Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Thinking"

Ejemplos de oración usando "Thinking"

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Q: ¿Esto suena natural? Then you might be thinking the following; if Walt had made Mickey talk in this movie, would he have been more popular? In my humble opinion, no. I doubt the audience at the time would not have reacted so positively. In those days, listening to a live concert or performance on the radio, listeners would be happy to imagine in real time what it would be like on stage at the show. The movie "The Jazz Singer" was so successful because it recreated on the movie screen and with sound what the audience would see in their imagination while listening to a live performance on radio in the movie theater. "Steamboat Willie," however, was different; Mickey, Minnie and their companions were originally fictional. If they had suddenly spoken on screen, the American moviegoers at the time would have been confused and even scared. Consider the animated sing-along film I mentioned earlier, "My Old Kentucky Home." In it, the anthropomorphic dog character looked into the camera and spoke to the audience once, but it was only to startle the audience and encourage them to sing along.

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