Interferencia L2
Interferencia L2
Interferencia L2
Interferencia producida por el contacto entre Interferencia producida por la evolucin de las
lenguas lenguas
Influencia mutua entre las lenguas (language Modelo en rbol (tree model): las lenguas se
mixing): combinacin de las caractersticas de ms relacionan desde el punto de vista diacrnico
de una lengua Modelo en ondas (wave model): las lenguas
Prstamos (borrowing): elementos de una lengua se relacionan si se hablan en zonas
que provienen de otra adyacentes
Cambio de cdigo (code switching): cambio de una
lengua a otra durante la comunicacin
Joaquim Llisterri Joaquim Llisterri
Grup de Fontica, Departament de Filologia Espanyola Grup de Fontica, Departament de Filologia Espanyola
La interferencia lingstica Tipos de interferencias en la adquisicin de la L2
(Odlin, 1989) (Odlin, 1989)
Comparacin entre lenguas para "Those elements that are similar to his native
language will be simple for him, and those
predecir las dificultades del aprendizaje elements that are different will be difficult. The
Las dificultades del aprendizaje se teacher who has made a comparison of the
derivan de las caractersticas de la L1 foreign language with the native language of the
students will know better what the real learning
La influencia en la L2 de los hbitos de problems are"
la L1 favorece o dificulta el aprendizaje LADO, R. (1957) Linguistics across cultures. Applied Linguistics for Language
Teachers. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Trad cast: Lingstica
de la L2 contrastiva. Lenguas y culturas. Madrid: Alcal, 1985. (p.2)
"Furthermore, we focus our analytical attention upon the only observable "An approximative system is the deviant linguistic system actually
data to which we can relate theoretical predictions: the utterances which are employed by the learner attempting to utilize the target language"
produced when the learner attempts to say sentences of a TL. This set of
utterances for most learners of a second language is not identical to the "Learner speech at a given time is the patterned product of a
hypothesized corresponding set of utterances which would have been
produced by a native speaker of the TL. Since we can observe that these two
linguistic system, La, distinct from LS and LT and internally
sets of utterances are not identical, then in making of constructs relevant to a structured"
theory of second language learning, one would be completely justified in
hypothesizing, perhaps even compelled to hypothesize the existence of a "La's at successive stages of learning form an evolving series, La1...n,
separate linguistic system based on the observable output which results from the earliest occurring when a learner first attempts to use LT the
a learner's attempted production of a TL norm. This linguistic systems we most advanced at the closest approach of La to LT"
will call 'interlanguage' (IL)"
NEMSER, W. (1971) "Approximative Systems of Foreign Language
SELINKER, L. (1972) "Interlanguage", International Review of Applied Linguistics
IRAL 10, 3:209-231
Learners", International Review of Applied Linguistics IRAL 9,2: 115-123
Secuencias de desarrollo (developmental "We have found that both Chinese- and Spanish-
speaking children exposed to natural English peer speech
sequences) en una L2 comunes a las acquired 11 functors in approximately the same order.
secuencias que se encuentran en el Although only a fragment of English was studied, the
results of this study provide a strong indication that
desarrollo lingstico en la adquisicin universal cognitive mechanisms are the basis for the
de esta lengua como L1 en hablantes child's organization of a target language, and that it is the
L2 system, rather than the L1 system that guides the
nativos acquisition process"
DULAY, H.- BURT, M. (1975) "Natural sequences in child second
language acquisition", Language Learning 24: 37-53
Paso de una teora de la adquisicin de la "The structuralist assumption that language learning
consists of learning a set of habits implies that the habits
L2 basada en el conductismo a una of the L1 should interfere with the learning of subsequent
teora de la adquisicin de la L2 basada languages [...] The generative view of language
acquisition as a creative process guided by innate,
en el cognitivismo universal mechanisms brought with it a reaction against
the view that the native language is the primary influence
El papel de la gramtica universal en la on the learning of a second language"
adquisicin de la L2 BROSELOW, H. (1988) "Second Language Acquisition, in NEWMEYER,
F.J. (Ed) Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey. Volume III: Language:
Psychological and Biological Aspects. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. pp. 194-209
Personalidad Personalidad
Aptitudes fonticas Nivel de ansiedad
Capacidad de empata
Conocimiento de la L2
Grado de introversin o extroversin
Nivel cultural y nivel de
Aptitudes fonticas
Capacidad de imitacin
Joaquim Llisterri Joaquim Llisterri
Grup de Fontica, Departament de Filologia Espanyola Grup de Fontica, Departament de Filologia Espanyola