Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Hours"
El significado de "Hours" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa at 1100 hours?
This is a conversion chart for military time to normal time:
¿Qué significa What is "We've been expectorating you for hours!" meaning?
I was heard in 'Little women' 1994?
I was heard in 'Little women' 1994?
If that is really what they said, it's possible A. the person saying it was not educated....or B. it's a playful joke by adding silly endings to "expect". (to" expectorate").
The correct way to say this is "I've been expecting you for hours!"
The correct way to say this is "I've been expecting you for hours!"
¿Qué significa Does "for hours" simply refer to "a longer time than usual", or really means "for severl hours" ??
It can mean either, it depends on the context. Often it's used to exaggerate something that took a long time, as you said, but there's no way to tell which it is without context.
¿Qué significa 24 hours too late?
It can be hard to come up with clever and funny conversation quickly. By the time you think of the perfect reply or joke, the conversation might’ve already ended. This delay is what Mark Twain was referring to.
¿Qué significa After what seemed like hours
"After what seemed like hours", means the situation was so uncomfortable that the time seemed very long, even though it probably was not.
Ejemplos de oración usando "Hours"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con About how many hours~? / Around how many hours~?.
I should correct to give the example you seek.
About how many hours will it take to finish?
Around how many hours does it take to go from Korea to Thailand?
About how many hours will it take to finish?
Around how many hours does it take to go from Korea to Thailand?
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con it takes me hours to~.
it take me hours to finish the work
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con She put in long hours. What does this mean?.
She out in the long hours at work. that's why she got promoted.
the phrase is used to describe someone putting in a lot of effort and time into something
the phrase is used to describe someone putting in a lot of effort and time into something
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con odd hours.
Working a night shift means that you always have to be awake at odd hours.
Palabras similares a "Hours" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre I have been waited for him for two hours. y I have waited for him for two hours. ?
Well, first of all, the first sentence is grammatically incorrect due to not staying in the same tense (present tense in this case. I know it's weird, considering it happened in the past, just trust me on this please.) If you were to correct that sentence to "I have been waiting for him for two hours.", there is no difference in meaning. The difference is the tense you are speaking in. the first sentence is present (current, happening this moment) tense, and the second sentence is past tense.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre To sleep for 8 hours y To sleep 8 hours ?
I would use the first one. "I slept for 8 hours last night"
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre You’ve 24 hours to do so
y You’ve 24 hours to do it.
y You’ve 24 hours to do it.
They're the same except "to do so" feels a little more formal.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre He made me work 10 hours a day. y He made me work for 10 hours a day. ?
we use for to indicate the duration. but sometimes we can omit it
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre hours of operation y business hours ?
there is no difference.
Our hours of operation are 10-6 Monday to Friday.
You can contact us during business hours 9-7 Monday to Friday.
Our hours of operation are 10-6 Monday to Friday.
You can contact us during business hours 9-7 Monday to Friday.
Traducciones de "Hours"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? we don't arrive for at least 2 hours yet.
we will arrive for at least 2 hours yet.
are they the same meaning?
we will arrive for at least 2 hours yet.
are they the same meaning?
no you can’t use “yet” in this situation. You could say “2 more hours “
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? (당신이) 어제 5시간 자고 오늘 아침에 출근해서 일을 한다는 게 조금 걱정되기는 했는데, 일 잘 마무리 됬다니 기쁘네 ^^ [ i worried about you only slept 5 hours and how you go to work today morning, anyways i'm glad to hear that you done very well
Since you only slept five hours and had to work this morning, I was a little worried; so, I'm glad that it all worked out in the end.
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? "Within 12 hours, exclude weekends and celebrate days"
The box will be shipped within 12 hours, excluding weekends and holidays
I hope this helps!
I hope this helps!
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? I have to go, we have talked for more than two hours.
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? "It is four hours forward from our time zone"
@scienceblossom grammatical yes. It is more natural to say "It's four hours ahead of our time zone" though
Otras preguntas sobre "Hours"
¿Esto suena natural? He has driven 5 hours straight.
He has driven 5 continuous hours. ( "continuous 5 hours?")
He has driven 5 hours continuously.
She has been the champion 5 years in a row.
She has been the champion 5 consecutive years.
She has been the champion 5 years consecutively.
She has been the champion 5 continual years.
She has been the champion 5 years continually.
He has driven 5 continuous hours. ( "continuous 5 hours?")
He has driven 5 hours continuously.
She has been the champion 5 years in a row.
She has been the champion 5 consecutive years.
She has been the champion 5 years consecutively.
She has been the champion 5 continual years.
She has been the champion 5 years continually.
“For five continuous hours”, get rid of the other one. Many of those could be used, but would sound a little more natural if you add the word for. For example, “He has driven for five continuous hours”.
¿Esto suena natural? it was twenty-four hours since he had eaten
× it was twenty-four hours since he had eaten
✓ it had been twenty-four hours since he had eaten
The two other options you suggested are correct. You can also say “he hadn’t eaten in twenty-four hours”
✓ it had been twenty-four hours since he had eaten
The two other options you suggested are correct. You can also say “he hadn’t eaten in twenty-four hours”
¿Esto suena natural? Just for twenty four hours, then you can chase each other for your hearts content
× Just for twenty four hours, then you can chase each other for your hearts content
✓ Just for twenty-four hours, then you can chase each other to your hearts content
✓ Just for twenty-four hours, then you can chase each other to your hearts content
¿Esto suena natural? I need to sleep more than 8 hours a day. If I don't sleep well, I can't concentrate on anything.
Some people say that sleeping for a long time is wasteful, but I believe 8 hours a day should be reserved for sleep.
Some people say that sleeping for a long time is wasteful, but I believe 8 hours a day should be reserved for sleep.
sounds perfect to me
¿Esto suena natural?
I decided to start fasting for 12 hours from today.
Last spring, I tried 16-hour fasting for about 3 months, and it worked, losing weight, but I lost muscle strength, which then returned when I quit it.
I analyzed myself and thought about how I could be healthier and how I could tone my body without strain. If I couldn’t keep going, there was no point. To be honest, I thought it would be hard to continue fasting for 16 hours forever. So, for 12-hour fasting, try to finish dinner and dessert by 8:00pm, and take only sugar-free drinks untill breakfast at 8:00am the next day.
In the case of 16 hours fasting, data shows that rapid rise in blood sugar levels with subsequent meals is not good, and for women,
It can affect their hormonal balance.
So about 12 hours is ideal.
Depending on the day, I may be able to do it perfectly, but I will try to do it as much as possible!
I decided to start fasting for 12 hours from today.
Last spring, I tried 16-hour fasting for about 3 months, and it worked, losing weight, but I lost muscle strength, which then returned when I quit it.
I analyzed myself and thought about how I could be healthier and how I could tone my body without strain. If I couldn’t keep going, there was no point. To be honest, I thought it would be hard to continue fasting for 16 hours forever. So, for 12-hour fasting, try to finish dinner and dessert by 8:00pm, and take only sugar-free drinks untill breakfast at 8:00am the next day.
In the case of 16 hours fasting, data shows that rapid rise in blood sugar levels with subsequent meals is not good, and for women,
It can affect their hormonal balance.
So about 12 hours is ideal.
Depending on the day, I may be able to do it perfectly, but I will try to do it as much as possible!
× I decided to start fasting for 12 hours from today.
✓ I decided to start fasting for 12 hours starting today.
× Last spring, I tried 16-hour fasting for about 3 months, and it worked, losing weight, but I lost muscle strength, which then returned when I quit it.
✓ Last spring, I tried 16-hour fasting for about 3 months and lost weight, but I also lost muscle strength, which quickly returned when I stopped.
× I analyzed myself and thought about how I could be healthier and how I could tone my body without strain.
✓ I starting thinking about how I could be healthier and tone my body without strain.
× If I couldn’t keep going, there was no point.
✓ If I couldn’t maintain it, there was no point.
× To be honest, I thought it would be hard to continue fasting for 16 hours forever.
✓ To be honest, I thought it would be hard to continue fasting for 16 hours for the rest of my life.
× So, for 12-hour fasting, try to finish dinner and dessert by 8:00pm, and take only sugar-free drinks untill breakfast at 8:00am the next day.
✓ So instead ill fast for 12-hours, try to finish dinner and dessert by 8:00pm, and take only sugar-free drinks until breakfast at 8:00am the next day.
× In the case of 16 hours fasting, data shows that rapid rise in blood sugar levels with subsequent meals is not good, and for women,
✓ Data shows that while 16 hour fasting, there will be rapid rise in blood sugar levels with subsequent meals and thats not good for your body.
× It can affect their hormonal balance.
✓ It can also affect women’s hormonal balances.
× So about 12 hours is ideal.
✓ So, about 12 hours is ideal.
× Depending on the day, I may be able to do it perfectly, but I will try to do it as much as possible!
✓ Depending on the day, I may not be able to do it perfectly, but I will try to do it as much as possible!
✓ I decided to start fasting for 12 hours starting today.
× Last spring, I tried 16-hour fasting for about 3 months, and it worked, losing weight, but I lost muscle strength, which then returned when I quit it.
✓ Last spring, I tried 16-hour fasting for about 3 months and lost weight, but I also lost muscle strength, which quickly returned when I stopped.
× I analyzed myself and thought about how I could be healthier and how I could tone my body without strain.
✓ I starting thinking about how I could be healthier and tone my body without strain.
× If I couldn’t keep going, there was no point.
✓ If I couldn’t maintain it, there was no point.
× To be honest, I thought it would be hard to continue fasting for 16 hours forever.
✓ To be honest, I thought it would be hard to continue fasting for 16 hours for the rest of my life.
× So, for 12-hour fasting, try to finish dinner and dessert by 8:00pm, and take only sugar-free drinks untill breakfast at 8:00am the next day.
✓ So instead ill fast for 12-hours, try to finish dinner and dessert by 8:00pm, and take only sugar-free drinks until breakfast at 8:00am the next day.
× In the case of 16 hours fasting, data shows that rapid rise in blood sugar levels with subsequent meals is not good, and for women,
✓ Data shows that while 16 hour fasting, there will be rapid rise in blood sugar levels with subsequent meals and thats not good for your body.
× It can affect their hormonal balance.
✓ It can also affect women’s hormonal balances.
× So about 12 hours is ideal.
✓ So, about 12 hours is ideal.
× Depending on the day, I may be able to do it perfectly, but I will try to do it as much as possible!
✓ Depending on the day, I may not be able to do it perfectly, but I will try to do it as much as possible!
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