Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Tuck"
El significado de "Tuck" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa tucked up?
In bed and under the blanket
¿Qué significa tucked in?
The kids are in bed. Parents put the covers over them and made sure they were all snuggled and cozy in their bed.
¿Qué significa tuck?
Tuck means to fold or to put under
I tuck in my shirt
- To tuck in my shirt. I put some of it in my pants.
My mom tuck me in.
- My mom covers me with a blanket
So, I am under the blanket.
I tuck in my shirt
- To tuck in my shirt. I put some of it in my pants.
My mom tuck me in.
- My mom covers me with a blanket
So, I am under the blanket.
¿Qué significa tuck in?
(1) to put someone to bed, making sure they are comfortable
(2) to eat with enthusiasm
(3) to put something loose inside something else: for example, tucking in your shirt means putting the bottom of your shirt inside the waist of your pants
(2) to eat with enthusiasm
(3) to put something loose inside something else: for example, tucking in your shirt means putting the bottom of your shirt inside the waist of your pants
¿Qué significa to tuck in?
To start eating in an enthusiastic way. "The barbequed meat is all ready. Help yourselves to a plate and cutlery, and please tuck in".
It can also mean to put a flap of some clothing into another piece of clothing. When you put on a blouse after putting on a skirt you would tuck in the blouse so the skirt was neatly outside the bottom of the blouse.
It can also mean to put a flap of some clothing into another piece of clothing. When you put on a blouse after putting on a skirt you would tuck in the blouse so the skirt was neatly outside the bottom of the blouse.
Ejemplos de oración usando "Tuck"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con tuck.
I tucked my shirt under my skirt.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con tuck away.
He tucked away the letters so they wouldn't be found.
You should tuck away all that money to keep it safe.
You should tuck away all that money to keep it safe.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con tuck.
I tucked the child into bed
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con tuck.
please Tuck in your shirt
it's better to tuck in your T-shirt
it's better to tuck in your T-shirt
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con tuck away.
"she kept her secret tucked away for many years."
"The box was tucked away in the attic, never to be opened again."
"The box was tucked away in the attic, never to be opened again."
Palabras similares a "Tuck" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre he just tucks that shirt in so tight y he just tucks that shirt so tight ?
“he tucks that shirt so tight” sounds a bit unnatural
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre tuck away y put away ?
They mean almost the same thing, but when someone says ‘tuck away’ it implies that it’s more private, personal, or a secret. The other difference is ‘tuck away’ is not as commonly used as the phrase ‘put away’.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre tuck y fold ?
@wind93 to me it's a matter of preference but there's a subtle difference:
• to fold:- to bend or tuck something so that part of it will cover itself, like when you fold a shirt... part of the shirt overlaps because it's bent
• to tuck:- to fold or bend something (usually fabric) to keep it in place
"Let me tuck you in tightly."
• to fold:- to bend or tuck something so that part of it will cover itself, like when you fold a shirt... part of the shirt overlaps because it's bent
• to tuck:- to fold or bend something (usually fabric) to keep it in place
"Let me tuck you in tightly."
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre tuck y roll ?
Both words have a lot of definitions, so I'll try to explain the most common uses.
To tuck something into something else means to push something (or the edges of something) into the other thing in order to make it fit. Most common examples are to tuck your shirt into your pants or to tuck your bedsheets under the mattress. You can also tuck a child into bed when you pull the bedsheets over them before they go to sleep.
Another use of tuck is to move your body to fit in a smaller space (kind of). An example of using tuck this way is "to tuck into a ball", which is when you fold your arms, legs, and head inwards so that you resemble a ball.
To roll can mean the same as to rotate, usually along the ground though. When you kick a ball, it will roll across the floor.
You can also "roll something up", which means to fold something over and over into a cylinder or tube.
To tuck something into something else means to push something (or the edges of something) into the other thing in order to make it fit. Most common examples are to tuck your shirt into your pants or to tuck your bedsheets under the mattress. You can also tuck a child into bed when you pull the bedsheets over them before they go to sleep.
Another use of tuck is to move your body to fit in a smaller space (kind of). An example of using tuck this way is "to tuck into a ball", which is when you fold your arms, legs, and head inwards so that you resemble a ball.
To roll can mean the same as to rotate, usually along the ground though. When you kick a ball, it will roll across the floor.
You can also "roll something up", which means to fold something over and over into a cylinder or tube.
Traducciones de "Tuck"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? He tucked into it
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (UK)? tuck
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? tucked
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Otras preguntas sobre "Tuck"
Can I say “ tuck him in the blanket”?
Yes, that's fine. or you can say "tuck him in to bed"
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