gold plateとは 意味・読み方・使い方
意味・対訳 金の食器類、金張り、金めっき
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「gold plate」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 98件
gold plate発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
金めっき, 金張り. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
to plate a watch with gold発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
時計に金をかぶせる - 斎藤和英大辞典
to plate a watch with gold発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
時計に金をきせる - 斎藤和英大辞典
The plate is of pure gold―of solid gold.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
食器は金無垢だ - 斎藤和英大辞典
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Wiktionary英語版での「gold plate」の意味 |
gold plate
gold plate (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 gold plates)
- A thin layer of gold applied to the surface of an object, often by an electrolytic method.
- Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see gold, plate.
gold plate (三人称単数 現在形 gold plates, 現在分詞 gold plating, 過去形および過去分詞形 gold plated)
- To apply gold plate to an object, to plate with gold.
- (of projects) To incorporate costly or otherwise excessive features or refinements unnecessarily, to overengineer.
- 1991, Advisory Commission on Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing, “Regulatory Barriers in the Suburbs”, in Thomas H. Kean, Thomas Ludlow Ashley, editors, Not in My Back Yard: Removing Barriers to Affordable Housing:[1], DIANE Publishing, published 1993, →ISBN, Excessive Subdivision Controls, page 2-8:
- Some communities gold-plate their subdivision ordinances because they know that developers, rather than the local voters, are paying.
- 2001, Walter Edward Hammond, Design Methodologies for Space Transportation Systems[2], volume 1, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, →ISBN, page 771:
- To help reduce the “sticker shock,” stick to what we really need and do not gold plate the requirements.
- 2008, Wayne Turk, Common Sense Project Management[3], American Society for Quality, →ISBN, Chapter 10: An Introduction, Continued Project Management 101, Part 2, page 59:
- (of laws, regulations, etc) To embellish, to extend beyond its intended scope, especially so as to become stifling, or rigid and inflexible.
- 2008, Simon Marsden, Strategic Environmental Assessment in International and European Law: A Practitioner's Guide[5], Earthscan, →ISBN, Part II - European Law, Chapter 12 Comparisons and Conclusions, page 282:
- Devolved administrations in individual jurisdictions can always choose to gold plate requirements by doing more than a treaty of directive requires, subject to the constitutional provisions under which they were created.
- 2009, Wim Voermans, Henk Snijders, Stefan Vogenauer, editors, Content and Meaning of National Law in the Context of Transnational Law[6], Sellier. European Law Publishers, →ISBN, Gold-Plating and Double Banking: an Overrated Problem?, page 84:
- In order to find our whether the UK tends to gold plate (かつ double bank) more than other EU countries – as was suggested by some commentators – the Davidson Review adopted a multi-stage approach.
- 2010, Organisation of Economic Co-Operation and Development, “The interface between members states and the European Union”, in Better Regulation in Europe: Netherlands 2010[7], OCED Publishing, →ISBN, page 116:
- For example the packaging directive was gold plated in transposition.
gold-plate (三人称単数 現在形 gold-plates, 現在分詞 gold-plating, 過去形および過去分詞形 gold-plated)
- Alternative spelling of gold plate
- 2020 November 18, “Network News: Railway is years behind the curve”, in Rail, page 9:
- "The railway gold-plates projects. No one takes ownership of the gold-plating, it just sort of happens over time. It's about delivering what is acceptable financially - the private sector would love to gold-plate everything, but it can't afford it."
Weblio例文辞書での「gold plate」に類似した例文 |
「gold plate」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 98件
plate with gold発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
金が付いている版 - 日本語WordNet
after one's death, a gold plate on which one's name was written if one behaved well during one's life and which entitled one to enter Heaven発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
善人を極楽に送る金製の札 - EDR日英対訳辞書
The agitation tool 1 is made of gold or a material containing gold as a main component and formed into a rectangular flat plate-like form.例文帳に追加
攪拌用冶具1は、金又は金を主成分とする材質で長方形平板状に形成されている。 - 特許庁
In a cut clamper, a bonding wire (such as a gold wire) is pinched between a pinching electrode 16 mounted on a fixed plate 12 and a pinching electrode 17 mounted on a movable plate 14, and a discharge voltage is applied to the gold wire to form a gold ball on the point of the gold wire.例文帳に追加
固定板12に取り付けられた挟持電極16と、可動板14に取り付けられた挟持電極17とでボンディングワイヤ(例えば、金線)を挟持し、放電電圧を印加して金球を形成する。 - 特許庁
The gold nanostructure comprises a gold nanoplate in the form of a polygonal or circular plate.例文帳に追加
本発明の金ナノ構造体は、多角形または円形の板状構造を備える金ナノ板からなることを特徴とする。 - 特許庁
To enhance corrosion resistance and reduce contact resistance by conducting gold plating on a terminal plate and to reduce the amount of gold used.例文帳に追加
集電を図るターミナルプレートを金メッキして耐食性と接触抵抗低減を図りつつ、金の使用量を低減する。 - 特許庁
The flow path base plate and the nozzle plate are connected with each other by press-bonding golds together by using the gold on the connecting faces between the flow path base plate and the nozzle plate.例文帳に追加
流路基板とノズルプレートとの接合面に金を用いて、金同士の圧着により流路基板とノズルプレートの接合を行う。 - 特許庁
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日本語ワードネット1.1版 (C) 情報通信研究機構, 2009-2010 License All rights reserved. WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved. License |
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