Guia 5 Ingles Verbo To Be

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GUIA DE TRABAJO Nombre: Curso: 5 bsico

Lea atentamente el texto. Escriba los datos ms importantes en su agenda o libreta de apuntes. Responda los ejercicios que se proponen. VERBO "TO BE" El verbo "to be" en ingls es equivalente a los verbos "ser" y "estar" en castellano. Su declinacin en el presente del indicativo (simple present) es la siguiente: Simple Present del verbo "To Be" I am You are He/she/it is We are You are They are

Yo soy/estoy Tu eres/ests El/ella es/est Nosotros somos/estamos Vosotros sois/estis Ellos/ellas son/estn

Se suelen utilizar contracciones de estas formas; La forma completa y la contrada son igualmente correctas, aunque la contrada es algo ms informal. Afirmativa forma completa I am You are He / she / it is We are You are They are forma contrada Im youre hes / shes / its were youre theyre

Negacin (sujeto + verbo + not) forma completa forma contrada I am not Im not You are not you arent He / she / it is not he / she / it isnt We are not we arent You are not you arent They are not they arent Interrogacin (verbo + sujeto) respuesta breve + Am I ...? Yes, I am Are you...? Yes, you are Is he / she / it ....? Yes, he/she/it is Are we...? Yes, we are Are you....? Yes, you are Are they....? Yes, they are Ejemplos: Are you a student? Yes, I am. 1 respuesta breve No, Im not No, you arent No, he/she/it isnt No, we arent No, you arent No, they arent

Is she your friend? Yes, she is. Are they your classmates? No, they arent. Ejemplos: Were you a student? Yes, I was. Was she your friend? Yes, she was. Were they your classmates? No, they werent. El verbo "to be" se puede utilizar como un verbo ordinario y en este caso sirve para dar informacin sobre el sujeto: I am old. Yo soy mayor The car is red. El coche es rojo It is cold. Hace frio (el da est frio) Tambin se utiliza como verbo auxiliar para formar las formas continuas: I am running. Yo estoy corriendo I was running. Yo estaba corriendo Y para construir la forma pasiva: The table is made of wood. La mesa est hecha de madera Otro uso del verbo "to be" es seguido de infinitivo y se utiliza para dar rdenes de una manera un tanto impersonal, especialmente con la 3 persona, o tambin para comunicar un plan: He is to solve that problem. They are to help you. I am to travel next week. Sombrero Bufanda Gabardina Abrigo Chaqueta Guante Pantalones Zapato Bota Zapatilla Pijama Vestido Infinitivo/Presente To stand To come up To wake To be To stand To beat To become To happen To procreate To begin El debe resolver ese problema Ellos deben ayudarte Voy a viajar la prxima semana Vest Tie Shirt T-shirt Suit Underwear Vest Shorts Bra Sock Panties

VOCABULARIO Hat Chaleco Scarf Corbata Raincoat Camisa Coat Camiseta Jacket Traje Glove Ropa interior Pants Camiseta (interior) Shoe Calzoncillo Boat Sujetador Slipper Calcetn Pyjamas Bragas Dress VERBOS Significado Forma pasada soportar stood surgir came up despertar woke ser / estar was aguantar stood golpear beat llegar a ser became ocurrir happened procrear procreated empezar began

Participio stood come up woke been stood beaten become happened procreated begun 2

EJERCICIOS Verb to be Simple Present 1. Write am, is or are. 1. Mary ...... a teacher. 2. My friends ...... Italian. 3. They ...... doctors. 4. She ...... from Holland. 5. I ...... an engineer. 6. Paul ...... very tall. 7. London ...... the capital of England. 8. We ...... American. 9. Mary and Eve ...... from Russia. 10. Your parents ...... teachers. 2. Write the sentences in exercise 1 in the short form, when possible. 1. Marys a teacher. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. 3. Write these sentences in the negative (short form). 1. Lukes a student. .. 2. Laura and Gabriel are friends. .. 3. Youre from Spain. .. 4. Hes my neighbour. .. 5. Were Italian. .. Los mejores recursos gratuitos para aprender y ensear ingls 4. Write am, is or are. Then, write short answers. 1. ...... you a student? ......, ........... 5. ....... you French? ......., ......... 2. ...... your mother a doctor? ......., ......... 6. ....... your neighbour from Spain?....... 3. ...... your friends nice? ......, ........... 7. ....... it sunny now? ......., ......... 4. ...... Dublin in Ireland? ........, ........... 8. ....... Sydney in Australia? ........, .........

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