Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Award"
El significado de "Award" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa winning award publications ?
Award-winning ... → 賞を受賞した ...
Publications → 出版物
“Award-winning publications” → “受賞歴のある出版物”
Publications → 出版物
“Award-winning publications” → “受賞歴のある出版物”
¿Qué significa up for an award?
It means they are nominated for an award.
¿Qué significa award ?
a prize or other mark of recognition given in honor of an achievement
¿Qué significa award?
It can be both a noun and a verb
Noun: something that is given to you in honor of something special that you did.
She won a lot of awards for being a good citizen.
Verb: to honor someone by treating them
She rewarded her dog by taking him for a walk.
Noun: something that is given to you in honor of something special that you did.
She won a lot of awards for being a good citizen.
Verb: to honor someone by treating them
She rewarded her dog by taking him for a walk.
¿Qué significa award?
Award: something that can be giving as a gift after you do something good or nice
Ejemplos de oración usando "Award"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con award.
She won an award for being the best speller in school. (Award as a noun)
She awarded him a trophy for winning the race. (Award as a verb)
She awarded him a trophy for winning the race. (Award as a verb)
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con award .
i got a math award.
my coworker received an award for being the most hardworking.
she was awarded with money.
my coworker received an award for being the most hardworking.
she was awarded with money.
Palabras similares a "Award" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre an award y a reward ?
An award = the Nobel Prize, the Olympics, The Oscars, The Grammys
A reward = a pay raise, a job promotion, time to relax, a vacation.
A reward = a pay raise, a job promotion, time to relax, a vacation.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre award y prize ?
They are the same, but award can also be used as a verb. Prize can only be a noun.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre award y reward ?
"Award" is a noun.
ex. I received an award.
"Reward" is both a noun and a verb.
ex. I was rewarded for making good grades. (In this sentence it is used as a verb.)
ex. I was given a reward for winning the contest. (In this sentence it is used as a noun.)
*Reward as a noun means the same thing as "award".
ex. I received an award.
"Reward" is both a noun and a verb.
ex. I was rewarded for making good grades. (In this sentence it is used as a verb.)
ex. I was given a reward for winning the contest. (In this sentence it is used as a noun.)
*Reward as a noun means the same thing as "award".
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre award y reward ?
Award is usually an object. Reward could be non-tangible. For example, I won a gold medal as an award. I was rewarded with a smile.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre award y reward ?
an award is given for having accomplished or won something
reward is given for completing specific tasks
A Grammy is an award every musician dreams of receiving.
His dog won an award for "Best in Show."
We will award the winner with a trip to Disneyworld.
There is a $500 reward for finding this lost parrot.
Give the dog this biscuit as a reward every time it follows your orders.
I'll reward myself with a piece of cake for all those hours in the gym.
reward is given for completing specific tasks
A Grammy is an award every musician dreams of receiving.
His dog won an award for "Best in Show."
We will award the winner with a trip to Disneyworld.
There is a $500 reward for finding this lost parrot.
Give the dog this biscuit as a reward every time it follows your orders.
I'll reward myself with a piece of cake for all those hours in the gym.
Traducciones de "Award"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? A monetary award in the amount of 10% of what the owners recover.
Is this sentence grammatically correct? Can I replace ‘in the amount of’ with ‘for’?
Is this sentence grammatically correct? Can I replace ‘in the amount of’ with ‘for’?
Yes, it is grammatically correct. No, you can’t replace it with “for,” but you could replace it with “of”
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? ☺Is it natural to say:
"For me to have received this award at this ceremony is a great privilege."
"For me to have received this award at this ceremony is a great privilege."
It was well said, yes :)
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? I got an award for doing nothing vs I won an award for doing nothing which one is correct?!
They're both right. The former means that you got an award regardless if you won or lost whatever it is that you participated on. The latter means that you have to win in order to get an award.
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? awards
Otras preguntas sobre "Award"
¿Esto suena natural? "Congratulations on winning the award."
"Please tell us why you wanted to be a movie director?"
"Well, it's a little hard to answer but I think I began to know the fun of visual images because of a camera that I got when I was seven years old. Also, I have an uncle who manages a theater, which was one of reason to be familiar with movies. "
"Please tell us why you wanted to be a movie director?"
"Well, it's a little hard to answer but I think I began to know the fun of visual images because of a camera that I got when I was seven years old. Also, I have an uncle who manages a theater, which was one of reason to be familiar with movies. "
"Congratulations on winning the award."
"Please tell us why you wanted to be a movie director?"
"Well, it's a little hard to answer but I think I began to know the fun of visual images because of a camera that I got when I was seven years old. Also, I have an uncle who manages a theater, which was one of the reasons I became familiar with movies. "
"Please tell us why you wanted to be a movie director?"
"Well, it's a little hard to answer but I think I began to know the fun of visual images because of a camera that I got when I was seven years old. Also, I have an uncle who manages a theater, which was one of the reasons I became familiar with movies. "
¿Esto suena natural? I was granted an award
it might be grammatically correct, but I wouldn't use granted. I'd just say given instead.
¿Esto suena natural? The best award for the most boring work absolutely goes to folding the laundry
It sounds natural for the most part except I would remove “best” from the sentence!
¿Esto suena natural? They offer a award.
You’re so close!!! It’s actually “They offered an award”
He always gets many awards and therefore a lot of money.
Does this sound natural?
Does this sound natural?
If you want to mention the acquirement of money you could say "and therefore he gains a lot of money"
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