Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Frase"
El significado de "Frase" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa A frase "I can't help but..." é usada no sentido literal ou figurado??
sem contexto só dá pra usar o sentido literal " Não posso ajudar mas..."
¿Qué significa En la frase 지루한 걸, que significa 걸??
걸 here stands for 것을
걸 is a conjunction and sort of means “that” in a sentence.
The women doesn’t know “that” her purse is on top of her car. (This kind of word).
걸 is a conjunction and sort of means “that” in a sentence.
The women doesn’t know “that” her purse is on top of her car. (This kind of word).
¿Qué significa está frase?
Queria amar, mas não tem ninguém para amar
¿Qué significa Na frase " It had been a good business day, and we welcomed it as any merchant would." O welcomed tem o mesmo significado de Recommend? ?
It means the day was successful business wise, meaning they made a fair amount of money and they treated it like all other producers/ people who sell things. Is that what you meant?
¿Qué significa Na frase " you want cheese on that hon ?
Oq significa "Hon " ??
Oq significa "Hon " ??
It's liked saying "honey" or "baby "
Ejemplos de oración usando "Frase"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con En la frase excellent museums porque excellent no tiene la s del plural?, por favor muéstrame más ejemplos.
Adjectives in English are never pluralized.
Nice girl, nice girls
Excellent book, excellent books
Beautiful city, beautiful cities
Nice girl, nice girls
Excellent book, excellent books
Beautiful city, beautiful cities
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con frase verbs.
What are "frase verbs"?
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con na frase "I wanted a cigarette, but nobody had ____" se usa some ou any? (___).
Palabras similares a "Frase" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre a frase " Eu estou na cadeira."
por que eu nao estou dentro da cadeira e sim sobre ela. o correto num seria a preposição on? y I'm in the chair. y I'm on the chair. ?
por que eu nao estou dentro da cadeira e sim sobre ela. o correto num seria a preposição on? y I'm in the chair. y I'm on the chair. ?
As 2 formas estão corretas.
A diferença está no tipo da cadeira geralmente. Se é uma cadeira com braços, tipo uma poltrona de avião por exemplo, é "in". Isso vale pra qualquer tipo de assento:
"Please remain in your seats." (Por favor permaneçam em seus assentos.)
Se for sem braços, tipo um banquinho, ou se couber mais de uma pessoa, tipo um sofá (mesmo se tiver braços), aí é on:
"Sit on a stool." "Sit on the couch."
Basicamente se a cadeira/assento for "fechada" de alguma forma (seja com braços, ou por exemplo aquelas carteiras de escola que têm uma "mesa" junto da cadeira) aí se usa "in", e se não for é "on".
Couch, bench, stool: on
Armchair, wheelchair, rocking chair, seat: in
Chair: depende do tipo de cadeira.
A diferença está no tipo da cadeira geralmente. Se é uma cadeira com braços, tipo uma poltrona de avião por exemplo, é "in". Isso vale pra qualquer tipo de assento:
"Please remain in your seats." (Por favor permaneçam em seus assentos.)
Se for sem braços, tipo um banquinho, ou se couber mais de uma pessoa, tipo um sofá (mesmo se tiver braços), aí é on:
"Sit on a stool." "Sit on the couch."
Basicamente se a cadeira/assento for "fechada" de alguma forma (seja com braços, ou por exemplo aquelas carteiras de escola que têm uma "mesa" junto da cadeira) aí se usa "in", e se não for é "on".
Couch, bench, stool: on
Armchair, wheelchair, rocking chair, seat: in
Chair: depende do tipo de cadeira.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre frase y phrase ?
In English, we normally don't pronounce [ph] in phrase and frase is how we would pronounce it and write it like this in a sentence: It took me a while to think for a phrase.
Definition of phrase: a sentence
Definition of phrase: a sentence
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre when y while y in this frase " What do you going to do while you're there?" can be "when" too or not? ?
No difference, you can change "while" to "when", and the sentence would have the same meaning.
There is one thing though, "What do" is not right, it should be "What are"
There is one thing though, "What do" is not right, it should be "What are"
Traducciones de "Frase"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? frase
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? frase
Sentence, phrase
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? frase de un autor
Authors quote
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (UK)? A frase that doesn't mean the frace-it means something very different
Like said, an idiom is a fixed expression that has a meaning other than the literal words.
Another idiom is "it was raining cats and dogs" (meaning it was raining very heavily).
You can also describe it as "a metaphor". For example, "My grandfather is a giant" or "this idea is catching fire".
If it means the exact opposite, that can be "ironic" or "sarcastic". For example "I missed the bus- that's just wonderful!"
Another idiom is "it was raining cats and dogs" (meaning it was raining very heavily).
You can also describe it as "a metaphor". For example, "My grandfather is a giant" or "this idea is catching fire".
If it means the exact opposite, that can be "ironic" or "sarcastic". For example "I missed the bus- that's just wonderful!"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? frase
Otras preguntas sobre "Frase"
Na frase "Look at all the lonely people" o "at" significa "para", então por que não usar o "for" ou o "to"?
Muitas vezes a junção de certas palavras têm como resultado um significado diferente, por isso é bom evitar ao máximo traduzir tudo ao pé da letra.
Basicamente "look at" é algo como "olhe para", "look for" significa "buscar", e "look to" é menos usado, mas não é incorreto
Basicamente "look at" é algo como "olhe para", "look for" significa "buscar", e "look to" é menos usado, mas não é incorreto
A frase está correta?
I think athletes don't have an easy life. They do hard work everyday.
I think athletes don't have an easy life. They do hard work everyday.
It's correct, but a more natural way to say it is:
"I think athletes have an uneasy life. They work hard everyday."
"I think athletes have an uneasy life. They work hard everyday."
na frase "Have you ever see the rain" por que precisa-se usar o "Have"? sem ele está incorreto?
Todas as perguntas precisam de um auxiliar: Do, does, did.. Nesse caso o have é o auxiliar.
A frase "The Truck is being painted by me"(Passive Voice) ficaria como em Active voice?
I am painting the truck
Cuál frase es la correcta:
He has already seen the front page.
He had already seen the front page
He has already seen the front page.
He had already seen the front page
Both are correct, but they mean different things.
"He HAS already seen it" - talking about something in the past, from the perspective of NOW.
"He HAD already seen it"- talking about something in the past, from the perspective of the past.
"I will try to hide the front page from him. Don't bother, he has already seen it." (Perfect tense)
"I tried to hide the front page from him, but he had already seen it" (past perfect)
"He HAS already seen it" - talking about something in the past, from the perspective of NOW.
"He HAD already seen it"- talking about something in the past, from the perspective of the past.
"I will try to hide the front page from him. Don't bother, he has already seen it." (Perfect tense)
"I tried to hide the front page from him, but he had already seen it" (past perfect)
Significados y uso de palabras y frases similares
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