Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Ema"
Otras preguntas sobre "Ema"
Is it natural to say?
Ema has much her homework to do.
Let’s have fun to sing a song.
Ema has much her homework to do.
Let’s have fun to sing a song.
Emma has a lot of homework to do.
("Emma has much of homework to do" is grammatically correct, but "a lot of" is much more common.)
Let's have fun by singing a song.
Let’s have fun... we can sing a song!
Let's sing a song. That will be fun!
("Emma has much of homework to do" is grammatically correct, but "a lot of" is much more common.)
Let's have fun by singing a song.
Let’s have fun... we can sing a song!
Let's sing a song. That will be fun!
¿Esto suena natural? What is Ema?
It’s a small wooden board which is sold at shrines.
Once upon a time, horses are dedicated to shrines to wish people’s good luck or health. Instead of that, we use ‘ema’ nowadays.
We write down our wishes on one side, the other side is already printed a horse. We hang it on a specific area in shrines.
It’s a small wooden board which is sold at shrines.
Once upon a time, horses are dedicated to shrines to wish people’s good luck or health. Instead of that, we use ‘ema’ nowadays.
We write down our wishes on one side, the other side is already printed a horse. We hang it on a specific area in shrines.
What is Ema?
It’s a small wooden board which is sold at shrines.
Once upon a time/Many many years ago/A long time ago, horses *were (過去形) dedicated to shrines to wish *people good luck or health. *We still use ‘ema’ nowadays but in a different way (より自然)
We write down our wishes on one side, and the other side is already printed a horse. We hang it *in a specific area in shrines.
It’s a small wooden board which is sold at shrines.
Once upon a time/Many many years ago/A long time ago, horses *were (過去形) dedicated to shrines to wish *people good luck or health. *We still use ‘ema’ nowadays but in a different way (より自然)
We write down our wishes on one side, and the other side is already printed a horse. We hang it *in a specific area in shrines.
¿Esto suena natural? This is" Ema", which literally means "the painting of horse".
In Japan, the horses had been sanctificated from long time ago.
People of old times dedicated living horses to god at the festival and to pray something.
But it's difficult to take care of them after the dedication.
Overtimes they started dedicating the paintings and the statues of horses instead.
That's the begining of Ema.
Nowdays,unique and unrelated things from the original meaning are painted,like zodizc, lucky charm and the landscape of the region
In Japan, the horses had been sanctificated from long time ago.
People of old times dedicated living horses to god at the festival and to pray something.
But it's difficult to take care of them after the dedication.
Overtimes they started dedicating the paintings and the statues of horses instead.
That's the begining of Ema.
Nowdays,unique and unrelated things from the original meaning are painted,like zodizc, lucky charm and the landscape of the region
The least I worry about in this app is the punctuation. But it is always good to know how to do it correctly.
The comma goes before the quotation marks.
And the period goes inside the quotation marks. And leave a space after a comma, or any punctuation really.
Also, make sure you fully understand what dedication and dedicated means. At first I had though that dedicated means offerings, but then you say it is hard to take care of them after this, "dedication" so that means that have to stay alive. This is considered a contradicting sentence structure, so instead, try to replace dedicated to offered and remove or revise the, "But it's difficult to take care of them after the dedication."
other than that you did pretty well, just work on your English comprehension. you and should be fine.
Hope this helps!
The comma goes before the quotation marks.
And the period goes inside the quotation marks. And leave a space after a comma, or any punctuation really.
Also, make sure you fully understand what dedication and dedicated means. At first I had though that dedicated means offerings, but then you say it is hard to take care of them after this, "dedication" so that means that have to stay alive. This is considered a contradicting sentence structure, so instead, try to replace dedicated to offered and remove or revise the, "But it's difficult to take care of them after the dedication."
other than that you did pretty well, just work on your English comprehension. you and should be fine.
Hope this helps!
¿Esto suena natural? Ema is a votive picture tablet which we offer to a shrine or temple when we pray for something of after our prayers are answered.
The tablet sometimes gears a picture of a horse from the fact
that people once dedicated a living horse.
The tablet sometimes gears a picture of a horse from the fact
that people once dedicated a living horse.
Ema is a votive picture tablet offered to a shrine or temple when one’s prayers have been answered.
The tablet sometimes depicts a picture of a horse because living horses were once sacrificial items.
The tablet sometimes depicts a picture of a horse because living horses were once sacrificial items.
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