Miguel Grau Resumen
Miguel Grau Resumen
Miguel Grau Resumen
(Miguel Mara Grau Seminario; Paita, 1834 - Punta Angamos, 1879) Marino y
militar peruano. Apasionado del mar desde la infancia, desarroll una brillante
carrera militar en la marina y lleg a ser diputado. Sus aptitudes como
estratega, as como su lealtad y su herosmo, brillaron particularmente en la
Guerra del Pacfico (1879-1883), que enfrent a Per y Bolivia contra Chile.
El ocano fue al principio el ms destacado escenario de aquella guerra, en la
que era patente la supremaca de la armada chilena, dotada de embarcaciones
modernas y bien equipadas. La marina peruana apenas contaba con dos navos
blindados con muchos aos de antigedad, que presentaban problemas
tcnicos y de mantenimiento, al igual que sus viejas corbetas y caoneras.
Pese a ello, uno de los navos peruanos, el Huscar, protagoniz uno de los
episodios ms heroicos de la contienda. Comandado por el almirante Miguel
Grau, el Huscar llev a cabo una autntica guerra de guerrillas martima
contra las naves chilenas en 1879. Mediante temerarias acciones sorpresa en
las que hundi diversas embarcaciones enemigas y bombarde puertos en
poder de Chile, el almirante Grau mantuvo a raya durante meses a los navos
enemigos, impidiendo con ello el desembarco de las tropas chilenas en
territorio peruano.
Al interferir el transporte de tropas y provisiones que se dirigan hacia el norte,
el Huscar se convirti en la pesadilla de los chilenos. Imposibilitado de
continuar la campaa de forma regular, el mando chileno dio la orden de
destruir o capturar el buque. Dos blindados y tres corbetas de la armada
chilena lo esperaron en la maana del 8 de octubre de 1879 en Punta
Angamos, cerca de la localidad de Mejillones. En los primeros intercambios de
artillera el Huscar qued inmovilizado y Miguel Grau perdi la vida. El resto
de la tripulacin fue capturada y la embarcacin arrastrada hasta el puerto de
Valparaso. El impacto psicolgico de esta derrota fue muy negativo para la
moral de las tropas aliadas peruano-bolivianas.
Hijo del teniente coronel Juan Manuel Grau Berro, de ascendencia catalana, y
de Luisa Seminario del Castillo, descendiente de antiguas familias de la regin,
la infancia de Miguel Grau transcurri en Piura y ms tarde en el puerto de
Paita, cuando su progenitor fue nombrado vista de aduana.
En 1843, siendo todava un nio, el pequeo Miguel se embarc en una goleta
comandada por Ramn Herrera, gran amigo de su padre, que haca un viaje de
(Maria Miguel Grau Seminario, Paita, 1834 - Punta Angamos, 1879) Marino and
Peruvian military. Passionate sea since childhood, had a distinguished military
career in the Navy and became a deputy. His skills as a strategist, as well as
their loyalty and heroism, shone particularly in the Pacific War (1879-1883),
which pitted Peru and Bolivia against Chile.
The ocean was initially the most prominent stage of the war, which was
apparent supremacy of the Chilean navy vessels equipped with modern and
well equipped. The Peruvian navy was barely two armored ships with many
years old, who had technical problems and maintenance, as well as their old
corvettes and gunships.
Nevertheless, one of the Peruvian ships, Huascar, starred in one of the most
heroic episodes of the war. Commanded by Admiral Miguel Grau, Huascar
conducted a genuine war against guerrillas maritime Chilean vessels in 1879.
By surprise reckless actions that sank several enemy ships and bombed ports
held by Chile, Admiral Grau held off for months to enemy ships, thereby
preventing the landing of the Chilean troops in Peruvian territory.
By interfering transporting troops and supplies on their way north, Huascar
became the nightmare of Chileans. Unable to continue the campaign regularly,
Chilean command gave the order to destroy or capture the ship. Two armored
and three corvettes of the Chilean navy waited for him on the morning of
October 8, 1879 in Punta Angamos, near the town of Mejillones. In the early
exchanges of artillery Huascar was immobilized and killed Miguel Grau. The
rest of the crew was captured and dragged the boat to the port of Valparaiso.
The psychological impact of this loss was very bad for the morale of the
Peruvian-Bolivian allied troops.
Son of Lieutenant Colonel Juan Manuel Grau Berrio Catalan descent, and Luisa
Seminar del Castillo, a descendant of old families in the region, the childhood
of Miguel Grau spent in Piura and later at the port of Paita, when his father was
appointed view customs.
In 1843, while still a child, young Miguel embarked on a schooner commanded
by Ramn Herrera, great friend of his father, who made a trip to Panama Paita.
Unfortunately the schooner was wrecked and, on his return home, his mother
was unwilling to consent and new shipments. He entered the school Nieto, in
which, according to one biographer, Fernando Romero Pintado, "Miguel
becomes silent. At school is always distracted, quiet, almost sullen. Lurks along
the beach just finish school and the vacation days ".
Was eleven when Dona Luisa, his mother took him back to cross oceans. Then
he went through all the seas and for nine years (according to historian Alberto
Tauro del Pino) young Grau "crosses seas Asia, Europe and America in various
transport and even whaling ships." Upon returning to Peru (1853) he moved to
Lima, where he was a student of Spanish poet Velarde and studied to join the
On March 14, 1854, nineteen, he became a midshipman and first donned the
uniform cover of glory. He sailed in the Rimac, Vigilante and Ucayali vapors
before being transferred to the Apurimac frigate, where he served with Lizardo
Montero, another famous sailor piurano. While serving in the Apurimac, the
commander of this ship supported the revolution of General Vivanco. After the
failure of the movement, and together with other young officers who were part
of the crew, Miguel Grau was separated from service (1858) and returned to
the merchant navy.
Midshipman for deputy
Called again, returned to the Navy 11 September 1863, already married to
Dolores Cavero, who bore him nine children. He was promoted to second
lieutenant and 4 December of the same year a first lieutenant, to spend a few
months later to lieutenant commander. Sent to Europe to bring corvette Union
arrived in Valparaiso in 1865, when he was promoted to commander, and from
the Chilean port supported the revolution of Colonel Mariano Ignacio Prado.
In 1872, at the beginning of the revolution of the Gutirrez brothers, Grau led
the Navy statement against the dictatorship. Not being listened to reorganize
and modernize the Navy, he entered politics and was elected deputy by Paita in
the period between 1876 and 1878.
The Pacific War
In 1879 he broke the Pacific War, also called Saltpeter War. In Peru and Bolivia
that war they fought against Chile for control of the region north of the
Atacama Desert, rich in nitrate. The first major theater of conflict was the sea,
the only means through which armies could move. Chile had an angle greater
than that of Peru, and Bolivia fleet was nonexistent. When Chile declared war
on Peru, Grau agreed to conduct the first naval division even knowing
superiority that had the Chilean fleet tonnage, number of ships, cannons and
armor thickness, compared to the weak and poor condition of Peruvian units .
Huascar, however, was undertaken by the Cochrane, with its powerful guns
managed to pierce the armor of the hull and conning tower.
Major Grau died pieces. The command passed to Elias Aguirre, who also died.
Came the turn to first lieutenant Meliton Rodriguez. Also dropped him, he
touched the command of Lieutenant Pedro Garezn, who spoke briefly with
three officers who were still alive and ordered to sink the ship because it was
immobilized. The engineers opened the valves, but the damage of machinery
paralyzed immersion, allowing time for the arrival of enemy ships, addressing
the monitor and stop its collapse. Miguel Grau went to immortality as a marine
strategist and courageous but generous, he fulfilled his prophetic words: "if the
Huascar not return triumphant to Callao, not going back."