A linguist writing his PhD on genderqueerness in language. Poet, translator, sometimes an amateur performer. I love beards, vegan food and wholesome masculinity. I hate raisins, capitalism, and prescriptivism. I'm here, I'm queer and I want a hug.
Age: 31
- Szymon /'ʂɨmɔn/
- Szymuś /'ʂɨmuɕ/
- Szymonek /ʂɨ'mɔnɛk/
- Szymo /'ʂɨmɔ/
- Szymek /'ʂɨmɛk/
- [without honorifics]
- mr. / sir
- sai
nouns / terms of address
- man
- dude
- guy
- boy
- person
- bro
- buddy
- mate
- sport
- comrade
- handsome
- cute
- hot
- pretty
relationship terms
- partner
- boyfriend
- = Yes
- = Jokingly
- = Only if we're close
- = Okay
- = Nope
- Card created: 2021-05-26
You can use this website to create a personal, multi-lingual card with your names, pronouns, identity words, pride flags, etc. – which you then can link in your bio or email footer. It's a simple way to let people know how they should refer to you!