AL KHADIR - Coomaraswamy Guenon y Otros
AL KHADIR - Coomaraswamy Guenon y Otros
AL KHADIR - Coomaraswamy Guenon y Otros
Al-Khidr o El Verde fue un personaje de leyenda pre islámico de la mística sufi, de quien como
primera fuente existen sólo algunas referencias y relatos en el Corán, e innumerables polémicas y
derivaciones a partir de ellas. Se cuenta que fue llamado de tal manera (El Verde), porque en
determinada ocasión paró a descansar en una tierra desértica, y la misma se volvió exuberante y llena
de vegetación. Otras interpretaciones refieren al verde como el símbolo de la frescura del conocimiento
auténtico y la vida eterna.
Tabla de contenidos
1 Teorías
2 La leyenda
3 Interpretaciones
4 Enlaces externos
Teorías [editar]
En torno a la mítica figura de Al-Khidr han surgido diversas disputas intelectuales y religiosas sobre la
realidad de su existencia, y asimismo en este supuesto, sobre su verdadera identidad. Algunas
interpretaciones del Corán afirman que se trata de un santo, o una especie de ángel que guía a quienes
están destinados a conocer a Dios. Otras versiones afirman que fue un profeta que vivió en la época pre
islámica. Se afirma también que Khidr fue el único ser terrenal a quien Alláh (Dios) consideró como
"su amigo", que recibió el acceso al "Conocimiento" en línea directa desde el propio Alláh, preservando
la llamada "Cadena de Oro de la Sabiduría " hasta que el próximo eslabón Abdul Khaliq pudo asumir
su destino.
Khidr asimismo es relacionado con el mito del "Agua de la Vida" o Fuente de la juventud, y según tal
creencia pudo beber el agua de la inmortalidad y encontrar la fuente de la vida eterna. De esa manera,
en la tradición mística musulmana Khidr está vivo y continúa guiando a quienes se encuentran en la
auténtica búsqueda de Dios. En tal sentido, a lo largo del tiempo diversos referentes musulmanes
-inclusive algunos otros guías espirituales no islámicos como el contemporáneo Alfredo Offidani- se
han atribuído ser depositarios de la sabiduría viva de Al-Khidr, y transmisores de la "Cadena de Oro"
del conocimiento directo desde Dios.
La leyenda [editar]
Según la tradición, Al-Khidr es el mítico sabio "servidor de servidores" que se reunió con Moisés
(Musa en los relatos musulmanes), en un sitio también discutido y ambiguo, mencionado como aquel
"donde se juntan los mares", iniciándolo en su camino sagrado.
Se cuenta que cierta vez un peregrino le preguntó al profeta Musa "¿Quién es el hombre más letrado
entre la gente?", a lo cual Musa respondió: "Yo soy el más letrado". Inmediatamente Alláh amonestó a
Musa ya que no le había atribuído el conocimiento absoluto, al tiempo que le reveló: "En la unión de
los dos mares hay un servidor de entre mis servidores quien es más letrado que tú".
Musa dijo: "¡Oh mi Señor! ¿Como puedo llegar a él?". Alláh le respondió: "Toma un pescado antes de
partir, y lo encontrarás en el lugar en donde pierdas el pescado". Musa partió de viaje atravesando los
desiertos junto a su criado Yusha bin Nun, quien llevó un pescado en una cesta hasta que encontraron
una roca junto al mar, donde descansaron y durmieron. El pescado salió de la cesta y buscó su camino
hacia el mar. Al día siguiente continuaron viaje hasta que Musa ordenó a su criado traer la comida. En
tal situación el criado encontró que el pescado ya no estaba en la cesta y le dijo a Musa que
seguramente lo perdieron en aquella roca donde habían descansado. Musa notó que era la señal
buscada, y entonces regresaron sobre sus pasos, hasta encontrarse con la roca. Ahí vieron a un hombre
cubierto con un atuendo. Musa lo saludó. Al-Khidr contestó diciendo: "¿Cómo se saluda la gente en tu
tierra?" Musa dijo: "Yo soy Musa", y le pidió permiso para seguirlo y así aprender sobre su mayor
sabiduría recibida de Alláh.
Al-Khidr le respondió: "¡Ciertamente! pero no serás capaz de tenerme paciencia, Oh Musa! Yo tengo
algún conocimiento que Alláh me ha enseñado y el cual tú no conoces, mientras que tu tienes algún
conocimiento que Alláh te ha enseñado y que yo no conozco"
Musa dijo: "Si Alláh quiere, seré paciente y no te desobedeceré en nada". Entonces ambos salieron
caminando a lo largo de la playa, ya que no tenían un barco. Mientras tanto pasó un barco cerca de
ellos y le pidieron a la tripulación si los podían llevar a bordo. Los barqueros reconocieron a Al-Khidr y
los llevaron a bordo sin temor. Entonces un gorrión y se paró en el borde del barco y metió una o dos
veces su pico en el mar. Al-Khidr dijo: "Musa, mi conocimiento y tu conocimiento es como la cantidad
de agua tomada por este gorrión desde el mar del conocimiento de Alláh". Acto seguido Al-Khidr
tomó fuertemente uno de los tablones del barco y lo arrancó. Musa contrariado le dijo: "Esta gente nos
ha ayudado y tu has roto su barco". Al-Khidr contestó: "¿No te había dicho que no tendrías paciencia
conmigo?". Musa aceptó el error y dijo que lamentaba su olvido.
Siguieron más adelante y se encontraron con unos niños jugando. Al-Khidr tomó la cabeza de uno de
ellos desde arriba y la arrancó con sus manos, matándolo en el acto. Musa muy exasperado le dijo:
"¡Has matado a una criatura inocente quien no había hecho daño a nadie!". Al-Khidr contestó: "¿Has
visto que no puedes tener paciencia conmigo? La próxima vez que me cuestiones deberemos
Entonces ambos prosiguieron su marcha hasta llegar con la gente de un pueblo, les preguntaron por
comida, pero todos rehusaron ayudarlos y fueron muy hostiles con los peregrinos. Allí encontraron una
pared a punto de derrumbarse. Al-Khidr la reparó con sus propias manos, y Musa le dijo: "Si lo
hubieras deseado, seguramente nos hubieran pagado por eso y podríamos haber comido algo". Al-
Khidr contestó: "Esta es la separación entre tú y yo".
El Profeta Musa concluyó: "¡Quiera Alláh ser misericordioso con Musa! Pudiera ser que fuera más
paciente para aprender más acerca de tu historia".
Pero ya era tarde. Khidr explicó a Musa que en adelante debía seguir solo el camino sin poder
acompañarle, pues no había entendido la sabiduría oculta de sus actos: "Oh, Musa, lo que hacemos es
lo que Alláh nos dice que hagamos. Primero arruiné el barco porque hay un tirano que les roba las
barcas a los pobres en esa región. Ese tirano va a morir mañana, y mañana ellos pueden reparar su
barca y utilizarla nuevamente. Maté al niño porque Alláh no quería que ese niño causara que sus
padres que creen en ti se desesperaran y abandonaran tu religión. Alláh les dará mejores hijos que él.
Por último, reparé aquella pared gratuitamente en ese pueblo de malvados pues pertenecía a un
hombre que en vida fue muy generoso con los pobres. Cuando murió dejó un tesoro enterrado bajo la
pared para sus dos huérfanos, si esa pared llegase a caer la gente vería el tesoro y lo tomarían. La
reconstruí para que esos dos niños recibiesen el tesoro después. Tu no entiendes la sabiduría de
Interpretaciones [editar]
La situación que narra la leyenda, en la que Moisés, con todo el honor depositado en él por Dios, se
encontró de repente como un ignorante ante Khidr, es base y fundamento de múltiples y diversas
interpretaciones, tanto teológicas como intelectuales, y tanto desde la mística musulmana como de la
cristiana. Inclusive algunas sectas actuales como Life Quality Project, conectada directamente en su
mística con este ejemplo, remiten asimismo al discípulo a esta leyenda, principalmente en cuanto al
significado mayúsculo de la sumisión, la paciencia y la necesaria obediencia que intrínsecamente
necesitan imponer a sus fieles.
Entre las interpretaciones más antiguas de la leyenda de Al-Khidr y Moisés se pueden encontrar las
¿Cómo nos atrevemos nosotros, quienes no podríamos jamás compararnos con Moisés,
considerarnos conocedores, si el propio Moisés, con todo su conocimiento en la Presencia
Divina, fue incapaz de entender los actos de su maestro de entonces?
Quienquiera que entre en el Camino sin un guía, le tomará cien años transitar una jornada de
dos días.
¿Puedes acaso practicar una profesión en el mundo sin la guía de un maestro? Aquel que
emprenda una profesión sin un maestro se tornará en el hazmerreír del pueblo.
Tu conocimiento no tiene mérito alguno. Siempre habrá otros mucho más sabios que tu. No
importa cuan alta o profunda sea tu sabiduría, debes saber que hay dimensiones del
conocimiento mucho más elevadas y profundas del nivel en el que tu te encuentras.
Por su parte, algunas teorías sociológicas de la actualidad, remiten asimismo a la leyenda de Al-Khidr y
Moisés para explicar en parte las raíces profundas del fundamentalismo islámico, tomándola como
ejemplo en el sentido que, cualquier terrible acto, por doloroso y escabroso que resulte, queda
justificado dentro de la creencia básica de que "así lo quiso Alá", y por lo tanto no se discute.
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Al-Khadir (right) and Dhul-Qarnayn, here referring to Alexander the Great, marvel at the sight of a
salted fish that comes back to life when touched by the Water of Life. Al-Khidr (Arabic: الخضر,
literally "the green one", also transcribed: Khidr, Khidar, Khizr, Khizar) has a disputed status amongst
scholars; some say he is a Saint (`Abdan Saalih) while others say he is a Prophet in Islam. He is
assumed to be referred to in Qur'an sura Al-Kahf (18:65-82), in an encounter with Moses, where Moses
(Nabi Musa), the Biblical prophet, meets Al-Khidr, referred in the Quran as one of Our servants, on
whom We had bestowed Mercy from Ourselves and whom We had taught knowledge from Our own
Presence..[Qur'an 18:65]. Moses asks him for permission to accompany him so Moses can learn from the
Green Man's knowledge. Al-Khidr, realizing that Moses had the Torah and divine knowledge to draw
upon, informed him in a stern manner that their knowledge is of different nature and that Moses would
not bear to observe him without asking questions. Moses promised to be patient and they agreed to
travel together.
1 Narrative
2 Influence
3 Ahmadiyya view
4 Relation to other stories
5 References
6 See also
7 External links
[edit] Narrative
According to the Quranic passage Moses meets the "servant of God" or Al-Khidr at the junction of the
two seas and asks to acompany him in order to gain knowledge from him. Al Khidr performs his first
action, after he and Moses board a ship, Al-Khidr remains behind and damages the ship, rendering it
unsafe for use. Forgetting his oath to follow quietly, Moses criticizes this behavior and Al-Khidr replies
that criticizing him is a violation of the oath. Moses, eager to learn from the wise man, apologizes. The
second act was Al-Khidr murdering a child. Moses, in anger, violates his oath again. As with the
sabotage of the ship, they argue and Moses apologizes for violating his oath. This time Al-Khidr warns
Moses that he has only one chance left as his patience is wearing thin. The last act was Al-Khidr
restoring a damaged wall in a village where they were denied hospitality. Amazed by his companion's
reaction to the ill-treatment they received in the village, Moses violates his oath for the third and last
Al-Khidr exposed to Moses two facts simultaneously, first that Moses' knowledge is limited and that
many acts which seem to be evil, malicious or somber hide some of God's mercy and design. As they
are about to part ways, Al-Khidr explains that even though the ship's owners will not be pleased with
their damaged ship, the blessing will manifest itself when the local king confiscates all ships fit to wage
war, leaving behind the damaged ships. Many argue that this occurrence is a form of passive resistance
quite advanced to be mentioned in an ancient sacred text.
The murder of the child would sadden his parents at first glance, yet is a blessing in disguise as God
would replace the child with better in purity, affection and obedience. unlike the murdered child, who
Al-Khidr foretold was about to make his pious parents suffer. As for the restoration of the wall without
recompense, Al-Khidr explained that underneath the wall was a treasure belonging to two hapless
orphans whose father was a righteous man. As God's envoy, Al-Khidr restored the wall, showing God's
kindness by rewarding the piety of the orphans' father.
[edit] Influence
Sufis draw many analogies supporting natural theology from this Qur'anic passage, such as the need for
earthquakes to act in contrast to earth's stability, disease to contrast good health, and countless other
analogies. The question of accountability raised by some is answered through the fact that Al-Khidr
was acting as God's envoy and not according to his personal judgment.
Al-Khidr also figures into the Alexander Romance as a servant of Alexander the Great,Al-Khidr and
Alexander cross the Land of Darkness to find the Water of Life. Alexander gets lost looking for the
spring, but Al-Khidr finds it and gains eternal life. Dhul Qarnain which means literally,"Two-Horned
One", is mentioned as the one who imprisons the Gog and Magog. In the Jordanian city of Mahis there
is a Mausoleum to Al-Khidr.
The place of the meeting of the two seas signifies the time when the Mosaic dispensation meets the
Islamic dispensation, i.e. when the Mosaic dispensation will be superseded by the Islamic one.[1]
The first action of “the servant of God” (Al-Khidr) of making a hole in the boat is interpreted as
signifying the commandments laid down by Muhammad which would, as it were make a hole in the
boat, which in spiritual terms denotes worldly riches, i.e. he would see to it that wealth is fairly
distributed and does not accumulate in the hands of a few. The “poor people” to whom the boat
belonged represent the Muslims, and making a hole in it means that Islam would exhort its followers to
spend in the way of God by way of Zakat and charity. Which would seem to be a source of economic
weakness, but in fact would be one of economic strength and prosperity? The tyrant king, who
confiscates the boats were the Byzantine and Persian Empires who would have seized Arabia had it not
seemed to them a poor and barren land not worth conquering. Thus the Arabian land represented as the
damaged boat had been safeguarded from being conquered or "taken by force".
The youth, in spiritual terms is interpreted among other things as Ignorance, strength and wild
impulses, thus the second action of the “servant of God”, the killing of the youth signifies that the
teachings of his (Muhammad's) religion would require its followers to bring about a veritable death
over their carnal desires and passions. The source (the parents) of these carnal desires, impulses and
passions is the human body and soul combined, from which all moral qualities spring. Islamic theology
holds that every human is born virtuous, thus because his parents have been called “believers”, this
means that the believers may be dragged into vice by the impulses represented as the “youth”. Islam
seeks to eradicate these impulses and leaves man with the soul and body combined to develop along
beneficent lines to achieve the high purpose of human life.
Then Moses and the “servant of God” approach a town, ask its people for food and are refused to be
accepted as guests. This signifies that both Moses and Muhammad would seek co-operation from Jews
and Christians but it would be denied. The two orphan boys to whom the wall belonged are Moses and
Jesus and their “righteous” father is Abraham. Their treasure was the true teaching bequeathed by them
to their peoples, which was in danger of being lost due to the latter’s irreligiousness. Thus the third act
of the “servant of God” (Muhammad) of rebuilding the wall signifies that the treasure or true teachings
were to be safeguarded in the Quran, so that they (the people of Moses and Jesus) may accept it after
having awakened to a realization of the truth of the Quranic teachings.[2]
The story is also similar to one told of a journey made by the prophet Elijah and Rabbi Jochanan. The
first house where they stay the night belongs to a pious old couple who give the prophet and the rebbe
the best of their food and beds. However, the couple's cow dies in the night. Elijah later explains that
the Angel of Death came and he persuaded the angel to take the cow instead of the wife. The next
house, as in the al-Khidr story, is that of a rich miser, and Elijah repairs his wall so that he will not, in
having it repaired, find the treasure hidden under it.
It is also considered that Sanat Kumara is Al Khdir (green man) known to Sufi Muslims (according to
Khwaja Khadir and the Fountain of Life in the
Tradition of Persian and Mughal Art
Ananda K.
“What is
Civilisation” and
Other Essays,
Golgosova Press,
1989) pp. 157-
The nature of Khwaja Khizr can be inferred from his iconography as outlined above, and also from the
Indian legends. In the ballad of Niwal Dai, which is localized at Safidam[2] in the Panjab, Niwal Dai is
the daughter of Vasuki, the chief of the Serpents. The Aryan Pandava Raja Pariksit has encountered
Vasuki, and forced him to promise his daughter to him in marriage, though from Vasuki’s point of view
this is a disgraceful misalliance. Vasuki is then stricken with leprosy, owing to a curse pronounced by
the Priest Siji[3] whose cows have been bitten by the Serpents. Niwal Dai undertakes to obtain for his
healing the Water of Life (amrta), from the closed well which she alone can open, but which is in the
domains of Raja Pariksit.[4] When she reaches the well, which is covered over by heavy stones, she
moves these by her magic power, but the waters sink down out of reach; this is because Khwaja Khizr,
their master, will not release them until Niwal Dai, whom none but her own parents Vasuki and his
queen Padma have ever yet seen, permits herself to be seen; when Niwal Dai showed herself, then
Khwaja Khizr ‘sent the waters up bubbling’. Raja Pariksit, aroused by the sound, gallops to the well,
and though Niwal Dai hides in her serpent form, forces her to put on her human aspect, and after a long
argument at the well, convinces her that she is bound by the previous betrothal, and in due course
marries her.[5]
The scene at the well may also have
been the original theme of the
composition represented in a number of
seventeenth and eighteenth century
Mughal paintings, where a prince on
horseback is shown at a well, from
which a lady has drawn up water.[6]
The motif of a dynasty originating in
the marriage of a human King with a
Nagini is widely diffused in India, and
in the last analysis can always be
referred back to the rape of Vac, the The Shrine of Khawaja Khizr, near Bukkur fort, 1838
Apsaras or Virgin of the Waters whose Identified by Jackson as a view of 'Hajee Ka Tau, an island just above the fort
origin is with the powers of darkness of Bukkur on the Indus', the sketch would appear to be of the tomb of the river
and whom the Father-Creator has not saint Khwaja Khizr, regarded as having been built in 925 A.D. (A.H. 341).
According to the legend recorded in the Chachnama, the tomb was built in
‘seen’ before the transformation of gratitude by a Delhi merchant Shah Husain who, traveling down the Indus with
darkness into light, in principle; in this his pretty daughter on their way to Mecca, was called upon by Dalurai (the
Hindu ruler of Alor) to surrender the daughter. In her anxiety to avoid such an
connection it is noteworthy that in the impious alliance, the girl prayed to Khwaja Khizr for deliverance and as she and
her father sought to escape in a boat, the saint diverted the course of the
ballad, Niwal Dai has never seen the Indus towards Rohri bringing the harassed father and daughter to safety.
Sun or Moon, and has been kept hidden Khwaja Khizr, known also as the Jinda or living Pir, is said to be particularly
protective of travelers.
in a whirlpool (bhaithri) until she
comes forth to uncover the Well at the World’s End, in which are the Waters of Life.[7] That she
assumes a human form is her ‘manifestation’. It will be realised, of course, that just as in the European
parallels, where a mermaid, or the daughter of a magician, marries a human hero, so in the later Indian
folk tales and romances the redactor may not have always fully ‘understood his material’.
Khwaja Khizr appears again in another Indian folk tale of a very archaic type, the Story of Prince
Mahbub.[8] The king of Persia has a son by a concubine, who, in the absence of any other child,
becomes the heir apparent. Subsequently the true queen becomes pregnant. The first prince fears that he
will be displaced, invades the kingdom, slays his father, and usurps the throne. In the meantime the true
queen escapes, and is cared for by a farmer; a son is born, who is called Mahbub, and the ‘Darling of
the World’. Later he goes alone to court, and becomes the victor in athletic contests, particularly as an
archer. The people recognise his likeness to the late king.
On his return home his mother tells him of his birth, and both set out on their travels in order to avoid
the usurper’s suspicion. Mother and son reach a desert land, and there in a mosque beside a mountain
they meet a faqir who gives them bread and water that are inexhaustible, and two pieces of wood, one
of which can serve as a torch, the other possessing this virtue, that within a radius of fourteen cubits
from the place where it is held, the deepest sea will become fordable, and no more than a cubit in
depth. As mother and son are then wading through the sea knee-deep, they meet with a ruby-bearing
They cross the sea and reach India, where they sell one of the rubies at a great price. It comes into the
hands of the king of that country. He finds out its source, and seeks the hero, who has in the meantime
built a new and great palace by the seaside. Mahbub undertakes to procure more of the same kind. He
sets out alone, lights the torch (this shows that he is about to enter a world of darkness), and aided by
the rod traverses the sea till he reaches the ruby current. He follows it up until he finds its source in a
whirlpool. He jumps in and falls down the black watery chimney until he touches solid ground and
finds the waters flowing out from an iron gateway of a conduit.
Passing through this he finds himself in a wonderful garden, in which is a palace. In this palace he finds
a room in which is a freshly severed head, from which drops of blood are falling into a basin, and are
carried out as rubies with the current into the conduit and so to the whirlpool and up into the sea.
Twelve paris[9] then appear, take down the head, bring
forth the trunk, lay the parts together, and taking up
burning candles execute a dance round the couch, so
swift that Mahbub can see only a circle of light. Then
stooping over the bed, they wail ‘How long, O Lord,
how long? . . . When will the sun of hope arise on the
darkness of our despair? Arise, O King, arise, how long
will you remain in this deathlike trance?’[10]
Immediately the head is joined to the body, and the dead king rises up alive.[12] Khizr vanishes, and
Mahbub returns to India with his father, who is thus reunited with the widowed queen. When the king
of India comes for the rubies, Mahbub pricks his own finger, and the drops of blood falling into a cup
of water become the required gems, for as Mahbub now knows, every drop of blood that flows in the
veins of the kings of Persia is more precious than rubies. Mahbub marries the princess of India. An
expedition to Persia dethrones the usurper Kassab, and his head is taken and hung in the underground
palace, but every drop of blood becomes a toad.
The true nature of Khwaja Khizr is already clearly indicated in the two stories summarised above, as
well as in the iconography. Khizr is at home in both worlds, the dark and the light, but above all master
of the flowing River of Life in the Land of Darkness: he is at once the guardian and genius of
vegetation and of the Water of Life, and corresponds to Soma and Gandharva in Vedic mythology, and
in many respects to Varuria himself, though it is evident that he cannot, either from the Islamic or from
the later Hindu point of view be openly identified with the supreme deity. We shall find these general
conclusions amply confirmed by further examinations of the sources of the Islamic legends of al-
In the Qur’an (Sura XVM, 59-81) occurs the legend of Musa’s search for the Ma’jma ‘al-Bahrain,[13]
which is probably to be understood as a ‘place’ in the far west at the meeting of two oceans; Musa is
guided by a ‘servant of God’, whom the commentators identify with al-Khadir, whose abode is said to
be upon an island or on a green carpet in the midst of the sea?
This story can be traced back to three older sources, the Gilgamesh epic, the Alexander Romances, and
the Jewish legend of Elijah and Rabbi Joshua ben Levi.[14] In the Gilgamesh epic the hero sets out in
search of his immortal ‘ancestor’ Utnapishtim who dwells at the mouth of the rivers (ina pi narati), like
Varuna whose abode is ‘at the rivers’ source’, sindhunam upodaye. Rg Veda, VIII, 41, 2; his object
being to be informed with respect to the ‘plant-life’, prototype of the Avestan haoma, Vedic soma,[15]
whereby man can be saved from death.
Alexander makes the prophet Khizr his guide, and Khizr ‘moving with greenness[19] leads the way,
and presently discovers the fountain, from which he drinks, becoming immortal. He keeps his eye on
the spring, while waiting for Alexander to catch up with him; but it disappears from sight, and Khizr
himself vanishes, realising that Alexander will not succeed in his quest. Nizami goes on to relate
another version according to the ‘account of the elders of Rum’; here the quest is undertaken by
Ilyas[20] and Khizr, who sit down by a fountain to eat their repast, consisting of dried fish; the fish
falling into the waters, comes to life, and thus the seekers are made aware that they have found the
Fountain of Life, from which both drink.
Nizami then proceeds to the Kur’anic version, and interprets the Fountain as one of Grace, the true
Water of Life being the Knowledge of God. A similar interpretation of the ancient material occurs in
the New Testament, (John, 4). Nizami attributes Iskandar’s failure to his eagerness, whereas in the case
of Khizr ‘the Water of Life arrived unsought’, with reference to the fact that it is revealed indirectly by
its effect on the fish, when Khizr has no suspicion that he has already reached it.
The finding of the Fountain by Ilyas and Khizr occurs in Persian art as the subject of miniatures
illustrating the Iskandar Nama.[21] One of these, from a late sixteenth century manuscript belonging to
Mr A. Sakisian, is reproduced in colour as frontispiece to his La Miniature persane, 1929, and in
monochrome by L. Binyon, Persian Painting, 1933, PI. LXIa; here the two prophets are seated by the
Well in a verdant landscape, two fish are seen lying on a platter and a third, evidently alive, is in
Khizr’s hand; it is clear that he is pointing out to Ilyas the significance of the miracle. Ilyas is robed in
blue, Khizr wears a green robe with a brown cloak.
In another, and unpublished version of the seventeenth century, belonging to the Freer Gallery the
arrangement is similar, but only one fish is seen on the platter. A third example, in the Museum of Fine
Arts, Boston, and or late fifteenth century date, is reproduced in Ars Asiatica, XIII. PI. VII, no. 15;
Ilyas and al-Khadir are seen in the foreground beside the stream, in darkness; Alexander and his
followers above, as in the Freer Gallery example, where the arrangement of the darks and lights is
reversed. The Freer Gallery example seems to be the more correct in this respect, inasmuch as the
whole quest takes place within the Land of Darkness, but the immediate vicinity of the Fountain of Life
is understood to be lighted up by the sheen of its flowing waters. The Finders of the Well are both
In the Syrian Lay of Alexander, and in the Qur’anic version, the fish swims away, and in the latter is
said to reach the sea. A connection with the story of Manu and the ‘fish’ may be predicated in the Manu
myth (Satapatha Bramana, I.8.i); the ‘fish’ (jhasa) is from the beginning alive, but very small, and
precariously situated, for it comes into Manu’s hands when he is washing, and asks him to rear it. Manu
provides it with water, and after it has grown great, releases it in the sea; and when the Flood comes, it
guides the Ark through the Waters by means of a rope attached to its horn.
A noteworthy variant of the Manu legend, with a closer parallel to the Alexander and Qur’anic versions
with respect to the dessication of the ‘fish’ occurs in Jaimimya Brahmana, in. 193, and Pancavimsa
Brahmana, xiv. 5. 15; here Sarkara, the ‘sisumara’, refuses to praise Indra, Parjanya therefore strands
him on dry land and dries him up with the north wind (the cause of the desiccation of the fish is thus
indicated). Sarkara then finds a song of praise for Indra, Parjanya restores him to the ocean (as does
Khizr, though unintentionally, in the Qur’anic version), and by the same laud Sarkara attains heaven,
becoming a constellation. There can be no doubt that the constellation Capricornus, Skr. makara,
makarasi, is intended. Makara, jhasa, and sisumara are thus synonymous;[22] and this Indian
Leviathan clearly corresponds to the kar-fish, ‘greatest of the creatures of Ahuramazda’, who swims in
Vourukasha, guarding the Haoma tree of life in the primordial sea (Bundahis, XVIII; Yasna, XLII. 4,
etc.); and to the Sumerian goat-fish, the symbol and sometimes the vehicle of Ea, god of the waters
(Langdon, Semitic Mythology, pp.105-6). That in the late Indian iconography Khizr’s vehicle is an
unmistakable fish, and not the crocodilian makara, need not surprise us, for other instances of the
alternative use of makara and ‘fish’ could be cited from Indian iconographic sources; in some early
representations, for example, the river-goddess Ganga is shown supported by a maker, but in the later
paintings by a fish.
In the Pseudo-Callisthenes (C) version of the Alexander legend, Alexander is accompanied by his cook,
Andreas. After a long journey in the Land of Darkness, they come to a place gushing with waters, and
sit down to eat; Andreas wets the dried fish, and seeing that it comes to life, drinks of the water, but
does not inform Alexander. Subsequently Andreas seduces Alexander’s daughter Kale, and gives her a
drink of the Water of Life (of which he had brought away a portion); she having thus become an
immortal goddess is called Nereis, and the cook is flung into the sea, becoming a god; both are thus
denizens of the other world. There can be no doubt that Andreas here is the Idris of Qur’an, Sura xix,
57ff. and Sura xxi, 85, whom Islamic tradition identifies with Enoch, Ilyas, and al-Khadir. From the
account of Idris in Ibn al-Qifti’s Tarikh al-Hukama’a (c. 1200) it appears that he plays the part of a
solar hero, and is immortal.
Al-Khadir also presents some point of resemblance with Saint George, and it is in this connection and
as patron of travellers that we meet with a figure which is probably that of al-Khadir in carved relief
over the gateway of a caravanserai on the road between Sinjar and Mosul, of the XI nth century; the
figure is nimbate, and is thrusting a lance into the mouth of a scaly dragon.[23]
The figure of a man seated on a fish occurs apparently as a Hindu work built into the bastion of the fort
at Raichur, in the Deccan; it is stated to have a ‘crown of river-serpent hoods’, and has therefore been
called a ‘naga king’, but these hoods are not clearly recognisable in the published reproduction.[24]
Mediaeval Indian art affords numerous examples of Varuna seated on a makara.
A brief reference may be made to European parallels similarly derivative in the last analysis from
Sumerian sources. Khadir corresponds to the Greek sea-god Glaukos (Friedlander, loc. cit. pp. 108 ff.,
242, 253, etc., Barnett, loc. cit. p.715). Khadir belongs to the Wandering Jew type. Parallels between
Glaukos and Vedic Gand-harva are noteworthy; the Avesran designation of Gandarva as zairipasna
‘green-heeled’ tends to a connection of Gandharva with Khadir. Gandharva, as suggested by Dr.
Barnett, may correspond to Kandarpa, i.e. Kamadeva, and in this connection it may be observed that
the erotic motif common to Glaukos and Gandharva-Kamadeva appears in connection with Khizr in the
Niwal Dai ballad, where Khizr will not release the waters unless he has sight of Niwal Dai; as might be
looked for if we think of him as the Gandharva, and of her as the apsaras or Maiden (yosa) of the
Waters, or equally if we correlate Khizr with Varuna, cf. Rg Veda, VII. 33. 10-11 where Mitra-Varuna
are seduced by the sight of Urvasi, as is emphasized in the Sarvanukramani, 1.166 urvasim apsarasam
drstva . . . reto apatat, and Sayana, retas caskanda evidently following Nirukta, v. 13.
The same situation is implied in Rg Veda, VII. 87. 6 with respect to Varuna alone who descends as a
white drop (drapsa) and is called a ‘traverser of space’ (rajasah vimanah) and ‘ruler of the deep’
(gambhira-sansah), epithets that might well be applied to Khizr. It remains to be observed that in
Christian iconography the figure of the river-god Jordan,[25] commonly found in representations of the
Baptism of Jesus, bears a certain likeness to the conception of Glaukos and Khizr. In some cases the
Baptism was thought of as taking place at the junction of two rivers, Jor and Danus. Sometimes there is
found a masculine river-god, and a feminine figure representing the sea; both riding on dolphins, like
the numerous types of Indian dwarf Yaksas riding on makaras.
All these types in the last analysis may be referred back to prototypes of which our earliest knowledge
is Sumerian, in the concept or Ea, son and image of Enki, whose essential name Enki means ‘Lord of
the Watery Deep’. Ea was the ruler of the streams that rose in the Underworld, and flowed thence to
fertilize the land; precious stones are likewise his. In iconography, Ea has the goat-fish, and holds in his
hands the flowing-vase, the source of the ‘bread and water of immortal life’. Ea has seven sons, of
whom Marduk inherits his wisdom and slew the dragon Tiamat. Another son was Dumuziabzu, the
‘Faithful Son of the Fresh Waters’, the Shepherd, the Semitic form of whose name is Tammuz, well
known as the ‘Dying God’ of vegetation; comparable in many respects with Soma, and as ‘Lord of the
Realm of the Dead’ with Yama.
The further Sumerian parallels are too many and too close to admit of adequate discussion here.[26] It
suffices to have demonstrated the wide diffusion and ancient origin of the figure of Khwaja Khizr as it
occurs in Persian and Indian iconography. In connection with Mughal art may be cited the remark of H.
Goetz, who in discussing the sources of Mughal art speaks of a ‘teils absolute Identitaet teils engste
Verwandschaft mit solchen der grossen altorientalischen Kulturen, und zwar zu gut Teilen schon der
klassischen sumerischen Zeit’.[27] That the figure of Khizr comes into independent prominence
precisely in Mughal art of the eighteenth century—all the Indian examples that I have seen are in the
‘Lucknow style’— when considered in connection with the adoption of the fish as royal emblem by the
rulers of Oudh, seems to show that some revival of the cult took place at this time and in this area.
[2] Safidam, probably a corruption of sarpa-damana, ‘Quelling of the Serpent’. For the legend of
Niwal Dai see Temple, Legends of the Punjab, I, pp. 414, 418-19.
[3] Usually Sanja (perhaps for Skr. Samjna). This priest (Brahman) who serves Vasuki, but acts against
him, suggests Visvarupa who in Taittinya Samhita, LI. 5. 1 is called the Purohita of the Angels, and
Usanas Kavya who in Pancavimsa Brahmana, VII. 5. 20 is the Purohita of the Titans, but is won over
to the side of the Angels.
[4] A location of the Well in the domains of the human Pariksit is hardly ‘correct’, (it is really on the
borders of both worlds, in a forest equally accessible to Vasuki and Pariksit), but it will be observed
that the waters are not merely protected by the heavy stone covering, but also subject to Khizr’s will,
they- are not ‘flowing’. Vedic equivalents for the ‘heavy stone’ which hinders access to the waters are
abundant, e.g. IV. 28. 5 aphitani asna, VI. 17. 5 adrim acyutam, IV. 16. 8 apah adrim, IV. i. 15
drdhram ubdham adrim, IV. 18.6 paridhim adrim, and when the stony obstacle is broke?, then “the
waters flow from the pregnant rock”, srnvantnv apah . . . babrhanasya adreh, V. 41.12; cf. Satapatha
Brahmana IX. 1.2.4 in connection with the baptism of the fire-altar, which begins ‘from the rock’,
because it is from the rock that the waters come forth, asmano hy apahprabhavanti. Vasuki in the
ballad corresponds to Ahi, smitten by Indra, but ‘still waxing in sunless gloom’, Rg Veda, v, 32. 6.
[5] In the theme condensed above it is easy to recognise the Vedic creation-myth of the conflict
between Angels and Titans (Devas and Asuras), Indra and Ahi-Vrtra; the abduction of Niwal Dai is the
rape of Vac, (Rg Veda, i. 130, where Indra vacam musayati); Khwaja Khizr, the master of the waters,
the Vedic rivers of life, is Varuna.
[6] E. G. Blochet, Peintures hindoues de la Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, 1926. Pls. V and XXIII.
[7] The world under water, the home of the serpent race (ahi, naga), Varuna’s ‘watery origin’ (yonim
apyam, Rg Veda, II, 38, 8), ‘in the western gloom’ (apacinc tamasi, ib. VI, 6, 4), is not lighted by the
Sun, it is ‘beyond the Falcon’ (Jaiminiya Brahmana, III, 268), but the shining of the Waters is
everlasting (ahar-ahar yati aktur apam, Rg Veda, II. 30.1).
[8] Shaikh Chilli, Folk Tales of Hindustan, Allahabad, 1913, pp. 130 ff., with a modern picture of
Khwaja Khizr as an old man blessing Mahbub, PI. XXXIII. The story of Prince Mahbub is essentially
the relation of an achievement of the Grail Quest by a solar hero, the son of a widowed mother, and
brought up in seclusion and innocence of his true character, as in the Perceval cycle. Mahbub
corresponds to Vedic Agni and Surya; Kassab to Indra.
[9] Apsarases; Grail maidens.
[10] The ‘wailing women’ and ‘deathlike trance’ of the Fisher King are essential features of the Grail
[11] Equivalent to Skr. mahin, ‘magician’, a designation especially applicable to the Titans and,
secondarily to the premier Angels, particularly Agni, the ‘ancestors’ represent the solar heroes of
former cycles.
[13] Bahrain, an island in the Persian Gulf, has been identified by many scholars with the Sumerian
Dilmun, where dwelt the gardener Tagtut after the flood: see Delitzsch, Wo lag das Parodies, p.178,
and Langdon, Sumerian Epic, pp. 8ff.
[14] For Islamic legend, other parallels, and further references see Encyclopedia of Islam, s. v. Idris, al-
Khadir and Khwadja Khidr; Warner, Shah Nama of Firdausi, VI, pp. 74-8 and 159-162; Hopkins, ‘The
Fountain of Youth’. JAOS. XXVI; Barnett, ‘Yama, Gandharva, and Claucus’, Bull. School Oriental
Studies, IV; Grierson, Kihar Peasant Life, pp. 40-3; Garcin de Tassy, Memoire sur des Particularites de
la Religion Musalmane dans l’Inde, pp. 85-9; Wunsche, Die Sagen voin Lebensbaum und
Liebenswasser, Leipzig, 1905; Friedlander, Die Chadhirlegende und der Alexander-Roman, Leipzig,
[16] Cf. Rg Veda, VII. 6. 4 and 7, where Agni is said to bring forth the Maidens (rivers of life) eastward
from the ‘western darkness’ (apacine tamasi) and to bring back ‘treasures of earth’ (budhnya vasuni)
‘when the Sun rises’ (udita suryasya).
[17] Al-Khadir’s realm, known as Yuh (also a name of the Sun), where he rules over saints and angels,
is situated in the far North; it is an Earthly Paradise, a part of the human world which remained
unaffected by the Fall of Adam and the curse (see Nicholson, Studies in Islamic Mysticism, pp. 82,124).
[18] According to ‘Umarah, Khizr is ‘Green’ because the earth becomes green at the touch of his feet.
[21] Cf. Iskandar Nama, LXIX. 57, ‘verdure grows more luxuriantly by the fountain’. Ibid. 22, (he
spring is described as a ‘fountain of light’, and this corresponds to Vendidad, Fargad xxi, where light
and water proceed from a common source; cf. also Vedic Soma as both light and life, a plant and a fluid
(amrta, the Water of Life, cf. Barnett, loc. cit., p. 705, note 1).
[22] In Bhagavad Gita, X. 31, Krsna is jhasanam makarah, the makara is therefore regarded as the
foremost amongst the jhasas, or monsters of the deep. The word makara occurs first in Vajasaneyi
Samhita, XXIV. 35; simsumara in Rg Veda, I. 116. 18. For a full discussion of the makara in Indian
iconography (especially as vehicle of Varuna and banner of Kamadeva) see my Yaksas, 1931,11, p.
47ff. and further references there cited. The ‘fish’ vehicle, of course, implies the rider’s independence
of local motion in the unbounded ocean of universal possibility; just as wings denote angelic
independence of local motion in the actual worlds.
[23] Sarre und Herzfeld, Archaeologische Reise im Euphrat-und Tigris-Gebiet, Vol. I, pp. 13, and 37-8,
Berlin, 1911.
[25] For example, in the Baptistry at Ravenna (Berchem and Clouzot, figs. lii and 220); Jordan here
holds a vase from which the waters are flowing.
[26] For the Sumerian deities see S. H. Langdon, Semitic Mythology, Ch. 2; for the flowing vase etc.
Van Buren, The Flowing Vase and the God with Streams, Berlin, 1933, and as regards India, my Yaksas,
11. For the iconographic link between me Asiatic full vase and Christian Grail vessel see Gosse,
Recherches sur quelques representations du Vase Eucharistique, Geneva, 1894.
[27] Bilderatlas ziir Kulturgeschichte Indiens in der Grossmoghul-Zeit, 1930, p. 71. ‘An in part
absolute identity and an in part very close Kinship with the sources of the great cultures of the ancient
East and even to a considerable extent with the sources of the classical Sumerian period.’
Popular tradition concerning al-Khadir also finds ample support among learned scholars, the ulema.
Some say that Khizr lived at the time of the biblical prophet Abraham and that he still may be seen at
sacred places. According to the Isaba, 882, he was given immortality after a conversation with his
friend the archangel Rafa'il in order to establish the true worship of God on earth and to maintain it.
According to hadith or canonical account, al-Khadir was seen at the funeral of the Holy Prophet
Mohammed (sal) offering condolence to the Prophet's bereaved companions. Khizr lives on an island
(al-Tabari, i, 442) or upon a green carpet in the heart of the sea (al-Bukhari, Tafsir, sura 18, bab 3). He
can find water beneath the ground and talks the language of all peoples (al-Suri). Others say that he can
make himself invisible at will. Khizr and the biblical prophet Elijah perform haj annually and often
appear in the disguise of bedawis. Both are entrusted with the duty of protecting travelers on their
journeys. Elsewhere, al-Khadir's realm is an earthly paradise within the human world where Khadir
rules over saints and angels; known as Yuh (also a name of the sun), it is situated in the far North.
According to early Islamic historians, Khizr was the vizier (Arabic: wazir) of Zul-qarnain, 'The Two-
Horned', who is generally considered to be identical with Alexander the Great of Macedonia (4th cent.
BC). Al- Baizawi says, “He was Sikandar ar-Rumi, King of Persia and Greece.” Says al-Qastalani, the
commentator on al-Bukhari, “Zul-qarnain was a king named Sikandar, whose wazir or chancellor was
In Islamic tradition, al-Sikandar or Iskandar is recalled as a saintly leader or prophet whose armies
conquered both East and West. Together with Khizr, who is variously portrayed as Alexander's cook,
vizier or general leading the vanguard of his troops, Alexander is represented as having set out to reach
the End of the World or the Land of Darkness in search of the Water of Life. “Alexander is guided by
Khizr, but when they come to a parting of the ways, each follows a different path, and Khizr alone
accomplishes the quest.
“Nizami attributes Iskandar's failure to his eagerness (deliberately, in planned fashion) whereas in the
case of Khizr 'the Water of Life arrived unsought'.” Khizr the cook, general or vizier did so naturally
and in the course of duty, whereas Alexander was following his 'own' plan, i.e. with a sense of personal
accomplishment or authorship. In this sense, Iskandar failed in the grail quest because he was, as it
were, seeking to set himself up as a divinity, a purely hypothetical partner to Allah, Who alone is real.
In contrast, Khizr found the Water of Life without even suspecting it.
In the Holy Qur'an, passages concerning al-Khadir and Zul-qarnain occur in the eighteenth Sura called,
significantly, Kahlf (Arabic: 'cave'; cf. Sanskrit Guha 'cave', also a name of Skanda), a compendium of
mystical secrets revealed in response to three questions about legendary figures put to the Prophet
Mohammed (sal) by skeptical Jewish doctors. One concerns the legend of time-traveling sleepers
sealed up in a cave.