Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Pitfall"
El significado de "Pitfall" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa pitfalls?
Pitfalls means an unexpected danger or problem that may arise
¿Qué significa "that's the pitfall we must try and avoid" ??
More specifically, it refers to a mistake that may not be obvious, a trap that will be encountered if nobody is looking out for it.
¿Qué significa pitfalls of age?
A "pitfall" is when you dig a deep hole and cover it with sticks and leafs to deceive someone into thinking its solid ground and it collapses when they walk over it causing them to fall.
The "pitfalls of age" is the same thing. As you get older you get more confident so you do things you've always done except throughout the years your health degrades so if you lift something heavy your back could blow out suddenly leaving you week for days or even break completely leaving you in a wheelchair.
The "pitfalls of age" is the same thing. As you get older you get more confident so you do things you've always done except throughout the years your health degrades so if you lift something heavy your back could blow out suddenly leaving you week for days or even break completely leaving you in a wheelchair.
¿Qué significa There are bound to be many pitfalls, not only legal ones but also simply in terms of winning and keeping customers. <= please paraphrase this sentence?
If its in the context of a restaurant, maybe the owner is not doing things that is legal or good for the his employee says that "Your actions are not right. There are bound to be many pitfalls, (there will definitely be many problems)not only legal ones (not only problems with the law) but also simply in terms of winning and keeping customers. (But there will also be problems trying to get more customers to come and eat or turning them into regular customers.*
Ejemplos de oración usando "Pitfall"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con pitfall.
thank you!
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con pitfall.
Choosing a curriculum is a pitfall for many parents
Palabras similares a "Pitfall" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre pitfall y trap ?
yeah literally a pitfall is a trap with a hole, a pit, that fall into. A trap can be anything (See: Home Alone movies).
So when used figuratively, keep that distinction in mind.
Another word similar to trap (but not pitfall) is a set up. Using set up puts more emphasis on the guilt of the person who “set up” the trap
So when used figuratively, keep that distinction in mind.
Another word similar to trap (but not pitfall) is a set up. Using set up puts more emphasis on the guilt of the person who “set up” the trap
Otras preguntas sobre "Pitfall"
¿Esto suena natural? A huge pitfall is an excessive trust toward anyone, not all humans are good, and not all humans are bad.
A huge pitfall is an excessive trust toward anyone. Not all humans are good, but not all humans are bad.
Minor gramatical errors. Otherwise it's great.
Minor gramatical errors. Otherwise it's great.
¿Esto suena natural? The first pitfall in tourism development is the predominance of multinationals to the detriment of local producers, for instance, old cafes make way to Starbucks or Costa. Porto does not yet undergo the anti-tourist protests like Venice or Barcelona, a certain animosity is felt however
The first pitfall in the development of tourism is the predominance of multinationals to the detriment of local producers, for instance, clasic cafes make way for big brands like Starbucks or Costa. Porto does not yet undergo the anti-tourist protests like Venice or Barcelona, however, a certain animosity is felt.
¿Esto suena natural? A typical pitfalls of running small business.
you would want to say "the usual pitfalls". the word "a" only goes before singular words. also, you want to add "a" before small business. hope this helps!
What does "pitfall" in this context mean?
U.S. President Donald Trump greeted Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko on Monday with a genteel handshake and nod, but no bow, avoiding the pitfall of U.S. President Barack Obama who was criticized at home for his deep bow to the monarch.
U.S. President Donald Trump greeted Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko on Monday with a genteel handshake and nod, but no bow, avoiding the pitfall of U.S. President Barack Obama who was criticized at home for his deep bow to the monarch.
pitfall = a hidden trap, an unexpected difficulty
Obama did not expect to be criticized for bowing to the Emperor, so he was a victim of that pitfall.
Obama did not expect to be criticized for bowing to the Emperor, so he was a victim of that pitfall.
¿Esto suena natural? All these pitfalls impede our progress with the project.
Quite the vocabulary for not being native, well done
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