Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Fill"
El significado de "Fill" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa fill in?
To cause a space/ container to become full or almost full
¿Qué significa fill me up?
Give me more information, tell me everything you know about something.
or simply feed someone or get another round of drinks
or simply feed someone or get another round of drinks
¿Qué significa fill up ?
To fill something completely, often used for liquids or foods. Ex: I need to fill up my gas tank in my car. I should not have filled up (myself) with french fries.
¿Qué significa I’ve had my fill ?
It means you have had enough. Like you are tired of it.
¿Qué significa fill out a form.
fill in a form.?
fill in a form.?
"fill out a form" in American english.
to write down or put in the information that it is asking of you.
name: irving
age: 100 years old
address: odd town, California
gender: toaster
race: electric appliance.
"fill out a form" in American english.
to write down or put in the information that it is asking of you.
name: irving
age: 100 years old
address: odd town, California
gender: toaster
race: electric appliance.
Ejemplos de oración usando "Fill"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con fill up.
"Fill up the tank with gas."
"Fill up the water jug."
"I'm just going to fill up the car." (fill up the gas tank)
"Fill up the water jug."
"I'm just going to fill up the car." (fill up the gas tank)
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con i filled up.
I filled up the tank so we can drive all day long.
I filled up on donuts, so not I feel bloated.
I filled up my water jug before going for a hike.
I filled up on donuts, so not I feel bloated.
I filled up my water jug before going for a hike.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con 如果用英文說明:我會填寫此表格。是用 fill up or fill on, 還是哪個詞才是正確的?.
Fill up 是正确的~ 有时候也会用 “fill in”, “fill out”
Fill in - 当你要填一个/两个表格: 比如说 - Fill in your name / Fill in your name here and your number over here
"Fill out" 的用处- 填整个表 (more than 1 empty fields) 比如说: fill out this form.
Fill in - 当你要填一个/两个表格: 比如说 - Fill in your name / Fill in your name here and your number over here
"Fill out" 的用处- 填整个表 (more than 1 empty fields) 比如说: fill out this form.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con fill out.
1."Would you please fill out this form?" (Used for documents) 2."Her figure has filled out since her marriage." "Although he was quite thin in his 20s, he has really filled out now." (Used to describe weight gain, getting rounder/thicker)
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con fill in.
Fill in the blanks.
I need to find someone to fill in for me while im out.
I need to find someone to fill in for me while im out.
Palabras similares a "Fill" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre fill in y fill out ?
Great question! There is very little difference, but, and perhaps only to me, it seems that "filling out" something focuses more on getting it done and out of the way, while "filling in" something focuses more on the items being entered. The first connotes something that has to be gotten through, while the second is more likely to be something in which you care more about the content. So I might "fill in" or "fill out" a questionaire, depending on whether I cared very much, but I would only ever "fill out" a form, because a form is virtually always something you complete only as a means to another end.
That said, I think you could use either one in almost any context. "Fill out" is more frequently used in the U.S., in my experience.
That said, I think you could use either one in almost any context. "Fill out" is more frequently used in the U.S., in my experience.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre fill out y fill in ?
The difference between these two is that ‘fill in’ is most likely to be used in British English, while Americans prefer to use ‘fill out’ .
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre fill in y fill up y fill out ?
Fill in usually refers to blanks on paper (Fill in the blank space with your name)
Fill up is used for liquids (fill up the gas tank, fill up the bottle with water)
Fill out is usually used when talking about weight or figure (that girl can really fill out that dress) fill out can also mean on paper too (fill out this form with your information)
Fill up is used for liquids (fill up the gas tank, fill up the bottle with water)
Fill out is usually used when talking about weight or figure (that girl can really fill out that dress) fill out can also mean on paper too (fill out this form with your information)
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre fill in y fill out ?
To fill in = sit in for someone, take someone's place, to fill out = to add words or figures into empty places, e.g. in a form.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre fill in y fill out ?
Both are interchangeable.
American English prefers “fill out” whereas British English prefer “fill in”.
For example:
Please fill in the form (UK).
Please fill out the form (US).
In my experience I’ve only heard “fill in” but not “fill out” for this scenario:
“Can you fill in for me? I can’t make it for the morning shift”
I guess some would just say “Can you take over my morning shift?”
Both are interchangeable.
American English prefers “fill out” whereas British English prefer “fill in”.
For example:
Please fill in the form (UK).
Please fill out the form (US).
In my experience I’ve only heard “fill in” but not “fill out” for this scenario:
“Can you fill in for me? I can’t make it for the morning shift”
I guess some would just say “Can you take over my morning shift?”
Traducciones de "Fill"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? “please fill my glass up by the bottle of liquid IN your hand (or AT your hand)?”
In your hand! Also, instead of ‘by the bottle of liquid’ say ‘with the bottle of liquid’
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? fill
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (UK)? just ____ in there and don’t give up. fill in the blank with 4 alphabets start with H
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? fill
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? fill
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Otras preguntas sobre "Fill"
¿Esto suena natural? I’ll fill up the gas while I’m at it.
× I’ll fill up the gas while I’m at it.
✓ I’ll fill up the tank while I’m at it.
we usually say fill up the tank or fill up the gas tank
✓ I’ll fill up the tank while I’m at it.
we usually say fill up the tank or fill up the gas tank
¿Esto suena natural? He didn’t fill Brown’s email address in the list so that I have asked him, however, he has not responded. If you know Brown’s email account, please let me know.
× He didn’t fill Brown’s email address in the list so that I have asked him, however, he has not responded.
✓ He didn’t fill Brown’s email address in the list, so I have asked him for it. However, he has not responded.
✓ He didn’t fill Brown’s email address in the list, so I have asked him for it. However, he has not responded.
Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar filled .
fill, filled.
what should I fill in this excel? volume?
core usually means the central system. Ex: our core is our abdomen
The central core processor is what runs the computer.
So I am going to say the central Lc. But I am not sure.
The central core processor is what runs the computer.
So I am going to say the central Lc. But I am not sure.
Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar "seat/ sit, feel / fill " Please show me what the difference between/i:/ and /i/ is. .
We call the /ea/ and /ee/ sounds "long e" and /i/ is a "short i" sound. Let me know if you need more examples!
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