
The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of point-scoring plays related to level ... more The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of point-scoring plays related to level of set win and in-game role under experimental rules tested at the U23 Men's Volleyball World Championship in Uberlandia, Brazil (21-point set, 15 seconds between points) from the 16th point in the first four sets and the 10th point in the fifth set. The analysis of 1335 points from 123 sets in 36 matches played by 144 males (average age 21.1±1.4 years) focused on in-game role (setter, outside hitter, middle blocker, opposite, libero), final score, finishing point actions (serve-ace, three attack types, three counter attack types, block), set outcome (Win-Lose), and level of set win (Walkover-Balanced-Tough). Pearson's Chi-Square test was used for data analysis. The results showed that the difference in the structure of won and lost points decreased from walkover to balanced to tough sets. Attack-spike and block were the most frequently executed technical elements. Outside-hitter was identified as the in-game role that finished more points, followed by Opposite and Middle blockers. If the tested rules are applied, developing the block, serve and attacks may have greater influence on set outcome in the future.
Papers by Dušan Perić