A user who enjoys playing and chatting with friends whenever his agenda allows him to. Often plays the guitar, enjoys satire comedy a lot, is a very objective individual, but ultimately enjoys having someone to talk to or laugh with. Hardly opens to people
- Green
- Diego
- Any other IGN I use
- GreenWithin
- Within
Preferred honorifics
- [no honorific]
- mr.
- sir
- Master
- handsome
- cute
- hot
- sexy
- friend
- boyfriend
- husband
- darling
- beloved
- partner
My circle
- = Yes
- = Jokingly
- = Only if we're close
- = Okay
- = Nope
- custom, added by the user:
- = Partner only
- Card created: 2022-07-04
You can use this website to create a personal, multi-lingual card with your names, pronouns, identity words, pride flags, etc. – which you then can link in your bio or email footer. It's a simple way to let people know how they should refer to you!