Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Oon"
Traducciones de "Oon"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (UK)? “dastane oon shab ro barash tarif kardam”
Direct translation (kind of) would be :
I explained the story of my day to her.
But no one would say this informally.
We would say : “I told her about that day / I told her about what I did that day”
I know you don’t want to say told, but we use it in this situation as the most common verb. Told basically means explain in this situation, but it is an informal version
I explained the story of my day to her.
But no one would say this informally.
We would say : “I told her about that day / I told her about what I did that day”
I know you don’t want to say told, but we use it in this situation as the most common verb. Told basically means explain in this situation, but it is an informal version
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (UK)? What does it called oon in English...
what do you call "oon" in english
how do you say oon in english
what is the English word for oon
how do you say oon in english
what is the English word for oon
Otras preguntas sobre "Oon"
What are you doing oon the weekend?
"What are you doing on the weekend" ou "What are you doing over the weekend"
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