Guíainglés 3
Guíainglés 3
Guíainglés 3
Ingls III
Gua didctica
4 crditos
Titulacin Ciclo
Dra. Maria Arias Crdova
CC Ecuador 3.0 By NC ND
Primera edicin
Segunda reimpresin
Esta versin impresa y digital, ha sido licenciada bajo las licencias Creative Commons Ecuador 3.0 de Reconocimiento -No comercial- Sin obras
deri-vadas; la cual permite copiar, distribuir y comunicar pblicamente la obra, mientras se reconozca la autora original, no se utilice con fines
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Octubre, 2016
2. ndice
3. Introduction.......................................................................................... 5
4. References............................................................................................. 7
4.1. Basic................................................................................................................ 7
4.2. Complementary............................................................................................... 7
5. General Study Guidelines....................................................................... 8
6. Teaching-Learning process to attain Competences................................... 11
UNIT 2. AT SCHOOL.......................................................................................................... 27
2.1. Studying habits and learning strategies........................................................... 27
2.2. Description of peoples past experience........................................................... 27
2.3. Present perfect tense....................................................................................... 27
2.4. Present Perfect................................................................................................. 28
2.5. Reading: Strategies for learning English.......................................................... 29
2.6. Writing............................................................................................................. 30
2.7. Another View: Life-skills reading...................................................................... 30
2.8. Grammar connections: simple past and present perfect.................................. 31
Self-evaluation 2....................................................................................................... 33
UNIT 6. TIME.................................................................................................................. 63
6.1. Time management.......................................................................................... 63
6.2. Adverb clauses with when............................................................................... 64
6.3. Adverb clauses with before and after............................................................... 65
6.4. Reading: Cultural time rules............................................................................. 66
6.5. Writing............................................................................................................. 67
6.6. Grammar connections...................................................................................... 67
Self-evaluation 6....................................................................................................... 82
UNIT 7. SHOPPING.......................................................................................................... 71
7.1. Making suggestions and giving advice............................................................. 71
7.2. Modals............................................................................................................. 71
7.3. Gerunds after prepositions............................................................................... 73
7.4. Reading........................................................................................................... 74
7.5. Writing............................................................................................................. 75
7.6. Grammar connections: collocations with get and take..................................... 76
Self-evaluation 7....................................................................................................... 78
UNIT 8. WORK................................................................................................................ 80
8.1. Employment.................................................................................................... 80
8.2. Present Perfect Continuous.............................................................................. 81
8.3. Phrasal verbs.................................................................................................... 82
8.4. Reading........................................................................................................... 85
8.5. Writing............................................................................................................. 86
8.6. Grammar connections: Present continuous and present perfect continuous.... 86
Self-evaluation 9....................................................................................................... 88
3. Introduction
Welcome to English 3 course; this is a highly important subject in your preparation as a student of
English as a foreign language since you are acquiring the skills you need to complete your university
education. This subject is offered to different majors of The Open and At-Distance Education system of
the Universidad Tcnica Particular de Loja (UTPL). It is part of the complementary subjects of the UTPL
and has 4 credits.
The aim of this subject is to develop Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing skills through a series of
activities adapted to real situations. The components that the course has (students book, audio program,
workbook, didactic guide, and tutorials) will encourage you to communicate effectively in English.
The Ventures 3 textbook includes engaging and exciting topics such as Personal Information, Friends
and Family, Health, Around town, Shopping, Time, Shopping, Work, Daily living, Leisure, etc; concerning
matters encountered in work, school, leisure.
In this course of study, five units have been prepared for the first bimester and five units for the second
bimester and two at distance evaluations that are required for mid-term and final classroom evaluations.
These evaluations are non-recoverable and consist of at least 14 points in each quarter. Students who do
not pass these evaluations will be required to take a third extra evaluation or make up test.
The learning resources this course has are: a textbook which contains lessons, review lessons, projects,
self-assessments and a self-study audio CD. It also contains vocabulary, grammar, reading, and writing
activitys. All of this is introduced through dialogues, reading texts and listening exercises.
Along with the textbook, there is a workbook which is designed with two pages of activities for each
lesson which can be completed and checked independently. Another resource is this didactic guide
which includes explanations of each of the units and lessons of the textbook; moreover, self-assessment
exercises, their coranswering answers and mandatory evaluations are designed as learning strategies.
In the first and second bimesters, you will be expected to attend and participate in forums, chats, and
video-collaborate sessions as specified by your teacher. Six points will be awarded for attendance and
for active participation as defined as posing questions, providing potentials answers and solutions to
problems posed by the teacher and colleagues, etc, that are related to the first and second bimesters
Tutorials are an additional component; they help you to interact with your tutor by means of using
the communication tools the UTPL provides. Therefore, I suggest you take advantage of all the above
resources to acquire the competences proposed in this course.
This guide has been developed entirely in English with carefully detailed instructions for proper use of
the textbook and workbook. In addition, extra information and exercises have been included with the
aim of encouraging the practice of the language.
My name is Mara Arias Crdova and I am the author of the guideliness written in this Didactic Guide. I
congratulate you for giving yourself the opportunity of having a profession, thus I invite you to reach that
horizon where you will be able to apply the competences this course is going to provide you. Remember
that your dedication and concern will help you to accomplish your planned objectives for this subject. I
wish you the best success you merit.
Welcome to the Universidad Tcnica Particular de Loja. You have chosen the perfect place to study, a
vigorous and dynamic community. The Department of Science of Education, the Modern Languages and
Literature section, and the teachers and administrative staff look forward to helping you achieve success
in the program.
4. References
4.1. Basic
Bitterlin, G. et al. (2014). Ventures 3. Second Edit. New York: Cambridge University Press.
This book was selected because its contents are easy to understand since the contents go from a basic
to an intermediate level which is useful for adult students especially those who are studying at The Open
and At-Distance Education system of the Universidad Tcnica Particular de Loja.
This material has been written by the tutor of the subject in order to guide the learning process by
means of explanations programmed for each unit. Here you will find self-evaluations and compulsory
tasks that will allow better comprehension of the topics to be studied in this course.
4.2. Complementary
Murphy, R. (2000). Basic Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press. 2nd ed. United
Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Basic Grammar in Use is an excellent text for studying English grammar issues. In this book
you can find a lot of resources of grammar that you can use in order to gain knowledge of
the English language.
Interchange 1, 2, 3 collection is series is one of the most popular and successful books in
many countries around the world. This book is directed towards people who are interested
in studying English as a foreign language.
Cambridge University Press. This dictionary was selected in order for students to become familiar with
the definitions of words in English.
Dear student,
English III, considers the best topics in real life situations to learn English as a global language. The course
examines ten units, all based on themes encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
In order to do the activities in the textbook, you need to follow step by step the guidelines
suggested in this guide.
The course examines the use of methods and strategies in teaching the skills of listening, reading,
speaking, writing, grammar, and vocabulary in a foreign language setting.
One of the components of this course is the textbook Ventures 3 which has been designed to help
you to develop topics in work, school, leisure, grammar conventions, vocabulary, life skills, and
A CD which contains all the conversations and interviews for the listening activities of every unit is
included in the materials. You can find the audio scripts of Units 1 to 10 on pages 149 -154 of your
A workbook which provides exercises focusing on listening, grammar, reading, writing, and
vocabulary is also included.
The didactic guide that has been developed entirely in English with carefully detailed instructions
and examples for proper use of the textbook with its corresponding at-distance works for first and
second bimesters.
During this semester you are going to use both the textbook and the present didactic guide.
Additionally, you will use the pay special attention to recommended activities and self-evaluation
tests whose purpose is to give you a chance to confirm your knowledge and check weak points
which need to be re-read and learned again.
The contents of the textbook have been divided in two parts. The first five units will be covered in
the first bimester and units six to ten will be covered in the second bimester.
Do not forget to upload the distance works in time because they are mandatory. Use the
technological resources such as Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje (EVA), skype, and e-mail. If you
have doubts and questions related to the study or development of the distance works you should
not hesitate to contact your instructor via e-mail or by phone.
Remember that you need to manage your self-study time and get familiarized with the different
topics of the textbook and workbook. You need to study two hours per day at least. Start studying
as soon as possible.
The distance evaluations are obligatory. They are required for mid-term and final classroom
evaluations. These evaluations are non-recoverable and consist of at least 14 points in each
quarter. Students who do not complete 28 points will be required to take a third extra evaluation
or make up test.
In the first and second bimesters, you will be expected to attend and participate in forums, chats, and
video-collaborate sessions. Three points will be awarded for attendance and for active participation
as defined as posing questions, providing potentials answers and solutions to problems posed by
the teacher and colleagues, etc, that are related to the first and second bimesters contents.
Finally, I would like to recommend you check the planning for the students work in the EVA system
in order to achieve your tasks successfully. Dont forget to read the weekly announcements related
to the contents of the subject and some extra explanations about at-distance works that has to be
handed in on time.
Generic Competences
Generic competences are common for all the majors in the university. They refer to the capacity to
dominate educational thought and the language at a higher level that allows an excellent professional
performance in English as a foreign language; and capacity to examine his/her linguistic production for
professional improvement especially in Hotel and Tourism Management.
Giving personal information
Gua didctica: Ingls III
Self-evaluation 1
Unit 2. At school
Distinguishing Present
2.1. Studying habits and learning perfect tense with how long,
Ability to master listening, reading, for, since
speaking and writing skills.
2.2. Description of peoples past
Identifies parts of speech to define words 2.6. Reading: parts of speech to identify Practice on the activities
Ability to search, process, and words given in the textbook and
analyze information from different
2.7. Writing: strategies for learning workbook
English and use examples to
support statements Distinguishing support
statements in a reading
Self-evaluation 2
Gua didctica: Ingls III
Describe people in their
Self-evaluation 3
Writing a descriptive
Self-evaluation test 4
Gua didctica: Ingls III
Guides analysis and practice
of peoples future plans and
Self-evaluation test # 10
Self-evaluation 5
1. Autoevaluacin *
distancia ** presencial
3. Coevaluacin
Interaccin en el
Parte de ensayo
Prueba objetiva
Parte objetiva
Competencia: criterio
Comportamiento tico x x x x
Cumplimiento, puntualidad,
x x x
Creatividad e iniciativa x x
Contribucin en el trabajo
colaborativo y de equipo
presenciales y en el
Estrategia de
en el EVA: 3
Puntaje 2 4 6 14
TOTAL 20 puntos
Para aprobar el componente se requiere obtener un puntaje mnimo de 28/40 puntos, que equivale al 70%.
* Son estrategias de aprendizaje, no tienen calificacin; pero debe responderlas con el fin de autocomprobar su
proceso de aprendizaje.
** Recuerde: que la evaluacin a distancia del primero y segundo bimestre consta de dos partes: una objetiva y otra de
ensayo, debe desarrollarla y enviarla a travs del EVA segn las fechas establecidas.
*** Estrategias de aprendizaje opcionales y de tipo colaborativa: foro, chat y video colaboracin con una valoracin de
un punto cada una.
Seor estudiante:
Tenga presente que la finalidad de la valoracin cualitativa es
principalmente formativa.
Dear students of English 3, welcome to this course. From now on, we will walk together in the fascinating
world of learning English as a foreign language as part of the curriculum you need to complete your
university education. Before starting Unit 1, we will start our study with a review of activities called
Welcome; here, I suggest you to work on each one of the activities in order to have a brief review of the
present and present continuous tenses, past and future tenses, and review of time phrases.
Now, you can start studying the first unit programmed for this term.
The purpose of this lesson is to identify personality types, describe likes and interests, and interpret
personal ads. Please, think about of the following questions: What do you see? What is happening? What
is the story? And what are their personality types? Look at the pictures and try to answer the questions.
For example, Fernando is an outgoing person, meanwhile Danny is different from Fernando, and he is
shy and quiet.
Were you able to determine different personality types easily? Now, lets continue with the next section.
Try to develop the Exercises A and B in your textbook playing the CD1 (see audio script, page 149). In
these exercises you have to answer the questions: who are the speakers? And what they are talking
about? In exercise B, you have to answer some questions, e.g. Who is tired this morning? (Fernando).
Who likes staying at home? (Danny), etc.
In exercise 3, there is a word bank containing some words and phrases that are not familiar. For example
party animal (is a person who loves parties), shy (is a person who is reserved).
After became familiar with the new vocabulary, it is important to read the following tip to understand
better the previous new words.
Shy is feeling nervous and uncomfortable about meeting and talking to people.
Did you understand all of these words in exercise 3? Read and complete the story.
The purpose of this part is to introduce information about personality types. In this section, you have
to play the CDTrack 8. Listen and check your answers. Then talk with a peer explaining some things you
enjoy doing on the weekend and if you are outgoing or shy person. Give some examples.
The purpose of this lesson is to review grammar focused on verbs + gerunds. Now, it is time to continue
with Grammar focus. In this activity, you have a grammar focus chart that explains the use of gerunds in
questions and statements.
A gerund is a simple form of the verb plus ing; gerunds can be used in the same way as nouns. Some
verbs can be followed by a gerund and function as subjects, objects or complements of a sentence. For
After prepositions:
Object of a verb:
Negative gerund:
I hope you learned a lot in this Grammar focus. Do you have any questions? Do not hesitate to call your
instructor if you have some doubts. Lets continue with exercise B and exercise 3 Communicate.
Recommended Activity
Dear student, I would like to invite you to revise the following examples of verbs + gerunds, verbs +
infinitives, and verbs followed by objects and the infinitive in order to differentiate them.
Verbs Examples
Certain verbs can be followed only by a I enjoy swimming.
gerund. Some of these are: dislike, enjoy,
hate, like, love, mind, admit, avoid, anticipate, I missed seeing my family when I first arrived
consider, delay, deny, finish, involve, justify, keep, at the airport.
miss, postpone, practice, quit, recommend, risk,
save, suggest, save, remind, stand, cant help, be
used to, be good at, look forward to, dont mind,
go + v-ing, be interested in, be bad at, feel like
Common verbs followed by the Gerund or the It started raining.
Infinitive: begin, cant stand, continue, forget*,
hate, like, love, prefer, remember*, start, stop*, It started to rain.
She remembered to visit her grandmother.
* These verbs can be followed by either the
gerund or the infinitive, but there is a big (She didnt forget to visit.)
difference in meaning.
She remembered visiting her grandmother.
1.4. Comparisons
Lesson C
The first part here is a Grammar focus that deals with more than, less than and as much as. Lets begin by
checking the grammar chart of the textbook. When you are talking about your own likes and dislikes, we
use more than for preferences; less than for dislikes; and we use as much as in comparisons to talk about
quantities. For example:
I like reading very much. I always read in the evening. I like watching TV a little bit. I sometimes
watch TV.
I like watching TV less than reading. I sometimes watch TV, but I always read in the evenings, so I
like watching TV less than reading.
Steven loves driving brand new cars but he doesnt like riding horses. He enjoys driving brand
new cars more than riding horses.
Sue and Justine like reading books but they dont like watching movies. So they like watching
movies less than reading books.
It is also important that you check the additional information about this
grammar point at the end of your textbook.
Did you understand all of these verbs? Did you understand their use? Good!! Let us continue with the
next section.
1.5. Reading
Lesson D
Now, lets move on to the reading section. I recommend you have a dictionary in order to look for any
word or phrase that is not clear for you.
Begin by reading the tip on the right top of the page and then answer the three questions you have
in this activity. Use your notebook to write the responses. Once you have completed this task, you can
continue with the exercise two. Here we have three personality types: outgoing, intellectual and creative.
Before doing Activity 2 Read check the tip on the right of the title, then start by reading the passage
silently; focus your attention on the circled ideas. Then, you need to play the CD on track 9 in order to
listen to the pronunciation of the passage. Repeat the audio track as often as needed and while you are
listening to it, try repeating the words aloud, pause the recording when necessary.
Once you have finished, you can read again to underline any word or words that you are not familiar
with to check their meanings in the dictionary; write down the words and definitions in your notebook.
1.6. Writing
Lesson E
Descriptive adjectives
The purpose of this lesson is to improve writing. In this section, after completing exercise A in your
textbook, you will discuss and write about personality types and jobs using descriptive adjectives (artistic,
creative, friendly, hard-working, etc.). In exercise 2, write a paragraph about the right job for someone
you know considering as an example exercise C. Use a topic sentence and supporting sentences.
A Main ideais a good answer to a question about the topic of each paragraph of reading
material. A one or two-word sentence answer to each question gives the main idea.
Supporting sentences: support the TOPIC SENTENCE (main idea) with specific facts, examples,
reasons, or the like.
Conclusion: sum up the paragraph and tell the reader that you have finished
your discussion.
For example:
TOPIC SENTENCE: 1. There are many different ways of using eggs in cooking.
SUPPORTING SENTENCES: 2. They can be boiled lightly and eaten with toast.
This activity integrates practice of the modal must. This modal can be used to show that a speaker is
mostly certain about something. The modal must shows that a person is making a logical conclusion or
For example:
Julias work is difficult because it causes her to work late. We can also guess that she doesnt eat dinner
at home often since she is still at work at dinner time.
Next, work on Exercises A and B in your textbook and choose a situation and make conclusions.
Dear student, before finishing the activities in this unit, it is important to complete the workbook
exercises to ensure learning. At the end of the workbook you can find the answers to the exercises. These
exercises include a variety of activities related to listening, reading, speaking, writing, and grammar
issues specially verbs + gerunds, comparisons, and jobs. These exercises are on pages 6 to 17.
This is the end of the unit. Please check what you have learned! Now it is time to practice what you have
been learning in this unit. Do the following self-evaluation test. Dont forget to read the instructions
before start writing.
Self-evaluation 1
1. bake .
2. swim .
3. lie .
4. travel .
5. say .
a. learning
b. learns
c. learn
a. been
b. be
c. being
a. talks
b. talking
c. talk
a. standing
b. stands
c. stand
Complete the sentences. Use more than, less than, and as much as.
1. James loves the smart car. He doesnt like the Toyota car.
3. Joseph likes washing his car. He loves cleaning the sits too.
5. Sue and Justine like reading books but they dont like watching movies.
Dear student, one of the main issues to be discussed in this unit is study problems. Have you had study
problems? Do you have time to study? Do you understand the lesson? Of course sometimes. Sometimes,
we have difficulty in concentrating, feel disorganized, need a dictionary, no time to study, no place to
study, etc.
Now, it is time to look at the two pictures and talk about the differences. For example: what is the date in
the first picture? (March 15th), what is the date in the second picture? (April 15th). How many students
are in picture A and B? Who is standing in the picture 1?
The purpose of this lesson is to reinforce information about study problems. In this activity you are
going to listen to Alexs study problems. In order to develop the activity, you need to play the CD1 track
12 and check the pronunciation. In exercise 3, you have to complete the story using the word bank.
Correspondingly, at the end of your textbook you can find the typescript of this section.
How was the listening section? Did you understand it ? I hope you have done well!
In Grammar Focus section, you will study the present perfect using periods of time (for, since) to answer
questions with how long. We use the present perfect to talk about actions that started in the past and
continue to now. How long is used to ask about length of time; for is used with a period of time to answer
questions with how long, and since with a point in time to answer the question with how long.
For the present perfect we use have / has as an auxiliary plus the past participle form of the main verb.
For example:
A: How long has Kate worked at the library? B: How long have you lived in
Since September.
C: For two years
Edward has studied English for two Edward has studied English since
years. 2012.
Now try to answer the questions 1-6. The first question is done for you. Turn to page 143 for a complete
grammar chart and explanation.
Next, let us continue with interesting questions related to present perfect in the following section.
Dear student, here you need to simulate or pretend you are having a dialogue with a peer and create
the conversation based on the information you have on the chart referring to Alexs Recent History
(events that happened a short time ago). Use your notebook to take notes and follow the example of the
textbook to complete the task. I hope you have done this activity in a way that allows you to improve
your speaking skill.
Another communication activity is number 3 Communicate. In activity A, you have to create short
conversations based on the cues given in the textbook. In exercise B, read the questions and answer
them using how long.
Dear student, now lets continue with the grammar focus section. In this part, you will have to practice
and review the present perfect with ever and short answers. Additionally, you will exercise past participles
of regular and irregular verbs. For example:
Have you ever been to Colombia? (Has estado alguna vez en Colombia?)
No, I havent.
Have you ever forgotten your teachers name? (Has olvidado alguna vez el nombre de tu profesor?)
Yes, I have.
At the end of your workbook, you can find a list of irregular verbs in base form, simple past and past
Next, continue with Exercise 2 Practice in your textbook and complete the sentences using ever.
Were you able to answer the questions easily? I hope youve done well!
The purpose of this lesson is to introduce ideas on study problems. Read the sample question, ask and
answer the questions using ever. In exercise 3 Communicate, ask and answer the questions about study
problems using ever. For example:
No, never.
Dear student, The aim of this section is to read some strategies for learning English. After answering the
questions on page 24 in your textbook, you will practice on strategies for learning English. In exercise
2, read the article silently, and then play the CD1 track 12. If you find new vocabulary words, consult
the meaning in a dictionary. After that, answer the following questions: Have you ever thought of good
strategies for waking up on time for an early morning class? What are some of these strategies? The responses
might be: set an alarm, ask friends to call on the phone, ask a relative to wake you up, keep curtains open
for the sun to come into the room.
In this reading section of your textbook, is important to recognize supporting details. In the first paragraph,
the supporting details for the phrase set goals are: you decide what you want to learn, you can make a
plan to help you reach your goals, learn new vocabulary, read in English 15 minutes a day and learn
one new word every day. Remember, usually each paragraph of a reading includes not only the main
idea but also details about it. These details support the main idea of the paragraph with specific facts,
examples, reasons, etc.
2.6. Writing
Lesson E
The purpose of this section is to improve general written facility for responding to strategies for learning
English. After you have finished exercises A, B and C in the reading part, let`s start this section by
completing the chart with examples of strategies for learning English. Then read the paragraph silently
and underline any word or words that are unfamiliar. This way you will become familiar with the new
Continuing with writing, answer the questions in order to highlight strategies for learning English such
as learn more English vocabulary, learn new words everyday, look for places to practice English etc., etc.
In exercise C, think about the strategies you have learned in this unit and may want to try. Think about
other strategies you have heard, read about, or seen. Make a list in your notebook of those strategies
and then answer the questions of the chart. In exercise 2, Write, is an activity in which you need to
work in your notebook. Read the instructions carefully and use your dictionary when necessary. Write
a paragraph about strategies for learning English including a topic sentence that focuses on strategies.
Finally, I would like to suggest the following:
TOPIC SENTENCE: My goal is to learn more English. I have heard about several strategies to
reach this goal. For example, learn more English vocabulary, underline new words and write
new words in notebook.
for helping, or help another student. These are types of cheating. Cheating on a test can have severe
consequences, such as grade of cero. Cheat is a verb which means to break a rule or law usually to gain
an advantage when you are taking a test.
Were you able to notice the 7 tips for taking tests easily? I hope youve done well!
For example:
Now, dear student look at the chart in your textbook and compare the two tutors. Use the simple past
and present perfect to talk about the tutors experience. If you require additional explanation, contact
your tutor.
Dear student, before finishing the activities of this unit, it is important to complete the workbook
exercises to confirm learning. These exercises include a variety of activities related to listening, reading,
speaking and writing. These exercises are on pages 18 to 29.
This is the end of the unit. Please check what you have learned! Now it is time to practice what you have
been learning in this unit. Do the following self-evaluation test. Dont forget to read the instructions
before start writing.
Self-evaluation 2
C. Look at the pictures and write questions. Use the present perfect with ever.
This unit looks at friends and family, specifically neighbours and neighborhood problems. The first task
in Lesson A is Listening. This section deals with neighbors. How long have you lived in your neighborhood?
Do you know your neighbors? Have you ever asked your neighbors for help? Have you ever offered to
help a neighbor? After you have mentally answered to the above questions, you can begin with task 1
Before you listen. Here, you will describe what do you see, what is happening? And what is the story? For
example: Anas smoke alarm is beeping, Ana has a problem and Maria is talking on the phone.
The purpose of this lesson is to introduce information about Anas problems. Now, its time to continue
with the listening section, exercise 2 on page 33 of your textbook playing the CD1 Track 13 (see audio
script, page 150). In these exercises you have to answer the questions: who are the speakers? And what
they are talking about? In exercise B, you have to put a check mark next to Anas problems.
In the Grammar Focus section, you will study because of phrases and because clauses. Because is used
before a clause (a sentence subject verb and complement) to express a reason. For example: Because +
subject + verb + complement
She found the exam easy because she had worked hard during the course.
Because ofis used before a noun phrase when you are giving the reason for something. For example:
Use a comma (,) when the because of phrase begins the sentence.
Do you understand the difference between because and because of? Great! Now, lets move to exercise 2,
Practice. Complete the sentences using because or because of. In exercise B, ask and answer the questions
about the problems. In exercise 3, Communicate, complete the chart using short answers as shown in
the example.
Borrow vs Lend
The verbs lend and borrow are confusing for many learners of English. One reason this happens
is because lend and borrow has the same basic meaning, but is used for different directions
in English.
LEND: When you lend something to someone, you give it for a short time.
BORROW: When you borrow something from someone, you receive it.
In exercise 3A, complete the story of what happened to Ana. There is a word bank containing some
verbs, nouns and the adjective noisy. After became familiar with the new vocabulary, complete the story
by filling in the blanks with appropriate words from the word bank.
In order to develop the activity, you need to play the CD1 track 14 and check your answers.
In this section, you will talk with a peer asking and answering the questions. Dont forget to use borrow
and lend. Now, lets continue with the following section.
Dear student, in this section in your textbook, you will study adverbs of degree too and enough. We
normally use enough before nouns and after adjectives and adverbs. We use too to mean more than
sufficient or more than necessary. Also, we use too + adjective to talk about more than the right amount.
For further help about this grammar point, you can check the information given at the end of the
Now, the next stage is to move to an interesting section, Practice A and B. In exercise A, complete the
sentences using too or enough. In exercise B, talk about the pictures following the example and complete
the sentences using too or enough and not enough.
In exercise 3Communicate, talk about what are too young, too old, young enough, or old enough. Follow
the example in your textbook.
Did you complete the task accurately? Did you distinguish the use of too and enough? Good!
3.4. Reading
Neighborhood Watch
Before doing this activity in your textbook, it is important to revise new vocabulary such as neighbor
(vecino), neighborhood (vecindario) elderly neighbors (vecinos mayores), and car licences plate number
(nmero de matrcula).
First, think about what is the main idea of the article? (the role of Neighborhood Watch). What facts
(statements that are true) and examples of details in the first paragraph support the main idea?
(Neighbors help each other and watch out for each other by watching neighbors houses when they
arent home, by helping elderly neighbors with yard work, by painting over graffiti, etc.)
Next, you have to complete exercise 3A. In this case, activity A has to be done in your notebook. Use
complete sentences to answer and your dictionary if necessary. Then in activity B, you must use your
dictionary to find out the meanings of those phrasal verbs and complete the exercises. Remember to
keep the vocabulary log in your notebook.
Lets do activity C; in this case, you need to answer the questions in your notebook.
Recommended activity
Dear student, I would like to invite you to watch the video related to separable and
inseparable phrasal verbs: 48 Common Phrasal Verbs In Context - Advanced English Grammar -
Master English Conversation 2.0
Did you watch the video? Easy activity! Isnt it? Now, lets study the writing section.
3.5. Writing
The letter of complaint
Dear student, in this part in your textbook, you will read a letter of complaint. Read the letter and answer
the questions. Then write a reply to explain how you are dealing with each complaint. Remember that
when you dont know the name of the person you are writing to, use a formal, polite way of opening a
business letter: To Whom It May Concern. Finally, answer the questions properly.
Recommended activity
Dear student, I would like to invite you to read the following suggested replay to the complaint in the
previous activity.
I will explain your neighbors that it is not allowed parties in the building.
New police staff have been recruited from a different agency and are proving to be more
Finally, I would like to point out that in a near future problems will dissapear. Yours sincerely,
Acme Properties
After finishing the previous activity, continue with the last activity of these unit Grammar connections
in your textbook.
1. We can use can ( or am/is/are able to) to describe natural or learned ability. For example: I
can play the piano ( I am able to play the piano).
2. We can use could, couldnt or was/were/ (not) able to describe general ability in the past.
For example: I could (was able to) drive very fast when I was a boy.
3. We use was/were able to or managed to (Not could) to describe the successful completion
of a specific action. For example: We were able to (manage to) get tickets for the concert.
Now lets continue with the activity suggested on page 43 in your textbook.
In addition to the textbook explanation on page 40, I would like you to follow the information below to
have a more complete idea of the task.
Dear student, before finishing the activities of this unit, it is important to complete the workbook
exercises to ensure learning. These exercises include a variety of activities related to listening, reading,
speaking, writing, and grammar especially the use of because clauses and because of phrases. Also, the
use of adverbs of degree: too and enough. These exercises are on pages 30 to 41.
Now it is time to practice what you have been learning in this unit. Do the following self-evaluation test.
Dont forget to read the instructions before start writing.
Self-evaluation 3
3. They couldnt come to the party ___________ their son was sick.
6. You can see your friends after school, but you cant see them tonight too _________ you
have homework to do.
B. Complete the sentences. Use too or enough and the words in parenthesis.
1. The apartment has two bedrooms. It is __________ for my wife and me and our son.
2. She has worked for only one month. She is not_________________for the new job.
3. The house in that neighborhood looks expensive. The prices are __________for us.
5. Our apartment is not _______________ to our jobs. Were going to have to move.
This unit focuses on different healthy habits, foods and exercise, events in the recent past and past habits.
In this section, you will identify habits and routines. The word habit refers to something you do regularly
and often, usually without thinking about it. On the other hand, routine is exercising, cooking, reading good
books, watching TV, eating healthy food, driving a car, sleeping late, etc. Please, think about of the following
questions: What do you see? What is happening? Where is Stanley? (Stanley is at the doctors office). Look
at the pictures and try to answer the questions. For example: What is the doctor doing? Why did Stanely
go to the doctor?
Develop the Exercises A and B in your textbook playing the CD Trak 16 (see audio script, page 151). In
these exercises you have to answer the questions: who are the speakers? And what they are talking
about? In exercise B, put a check mark next to the doctors advice.
In exercise 3, after become familiar with the new vocabulary, listen the CD Track 17 and complete the
story using the words from the word bank. In exercise 3B, ask and answer the question: what are three
things you do to stay healthy? Choose three of them.
Pace around when you talk on the phone so Keep your shoulders back when you
you are up and walking around.Also, it has walk.(It boosts your confidence, which
been found that it helps you focus on your in turn raises your self esteem.)
Dont smoke.
Ride a bike everyday.
Did you practice these advices? Did you answer the questions thoroughly? Great! Now, lets continue
with grammar focus.
Now, it is time to continue with Grammar focus. In this section, we have to distinguish two basic uses of
the present perfect tense.
According to Alexander (1998), there are two basic uses of the simple perfect tense. We use it to describe:
1. Actions beginning in the past continuing up to the present moment with time references like
before, never, ever, up till now, so far.
With since/for
2. Actions which happened at an unspecified time in the past with no time reference at all.
With references to recent time, like recently, already, just, lately, still, yet. Lately, just and recently are used
with activities that are completed but still within the speakers present frame of mind.
For example: I have watched Gone with the Wind film several times.
I hope you found this information useful and helpful. Now, lets continue to on an interesting practice.
Develop exercise B Talk and 3Communicate using the present perfect tense wit recently and lately.
Dear student, our next section deals with some important issues of grammar structures such as used to /
use to. Please, read the corresponding part in the textbook and the information below that will reinforce
Use (to)(usedin the past tense) expresses that an activity was a past habit; it occurred at an earlier stage
of life but not now or we dont do it anymore.It focuses on the habit, not duration or frequency. Usedcan
refer to past states: being, possession, mind, and major, unbreakable habits (usually bad) etc. We need
to remember one fact with use to, it is only used when we have the negative didnt in questions and
Did you understand the difference between used to and use to? Write some more examples of your own.
Now, complete exercise A, B and 3 referring to healthy habits in your textbook.
Recommended activity
Dear student, I would like to invite you to watch an interesting video concerned about
used to versus use to: How to speak English. Available at:
Did you watch the video thoroughly? How was it? Did you like it? Was it interesting? Now, let us start on
new information that is motivating to revise.
4.4. Reading
Beneficial plants
Now, lets move on to the reading section. I recommend you have a dictionary in order to look for any
word or phrase that is not clear for you.
Begin by reading the tip on the right top of the page and then answer the two questions you have in
this activity. Use your notebook to write the responses. Once you have completed this task, you can
continue with the exercise two reading the magazine article Two Beneficial Plants. Here we have garlic
and chamomile.
Before doing Activity 2 Read check the tips on the right of the title, start by reading the passage silently;
focus your attention on any words that are not familiar with to check their meanings in the dictionary;
write down the words and definitions in your notebook. Then, you need to play the CD on track 18 in
order to listen to the pronunciation of the passage. Repeat the audio track as often as needed and while
you are listening to it, try repeating the words aloud, pause the recording when necessary.
How was the topic? I hope you found this information useful and helpful. Now, lets continue with the
following section.
In exercise 3A read and answer the questions. In exercise B, you have to work on the grid and
fill with the missing words. After completing the grid, you can start preparing for the next acti-
vity which is talking about illness and remedies.
How can you prevent flu, a cold, a sore throat, a backache, an earache? How to relieve stomach aches?
Is mint tea effective in relieving nausea? Is aloe vera juice good for stomach cramps or muscle spasms?
Ginger water regulates de indigestion and reduces the abdomen pain? Comment!!!
4.5. Writing
Write a descriptive paragraph about a plant
What do you do to cure a cold, help a sore throat, treat insect bites or reduce indigestion? Have you ever
used plants or herbs to help with your problems? Have you ever used chamomile to cure a stomach-
ache? Have you ever used garlic for coughs? Have you ever used aloe vera for a hydrating mask you can
wear to bed?
Now focus your attention to activity 1. First of all, look at the the reading tip, then, read the questions,
and finally, answer the questions. Here we have a beneficial plant: licorice which is a helpful plant. It has
a popular candy flavor in some countries. Use your dictionary to make short descriptions of these plants
and how they are used; write down your ideas in your notebook.
In activity B, you need to read the first and last paragraph and put the information from the paragraph
in order.
Continue with activity C. In this activity, write a plan for a paragraph about a beneficial plant. Once you
have done this, continue with the second part of this task which is 2 Write, you have to use the previous
exercises as models to start writing. Then work in your notebook and use your dictionary in case you
need it.
Once you have finished writing, you can check this exercise by means of task 3 After you write. Part A asks
you to tick the box according to the statement.
For part 3B, I suggest you use the EVA platform to share ideas with your
After you have completed all the previous tasks, it is important that you check if you have questions; if
so, you can contact your tutor for helping you.
To continue you have the last activity of this unit which is Lesson F Another view. In this case part 1 Life-
skills reading deals with a medical history form.
A Medical History Form is a document you have to fill out when you go to see the doctor; this
is done in the US when you are sick.
Did you learn anything from it? Did you find the information interesting? Did you like the activity?
Now, lets move on to grammar connections: commands and reported commands. A command is
something that someone tells you to do. For example: get regular exercise, such as walking or riding a bike.
If you put a command into reported speech there are only the person and the expressions of time that
have to be adapted. There is no backshift of tenses.
Reported commands:
For example:
Positive form
Negative form
Did you complete the previous activities? Good!!! Lets continue with a recommended activity.
Look at the pictures and describe useful remedies for relieving sore throat.
Dear student, before finishing the activities of this unit, it is important to complete the workbook
exercises to ensure learning. These exercises include a variety of activities related to listening, reading,
speaking, writing, and grammar especially the use of the definite article /the/. These exercises are on
pages 42 to 53.
After you have the necessary information, continue with the self-evaluation test. Dont forget to read the
instructions before start writing.
Self-evaluation 4
(not gone)
(give up)
(not /sleep)
Dear student, this unit focuses on peoples plans and expectations. The purpose of this section is to
introduce community events. Please read the corresponding part of this unit in your textbook and then
answer the questions: What do you see? (Newspapers, living room, sofa, library, hand shell, a family.) What
is happening? (Wei and Wen are at home, they are reading newspapers. They are looking at community
events in the papers.) What is the story? Think about some ideas and write them in your notebook.
Now, you can start studying the first section in this unit.
In this section, you will describe events in the community and interpret announcements, these are
activities for and organized by people living in the same are. Depending on the community, there are
free events that people can attend; for instance: concerts, festivals, story hour, puppet shows, exercise
classes, lectures, etc.
Please, think about of the following questions: Who are the speakers? and what are they talking about?
Try to develop the Exercises A and B in your textbook playing the CD1 Track 19 (see audio script, page
151). In these exercises you have to answer the questions: who are the speakers? And what they are
talking about? In exercise B, you have to match the events. For example: The family will do this if the
weather is nice. (a).
In exercise 3A, complete the story. It is a summary of the conversation in exercise 2A and 2B. Use your
dictionary if you see new words; remember to keep your vocabulary log in your notebook. After became
familiar with the new vocabulary, and complete the story. In exercise B, play the CDTrack 20 and answer
the question.
Were you able to determine different events in the community? Now, lets continue with the next section.
In Grammar Focus section, you will study verbs + infinitives. An infinitive is to + the base form of a verb.
For example:
Infinitives often follow certain verbs: I plan to go to the travel agency tomorrow.
agree, can / cant afford, afford, decide, hope, Raul hopes to have his own car soon.
intend, need, plan, promise, refuse, want,
would like, expect, ask, choose, offer, attempt, We decided not to go out because of the weather.
manage, fail
A: Can you afford to buy a ticket for the show?
Continuing with activity B you need to read the whole activity and find the meanings of new words
in your dictionary. Then according to the calendar you have in the textbook you have to write short
conversations in your notebook as the example given. Use complete statements and the grammar
structure indicated.
Now in part 3 Communicate, you have activity A in which you need to look for new words in the task in
order to check their meanings. Then write sentences using the verbs and the time expressions from the
chart as indicated in the example. For activity B in order to share your ideas, I suggest you use the EVA
Already and yet are adverbs of tense and time. Already and yet can be used in the question form, but already
is used in affirmative statements and yet is used in negative statements. Celse and Larsen-Freeman (1999)
explain the use of these adverbs. They say: consider the following situation.
The question with already suggests that the parent expects a positive answer but perhaps is surprised
because he or she did not expect completion that early. The question with yet is more neutral, or it may
be used to signal that the parent does not expect the homework to be finished but wants to make the
child feel as though it should be.
Sometimes adverbs that connect the past to the present are used with the present perfect:
Other adverbs like this include already, since (last week), so far, still, up to now, yet.
With already and just (a very short time before) we use the past perfect, not the past simple; as in:
The film had already begun by the time we got to the cinema.
After completing the sentences using already and yet, lets move on to the next section.
5.4. Reading
Lesson D
A review of a concert
Dear student, in this part you are going to read Salsa Starz at Century Park. This lesson is focused on
positive and negative adjectives in which context can help to guess their connotation. The reading deals
with the review of a concert; what is a review? Where would you find a review? Why would you read a
review? A review gives the reviewers opinion about a place, a book, a play, a movie, or an event. Reviews
are often found in newspapers, magazines or the Internet.
Now the first exercise is 1 Before you read. In this part you need to answer the two questions proposed;
use your notebook to write the responses.
For exercise 2 Read, I suggest you first read the tip on the right side of the text and check for understanding.
Begin reading the text and pay attention to the underlined words; try to guess their meanings by using
the context in which they are located. For example: Versatile means to be able to do many things, such as
sing, and play the maracas and the guitar. The sentence located after the word Versatile is the key that
helps to understand its meaning.
Listen to the Audio CD, track 21 in order to check pronunciation of the whole text. After you have listened,
you need to read and pay attention to the way you pronounce the words. Pause the CD as necessary to
get the pronunciation correct.
After analyzing positive and negative aspects in the article, complete exercises 3A, 3B.
Did you complete the exercises by using expressions that have a positive or negative meaning? Great!!
If you have some expressions like these, share with your classmates.
Now, lets move on to the writing section. Take a look of the e-mail message about the Salsa Starz Show.
5.5. Writing
Lesson E
Our next section deals with some important issues necessary for sending e-mail messages. In this case,
the task is to know who is it from? ( What is the subject? (Salsa concert). What is
the date? (July 19, 2013).
Now, you are going to work using your textbook pages 66 and 67. In activity A you need to answer the
questions in your notebook; the answers may be long since the information needed is ample.
Continue with the next activity B. In this case you read the e-mail and underline any new vocabulary
words. Look up for the meanings of those unfamiliar words and write down this information in your
notebook. In the second part of this exercise you have a diagram. Diagrams are pictures used to organize
or understand ideas. In the textbook, you need to organize the words according to both categories and
based on the previous text.
Have you seen any concerts, movies or performances recently? To do the next activity, it is necessary that
you remember positive and negative aspects of any of the shows you have seen lately.
In activity C you have an empty diagram where, based on any show, you have to complete it. After that,
read the tip you have in the left part of the text to know about the structure of an e-mail.
Now it is time to write your own e-mail. Here, you have to use the previous exercises as models to start
writing. Remember that the style of a friendly e-mail is informal. Then work in your notebook and use
your dictionary in case you need it.
Once you have finished writing, you can check this exercise by means of activity A. This activity asks you
to tick the box according to the statement. For activity B, I would like to suggest you:
After you have completed all the previous activities, it is important that you observe if you have questions;
if so, you can contact your tutor for helping.
Lesson F
Another view
Lets continue with the next to last section. This segment deals with announcements about community
Where can you find announcements? You may find them in the newspaper, on bulletin boards, on the
Internet or in the school office. There are different announcements; for instance: about jobs, social or
community events, language tutorials, etc.
Now, go on with task 1 Life-skills reading; this task you need to read and underline new words and then
look for their meanings in your dictionary. Remember to keep your notebook log and write down the
new vocabulary there. To verify what you have understood from the previous text, you have activity A;
here you have to read the questions and alternatives to select the correct answer. In the second activity,
B, answer the questions in your notebook and then share your answers by means of the EVA platform.
Most communities sponsor events to celebrate holidays, raise funds for special projects
or organizations, promote community networking, or for many other reasons. They can
include crafts, music, childrens activities, historic tours, demonstrations, rides, and food.
They are social events that aim to provide the communitys members a pleasant experience.
Many are out of doors and can also include on-site buildings. Vendors are welcomed to
sell all kinds of food and drink. The organizations that sponsor these events may benefit
monetarily by charging vendors and attendees a fee for space or admission. These are
also educational experiences for members of the community where firefighters, policemen,
politicians and civic leaders are available to offer information of interest or benefit.
In this section in your textbook, you are going to work using your textbook page 69. Take a look of verbs
+ infinitives, verbs + gerunds and verbs + infinitives or gerunds. In activity A, ask the questions with to
do or doing e.g., what do most people decide to do in the old park? Most people decide to walk in the
old park. What do park officials avoid doing to fans? Park officials avoid letting fans bring anything they
can throw on the field.
Next, complete the survey entirely. Easy activity! Isnt it? Did you use the information easily? Great!!! Now,
lets move on to a suggested activity.
Dear student, before finishing the activities of this unit, it is important to complete the workbook
exercises to ensure learning. These exercises include a variety of activities related to listening, reading,
speaking and writing. These exercises are on pages 54 to 65.
After you are done with the previous activity, start with the self-evaluation test. Dont forget to read the
instructions before start writing.
Self-evaluation 5
(promise / pay)
(hope / start)
(wanted / ride)
(decided / do)
3. The museum opens at 10:00. Its 9:30. The museum hasnt opened ____________________.
Generic Competences
Generic competences are common for all majors in the university. They refer to the capacity to dominate
educational thought and language at a higher level that allows an excellent professional performance
in English as a foreign language; and capacity to examine his/her linguistic production for professional
improvement especially in Hotel and Tourism Management.
Ability to master listening, Determines how to manage time Unit 6. Reading comprehension of 6th week
reading, speaking and writing 6.1. Time management the contents of the unit.
Determines how to contrast qualities of good and
skills. 4 hours of self-study
weak time managers 6.2. Contrasting qualities
Gua didctica: Ingls III
Self-evaluation 6
Ability to master listening, akes suggestions and gives advice about financial Unit 7. Shopping
M Reading comprehension of 7th week
reading, speaking and writing problems. 7.1. Making suggestions and the contents of the unit.
skills. 4 hours of self-study
Differentiates the use of could and should. giving advice
Complete the activities
Ability to use English as a Recognizes places and dates in an itinerary 7.2. Financial concerns recommended in the guide, 4 hours of interaction
foreign language both orally 7.3. Could and should and textbook.
Recognizes gerunds after prepositions.
and in written form. 7.4. Gerunds after
Recognizes collocations with get and take. prepositions Self-study of the contents of
Ability to use English both grammar points.
language in the various areas 7.5. Collocations with get
of work, school, home, and and take Discussing financial concerns.
General participation in the
Ability to search, process, and virtual environment platform
analyze information from (EVA).
different sources.
Self-evaluation 8
Ability to master listening, Distinguishes past activities and events UNIT 9: Reading comprehension of 9th week
reading, speaking and writing the contents of the unit.
Describes emergency situations
skills. 8.7. Describing past activities 4 hours of self-study
Uses vocabulary related crime and events Complete the activities
Ability to use English as a recommended in the guide, 4 hours of interaction
Writes memos 8.8. Asking about crimes and
foreign language both orally and textbook.
and in written form. emergency situations
Identifies past continuous
8.9. Past continuous Self-study of the contents of
Differentiates past continuous and simple past
Ability to use English 8.10. Past continuous and both grammar points.
language in the various areas Recognizes three uses of the present continuous simple past with when
of work, school, home, and and while General participation in the
leisure. virtual environment platform
8.11. Three uses of the (EVA).
Ability to search, process, and present continuous
analyze information from Continue working on the
different sources. second at-distance
Gua didctica: Ingls III
Self-evaluation 9
Ability to master listening, Describes future possibilities UNIT 10: Free time Reading comprehension of 10th week
reading, speaking and writing the contents of the unit.
Describes a sequence of events in the future
skills. 8.12. Describing future 4 hours of self-study
Distinguishes future time clauses with before and possibility Complete the activities
Ability to use English as a after recommended in the guide, 4 hours of interaction
8.13. Describing a sequence
foreign language both orally and textbook.
Makes reports of events in the future
Gua didctica: Ingls III
Self-evaluation test # 10
Checking the contents 6 to
10. Preparation for the second
partial classroom evaluation.
Dear student, this unit looks at time management and the importance of rules about time. What do you
have to do on a very busy day? You may have to get children ready for school, go to work, go grocery
shopping, clean the house, study for a test, wash your car or do the laundry. If you were supposed to
do things like the ones mentioned; how would you manage to do everything? You might miss classes
sometimes, your children may help or definitely you wont be able to manage to do everything. After
analyzing those aspects, let us continue with the listening section answering the questions what do you
see? What is happening? And what is the story?
Next, in activity A observe the pictures and write down as many words as possible about what you see
and describe what is happening. Then construct a story in which you integrate all the pictures. You may
use your dictionary and the notebook.
To continue you have to do part 2 Listening. In activity B, you are presented three tasks that are based
on what you can listen. Listen the CD Track 22 and number the tasks in order of priority. In exercise 3A
complete the story; use your dictionary to find the meanings of unknown words; remember to keep your
vocabulary log in your notebook. In exercise B, ask and answer the questions.
Impatient means not willing to wait for something or someone: not patient.
Did you manage time in order of priority? Good!! Now, lets start grammar focus in your textbook.
Dear student, this activity integrates practice of clauses with when. A clause is a part of a sentence that
has a subject and a verb. A dependent clause often begins with time words such as when, before and after.
The dependent clause can come at the beginning or end of a sentence. Use a comma (, ) after dependent
clauses that come at the beginning of a sentence. Do not use a comma ( , ) when a dependent clause
comes at the end of a sentence.
There are dependent and independent clauses; if a clause can stand alone as a sentence, it is an
independent clause, as in the following example:
Clauses that cannot stand alone as sentences are called dependent clauses or subordinate clauses.
Consider the same clause with the subordinating conjunction when added to the beginning:
In this case, the clause could not be a sentence by itself, since the conjunction when suggests that
the clause needs to have a complement to fully understand. Since this dependent clause answers the
question when, just like an adverb, it is called a dependent adverb clause (or simply an adverb clause,
since adverb clauses are always dependent clauses).
In addition to this explanation, I would like you to read the following tips to have a more complete idea
of the use this adverb. Then read the sentences, combine them and circle the adverb clause in your
Whenis a time-relative pronoun that joins a modifying clause. In the example below,
theclause modifiesa time.
For example: Seven oclock is the precise time when I get up.
Main clause: Seven oclock is the precise time (has a subject and a verb)
Dependent clause: When I get up. (has a subject and a verb but begins with the word when)
(There is a comma in the sentence where the dependent clause comes at the beginning, but there is no
comma when the dependent clause comes at the end.
Use when with the simple past for the action that interrupted.
For example:
Were you able to differentiate the use of clauses with when? Was the above information practical? Good!
For more information, go to page 148 in your textbook. Now, lets continue with Grammar Focus. It is
time to start studying clauses with before and after.
After reviewing dependent and independent clauses is time to continue with our study. In activity A
you have some tips about managing time. Read the information and underline unfamiliar words, look
for those words in your dictionary and write down their meanings in your notebook. After, complete
the statements using when; follow the example given. In activity B, look at the first picture, what is
happening? As you can see Mr. Jackson is at work. He is reading. His desk is neat. Now look at the second
picture, what is happening? Ms. Clark is also working. She is watching TV and answering the phone. Her
desk is messy. Both people are teachers; they have deadlines; who is organized and who is not? Who is
managing time well?
To complete the activity you need to read the short conversation and look for new words; continue
reading the next phrases under the pictures and check the meaning of unfamiliar words. To finish the
task, write one sentence for each action that is listed under the pictures; use your notebook and follow
the example given.
In exercise 3A, use the short conversation as a model and write other dialogues with the ideas of the
textbook. Go ahead and ask questions to your friends or relatives in Spanish and then use that information
to report in English what they have said. Therefore, in activity B share ideas with your classmates by
means of the EVA platform.
Dear student, in this section in your textbook, you will review adverb clauses with before and after. As
you have seen, a clause is a part of a sentence that has a subject and a verb. A dependent clause often
begins with time words such as when, before and after.
Use after to order events in a sentence. After introduces the first event. Use after with the simple present
to talk about habits.
For example:
Use before to order events in a sentence. Before introduces the second event. Use before with the simple
present to talk about habits.
For example:
Use before with the simple present and future to talk about future plans.
For example:
I hope that now you have a broadened vision of clauses with before and after. Now, lets move on to
exercise A, write sentences using before and after based on the clues given.
Continue with exercise B; in this case, focus your attention to the pictures; they describe Kens daily
activities, a soap-opera star. What does he do every day? Check if there are new words you need to know
the meaning and then write sentences using dependent clauses at the end of the statement. Follow the
example; use your notebook and the clues given.
Then continue with part 3 Communicate. In this exercise you have part A in which you need to formulate
questions using the clues of the chart and ask them to a friend or relative. In part B you need to write the
exercises in your notebook and share it with your classmates by means of the EVA platform.
In the first section, you are going to read rules about time; in the second section, you are going to answer
some questions about the reading. In the question: What are unspoken rules? The answer may mean
that no one talks about them, but everybody knows about them. Analyze each question and answer
In exercise B, you have several prefixes that meannote.g., impolite, impatient, disorganized, irresponsible,
inexperienced, incapable, unmotivated, unable, disadvantage, immature, imperfect, immoral, etc.
In exercise C, ask and answer the questions and demonstrate an understanding of what you have learned
in this lesson.
What do you think about what you read? Were you able to describe rules about time? Very good! Now
lets move on to the next section related to writing.
6.5. Writing
In this activity in your textbook, you will distinguish the difference between a good and a weak time
manager. A good time manager uses his or her time well. A weak time manager wastes time and
procrastinates. Then you will write about good and bad habits. Use adjectives which describe qualities
such as kind, hardworking, responsible, polite, mature, efficient, capable, etc. You have to write the new
words and make sure you know what their meaning is. If this is not the case, use a dictionary or go online
to find the meaning of them.
Do you recognize all of these words in the text? Have you seen these words before? Are you able to
explain their meaning correctly? Good!! Now, lets continue with the writing section.
In exercise C in your textbook, you are going to identify what is the topic sentence of the paragraph,
how many examples does the writer about Melinda (subordinate sentences), which phrase signals
the conclusion. Then write a paragraph about yourself or someone you know who is a good or weak
time manager. Remember to use connectors such as: first, then, after, next, finally, however, moreover, for
instance, thus, furthermore to link ideas and dont forget correct punctuation.
The next task is 3 After you write. Exercise A will allow you to check what you wrote in the previous activity
and by means of task B you can share ideas of the previous paragraph with other classmates. Go ahead!
Were you able to write a paragraph with a topic sentence, details or supporting sentences and a
conclusion correctly? Great! Next, lets start with grammar connections.
In this section, you are going to review the indefinite pronoun one; quantifiers some and any; and
pronouns it and them. Regarding the indefinite pronoun one, Alexander (1998) suggests that in general
statements one is used as an indefinite pronoun mening everyone/ anyone. For example:
Some is used to refer to a person or thing that is not known. It is used as a determiner or quantifier.
Determiners are always followed by a noun. It can be used after countable nouns e.g.,
Any is used to indicate a person or thing that is not particular or specific. Any is normally used in negative
statements containing not or nt.
Sometimes sentences beginning with it, continue with an infinitive, a gerund or a noun clause. It is
possible to begin such sentences with an infinitive or gerund, but we generally prefer it. For example:
Them or a noun must be used as object when the reference is specific. For example:
In exercise A, complete the sentence with one, it, some, any or them. After finishing this activity, continue
with the speech work section answering exercise B. Lets start!
Were you able to differentiate the use of these determiners and quantifiers? Was the above information
practical? Good!!
Dear student, before finishing the activities of this unit, it is important to complete the workbook
exercises to ensure learning. These exercises include a variety of activities related to listening, reading,
speaking, writing, and grammar issues which are centered on the use of the active and passive voice.
These exercises are on pages 66 to 77 in your workbook.
Now it is time to practice what you have been learning in this unit. Do the following self-evaluation test.
Dont forget to read the instructions before start writing.
Self-evaluation 6
When___________________________ , _______________________.
2. Your projects are due on Monday. Don`t procrastinate over the weekend.
_______________________, _________________________________.
When___________________________ , _______________________.
______________________when ______________________________.
Before_______________________, _________________________________.
________________________after, __________________________________.
_________________________before _________________________________.
2. (smart) _____________________________________________
3. (to bargain)___________________________________________________
4. (a shortfall) __________________________________________________
8. (sore) _____________________________________________________
Dear student, this unit focuses on making suggestions and giving advice of shopping. You will identify
spending habits, financial problem and solutions and financial advice. Please, think about of the following
questions: What do you see? What is happening? What is the story? And what is the story? Look at the
pictures and try to answer the questions. For example, car dealership, Big Summer Savings, customers
and used cars.
Try to develop the Exercises A and B in your textbook playing the CD1 Track 25 (see audio script, page
149). In these exercises you have to answer the questions: who are the speakers? And what they are
talking about? In exercise B, you have to complete the chart. Repeat the audio program as needed. In
exercise 3A, we are going to see new words related to finances e.g., balance (equality between the totals
of the two sides of an account); interest (a charge for borrowed money generally a percentage of the
amount borrowed, the profit in goods or money that is made on invested capital); credit (the balance in a
persons favor in an account); pay off (cancelar, liquidar la cuenta, (to pay a debt or a creditor in full.) Then
read the selection and complete the story. In exercise B, ask and answer the questions.
7.2. Modals
Lesson B
Dear student, in this section you will review how to make suggestions and give advice. The structure for
both auxiliaries in an affirmative statement is: subject + could/should + main verb.
Be careful!
We use could to suggest possible reasons for something, or to speculate. Also, we use could to talk about
future possibilities.
For example:
B: Why dont you get tickets to a concert? Or you could buy her a CD:
When we say that someone or something has or doesnt have the ability to do something we can use
can(t) (or cannot) (for the present) or could(nt) (for the past):
For example:
For example:
In order to practice what you learned about the previous structure, it is important to do activity 2 Practice.
First underline any words or phrases that are unfamiliar to you. Look up for the words in your dictionary.
Continuing with this section, complete the task A by using could or should. In exercise B, in the pictures
you can observe different problems; look at those pictures and for each one write in your notebook at
least one suggestion and one piece of advice. Remember to use your dictionary and keep the vocabulary
log as much as possible to increase your knowledge.
In part 3 Communicate, you have two tasks; the first one is A, in this case you need to use your notebook
to write suggestions and pieces of advice according to each situation. Then in exercise B you have the
opportunity of sharing your ideas by means of the EVA system.
Were you able to make suggestions and give advice? Now, lets continue with the next section gerunds
after prepositions.
I would like to invite you to read the text below in order to distinguish the use of gerunds after
prepositions. Now, it is important to think about gerunds in other positions in a sentence where noun
phrases normally appear. Thewlis (2000) suggests that objects of prepositions and phrasal verbs must be
expressed by nouns, pronouns, or gerunds, but never infinitives. For example:
I am worried about close a checking account. I am worried about closing a checking
I drow there without stop.
I drow there without stopping.
My best friend always dreams about go to
London. My best friend always dreams about going to
Be careful!
The phrases after which we use a gerund are fixed expressions, the prepositions
that follow a specific adjective or verb usually cannot be changed; for instance:
tired of cannot be found as: tired about, in, or for; interested in cannot be found
as of, or to.
It is important to review the information located at the end of the textbook about additional grammar
explanation and phrases that gerunds often follow.
After you have understood the way gerunds are used, it is necessary to do some exercises. Activity 2
Practice, part A is a task in which you need to use the gerund form of the verb in parenthesis. You may
use the dictionary and the reference activity of the rules used to form gerunds which are at the end of
the textbook.
After completing the sentences using gerunds on exercise 2, let us move on to the talking section. In
part B you have to focus your attention on the pictures and the phrases under them. Look for new words
and check their meanings. Use your notebook and make sentences about each picture. In this exercise
it is important to mention that when you write checks, you spend the money that you have in the bank
in your checking account; when you have a savings account, you save money in a bank and earn interest
added to your savings.
To finish this section you have task 3 Communicate. In part A you need to use the phrases with
prepositions and make short dialogues as the example given. Use your dictionary if necessary and write
the conversations in your notebook. In order to share your ideas in part B, you can use the EVA system.
I hope you learned a lot in this language focus. Do you have any questions? Do not hesitate to call your
instructor if you have some doubts. Lets continue with the reading 2 section.
7.4. Reading
In this section in your textbook, the article shows information by problem and solution. It is important
to review some words such as credit card (a small plastic card that is used to buy things that you agree to
pay for later); nightmare (a very bad dream) (pesadilla); interest rates (rdito); debt counselor (asesor legal)
and family budget (presupuesto familiar).
TO SKIM an article means to read it quickly and look for specific information.
After you have read the article play the CD Track 27, underline any words you dont know and look up
these words in your dictionary. Then check your understanding by answering the questions in exercise
3A-B. In exercise C, Answer the questions and share your ideas by means of the EVA SYSTEM.
Were you able to understand positive and negative features of credit cards? Were you able to distinguish
financial words? Good!!! Now, lets continue with the writing section.
7.5. Writing
Money man
Writing 1
Dear student, The purpose of this lesson is to improve general written facility for responding to letters
o advice. In this activity you will write a letter of advice (consejo). Also, this lesson deals with the use of
sequence words to list ideas in order: first, second, third, and finally to list ideas in time order.
In part 1 Before you write you have activity A in which you are presented a picture and you need to
observe what the problem is and what suggestion you can make. In order to save money, what ideas can
you give? You may get a new job that pays more, or cook at home instead of eating out in a restaurant,
or shop at discount stores.
In section B you have to read the advice column Money Man and underline the new words; look for
their meanings and use your notebook to answer the questions.
Continue with task C and read the answer from the Money Man given to the previous activity. Look for
meanings of new words and pay attention to the use of the sequence words. Then answer the question
in your notebook.
You are asked to read a letter and use previous activities to write an answer. You have to read and
underline new words and find their meanings. In order to check the previous exercise you have part 3
After you write; in this case you have to check in part A according to what you wrote and in part B it is
important to share your ideas by using the EVA system.
Dont forget!
This activity was easy. Isnt it? Good! Now, start with grammar connections: collocations with get and
take with adjectives and some nouns.
get take
get a job take a breaktake a chancetake a looktake a
resttake a seattake a taxitake an examtake
get a shock notestake someones placetake someones
get angry
take a bath
get divorced
take a nap
get drunkget frightened
take a picture
get homeget lost
take a vacation
get marriedget nowhere
take a class
get permission
take a bus
get pregnant
take a chance
get readyget started
Recommended activity
I would like to invite you to visit the following links in order to practice the use of collocations
with get and take.
Now, as a final activity in part A, point to a circle and ask questions using get or take. In exercise B, write
few sentences about a person in your group and share the information with your classmates by means
of the EVA system.
After you are done with this activity, start with the next suggested activity which deals with writing using
ordinal numbers: first, second, third, finally, etc.
Were you able to write about problems and solutions? Were you able to write about suggestions in order
to solve these problems? I hope youve done well!
Dear student, before finishing the activities of this unit, it is important to complete the workbook
exercises to ensure learning. These exercises include a variety of activities related to listening, reading,
speaking, writing, and grammar issues which are centered on the use of the future tense. These exercises
are on pages 78 to 89.
Now it is time to practice what you have been learning in this unit! Do the following self-evaluation test.
Dont forget to read the instructions before start writing.
Self-evaluation 7
2. I need do buy formal clothes. Where do you suggest I look for one?
C. Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of the verb.
3. get lost
4. get permission
5. take a look
8.1. Employment
Lesson A
Job interviews
Dear student, as we can see, this unit in your textbook focuses on employment in particular jobs
interviews. Regarding employment, which is defined in Wikipedia as the relationship between two
parties, usually based on a contract, one being the employer and the other being the employee. What
are some ways that people hear about jobs? You might hear from friends, relatives, the newspaper, the
Internet, on store windows, on bulletin boards, etc.
I would like to invite you to reflect on interesting topics such as occupation, job interview, dos and donts
of interviewing for a job. For example:
Do dress nicely
Do a typed resum
Now, observe the people in the picture and answer to the first question: What do you see in the pictures?
Here you need to identify the names of the people and places where they are. Use your notebook to
write the answers; once you have identified this information, you can continue.
To answer question B you need to look for what actions those people are performing and thus answer
the question What is happening in the pictures? You can identify the actions by writing sentences using
the present continuous tense.
Next, you have question C; what is the story about? The aim here is to use your own words to create a
story based on the picture; use your imagination and notebook to write your ideas.
I hope you were able to answer the questions properly; if you consider you need more explanation, you
can contact your tutor.
In exercise 2A-B, play the CD Track 28. Here, you have to listen and answer the questions, and complete
the chart with information about Tony. In exercise 3A, you have to use the words in the chart to complete
the story. First, complete the paragraph as you think it is correct, and then you can verify your responses
by listening to the CD.
After answering the previous questions, lets continue with the grammar section.
In this section in your textbook, you will be able to distinguish the present perfect continuous and its
use. Alexander (2008) suggests that we use the present perfect continuous when we wish to emphasize
an activity that has been in progress throughout a period, often with consequences now. Depending on
context, this activity may or may not still be in progress at the present time. For example:
Some verbs like learn, lie, live, rain, sit, sleep, stand, study, wait, work, naturally suggest continuity and
often occur with perfect progressives with since and for and also in questions beginning with how long.
For example:
Be careful!
I have been here since February. (at some time I have been living here for six months. (up until
before now) now)
They are living here right now. (in progress at They have been discussing the problem since
the moment of speaking.) one oclock. (up until now)
Now that you have thought about the present continuoua and the present perfect continuous, I want
you to continue with section B. Here, you need to look at the pictures and the phrases under them, check
if you know their meanings; use your notebook to write short conversations and complete sentences
according to each picture. In activity 3A, find a person who does each activity described in the grid. Ask
how long the person has been doing it. Finally, share the information of the previous task by means of
the EVA system.
Dear student, in this section in your textbook, you will review two-part verbs or phrasal verbs. As you
have seen a phrasal verb is made up of two (or more) parts that function as a single verb. Jacob & Strut
(1997) explains that a verb can be used in the same sentence as a preposition (or particle) to change its
A verb can be used in the same sentence as a preposition without changing its meaning: I took the book
off the table.
The same combination of verb and particle can have more than one meaning:
We always have to use an object after some verbs. For example: beat, contain, enjoy, hit, and need. These
verbs are called transitive verbs. On the other hand, some verbs never take an object. For example: ache,
arrive, come, faint, go, sit down, sleep, and snow. These verbs are called intransitive verbs. Additionally,
some verbs can be used transitively or intransitively. For example: begin, drop, hurt, open, ring, and win.
The structure rule of phrasal verbs is verb + particle.
Transitive phrasal verbs are separable. The object can be placed between the verb and the particle. For
Intransitive verb is a verb which does not take an object and cannot be separated. For example:
(Others: do over (repeat), look over (examine), fill out (complete, find out (discover), etc.)
(Others: come back (return), come over (visit), make up (reconcile), pass out (faint), etc.)
Celce-Murcia & Larsen Freeman (1999) suggest that just as some regular ergative or change- of-state
verbs e.g., (open, increase) may be transitive or intransitive depending on the role of the agent, some
phrasal verbs can have this dual function, too; for example:
We often combine verbs with prepositions and adverb particles to form phrasal verbs or two-part verbs.
These verbs can have non-idiomatic meanings and we use them a lot. For example, if someone knocks
at the door, we would probably say come in rather than enter.
In the Lesson C of your textbook, you will find some phrasal verbs that are familiar to you since you have
heard of them in the previous courses. You have to read all the verbs in the box and make sure you know
what their meaning is. If this is not the case, use a dictionary or go online to find the meaning of the
words or check meanings. Then fill in the gaps in Exercises A-B-C in your textbook. Now, lets to continue
to Reading.
Recommended activity
Dear student, I would like to invite you to review the following information in order to practice verbs
that require a preposition. Also, like single-word verbs, adjectives, and nouns, many phrasal verbs take a
specific preposition: For example:
Now, lets continue with the next section. In activity B, make polite requests (polite request = peticion
corts) using would you please .? Could you please..? and the verbs in the box. Continue with part
3Communicate, you need to ask the questions given in the textbook to your friends or relatives. Once
you have that information use your notebook to write it down and cast.
Additional information about this grammar structure can be found at the end of the textbook; therefore,
I recommend you check it. There is a list of phrasal verbs as well.
I hope that now you have a broadened vision of phrasal verbs that require a preposition. Now, lets move
on to the reading section.
8.4. Reading
Lesson D
In this section, you will read and understand Edens blog, practice new vocabulary, scan for specific
information and use context to identify parts of speech and guess meaning.
Edens blog
In this part you have to listen to the audio CD, track 30 and pay attention to the pronunciation of the words
in the reading. Listen as many times as you need in order to be able to read with correct pronunciation.
Then read in silence and underline any unfamiliar word or phrase. Look for the meanings of unknown
words and keep your vocabulary log.
Be careful!
Months of the year are often written as numbers rather than words: 9/15
is the same as September 15th.
In part A, you have a matching exercise in which you need to find specific information according to the
given dates; thus scan the text again to answer.
For activity B you have to answer the questions in your notebook. Understand the meaning of unknown
words in this task and then answer.
In activity C you need to use your dictionary to write down the definitions of the given terms and the
speech category it belongs to as adjectives, nouns or verbs. To finish this lesson you have task D; use your
notebook to answer the questions and then share the information by using EVA system.
How was this section? Was it interesting? Did you realize that months are often written as numbers
rather than words? Did you find new words? Are you sure you know what their meaning is?
8.5. Writing
Lesson E
Dear student, lets start by looking at the thank-you letter. In the American culture, it is very common that
some people like to send and receive thank-you notes after receiving a birthday, wedding, or graduation
gift, for example, or after spending the weekend at someones home.
Remember that a formal letter has the following parts: The return address, the date, the address of the
person to whom the letter is addressed, the person to whom the letter is being written, the greeting
(salutation), the body with paragraph indents, the closing and the signature.
Next, write a formal thank-you letter to a person or a business person following the strategies on page
Now that you have thought about how to write a business thank-you letter, let us continue with a review
of present continuous and present perfect continuous.
Use the present continuous to talk about an Use the present perfect continuous to talk
activity that is happening at the moment of about an activity that started in the past
speaking. We use the present progressive for and continues to the present. Sentences
current or temporary activities. That is, the tend to focus more on the activity its
action isongoing or temporary, exists now, repetition (several times) or (still) duration.
but will change in the future. It is not the usual In this context, using progressive indicates a
state. temporary activity.
After completing exercises A and B on page 107 of your textbook, let us continue with a recommended
activity for writing.
Dear student, before finishing the activities of this unit, it is important to complete the workbook
exercises to ensure learning. These exercises include a variety of activities related to listening, reading,
speaking, writing, and grammar issues which are centered on the use of reporting verbs. These exercises
are on pages 90 to 101 of your workbook.
I hope you did well in the previous exercise. Now go ahead and complete the following self-evaluation
Self-evaluation 8
a) How long __________ your mother ___________ (study) studying for a degree?
Daily living
Dear student, this is the next to last unit in this semester. This unit focuses on crime and community
action. In the unit you will review different topics of daily living such as crime, robbery, and emergency
events. You will suggest solutions, identify key information about a robbery, think about an emergency
and know the safest states in the USA. Please, think about of the following questions: What do you see in
picture 1? What does he have in his hand? What do you see in the room? What has happened? What time
is it? Who are the people in picture 2? What time is it? How do they look? What is missing from the room?
Who do you think the woman is talking to? What is happening? What is the story? Look at the pictures
and try to answer the questions. For example: There is a robbery and Monica is shocked.
Were you able to describe the pictures thoroughly? Good!!! Now, lets continue with the next section.
Dear student, in this section of your textbook, you have some activities that require you to pay attention
to the recording in the audio program. Play the CD Track 31 which contains information to do tasks A
and B. In part C, use your dictionary to find the meanings of unknown words; remember to keep your
vocabulary log in your notebook. Then complete the task by filling the blanks.
After you are done with this activity, start with the next section which deals with grammar focus.
Dear student, in this section in your textbook, you will review past continuous or progressive tense. Past
continuous is formed with the past of be (was, were) + the ing form. We use the past progressive to
describe past situations or actions that were in progress at some time in the past. For example:
Now, its time to continue with some exercises. In activity A, read the whole task and look for new
vocabulary, if you find new words look them up in your dictionary and keep your log. Then follow the
example and complete the statements using the past continuous. In activity B you have to focus your
attention in the picture you have in the textbook; what do you see? Each member of the family in the
picture is doing something as you can observe.
In exercise 3 Communicate part A, you have to use the small conversation you have in the textbook and
ask the same questions to some friends or relatives; the questions might be in Spanish first, but after you
have to use your notebook to write it in English; in that way you can practice. In part B you can share
what you have gotten in the previous exercise by means of the EVA system.
Dear student, our next section deals with past continuous and simple past and adverb clauses with
when and while. We normally use the simple past tense to talk about events, actions or situations which
occurred in the past and are now finished. The form of the simple past is the same for all persons. Verbs
in the regular past always end with a d in their spelling, but the pronunciation of the past ending is not
always the same. For example:
In distinction from regular verbs, irregular verbs do not have past forms which can be predicted. For
cut / cut
sit / sat
shut / shut
When or while are used with the past continuous and simple past to show that one past action
interrupted another past action.
Use when with the simple past for the action that interrupted. For example:
When the disk jockeys selected the music, their manager came in.
Use while with the past continuous to show the action that was happening before the interruption. For
While the disk jockeys were selecting the CDs, dancers disappeared.
Let us continue with the next activity corresponding to this part, complete Practice A. Next, we have more
exercises in activity B to consider. Here you need to look at the pictures and observe what happened. Use
the verbs under the pictures to construct complete sentences taking as a model the given example; talk
with a classmate asking and answering the questions. In exercise 3 Communicate in part A, you need
to describe a situation that happened to you or a friend; you can even invent a situation. The idea is to
follow the questions you have in the textbook and make short paragraph with the information. Use your
notebook and dictionary if necessary. In part B you can share the information of the previous task by
means of the EVA resource.
How was this section? Easy!!! Good!!! I hope you have done well! Now, lets continue with reading.
Recommended activity
Dear student, I would like to invite you to review the following information in order to practice the
conjunctions when and while in adverbial clauses of time.
Did you finish this activity? Great! If you have some examples like these, share with your classmates.
I hope that now you have a broadened vision of adverb clauses that require specific management. Now,
lets move on to the reading section.
9.4. Reading
Home is more than a building
In this part in your textbook, you will read a newspaper article Home is More than a Building. Do you
agree with the idea that home is more than a building? Yes, of course! A home is what you make it to be, it
is a place for your family, a place to grow up in, a place of love and memories. Home is not just a building
made of materials. Home can be a country or a community, etc.
Read the article and recognize time phrases that show changes in time (A few months ago, that evening,
about 24 hours later, for the next three months), then listen to the CDTrack 33. Repeat the audio program
as needed. In activity 3A, take some time to read in silence; as you read the article, look for examples of
time phrases listed in the tip box; underline the phrases. Those phrases indicate how long ago something
happened in the story.
In the first task A, you have to go back to the reading and scan it to find the information you need to
complete the activity.
For task B you have find definitions of the words that in the previous article were underlined. You have to
choose the correct alternative according to the specific context of the article.
To finish this lesson you have part C, try to share your ideas if you have experienced any according to
the given questions. Write the information in your notebook and then share it with your classmates by
means of the EVA system.
After you have completed the previous activity, lets continue with the writing section.
9.5. Writing
Lesson E
In this section in your textbook, you are going to write a story about an emergency. What does an
emergence mean? It means an unexpected and usually dangerous situation that calls for immediate
action e.g., health emergences: hearth attack, stroke, etc.; fire, flood, tornado, earthquake, hurricane.
The focus of this lesson is to read and write about an emergency and how to organize a story using
questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how.
Then in part C you have to write a plan for an emergency. You can use the same emergency and ideas
you had for exercise 1A. Answer the questions in the space provided in the textbook.
Now, it is time to write. In exercise 2, you have to write the story using your notebook and the questions
in the tip box and include the answers you wrote in the previous exercises.
To verify your writing, you have part 3 After you write. You need to revise if the story you wrote has
the elements you have in the checklist of part A; if yes, check this box; if not, you have to include that
information in your story.
Dont forget!!!
Share the story with the rest of your classmates through the virtual
environment platform (EVA).
Now that you have thought about emergencies, I want you continue with grammar connections.
For example:
a. carrying
b. am carrying
c. carry
Ongoing events
a. is competing
b. compete
c. competing
a. work
b. working
c. isnt working
After analyzing the above examples, complete exercises A and B on page 121 of your textbook.
Dear student, before finishing the activities of this unit, it is important to complete the workbook
exercises to ensure learning. These exercises include a variety of activities related to listening, reading,
speaking, writing, and grammar issues which are centered on the use of two-part verbs (phrasal verbs).
These exercises are on pages 102 to 113 of your workbook.
Speaking activity
Now, I invite you to check your understanding and verify your knowledge by answering literals A, B, and
C of the self-evaluation test. Dont forget to read the instructions before writing the test.
Self-evaluation 9
1. went / mother / When / home, / was / her / Ibeth and Bob / dinner. / cooking
3. were his eating wife Leonard their when arrived. children and
5. parents going Quito My to when my from came back were London. sister
Free time
Dear student, as we can see, this is the last unit of Ventures 3. This unit focuses on vacation plans, free
time, and tourist attractions. This unit starts with vacation plans in your textbook. Do you know what
strategies are necessary when dealing with vacation time? Some ideas may be: no work, no school, bus,
plane, car, go home to see my family, etc.
Have you ever had experience with airlines, hotel advertisements and hotel service? What happened?
Next, look at the pictures on page 122 and answer the questions. After answering the questions, let us
continue with a new one which is listening.
In this activity in your textbook, you need to play the CD1 track 34 and check the pronunciation. In
exercise 3, you have to complete the story using the word bank. Correspondingly, at the end of your
textbook you can find the typescript of this section.
In exercise 3, we find some new vocabulary and one of them is a compound noun round-trip, it is
composed by an adjective + a noun. Next, we have some examples of how compound are constructed.
Most compound nouns in English are formed by nouns modified by other nouns or adjectives. Some
words function only as nouns others function as nouns or verbs while others function as nouns or
Compound Nouns
Structure Examples
noun + noun water sports
boat trip
hotel accommodation
noun + verb rainfall
verb + noun breakwater
But in expressions beginning with a, the or a The tour includes a two-day expedition.
possessive and followed by a number, the first
noun is singular. The three-day journey was boring.
Now, let us continue with the next section which is grammar focus.
10.2. Conditionals
Lesson B
Clauses with if
In this section in your textbook, you will study future conditional clauses with if. Use if clauses to talk
about future possibility. We use the simple present in the clause with if and the future in the other clause
to talk about what could happen. For example:
Continuing with our study, in part A you have to read the whole task and then find words you are not
familiar with; if any, look for their meanings in your dictionary and keep your log as well. Now you are
able to complete the task; remember the structure learned. In part B, here you are going to describe
the pictures. For instance: in picture one, what is he doing? Hes playing soccer, right? Now hows the
weather? It is nice, sunny, fine, etc. Continue, in the next picture, what is John doing? Watching TV or
a movie, right? Here, hows the weather? Terrible, it is raining, awful, etc. In this way continue making a
description of each picture; use your notebook and dictionary if needed.
Remember that a clause is a part of a sentence that has a subject and a verb. A dependent clause often
begins with time words such as when, before and after. The dependent clause can come at the beginning
or end of a sentence. Use a comma (, ) after dependent clauses that come at the beginning of a sentence.
Do not use a comma (,) when a dependent clause comes at the end of a sentence.
Use before to order events in a sentence. Before introduces the second event. Use before with the simple
present to talk about habits.
For example:
Before she sees the envelope on the table, we will ask her to sit down.
Use before with the simple present and future to talk about future plans.
For example:
Use after to order events in a sentence. After introduces the first event. Use after with the simple present
to talk about habits.
For example:
Now that you are clear about this structure, it is necessary to do some exercises to reinforce this
knowledge. In exercise B, you have to use before and after according to Anitas plan. Look at the pictures
and the clues under them; use your dictionary to find meanings of difficult words and then write the
description in your notebook. You have a model of the task in your textbook; follow it. In exercise 3
Communicate, you are going to take a weekend trip. Think of a vacation location and three things you
know before the trip.
Did you complete the activity? Where do you like to go? What will you do first? After finishing this
exercise, lets continue with the next section reading.
10.4. Reading
As you can see in this section in your textbook, there is an article which refers to several characters in
the history of Alcatraz. It is the most famous prison in the United States. It is located in San Francisco,
California. Regarding prisioners, John and Clarence Anglin were in prison for bank robbery when they
made their famous scape from Alcatraz. Frank Morris was also in prison for robbery and other crimes.
All three men escaped and were never see again. Today the penitentiary is a museum and one of San
Franciscos major tourist attractions, attracting some 1.5 million visitors annually. The former prison is
now a public museum operated by theNational Park. (Wikipedia 2014).
In the reading selection you will find some new vocabulary words such as prison (a building where
people are kept as punishment for a crime or while they are waiting to go to court), cells (a room in a
prison), ferries sell out (ferries liquidate).
Now lets do some exercises. In part 2 Read you have to read in silence and underline the words you do
not understand and try to guess their meaning from context; play the CD Track 36 and pay attention to
the pronunciation of the words. Now read aloud and try to pronounce in a similar way as in the audio
recording, you can play again it if necessary to get the correct pronunciation.
Exercise 3 After you read is the next activity. In task A, you have to check how much you have understood
from the reading. Use your notebook to write the answers for the questions.
For activity B, you have to look at the word box and find those words in the article; underline those
words there; try to guess the meaning from the context of the article and then look for the words in your
dictionary; check if the definition of the words you guessed is similar to the ones in the dictionary.
Now complete the task by filling the blanks with the words from the box.
Finally, you have task C; answer the questions in your notebook and share this information with the class
by means of the EVA system
What do you think about what you have been reading? Do you like that prisons in Ecuador will be
converted in museums? Now, let us move on to a writing activity.
10.5. Writing
Lesson E
A tourist attraction
Dear student, our next section deals with some important topics of a tourist attraction in your
community. In Loja for example, we have a beautiful fair which is celebrated on September the 8th. There
are fireworks, exquisite cousin which offers a look into Lojanian culture, bocadillos, recreation activities,
and animal competitions.
Now go ahead and complete the activity in your textbook. In Exercise A, write the name of a tourist
attraction in your community; in activity B you have to look at the pictures and say what you see; you have
to tell the name of the item in each picture; use your dictionary if needed. Later read and pay attention to
the vocabulary and underline the unknown words; look for their meanings in your dictionary; remember
to keep your vocabulary log. Then complete the outline in exercise C. Finally, write a paragraph about a
tourist attraction in your city.
I hope you learned a lot in this section. Do you have any questions? Do not hesitate to call your instructor
if you have some doubts. Lets continue with the life-skill reading.
Life-skill reading
Dear student, in this section we have a hotel Web site. Which hotels are in these Web pages? Is Gateway
Inn interesting? Or Western Universal Inn is the best. What information is included in a hotel Web site?
Room rates, address, phone number, nearby tourist attractions, etc. What are some tourist attractions in
Orlando? Orlandos Theme Parks are some of Floridas main attraction: Disney World is the most famous,
but Universal Studios and Sea World are also popular.
After became familiar with hotel information let us continue with grammar connections.
The tower of Pisa has leaned to the South since its third story was
added in 1274.
How it go? Were you able to distinguish the three uses of the present perfect easily? Good! Now let us
continue with talking exercise 2A.
In this section in your textbook, you will talk and write about items such as hasnt missed a class since the
beginning of the term or has been to another country on vacation, etc. Look at the chart and complete it.
Did you complete the exercise by completing the chart accurately? Did you use suitable phrases? Good!
Let us continue with a recommended activity for speaking.
After you have completed the previous activity, in this section I consider that it is necessary to complete
the questionnaire to help you to think about what could have done wrong with your holiday in a recent
trip you had.
Think about a trip you went on recently and complete the exercise.
Dear student, before finishing the activities of this unit, it is important to complete the workbook exercises
to ensure learning. These exercises include a variety of activities related to listening, reading, speaking,
writing, and grammar issues which are centered on the use of gerund and infinitive constructions. These
exercises are on pages 114 to 125.
How did it go? Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any doubts.
Now, I invite you to check your understanding and verify your knowledge by answering literals A, B, and
C of the self-evaluation test. Dont forget to read the instructions before writing the test.
Self-evaluation 10
B. Complete the sentences. Use the simple present or future form of the verbs.
(arrive) (cook)
(drive) (start)
4. Our parents _________ with us after they _____________ our trip to New York.
(speak) (book)
1. bake baking
2. swim swimming
3. lie lying
4. travel travelling
5. say saying
1. a
2. c
3. b
4. a
1. boils
2. works
3. drives
4. go
5. wears
1. because of
2. because
3. because
4. because of
5. because
1. big enough
2. experienced enough
3. too high
4. far enough
5. close enough
1. has checked
2. hasnt gone
3. have given up
4. have been
5. hasnt slept
1. use to
2. used to
3. used to
4. use to
5. used to
1. promise to pay
2. hope to start
3. plan to meet
4. wanted to ride
5. decide to do
1. yet
2. already
3. yet
4. yet
5. already
When you have many chores, you need
to prioritize
Dont procrastinate over the weekend
when your projects are due on Monday.
When you are talking to your children,
dont be impatient.
When you hade a deadline, plan your
Dont turn on the television when you
need to focus.
After Marcela goes to the supermarket,
she meets the children.
Before she starts preparing dinner, she
meets the children.
After she meets the children, she starts
preparing dinner.
She cleans the kitchen after she eats
She cleans the kitchen before she
leaves for class.
1. any
2. any
3. some
4. some
5. some
1. shouldnt
2. should
3. shouldnt
4. shouldnt
5. should
1. writing
2. hearing
3. waiting
4. making
5. losing
1. throw away
2. turn down
3. handed out
4. filling out
5. turn up
When Kate went home, her mother
was cooking dinner.
While Peter was sleeping, his son went
to a party.
Mathew and his wife were eating when
their children arrived.
Dr. Smith was driving home when a
patient called him.
My parents were going to Ambato
when my sister came back from Peru.
Ashley, A. (2010). Commercial Correspondence. (New Edition) Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Celce-Murcia, M. & Larrsen-Freeman D. (1999). The grammar book. United States of America:
Heinle & Heinle.
Harmer, J. (2007). The practice of English Language Teaching. 4th ed. New York: Longman.
Murphy, R. (2000). Basic Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press. 2nd ed. United Kingdom:
Cambridge University Press.
Newbury House Dictionary of American English. (2004). The core of the English language learning.
Fourth Ed. United States of America: Thomson-Heinle.
Parkir, A. (2000). The Development of English as a Global Language. New Concerns in the Old Saga
of Language Teaching in Ho Wah Kan and Ward. Christopher (Eds.) Language in the Global Context.
Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Center.
Quirk & Greenbaum (1973). A concise grammar of contemporary English. New York: Hardcourt
Brace Jonanovich.
Richards, J. (1998). Interchange 1, 2, 3. 2nd edition. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Walker, R. (1995). IATEFL ESP SIG Newsletter N4. English for Specific Purposes. Retrieved from http://
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