Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/5/Biology and health sciences/Animals

Level 5 Sublists

Vital articles is a list of subjects for which Wikipedia should have corresponding high-quality articles. It serves as a centralized watchlist to track the status of Wikipedia's most essential articles. This is one of the sub-lists of the fifty thousand article Vital articles/Level 5 and is currently under construction.

Articles in the Vital list have their assessments labelled as:

  • Featured articles
  • Former featured articles
  • A-class articles
  • Good articles
  • Delisted good articles
  • Failed good article nominees
  • B-class articles
  • C-class articles
  • Start-class articles
  • Stub-class articles
  • List-class articles
  • Unassessed articles

The progress bar is auto-updated via category count, and the symbols and article counts are updated daily by User:cewbot. Please read the FAQ before modifying the article list.

Quota 2,400 articles.

Total 2,377 articles.

Class #Articles
FA 176
GA 234
B 422
C 733
FFA 16
DGA 15
Start 716
Stub 94

General classifications


This section contains 14 articles.

Animal breeds and hybrids


This section contains 124 articles.



This section contains 23 articles.

  1. Abyssinian cat
  2. American Shorthair
  3. Balinese cat
  4. Birman
  5. Burmese cat
  6. Cornish Rex
  7. Devon Rex
  8. Moggy
  9. Exotic Shorthair
  10. Himalayan cat
  11. Maine Coon
  12. Manx cat
  13. Oriental Shorthair
  14. Persian cat
  15. Ragdoll
  16. Ragamuffin cat
  17. Russian Blue
  18. Siamese cat (Level 4)
  19. Somali cat
  20. Sphynx cat
  21. Tabby cat
  22. Tonkinese cat
  23. Turkish Angora



This section contains 17 articles.

  1. Aberdeen Angus
  2. American Brahman (Level 4)
  3. Charolais cattle
  4. Chianina
  5. Corriente
  6. Guernsey cattle
  7. Hereford cattle (Level 4)
  8. Highland cattle
  9. Holstein Friesian (Level 4)
  10. Limousin cattle
  11. Jersey cattle
  12. Simmental cattle
  13. Spanish Fighting Bull
  14. Texas Longhorn

Miniature cattle


This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Australian Lowline
  2. Dexter cattle
  3. Vechur cattle



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Australorp
  2. Leghorn chicken
  3. Plymouth Rock chicken
  4. Rhode Island Red
  5. Silkie



This section contains 33 articles.

  1. Free-ranging dog
    1. African village dog
    2. Pye-dog
    3. Street dog
  2. Gun dog (Level 4)
    1. Pointing dog
    2. Retriever
    3. Setter
    4. Spaniel
    5. Water dog
  3. Herding dog (Level 4)
    1. Collie
  4. Hound (Level 4)
    1. Scent hound
      1. Basset
      2. Coonhound
      3. Foxhound
    2. Sighthound
      1. Greyhound
  5. Livestock guardian dog (Level 4)
  6. Mastiff (Level 4)
    1. Bulldog type
  7. Mongrel
    1. Dog crossbreed
  8. Spitz (Level 4)
    1. Husky
    2. Laika (dog type)
  9. Terrier (Level 4)
    1. Bull and terrier
    2. Fell Terrier
    3. Fox Terrier
  10. Toy dog
    1. Bichon



This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Amiatina
  2. Baudet du Poitou
  3. Corsican donkey
  4. North American donkeys



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Angora goat
  2. Alpine goat
  3. Cashmere goat
  4. Kinder goat
  5. Nigerian Dwarf goat



This section contains 11 articles.

  1. Arabian horse (Level 4)
  2. Andalusian horse (Level 4)
  3. Appaloosa
  4. Clydesdale horse
  5. Friesian horse (Level 4)
  6. Lipizzan
  7. Miniature horse
  8. Palomino
  9. Pony (Level 4)
    1. Shetland pony
  10. Thoroughbred (Level 4)



This section contains 8 articles.

  1. Bovid hybrid
  2. Canid hybrid
  3. Hinny
  4. Mule (Level 4)
  5. Panthera hybrid
  6. Sheep–goat hybrid
  7. Ursid hybrid
  8. Zebroid



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Domestic pigeon
    1. Fancy pigeon
    2. Homing pigeon



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Berkshire pig
  2. Black Iberian pig
  3. Vietnamese Pot-bellied



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Angora rabbit
  2. Chinchilla rabbit
  3. Dwarf rabbit
  4. Flemish Giant rabbit
  5. Rex rabbit



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Jacob sheep
  2. Leicester Longwool
  3. Merino (Level 4)
  4. New Zealand Romney
  5. Rambouillet sheep



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Broad Breasted White turkey
  2. Norfolk Black

Individual animals


This section contains 14 articles.



This section contains 595 articles.

Mammals: General


This section contains 28 articles.

  1. Mammal (Level 3)
  2. Astrapotheria
  3. Colugo
  4. Hyaenodonta
    1. Hyaenodon
  5. Litopterna
    1. Macrauchenia
  6. Mesonychia
    1. Mesonychidae
  7. Notoungulata
    1. Toxodon
  8. Oxyaenidae
  9. Pangolin (Level 4)
  10. Pantodonta
    1. Coryphodon
  11. Saber-toothed predator
  12. Taeniodonta
  13. Treeshrew
  14. Uintatherium
  15. Ungulate



This section contains 8 articles.

  1. Mammaliaformes
    1. Castorocauda
    2. Megazostrodon
    3. Multituberculata
    4. Eomaia
    5. Euharamiyida
    6. Eutriconodonta
      1. Repenomamus



This section contains 33 articles.



This section contains 21 articles.

  1. Proboscidea (Level 4)
  2. Deinotheriidae
    1. Deinotherium
  3. Elephantidae
    1. Elephant (Level 4)
      1. African bush elephant
      2. African forest elephant
      3. Asian elephant
      4. Dwarf elephant
      5. North African elephant
    2. Mammoth (Level 4)
      1. Columbian mammoth
      2. Woolly mammoth
  4. Gomphothere
    1. Anancus
  5. Mammutidae
    1. Mastodon
  6. Moeritherium
  7. Platybelodon
  8. Stegodontidae
    1. Stegodon



This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Sirenia (Level 4)
    1. Dugong
    2. Manatee
    3. Steller's sea cow

Other afrotheres


This section contains 8 articles.

  1. Aardvark (Level 4)
  2. Arsinoitherium
  3. Desmostylia
  4. Elephant shrew
  5. Giant otter shrew
  6. Golden mole
  7. Hyrax (Level 4)
  8. Tenrec



This section contains 10 articles.

  1. Bat (Level 4)
  2. Megabat (Level 4)
    1. Pteropus (Level 4)
      1. Indian flying fox
  3. Microbat (Level 4)
    1. Bulldog bat
    2. Honduran white bat
    3. Horseshoe bat
    4. Vampire bat (Level 4)
    5. Vespertilionidae



This section contains 147 articles.

Carnivora: General


This section contains 1 article.

  1. Carnivora (Level 4)



This section contains 14 articles.

  1. Bear (Level 4)
  2. American black bear
  3. Arctodus
  4. Asian black bear
  5. Brown bear (Level 4)
    1. Eurasian brown bear
    2. Grizzly bear
    3. Kodiak bear
  6. Cave bear
  7. Giant panda (Level 4)
  8. Polar bear (Level 4)
  9. Sloth bear
  10. Spectacled bear
  11. Sun bear



This section contains 33 articles.

  1. African wild dog
  2. African wolf
  3. Bat-eared fox
  4. Bush dog
  5. Canidae (Level 4)
  6. Caninae
  7. Canis
  8. Coyote (Level 4)
  9. Coywolf
  10. Dhole
  11. Dire wolf
  12. Dog (Level 3)
  13. Dingo (Level 4)
  14. Ethiopian wolf
  15. Falkland Islands wolf
  16. Fox (Level 4)
    1. Crab-eating fox
    2. Gray fox
    3. Vulpes
      1. Arctic fox
      2. Fennec fox
      3. Red fox
  17. Jackal (Level 4)
    1. Black-backed jackal
    2. Golden jackal
    3. Side-striped jackal
  18. Maned wolf
  19. Nyctereutes
  20. Red wolf
  21. Short-eared dog
  22. South American fox
  23. Wolf (Level 4)
  24. Wolfdog



This section contains 31 articles.

  1. Felidae (Level 4)
  2. Cat (Level 3)
    1. Feral cat
    2. Wildcat
  3. Caracal
  4. Cheetah (Level 4)
  5. Cougar (Level 4)
  6. Fishing cat
  7. Lynx (Level 4)
    1. Bobcat
  8. Ocelot
  9. Pallas's cat
  10. Rusty-spotted cat
  11. Serval



This section contains 17 articles.

  1. Panthera
  2. Clouded leopard
  3. Sunda clouded leopard
  4. Jaguar (Level 4)
  5. Leopard (Level 4)
  6. Lion (Level 4)
    1. American lion
    2. Asiatic lion
    3. Barbary lion
  7. Panthera spelaea
  8. Snow leopard (Level 4)
  9. Tiger (Level 4)
    1. Bengal tiger
    2. White tiger
    3. Caspian tiger
    4. Siberian tiger
    5. Sumatran tiger



This section contains 25 articles.

  1. Mustelidae (Level 4)
  2. Badger
    1. American badger
    2. European badger (Level 4)
    3. Honey badger (Level 4)
  3. Ferret-badger
  4. Ictonychinae
  5. Marten (Level 4)
    1. Beech marten
    2. Sable
    3. Yellow-throated marten
  6. Megalictis
  7. Neogale
    1. American mink
    2. Long-tailed weasel
  8. Otter (Level 4)
    1. Giant otter
    2. Sea otter (Level 4)
    3. Smooth-coated otter
  9. Weasel (Level 4)
    1. European mink
    2. European polecat
      1. Ferret
    3. Stoat (Level 4)
  10. Wolverine (Level 4)



This section contains 9 articles.

  1. Pinniped (Level 4)
  2. Eared seal (Level 4)
    1. Harbor seal
    2. Leopard seal
    3. Elephant seal
  3. Earless seal (Level 4)
    1. Fur seal
    2. Sea lion
  4. Walrus (Level 4)



This section contains 7 articles.

  1. Procyonidae (Level 4)
  2. Bassaricyon
  3. Cacomistle
  4. Coati
  5. Kinkajou
  6. Raccoon
  7. Ringtail

Other carnivora


This section contains 27 articles.

  1. African palm civet
  2. Ailuridae
    1. Red panda
  3. Amphicyonidae
    1. Amphicyon
  4. Asiatic linsang
  5. Borophagus
  6. Eupleridae
    1. Fossa (animal)
  7. Hyena (Level 4)
    1. Aardwolf
    2. Cave hyena
  8. Machairodontinae
    1. Dinofelis
    2. Smilodon (Level 4)
  9. Mephitidae
    1. Skunk (Level 4)
      1. Spotted skunk
  10. Mongoose (Level 4)
    1. Egyptian mongoose
    2. Meerkat
  11. Nimravidae
  12. Viverridae
    1. African civet
    2. Banded palm civet
    3. Binturong
    4. Genet (animal)



This section contains 10 articles.

  1. Erinaceidae
    1. Hedgehog (Level 4)
      1. Domesticated hedgehog
    2. Moonrat
  2. Desman
  3. Mole (animal) (Level 4)
    1. Eastern mole
    2. Star-nosed mole
  4. Shrew (Level 4)
  5. Solenodon



This section contains 150 articles.

  1. Artiodactyl (Level 4)
  2. Ruminant (Level 4)



This section contains 43 articles.

  1. Bovidae (Level 4)
  2. African buffalo (Level 4)
  3. Antelope (Level 4)
    1. Addax
    2. Blackbuck
    3. Dik-dik
    4. Duiker
    5. Gazelle (Level 4)
    6. Gerenuk
    7. Greater kudu
    8. Impala (Level 4)
    9. Oryx
      1. Arabian oryx
    10. Saiga antelope
    11. Springbok
    12. Wildebeest (Level 4)
  4. Aurochs (Level 4)
  5. Banteng
  6. Capra (genus) (Level 4)
    1. Alpine ibex
    2. Goat (Level 4)
    3. Markhor
    4. Mountain goat
    5. Wild goat
  7. Cattle (Level 3)
    1. Zebu
  8. Chamois
  9. Gaur (Level 4)
  10. Muskox (Level 4)
  11. Serow
  12. Sheep (Level 3)
    1. Barbary sheep
    2. Bighorn sheep
    3. Dall sheep
  13. Tahr
  14. Takin
  15. Water buffalo (Level 4)
    1. Wild water buffalo
  16. Yak (Level 4)
    1. Wild yak



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Steppe bison
  2. American bison (Level 4)
  3. European bison (Level 4)



This section contains 10 articles.

  1. Aepycamelus
  2. Alpaca (Level 4)
  3. Guanaco (Level 4)
  4. Llama (Level 4)
  5. Vicuña (Level 4)
  6. Camel (Level 4)
    1. Bactrian camel (Level 4)
      1. Wild Bactrian camel
    2. Dromedary (Level 4)
      1. Australian feral camel



This section contains 42 articles.

  1. Cetacea (Level 4)
  2. Whale (Level 4)
  3. Evolution of cetaceans
    1. Ambulocetus
    2. Basilosaurus
    3. Dorudon
    4. Livyatan
    5. Odobenocetops
    6. Remingtonocetidae

Baleen whales


This section contains 9 articles.

  1. Baleen whale
  2. Blue whale (Level 4)
  3. Bowhead whale
  4. Fin whale
  5. Gray whale
  6. Humpback whale (Level 4)
  7. Minke whale
  8. Right whale
    1. Southern right whale

Toothed whale


This section contains 24 articles.

  1. Toothed whale
  2. Beaked whale
    1. Mesoplodon
  3. Beluga whale
  4. Dolphin (Level 4)
    1. Oceanic dolphin
    2. Bottlenose dolphin
      1. False killer whale
      2. Orca (Level 4)
      3. Pilot whale
      4. Hector's dolphin
      5. Right whale dolphin
      6. Risso's dolphin
    3. River dolphin
      1. Baiji
      2. Amazon river dolphin
  5. Narwhal
  6. Porpoise (Level 4)
    1. Dall's porpoise
    2. Finless porpoise
    3. Harbour porpoise
    4. Vaquita
  7. Sperm whale (Level 4)
    1. Pygmy sperm whale



This section contains 16 articles.

  1. Deer (Level 4)
    1. Red deer (Level 4)
    2. Sika deer
  2. Cervalces
  3. Chital
  4. Elk (Level 4)
  5. European fallow deer
  6. Irish elk
  7. Moose (Level 4)
  8. Muntjac
  9. Père David's deer
  10. Pudu
  11. Reindeer (Level 4)
  12. Roe deer
  13. Water deer
  14. White-tailed deer



This section contains 9 articles.

  1. Giraffidae
  2. Giraffe (Level 4)
    1. Masai giraffe
    2. Northern giraffe
    3. Reticulated giraffe
    4. Southern giraffe
  3. Okapi
  4. Prolibytherium
  5. Sivatherium



This section contains 9 articles.

  1. Suidae
    1. Sus (genus) (Level 4)
      1. Bornean bearded pig
      2. Pig (Level 3)
      3. Wild boar (Level 4)
    2. Babirusa
    3. Warthog
    4. Red river hog
  2. Peccary (Level 4)

Other artiodactyla


This section contains 19 articles.

  1. Andrewsarchus
  2. Anoplotheriidae
    1. Anoplotherium
  3. Antilocapridae
    1. Pronghorn (Level 4)
  4. Anthracotheriidae
    1. Anthracotherium
  5. Cainotheriidae
  6. Chevrotain
    1. Dorcatherium
  7. Entelodontidae
    1. Daeodon
  8. Hippopotamus (Level 4)
    1. Pygmy hippopotamus
  9. Merycoidodontoidea
  10. Moschidae
    1. Musk deer
  11. Palaeomerycidae
  12. Protoceratidae



This section contains 9 articles.

  1. Lagomorpha (Level 4)
  2. Hare (Level 4)
    1. Antelope jackrabbit
    2. European hare
    3. Snowshoe hare
  3. Pika
  4. Rabbit (Level 4)
    1. Cottontail rabbit
    2. European rabbit



This section contains 40 articles.

  1. Marsupial (Level 4)
    1. Didelphodon
    2. Marsupial mole
  2. Sparassodonta
    1. Thylacosmilus
  3. Phalangeriformes
    1. Common brushtail possum
    2. Common ringtail possum
    3. Honey possum
    4. Sugar glider
  4. Dasyuromorphia (Level 4)
    1. Numbat
    2. Quoll
    3. Dunnart
    4. Tasmanian devil (Level 4)
    5. Thylacine
  5. Opossum (Level 4)
    1. Virginia opossum
  6. Peramelemorphia (Level 4)
    1. Bandicoot
    2. Macrotis



This section contains 19 articles.

  1. Diprotodontia (Level 4)
  2. Macropodiformes
    1. Sthenurus
    2. Kangaroo (Level 4)
      1. Red kangaroo
      2. Eastern grey kangaroo
      3. Western grey kangaroo
    3. Wallaby
      1. Rock-wallaby
    4. Wallaroo
    5. Tree-kangaroo
    6. Potoroo
    7. Quokka
    8. Pademelon
  3. Vombatiformes
    1. Koala (Level 4)
    2. Wombat
    3. Thylacoleo
    4. Diprotodon



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Monotreme (Level 4)
  2. Echidna (Level 4)
  3. Platypus (Level 4)



This section contains 39 articles.

  1. Perissodactyla (Level 4)
  2. Brontotheriidae
    1. Megacerops
  3. Chalicotheriidae
    1. Chalicotherium
  4. Lophiodon
  5. Palaeotheriidae
    1. Palaeotherium
  6. Rhinocerotoidea
    1. Paraceratherium
    2. Rhinoceros (Level 4)
      1. Elasmotherium
      2. Black rhinoceros
      3. Indian rhinoceros
      4. Javan rhinoceros
      5. Sumatran rhinoceros
      6. White rhinoceros
      7. Teleoceras
      8. Woolly rhinoceros
  7. Tapir (Level 4)
    1. Malayan tapir



This section contains 18 articles.

  1. Equidae (Level 4)
  2. Evolution of the horse
    1. Eohippus
  3. Donkey (Level 4)
    1. African wild ass
    2. Kiang
    3. Onager
  4. Hipparionini
    1. Hipparion
  5. Horse (Level 3)
    1. Feral horse
    2. Przewalski's horse
    3. Tarpan
  6. Zebra (Level 4)
    1. Grévy's zebra
    2. Mountain zebra
    3. Plains zebra
      1. Quagga



This section contains 62 articles.

  1. Primate (Level 3)
  2. Monkey (Level 4)



This section contains 21 articles.

  1. Ape (Level 4)
    1. Dryopithecus
    2. Gigantopithecus
    3. Proconsul (mammal)
  2. Gibbon (Level 4)
    1. Lar gibbon
    2. Siamang
  3. Gorilla (Level 4)
    1. Cross River gorilla
    2. Eastern lowland gorilla
    3. Mountain gorilla
    4. Western lowland gorilla
  4. Orangutan (Level 4)
    1. Bornean orangutan
    2. Sumatran orangutan
    3. Tapanuli orangutan
  5. Pan (genus) (Level 4)
    1. Chimpanzee (Level 4)
    2. Bonobo (Level 4)
  6. Sivapithecus
  7. Human (Level 1)

New World monkeys


This section contains 11 articles.

  1. New World monkey (Level 4)
    1. Capuchin monkey (Level 4)
    2. Howler monkey
    3. Lion tamarin
    4. Marmoset
      1. Pygmy marmoset
    5. Night monkey
    6. Spider monkey (Level 4)
    7. Squirrel monkey
    8. Tamarin
    9. Uakari

Old World monkeys


This section contains 16 articles.

  1. Old World monkey (Level 4)
  2. Cercopithecinae
    1. Baboon (Level 4)
      1. Hamadryas baboon
    2. Chlorocebus
    3. Gelada
    4. Macaque (Level 4)
      1. Crab-eating macaque
      2. Japanese macaque
      3. Mangabey
      4. Rhesus macaque (Level 4)
    5. Mandrill
  3. Colobinae
    1. Black-and-white colobus
    2. Semnopithecus
    3. Proboscis monkey



This section contains 10 articles.

  1. Strepsirrhini (Level 4)
    1. Galago (Level 4)
    2. Lemur (Level 4)
      1. Aye-aye
      2. Indri
      3. Ring-tailed lemur
      4. Ruffed lemur
      5. Sifaka
      6. Subfossil lemur
    3. Slow loris (Level 4)

Other primates


This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Purgatorius
  2. Tarsier (Level 4)



This section contains 53 articles.

  1. Rodent (Level 3)
  2. Agouti
  3. Blesmol
  4. Capybara (Level 4)
  5. Nutria (Level 4)
  6. Beaver (Level 4)
  7. Chinchilla
  8. Jerboa
  9. Dormouse (Level 4)
  10. Giant pouched rat
  11. Gopher
  12. Groundhog
  13. Guinea pig (Level 4)
  14. Hamster (Level 4)
  15. Horned gopher
  16. Kangaroo rat
  17. Lemming
  18. Mara (mammal)
  19. Muridae (Level 4)
    1. Gerbillinae
    2. Rat (Level 4)
      1. Black rat
      2. Brown rat (Level 4)
      3. Laboratory rat
      4. Polynesian rat
    3. Mouse (Level 4)
      1. House mouse
      2. Laboratory mouse
  20. Muskrat (Level 4)
  21. Naked mole-rat
  22. Octodon
  23. Pedetes
  24. Porcupine (Level 4)
    1. Old World porcupine
    2. Prehensile-tailed porcupine
  25. Spalax
  26. Spermophilus
  27. Squirrel (Level 4)
    1. Callosciurus
    2. Chipmunk
    3. Flying squirrel
    4. Ground squirrel
      1. Marmot (Level 4)
      2. Prairie dog
    5. Oriental giant squirrel
    6. Pine squirrel
    7. Sciurus
      1. Eastern gray squirrel
      2. Red squirrel
    8. Tree squirrel
    9. Xerini
  28. Viscacha
  29. Vole



This section contains 11 articles.

  1. Anteater (Level 4)
    1. Giant anteater
    2. Tamandua
  2. Armadillo (Level 4)
    1. Giant armadillo
    2. Glyptodon
  3. Sloth (Level 4)
    1. Ground sloth
      1. Megatherium
      2. Megalonyx
    2. Two-toed sloth



This section contains 384 articles.



This section contains 12 articles.

  1. Bird (Level 3)
  2. Bird of prey (Level 4)
  3. Fowl
  4. Palaeognathae (Level 4)
  5. Seabird (Level 4)
  6. Cuckoo-roller
  7. Grebe
  8. Flamingo (Level 4)
  9. Loon (Level 4)
  10. Mousebird
  11. Seriema
  12. Tropicbird



This section contains 27 articles.

  1. Accipiter (Level 4)
  2. Bearded vulture
  3. Buteo
  4. Crested caracara
  5. Eagle (Level 4)
    1. Sea eagle
      1. Bald eagle
    2. Bateleur
    3. Golden eagle (Level 4)
    4. Haast's eagle
    5. Harpy eagle
    6. Philippine eagle
    7. Steppe eagle
    8. Wedge-tailed eagle
  6. Elaninae
  7. European honey buzzard
  8. Falcon (Level 4)
    1. Gyrfalcon
    2. Peregrine falcon (Level 4)
  9. New World vulture (Level 4)
    1. Andean condor
    2. California condor
  10. Old World vulture (Level 4)
    1. Cinereous vulture
    2. Egyptian vulture
  11. Osprey (Level 4)
  12. Secretarybird (Level 4)



This section contains 27 articles.

  1. Anatidae
  2. Duck (Level 4)
    1. Diving duck
    2. Mallard (Level 4)
    3. Mergini
      1. Eider
      2. Long-tailed duck
      3. Mergus
    4. Northern pintail
    5. Northern shoveler
  3. Goose (Level 4)
    1. Anser (bird)
      1. Domestic goose
      2. Greylag goose
      3. Swan goose
      4. Snow goose
    2. Branta
      1. Canada goose
      2. Nene (bird)
  4. Magpie goose
  5. Moa-nalo
  6. Muscovy duck
  7. Screamer
  8. Tadorna
  9. Swan (Level 4)
    1. Black swan
  10. Whistling duck



This section contains 8 articles.

  1. Hummingbird (Level 4)
    1. Patagona
    2. Rufous hummingbird
    3. White-necked jacobin
  2. Swift (bird) (Level 4)
    1. Common swift
    2. Swiftlet
  3. Treeswift

This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Nightjar (Level 4)
  2. Frogmouth
  3. Oilbird
  4. Owlet-nightjar
  5. Potoo



This section contains 33 articles.

  1. Charadriiformes
  2. Auk (Level 4)
    1. Great auk
    2. Guillemot
    3. Puffin
  3. Buttonquail
  4. Courser
  5. Greater painted-snipe
  6. Jacanidae
  7. Laridae
    1. Gull (Level 4)
      1. Larus
      2. Black-headed gull
    2. Rynchops
    3. Tern (Level 4)
      1. Arctic tern
  8. Lapwing
  9. Oystercatcher
  10. Plover
  11. Pratincole
  12. Sandpiper (Level 4)
    1. Curlew
    2. Dowitcher
    3. Godwit
    4. Phalarope
    5. Ruff (bird)
    6. Snipe
    7. Tringa
    8. Turnstone
  13. Skua
  14. Stilt
    1. Avocet
  15. Stone-curlew



This section contains 13 articles.

  1. Heron (Level 4)
    1. Bittern
    2. Cattle egret
    3. Little egret
    4. Night heron
  2. Ibis (Level 4)
    1. African sacred ibis
  3. Shoebill (Level 4)
  4. Spoonbill
  5. Stork (Level 4)
    1. Black stork
    2. Marabou stork
    3. White stork



This section contains 19 articles.

  1. Columbidae (Level 4)
    1. Barbary dove
    2. Common wood pigeon
    3. Crowned pigeon
    4. Dodo (Level 4)
    5. Eared dove
    6. Eurasian collared dove
    7. Feral pigeon
    8. Fruit dove
    9. Gallicolumba
    10. Laughing dove
    11. Mourning dove
    12. Nicobar pigeon
    13. Passenger pigeon (Level 4)
    14. Rock dove (Level 4)
    15. Spotted dove
    16. Zebra dove
  2. Mesite
  3. Sandgrouse



This section contains 13 articles.

  1. Bee-eater
  2. Kingfisher
    1. River kingfisher (Level 4)
    2. Tree kingfisher
      1. Kookaburra
    3. Water kingfisher
  3. Ground roller
  4. Hornbill (Level 4)
    1. Oriental pied hornbill
    2. Ground hornbill
  5. Hoopoe (Level 4)
  6. Motmot
  7. Tody

Cuculiformes and relatives


This section contains 10 articles.

  1. Cuckoo (Level 4)
    1. Ani (bird)
    2. Common cuckoo
    3. Coua
    4. Coucal
    5. Clamator
    6. Koel
    7. Roadrunner
  2. Hoatzin (Level 4)
  3. Turaco (Level 4)



This section contains 31 articles.

  1. Galliformes (Level 4)
  2. Chachalaca
  3. Curassow
  4. Francolin
  5. Grey junglefowl
  6. Grouse (Level 4)
  7. Guan (bird)
  8. Guineafowl (Level 4)
  9. Monal
  10. Megapode
  11. Partridge
  12. Peafowl (Level 4)
  13. Phasianidae
  14. Red junglefowl
    1. Chicken (Level 3)
  15. Tragopan
  16. Turkey (bird)
    1. Domestic turkey (Level 4)
    2. Ocellated turkey
    3. Wild turkey



This section contains 6 articles.

  1. Pheasant
  2. Blue eared pheasant
  3. Common pheasant (Level 4)
  4. Golden pheasant
  5. Green pheasant
  6. Lady Amherst's pheasant



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Domesticated quail
  2. New World quail
  3. Old World quail
    1. Common quail (Level 4)
    2. King quail



This section contains 17 articles.

  1. Gruiformes (Level 4)
  2. Crane (bird) (Level 4)
    1. Antigone (bird)
    2. Grey crowned crane
    3. Demoiselle crane
    4. Siberian crane
  3. Bustard (Level 4)
    1. Lesser florican
  4. Kagu
  5. Limpkin
  6. Psophia
  7. Rail (bird) (Level 4)
    1. Coot
    2. Moorhen
    3. Swamphen
      1. Takahē
  8. Sunbittern



This section contains 85 articles.

Passerines: General


This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Passerine (Level 4)
  2. Songbird (Level 4)



This section contains 16 articles.

  1. Bird-of-paradise (Level 4)
  2. Bowerbird
  3. Corvidae (Level 4)
    1. Chough
    2. Corvus (Level 4)
      1. American crow
      2. Common raven (Level 4)
      3. Hooded crow
      4. House crow
      5. Rook (bird)
    3. Eurasian magpie (Level 4)
    4. Jay
    5. Western jackdaw
  4. Honeyeater (Level 4)
  5. Lyrebird (Level 4)
  6. Shrike (Level 4)



This section contains 61 articles.

  1. Accentor
  2. Atlantic canary
    1. Domestic canary
  3. Australian magpie
  4. Bulbul (Level 4)
  5. Bunting (bird) (Level 4)
  6. Cardinalidae (Level 4)
  7. Crossbill
  8. Dipper
  9. Drongo
  10. Estrildidae
    1. Java sparrow
    2. Gouldian finch
  11. Finch (Level 4)
  12. Gnatcatcher
  13. Hawaiian honeycreeper
  14. Icterid (Level 4)
  15. Kinglet
  16. Lark (Level 4)
  17. Locustellidae
  18. Manakin
  19. Mockingbird (Level 4)
    1. Northern mockingbird
  20. Motacillidae
    1. Longclaw
    2. Pipit
    3. Wagtail
  21. New World warbler (Level 4)
  22. Nuthatch
  23. Old World flycatcher (Level 4)
    1. Chat (bird)
    2. European robin (Level 4)
    3. Common nightingale (Level 4)
  24. Old World oriole
  25. Old World sparrow (Level 4)
    1. House sparrow (Level 4)
  26. Oxpecker
  27. Penduline tit
  28. Old World warbler
  29. Ploceidae (Level 4)
    1. Red-billed quelea
  30. Starling (Level 4)
    1. Myna
      1. Common hill myna
      2. Common myna (Level 4)
    2. Common starling (Level 4)
  31. Sunbird (Level 4)
  32. Swallow (Level 4)
    1. Barn swallow
    2. Delichon
  33. Tanager
    1. Darwin's finches
  34. Tit (bird) (Level 4)
  35. Thrush (bird) (Level 4)
    1. American robin (Level 4)
    2. Common blackbird
  36. Vireo
  37. Wallcreeper
  38. Waxwing
  39. White-eye
  40. Wren (Level 4)



This section contains 6 articles.

  1. Tyranni
  2. Antbird (Level 4)
  3. Cotinga
    1. Cock-of-the-rock
  4. Ovenbird (family) (Level 4)
  5. Tyrant flycatcher (Level 4)



This section contains 9 articles.

  1. Cormorant (Level 4)
    1. European shag
  2. Darter (Level 4)
  3. Frigatebird (Level 4)
  4. Hamerkop
  5. Pelican (Level 4)
  6. Sulidae (Level 4)
    1. Booby
    2. Gannet



This section contains 9 articles.

  1. Piciformes
  2. Lybiidae
  3. Megalaimidae
  4. Coraciidae
  5. Honeyguide (Level 4)
  6. Jacamar
  7. New World barbet
  8. Toucan (Level 4)
  9. Woodpecker (Level 4)



This section contains 6 articles.

  1. Procellariiformes (Level 4)
  2. Albatross (Level 4)
  3. Austral storm petrel
  4. Northern storm petrel
  5. Procellariidae
    1. Giant petrel



This section contains 17 articles.

  1. Cockatoo (Level 4)
    1. Cockatiel
    2. Gang-gang cockatoo
  2. New Zealand parrot
    1. Kākāpō
  3. True parrot
    1. Parrot (Level 4)
    2. Amazon parrot
    3. Budgerigar (Level 4)
    4. Grey parrot
    5. Loriini
    6. Lovebird
    7. Macaw
      1. Ara (bird) (Level 4)
    8. Parakeet
    9. Rainbow lorikeet
    10. Rosella



This section contains 8 articles.

  1. Cassowary (Level 4)
  2. Elephant bird
  3. Emu (Level 4)
  4. Kiwi (bird) (Level 4)
  5. Moa (Level 4)
  6. Common ostrich (Level 4)
  7. Rhea (bird) (Level 4)
  8. Tinamou (Level 4)



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Penguin (Level 4)
    1. African penguin
    2. Emperor penguin
    3. Little penguin
    4. Crested penguin



This section contains 8 articles.

  1. Owl (Level 4)
  2. True owl
    1. Eurasian eagle-owl (Level 4)
    2. Little owl
    3. Scops owl
    4. Snowy owl
    5. Strix (bird)
  3. Barn owl (Level 4)



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Trogon (Level 4)
  2. Resplendent quetzal (Level 4)

Prehistoric birds


This section contains 20 articles.

  1. Archaeopteryx (Level 4)
  2. Asteriornis
  3. Balaur bondoc
  4. Confuciusornis
  5. Dromornis
  6. Enantiornithes
  7. Gastornis
  8. Hesperornis
  9. Ichthyornis
  10. Inkayacu
  11. Pelagornithidae
    1. Pelagornis
  12. Phorusrhacidae
    1. Kelenken
    2. Phorusrhacos
    3. Titanis
  13. Plotopteridae
  14. Presbyornis
  15. Teratornithidae
    1. Argentavis



This section contains 297 articles.

Reptiles: General


This section contains 7 articles.

  1. Reptile (Level 3)
  2. Sauropsida
  3. Sauria
  4. Archosauromorpha
  5. Squamata
    1. Amphisbaenia
    2. Dibamidae



This section contains 15 articles.

  1. Crocodilia (Level 4)
  2. Alligator (Level 4)
    1. American alligator
    2. Chinese alligator
  3. Caiman (Level 4)
    1. Black caiman
    2. Cuvier's dwarf caiman
  4. Crocodile (Level 4)
    1. Dwarf crocodile
    2. Freshwater crocodile
    3. Mugger crocodile
    4. Nile crocodile
    5. Saltwater crocodile
  5. Gharial
  6. False gharial



This section contains 42 articles.

  1. Lizard (Level 4)
  2. Cordylidae
  3. Gecko (Level 4)
    1. Common house gecko
    2. Eublepharis
    3. Mediterranean house gecko
    4. Tokay gecko
    5. Uroplatinae
  4. Gila monster (Level 4)
  5. Lacertidae
    1. Lacerta (genus)
    2. Viviparous lizard
  6. Legless lizard
    1. Anguinae
  7. Monitor lizard
    1. Asian water monitor
    2. Bengal monitor
    3. Komodo dragon (Level 4)
    4. Nile monitor
    5. Perentie
  8. Skink (Level 4)
    1. Blue-tongued skink
  9. Teiidae
    1. New Mexico whiptail



This section contains 18 articles.

  1. Agamidae
    1. Chinese water dragon
    2. Frilled lizard
    3. Draco (lizard)
    4. Hydrosaurus
    5. Oriental garden lizard
    6. Pogona
    7. Thorny devil
    8. Uromastyx
  2. Chameleon (Level 4)
    1. Jackson's chameleon
  3. Basiliscus (lizard)
  4. Common collared lizard
  5. Dactyloidae
  6. Iguanidae
    1. Green iguana (Level 4)
    2. Marine iguana
  7. Horned lizard (Level 4)



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Rhynchocephalia
    1. Pleurosauridae
    2. Tuatara (Level 4)



This section contains 40 articles.

  1. Snake (Level 4)
  2. Boidae (Level 4)
    1. Anaconda
    2. Boa constrictor
  3. Colubridae
    1. Ahaetulla
    2. Bungarus
    3. Chrysopelea
    4. Corn snake
    5. Garter snake (Level 4)
    6. Grass snake
    7. Kingsnake
  4. Elapidae
    1. Cobra
      1. King cobra
      2. Naja (Level 4)
    2. Common death adder
    3. Coral snake (Level 4)
    4. Mamba (Level 4)
      1. Black mamba
      2. Jameson's mamba
    5. Red-bellied black snake
    6. Sea snake (Level 4)
      1. Sea krait
        1. Yellow-lipped sea krait
      2. Yellow-bellied sea snake
    7. Taipan
      1. Inland taipan
  5. Pythonidae
    1. Python (genus)
      1. Ball python
      2. Reticulated python
  6. Scolecophidia
  7. Viper
    1. Pit viper
      1. Agkistrodon piscivorus (Level 4)
      2. Eastern copperhead (Level 4)
    2. Rattlesnake (Level 4)
    3. Adder (Level 4)
  8. Xenopeltis



This section contains 20 articles.

  1. Turtle (Level 4)
  2. Alligator snapping turtle (Level 4)
  3. Box turtle (Level 4)
  4. Chelodina
  5. Common snapping turtle (Level 4)
  6. Diamondback terrapin
  7. Painted turtle (Level 4)
  8. Red-eared slider (Level 4)
  9. Sea turtle (Level 4)
    1. Green sea turtle
    2. Leatherback sea turtle
    3. Loggerhead sea turtle
    4. Hawksbill sea turtle
  10. Tortoise (Level 4)
    1. Aldabra giant tortoise
    2. Galápagos tortoise (Level 4)
    3. African spurred tortoise
    4. Testudo (genus)
  11. Trionychidae
  12. Wood turtle

Prehistoric archosaurs


This section contains 126 articles.



This section contains 88 articles.

  1. Dinosaur (Level 3)
  2. Feathered dinosaur
  3. Eoraptor
  4. Herrerasaurus
  5. Saurischia



This section contains 33 articles.

  1. Ornithischia
  2. Heterodontosauridae
    1. Heterodontosaurus
  3. Marginocephalia
    1. Pachycephalosauria
      1. Pachycephalosaurus
      2. Stegoceras
    2. Ceratopsia
      1. Pachyrhinosaurus
      2. Protoceratops
      3. Psittacosaurus
      4. Styracosaurus
      5. Triceratops (Level 4)
      6. Yinlong
  4. Ornithopoda
    1. Hypsilophodon
    2. Iguanodon (Level 4)
    3. Leaellynasaura
    4. Hadrosauridae
      1. Corythosaurus
      2. Edmontosaurus
      3. Lambeosaurus
      4. Parasaurolophus
  5. Thyreophora
    1. Ankylosauria
      1. Ankylosaurus
      2. Euoplocephalus
      3. Nodosauridae
    2. Scelidosaurus
    3. Stegosauria
      1. Kentrosaurus
      2. Stegosaurus (Level 4)
  6. Thescelosaurus



This section contains 13 articles.

  1. Plateosaurus
  2. Sauropoda
    1. Amargasaurus
    2. Apatosaurus (Level 4)
    3. Brachiosaurus
    4. Brontosaurus
    5. Camarasaurus
    6. Diplodocus (Level 4)
    7. Europasaurus
    8. Mamenchisauridae
    9. Titanosauria
      1. Argentinosaurus
      2. Saltasauridae



This section contains 37 articles.

  1. Theropoda
  2. Carnosauria
    1. Abelisauridae
      1. Carnotaurus
    2. Allosaurus (Level 4)
    3. Ceratosaurus
    4. Dilophosaurus
    5. Giganotosaurus
    6. Masiakasaurus
    7. Megalosaurus
    8. Spinosauridae
      1. Baryonyx
      2. Spinosaurus
  3. Coelophysis
  4. Coelurosauria
    1. Alvarezsauridae
    2. Anchiornis
    3. Caenagnathidae
    4. Compsognathus
    5. Dromaeosauridae
      1. Deinonychus
      2. Halszkaraptor
      3. Incisivosaurus
      4. Microraptor
      5. Unenlagiinae
      6. Utahraptor
      7. Velociraptor (Level 4)
    6. Ornithomimosauria
      1. Deinocheirus
      2. Ornithomimus
    7. Oviraptor
    8. Scansoriopterygidae
    9. Therizinosaurus
    10. Troodontidae
    11. Tyrannosauroidea
      1. Tyrannosaurus (Level 4)
      2. Yutyrannus



This section contains 15 articles.

  1. Pterosaur (Level 4)
  2. Anurognathidae
  3. Azhdarchidae
    1. Hatzegopteryx
    2. Quetzalcoatlus
  4. Dimorphodon
  5. Dsungaripterus
  6. Peteinosaurus
  7. Pteranodon
  8. Pterodactylus
  9. Pterodaustro
  10. Rhamphorhynchus
  11. Ornithocheirus
  12. Tapejaridae
    1. Thalassodromeus

Other prehistoric archosaurs


This section contains 23 articles.

  1. Aetosaur
  2. Euparkeria
  3. Lagerpetidae
  4. Metriorhynchidae
  5. Phytosaur
  6. Poposauroidea
    1. Arizonasaurus
    2. Effigia
  7. Postosuchus
  8. Proterosuchus
  9. Scleromochlus
  10. Silesauridae
  11. Teleosauridae

Prehistoric crocodiles


This section contains 10 articles.

  1. Boverisuchus
  2. Deinosuchus
  3. Notosuchia
    1. Baurusuchidae
    2. Kaprosuchus
    3. Simosuchus
  4. Mekosuchus
  5. Sarcosuchus
  6. Stomatosuchidae
  7. Voay

Other prehistoric reptiles


This section contains 44 articles.

  1. Drepanosaur
  2. Youngina
  3. Hylonomus
  4. Longisquama
  5. Rhynchosaur
  6. Sharovipteryx
  7. Shringasaurus
  8. Thalattosauria
  9. Tanystropheus



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Parareptilia
    1. Pareiasauria
      1. Scutosaurus

Prehistoric squamates


This section contains 8 articles.

  1. Madtsoiidae
  2. Megalania
  3. Mosasaur
    1. Dallasaurus
    2. Mosasaurus
    3. Tylosaurus
  4. Najash
  5. Titanoboa



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Choristodera
    1. Champsosaurus

Prehistoric turtles


This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Archelon
  2. Meiolania
  3. Proganochelys
  4. Stupendemys

Prehistoric marine reptiles


This section contains 18 articles.

  1. Ichthyosauria
    1. Ichthyosaurus
    2. Ophthalmosaurus
    3. Platypterygius
    4. Shonisaurus
    5. Temnodontosaurus
  2. Mesosaurus
  3. Nothosaurus
  4. Placodontia
  5. Plesiosaur (Level 4)
    1. Plesiosauroidea
      1. Cryptoclidus
      2. Elasmosaurus
      3. Polycotylidae
      4. Plesiosaurus
    2. Pliosauroidea
      1. Kronosaurus
      2. Liopleurodon



This section contains 18 articles.



This section contains 3 articles.



This section contains 55 articles.



This section contains 295 articles.

Fishes: General


This section contains 10 articles.

  1. Fish (Level 3)
  2. Chondrichthyes (Level 4)
  3. Osteichthyes (Level 4)
    1. Actinopterygii (Level 4)
      1. Teleost
    2. Sarcopterygii (Level 4)
      1. Coelacanth (Level 4)
        1. Indonesian coelacanth
        2. West Indian Ocean coelacanth
      2. Lungfish (Level 4)



This section contains 47 articles.



This section contains 13 articles.

  1. Batoidea (Level 4)
  2. Eagle ray
    1. Manta ray (Level 4)
    2. Cownose ray
  3. Electric ray (Level 4)
  4. Guitarfish
    1. Fiddler ray
    2. Sawfish (Level 4)
    3. Wedgefish
  5. Skate (fish) (Level 4)
  6. Stingray (Level 4)
    1. Whiptail stingray
    2. Potamotrygonidae



This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Callorhinchus
  2. Chimaera (Level 4)
  3. Rabbit fish
  4. Spotted ratfish



This section contains 30 articles.

  1. Shark (Level 4)
  2. Angelshark
  3. Bullhead shark
  4. Carpet shark
    1. Nurse shark (Level 4)
    2. Whale shark (Level 4)
    3. Wobbegong
    4. Zebra shark
  5. Catshark
  6. Cookiecutter shark
  7. Cow shark
  8. Frilled shark
  9. Lamniformes
    1. Basking shark
    2. Goblin shark
    3. Great white shark (Level 4)
    4. Longfin mako shark
    5. Megamouth shark
    6. Sand shark
    7. Sand tiger shark
    8. Thresher shark
  10. Greenland shark
  11. Hammerhead shark (Level 4)
  12. Houndshark
  13. Requiem shark
    1. Blue shark
    2. Bull shark
    3. River shark
    4. Tiger shark (Level 4)
  14. Sawshark



This section contains 223 articles.

  1. John Dory



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Paddlefish
  2. Sturgeon (Level 4)
    1. Beluga (sturgeon)



This section contains 9 articles.

  1. Eel (Level 4)
    1. European eel
    2. Snipe eel
  2. European conger
  3. Heterocongrinae
  4. Moray eel
    1. Ribbon eel
  5. Pelican eel
  6. Tarpon



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Bathypterois grallator
  2. Lancetfish
  3. Synodontidae



This section contains 7 articles.

  1. Beloniformes
  2. Flying fish (Level 4)
  3. Halfbeak
  4. Needlefish
  5. Pacific saury
  6. Ricefish
  7. Wrestling halfbeak



This section contains 8 articles.

  1. Characiformes (Level 4)
  2. Characidae
  3. Headstander
  4. Tetra
    1. Neon tetra
  5. Pencil fish
  6. Piranha (Level 4)
    1. Tambaqui



This section contains 9 articles.

  1. Clupeiformes
  2. Anchovy (Level 4)
  3. Clupeidae
    1. Alosa
    2. Herring (Level 4)
    3. Ilish (Level 4)
    4. Menhaden
    5. Sardine (Level 4)
    6. Sprat (Level 4)



This section contains 15 articles.

  1. Cypriniformes (Level 4)
  2. Loach
    1. Misgurnus fossilis
  3. Cyprinidae
    1. Carassius
    2. Carp (Level 4)
    3. Common bream
    4. Eurasian carp
    5. Danionin
    6. Goldfish (Level 4)
    7. Grass carp
    8. Koi (Level 4)
    9. Minnow
    10. Silver carp
    11. Tench



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Cyprinodontiformes (Level 4)
  2. Four-eyed fish
  3. Guppy (Level 4)
  4. Killifish
  5. Pupfish



This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Esociformes
  2. American pickerel
  3. Muskellunge
  4. Northern pike (Level 4)



This section contains 10 articles.

  1. Gadiformes
  2. Alaska pollock (Level 4)
  3. Burbot
  4. Cod (Level 4)
    1. Atlantic cod
  5. Grenadiers (fish)
  6. Haddock (Level 4)
  7. Hake
  8. Merlangius
  9. Pollock



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Gasterosteoidei
  2. Stickleback (Level 4)
    1. Three-spined stickleback



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Gonorynchiformes
  2. Milkfish (Level 4)



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Gymnotiformes
  2. Banded knifefish
  3. Black ghost knifefish
  4. Electric eel (Level 4)
  5. Glass knifefish



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Gar
  2. Bowfin



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Lampriformes
  2. Oarfish (Level 4)
    1. Giant oarfish
  3. Opah
  4. Ribbonfish



This section contains 8 articles.

  1. Anglerfish (Level 4)
  2. Black seadevil
  3. Fanfin
  4. Frogfish
    1. Handfish
    2. Sea toad
  5. Footballfish
  6. Goosefish



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Mullet (fish) (Level 4)
  2. Flathead grey mullet



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Myctophiformes
  2. Lanternfish



This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Ophidiiformes (Level 4)
  2. Cusk-eel
  3. Pearlfish
  4. Viviparous brotula

Osmeriformes and relatives


This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Barreleye
  2. Galaxiidae (Level 4)
  3. Smelt (fish) (Level 4)



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Osteoglossiformes
  2. Arapaima (Level 4)
  3. Freshwater butterflyfish
  4. Notopteridae
  5. Mormyrinae



This section contains 62 articles.

  1. Perciformes (Level 4)
  2. Acanthuridae
    1. Paracanthurus
  3. Clownfish
  4. Antarctic fishes
    1. Antarctic toothfish
    2. Channichthyidae
  5. Archerfish
  6. Barracuda (Level 4)
  7. Batrachoididae
  8. Billfish
    1. Marlin (Level 4)
    2. Sailfish
    3. Swordfish (Level 4)
  9. Black swallower
  10. Blenniiformes
    1. Butterflyfish
  11. Caranx
  12. Cichlid (Level 4)
    1. Pterophyllum
    2. Tilapia (Level 4)
  13. Cirrhitidae
  14. Damselfish
  15. Dragonet
  16. Goby (Level 4)
    1. Elacatinus
    2. Gobiinae
    3. Mudskipper
  17. Gourami
    1. Siamese fighting fish (Level 4)
  18. Mahi-mahi (Level 4)
  19. Moorish idol
  20. Murray cod
  21. Nile perch
  22. Parrotfish
  23. Perch (Level 4)
  24. Pumpkinseed
  25. Pomacanthidae
    1. Emperor angelfish
  26. Platax
  27. Pomfret
  28. Priacanthidae
  29. Prowfish
  30. Rabbitfish
  31. Remora (Level 4)
  32. Red mullet
  33. Scombridae
    1. Bonito
    2. Mackerel (Level 4)
    3. Spanish mackerel
    4. Tuna (Level 4)
      1. Pacific bluefin tuna
      2. Skipjack tuna
  34. Serranidae (Level 4)
    1. Anthias anthias
    2. European seabass (Level 4)
    3. Grouper (Level 4)
  35. Sparidae
  36. Tilefish
  37. Weever
  38. Wrasse (Level 4)
    1. Humphead wrasse



This section contains 6 articles.

  1. Flatfish (Level 4)
  2. Flounder (Level 4)
  3. Halibut (Level 4)
  4. Plaice (Level 4)
  5. Sole (fish)
  6. Turbot (Level 4)



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Bichir (Level 4)
  2. Reedfish



This section contains 6 articles.

  1. Salmonidae (Level 4)
  2. Coregonus
  3. Oncorhynchus
  4. Salmon (Level 4)
    1. Atlantic salmon
  5. Trout (Level 4)



This section contains 6 articles.

  1. Scorpaeniformes (Level 4)
    1. Flathead (fish)
  2. Pterois
  3. Sebastinae
  4. Scorpaenidae
  5. Triglidae



This section contains 5 articles.

  1. Catfish (Level 4)
    1. Basa (fish)
    2. Black bullhead
    3. Wels catfish
  2. Loricariidae (Level 4)



This section contains 4 articles.

  1. Stomiiformes
  2. Gonostomatidae
  3. Marine hatchetfish
  4. Viperfish



This section contains 7 articles.

  1. Syngnathiformes
  2. Common seadragon
  3. Leafy seadragon
  4. Pipefish
  5. Seahorse (Level 4)
  6. Shrimpfish
  7. Trumpetfish



This section contains 8 articles.

  1. Tetraodontiformes
  2. Filefish
  3. Ocean sunfish (Level 4)
  4. Ostraciidae
  5. Porcupinefish
  6. Tetraodontidae (Level 4)
    1. Takifugu
  7. Triggerfish



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. Anomalopidae
  2. Slimehead

Prehistoric fish


This section contains 15 articles.

  1. Placoderm (Level 4)
    1. Bothriolepis
    2. Dunkleosteus

Prehistoric chondrichthyans


This section contains 6 articles.

  1. Acanthodii (Level 4)
  2. Cretoxyrhina
  3. Helicoprion
  4. Hybodontiformes
  5. Megalodon
  6. Stethacanthus

Prehistoric osteichthyans


This section contains 6 articles.

  1. Eusthenopteron
  2. Hyneria
  3. Leedsichthys
  4. Mawsonia (fish)
  5. Osteolepis
  6. Xiphactinus



This section contains 17 articles.



This section contains 84 articles.

  1. Crustacean (Level 3)
    1. Argulidae
    2. Barnacle
      1. Pollicipes pollicipes
      2. Lepas anatifera
    3. Branchiopoda
      1. Brine shrimp
        1. Sea-Monkeys
      2. Diplostraca
      3. Notostraca
    4. Copepod
    5. Ostracod (Level 4)



This section contains 11 articles.

  1. Malacostraca (Level 4)
  2. Amphipoda
  3. Cumacea
  4. Isopoda
    1. Giant isopod
    2. Ligia
    3. Woodlouse (Level 4)
  5. Krill (Level 4)
  6. Leptostraca
  7. Mantis shrimp
    1. Squilla mantis



This section contains 61 articles.

  1. Decapod (Level 4)
    1. Axiidea
    2. Stenopodidea

Crabs and hermit crabs


This section contains 32 articles.

  1. Anomura
    1. Coconut crab
    2. Hermit crab
    3. Hippoidea
    4. King crab
      1. Red king crab
    5. Porcelain crab
    6. Squat lobster
      1. Kiwa hirsuta
  2. Crab (Level 4)
    1. Cancer pagurus
    2. Christmas Island red crab
    3. Dromiidae
    4. Fiddler crab
    5. Freshwater crab
    6. Ghost crab
    7. Grapsus grapsus
    8. Horsehair crab
    9. Majoidea
      1. Chionoecetes
      2. Japanese spider crab
      3. Maja squinado
    10. Mangrove crab
    11. Portunidae
      1. Callinectes sapidus
      2. Carcinus maenas
      3. Scylla serrata
      4. Velvet crab
    12. Ranina ranina
    13. Terrestrial crab
    14. Trapeziidae
    15. Xanthidae

Crayfishes and lobsters


This section contains 13 articles.

  1. Crayfish (Level 4)
    1. Astacus astacus
    2. Procambarus alleni
    3. Cherax pulcher
  2. Lobster (Level 4)
    1. American lobster
    2. Furry lobster
    3. Homarus gammarus
    4. Nephrops norvegicus
    5. Metanephrops challengeri
    6. Reef lobster
    7. Slipper lobster
    8. Spiny lobster

Shrimps and prawns


This section contains 13 articles.

  1. Shrimp (Level 4)
    1. Alpheidae
    2. Caridina
    3. Cleaner shrimp
    4. Crangon crangon
    5. Macrobrachium rosenbergii
    6. Palaemon serratus
    7. Pandalus borealis
    8. Rhynchocinetidae
  2. Prawn
    1. Penaeus monodon
    2. Whiteleg shrimp
    3. Indian prawn



This section contains 52 articles.



This section contains 205 articles.

Insects: General


This section contains 39 articles.

  1. Insect (Level 3)
    1. Pterygota (Level 4)
  2. Archaeognatha
  3. Caddisfly
  4. Earwig (Level 4)
  5. Embioptera
  6. Flea (Level 4)
    1. Cat flea
    2. Dog flea
    3. Oriental rat flea
  7. Grylloblattidae
  8. Louse (Level 4)
    1. Body louse (Level 4)
    2. Crab louse
    3. Head louse
  9. Mantis (Level 4)
    1. Dead leaf mantis
    2. Empusidae
    3. Flower mantis
    4. Shield mantis
    5. Stick mantis
  10. Mantophasmatidae
  11. Mayfly
  12. Mecoptera
  13. Megaloptera
  14. Neuroptera
    1. Antlion
  15. Phasmatodea
    1. Common walkingstick
    2. Heteropteryx
    3. Phylliidae
    4. Timema
  16. Plecoptera
  17. Psocodea
  18. Psocoptera
  19. Snakefly
  20. Strepsiptera
  21. Thrips
  22. Zoraptera

Beetles (Coleoptera)


This section contains 26 articles.

  1. Beetle (Level 4)
    1. Pollen beetle
  2. Blister beetle
  3. Cardinal beetle
  4. Coccinellidae (Level 4)
    1. Coccinella septempunctata
  5. Dung beetle (Level 4)
  6. Firefly (Level 4)
  7. Flour beetle
  8. Ground beetle
  9. Leaf beetle
    1. Colorado potato beetle
  10. Longhorn beetle
  11. Rove beetle
    1. Nairobi fly
  12. Scarabaeidae
    1. Cockchafer
    2. Goliathus
    3. Hercules beetle
    4. Japanese rhinoceros beetle
    5. Stag beetle
  13. Water beetle
    1. Dytiscus
    2. Whirligig beetle
  14. Weevil (Level 4)
    1. Giraffe weevil

Cockroaches & Termites (Blattodea)


This section contains 9 articles.

  1. Blattodea
  2. Cockroach (Level 4)
    1. American cockroach
    2. German cockroach
    3. Madagascar hissing cockroach
  3. Termite (Level 4)
    1. Coptotermes gestroi
    2. Formosan subterranean termite
    3. Macrotermes bellicosus

Flies (Diptera)


This section contains 19 articles.

  1. Fly (Level 4)
  2. Drosophila melanogaster
  3. Black fly (Level 4)
  4. Botfly (Level 4)
  5. Crane fly (Level 4)
  6. Calliphoridae (Level 4)
  7. Cecidomyiidae
  8. Tabanidae (Level 4)
  9. Housefly (Level 4)
  10. Midge
  11. Mosquito (Level 4)
    1. Aedes aegypti
    2. Anopheles
    3. Culex
  12. Psychodidae
  13. Sandfly
  14. Tachinidae
  15. Tephritidae
  16. Tsetse fly (Level 4)

Hemiptera (true bugs)


This section contains 28 articles.

  1. Hemiptera (Level 4)
    1. Acanthosoma
  2. Aphid
  3. Aphrophoridae
  4. Bed bug (Level 4)
  5. Cicada (Level 4)
    1. Periodical cicadas
  6. Coreidae
  7. Gerridae
    1. Halobates
  8. Fulgoridae
  9. Heteroptera
  10. Leafhopper (Level 4)
  11. Lygaeidae
  12. Nepomorpha
    1. Belostomatidae
    2. Corixidae
    3. Notonectidae
    4. Ranatra
  13. Pentatomoidea
  14. Planthopper
  15. Pyrrhocoris apterus
  16. Reduviidae
  17. Saldidae
  18. Scale insect (Level 4)
  19. Treehopper
  20. Veliidae
  21. Whitefly (Level 4)



This section contains 36 articles.

  1. Hymenoptera (Level 4)
  2. Ant (Level 4)
    1. Argentine ant
    2. Army ant
    3. Carpenter ant (Level 4)
    4. Fire ant (Level 4)
    5. Formica rufa
    6. Harvester ant
    7. Honeypot ant
    8. Leafcutter ant
    9. Myrmecia (ant)
    10. Ochetellus glaber
    11. Pharaoh ant
    12. Tapinoma melanocephalum
    13. Tapinoma sessile
    14. Weaver ant
    15. Yellow crazy ant
  3. Bee (Level 4)
    1. Bumblebee (Level 4)
    2. Carpenter bee
    3. Cuckoo bee
    4. Stingless bee
    5. Honey bee
      1. Africanized bee (Level 4)
      2. European dark bee
      3. Western honey bee (Level 4)
  4. Sawfly
  5. Wasp (Level 4)
    1. Hornet (Level 4)
      1. Asian giant hornet
    2. Fig wasp
    3. Gall wasp
    4. Mud dauber
    5. Parasitoid wasp
    6. Tarantula hawk
    7. Yellowjacket



This section contains 26 articles.

  1. Lepidoptera (Level 4)
  2. Butterfly (Level 4)
    1. Swallowtail butterfly (Level 4)
      1. Birdwing
    2. Nymphalidae
      1. Monarch butterfly
      2. Morpho (genus)
      3. Vanessa cardui
    3. Pieris brassicae (Level 4)
  3. Caterpillar
  4. Bombyx mori (Level 4)
  5. Erebidae
  6. Fall armyworm
  7. Geometer moth (Level 4)
    1. Gonepteryx rhamni
  8. Luna moth
  9. Lymantria dispar dispar (Level 4)
  10. Moth (Level 4)
    1. Clothes moth
    2. Peppered moth
  11. Noctuidae
    1. Pachypasa
  12. Sphingidae
    1. Acherontia lachesis
    2. Hummingbird hawk-moth
  13. Tortricidae



This section contains 7 articles.

  1. Odonata (Level 4)
  2. Damselfly (Level 4)
  3. Dragonfly (Level 4)
    1. Libellulidae
      1. Libellula
    2. Emperor dragonfly
    3. Southern hawker



This section contains 12 articles.

  1. Orthoptera (Level 4)
  2. Cooloola (insect)
  3. Cricket (insect) (Level 4)
  4. Grasshopper (Level 4)
    1. Hump-winged grig
  5. Mole cricket (Level 4)
  6. Locust (Level 4)
  7. Tetrigidae
  8. Tettigoniidae (Level 4)
  9. Wētā
    1. Giant wētā
    2. Rhaphidophoridae



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Zygentoma
  2. Firebrat
  3. Silverfish

Arthropoda, others


This section contains 47 articles.



This section contains 71 articles.



This section contains 23 articles.



This section contains 15 articles.



This section contains 6 articles.

Invertebrata, others


This section contains 58 articles.