Vocabulary Summit 1

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a bargain una ganga

a big spender un gran gastador
a big T una gran T
a bit steep un poco caro

a brain un cerebro

a cheapskate un tacaño

a down payment un pago inicial

a go-getter un perseguidor
a good deal un buen trato
a great offer una gran oferta
a hoax un engaño
a know-it-all un sabelotodo
a life-altering experience una experiencia que altera la vida
a pain in the neck un dolor en el cuello
a people person una persona de personas

a piggy bank una alcancía

a rip-off una estafa

a small t un arriesgado

a spendthrif un derrochador
a straight shooter una persona franca
a sweetheart un amor

a team player un jugador de equipo

a tightwad una estrecha

a tyrant un tirano

a wet blanket una manta mojada

a wise guy un hombre sabio

a workaholic un adicto al trabajo

acquisition adquisición
act up hacer de las suyas
admit admitir
adorable adorable
advent adviento

advertisement/advert/ad anuncio / anuncio / anuncio

affectionate cariñoso
aggressive agresivo
alien extraterrestre
alternative alternativa
an eye-opener una revelación
ancestor antepasado
animal character personaje animal
animal conservation conservación animal

antique antiguo

appealing atractivo

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

applause aplausos
appropriately adecuadamente
approximately aproximadamente

archaeology arqueología

artist artista

as far as I am concerned hasta donde me concierne

associate asociar

assume asumir

astrology astrología
attire atuendo
audience audiencia
baggy holgado
band banda

bargain-hunt caza de ganga

be totally into something estar totalmente en algo

beat golpear
beautify your town embellecer tu ciudad
beholder espectador
being funny ser gracioso
being serious estar serio

belief creencia

believable creíble

benefit beneficio
benefits of pets beneficios de las mascotas

billboard cartelera

biodiversity biodiversidad
birthrate tasa de natalidad
blimp dirigible
body piercing perforación del cuerpo
breadwinner sostén de la familia

browse vistazo

budget presupuesto

bullfighting toreo

burden carga
burgeon brote

burn the candle at both ends Quemar la vela por ambos lados

business casual casual de negocios

buying on credit comprando a crédito

carve esculpir
casual casual
catastrophic catastrófico

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

challenged Desafiado
change your mind cambiar de opinión

charity caridad

cheap barato

chores quehaceres
circumstance circunstancia
claim Reclamación
clean up litter limpiar la basura
clever inteligente
collection colección
commercials comerciales
community comunidad

community service servicio comunitario

companion compañero
concept concepto

conform ajustarse

conquest conquista

considerate considerado

contact lenses lentes de contacto

continent continente

contribution contribución

coop up enjaular

corporate logo logotipo corporativo

cosmetic surgery cirugía cosmética

costly costoso
courteous cortés
courtesy cortesía

crater cráter
crime crimen

crochet tejer

crow cuervo

cut back on recortar

cut in line Corte en linea
cynical cínico

debatable discutible
debut debut
deer ciervo
defeat derrota
defeated derrotado

democracy family familia de la democracia

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

depict representar
depressed/depressing deprimido / deprimido

designer labels marcas de diseño

destructive destructivo
determine determinar
devoted devoto

diary diario

dictator dictador

difficult difícil
direct mail correo directo
disgusting asqueroso

disrespectful irrespetuoso

distress angustia

distribution distribución
donate your organs done sus órganos
donate your time donate tu tiempo
dose dosis
draw a line at something dibujar una línea en algo
dress code código de vestimenta
dress down reprender
dress up vestirse

drowning in debt ahogándose en deuda

easygoing de trato fácil

eccentric excéntrico

ecosystem ecosistema
effective eficaz
egotistical ególatra

elderly mayor
elegant / chic elegante / elegante

embroidery bordado

emigrant emigrante
emigrate emigrar
emigration emigración
emotional emocional
endangered en peligro de extinción
endorse endosar
enduring duradero
energetic energético
essential esencial
evidence evidencia
excerpt extracto
excusable excusable
extended family Familia extendida
extinction extinción

extreme skiing esquí extremo

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

facial facial

fad moda
fake falso
false eyelashes pestañas postizas

family planning planificación familiar

family tree árbol de familia

family trend tendencia familiar

fan ventilador

fashionable / stylish de moda / elegante

filthy inmundo

finding balance encontrar el equilibrio

flashy ostentoso

fliers volantes

forger falsificador
formal formal
formation formación

fox zorro

fraud fraude
frugal frugal
fun divertido
funeral funeral
funny gracioso

geisha geisha

generation Generacion

generation gap brecha generacional

generous generoso
genre género
gentle amable
get back together volver a estar juntos
get on one's nerves ponte de los nervios

get someone through conseguir a alguien a través

get the urge obtener el impulso

gifed dotado
go overboard ir por la borda
good-natured bondadoso
ground suelo
gullible crédulo

habitat habitat

haggle regatear

hair coloring tinte de pelo

hair removal depilación
hair transplants trasplantes de cabello

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

handicraf artesanía

handy práctico
hardworking trabajo duro
have a falling out tener una caída
helpful servicial
hemisphere hemisferio
henna alheña

hidden fear miedo oculto

high maintenance alto mantenimiento

horoscope horóscopo
How's the big city treating ¿Cómo te trata la gran ciudad?

humane humano
hunting caza

I could kick off myself Podría patearme a mí mismo

I just can't keep up with the Simplemente no puedo seguir el

pace here. ritmo aquí.
I'd like to get my hands on Me gustaría tener en mis manos
Solo soy un chico de campo en el
I'm just a country boy at heart. fondo.
imaginative imaginativo

immediate family Familia inmediata

immigrate inmigrar

imply implicar

impolite descortés
impulse buying comprador impulsivo
in style / trendy / hot en estilo / trendy / hot
inadequate public transporte público inadecuado

incident incidente

income ingresos
inconvenience inconveniencia
independent independiente

indulge ourselves disfrutar de nosotros mismos

infamous infame

intellectual intelectual
intellectually stimulate intelectualmente estimular
intent intención

internet pop-ups ventanas emergentes de Internet

investment inversión

irritating irritante
It blows me away Me impresiona
It chokes me up Me ahoga

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

It cracks me up Me rompe
It gets on my nerves Me desespera

It really gets to me sometimes. Realmente me llega a veces.

I've had about enough. Ya tuve suficiente.
join the bandwagon únete al carro

keep track of your expenses haga un seguimiento de sus gastos

knitting tejido de punto

dispositivo de ahorro de mano de

laborsaving device obra
lack of housing falta de vivienda
lenient indulgente
life expectancy esperanza de vida
life-threatening amenazante para la vida
litter camada

live a balanced life vive una vida equilibrada

live below your means vive debajo de tus medios

live beyond your means vive más allá de tus posibilidades
live in the present Vive en el presente
live within your means vive dentro de tus posibilidades

loan préstamo
look on the bright side mirar el lado bueno
look up to someone mirar a alguien
lovable amable
low maintenance bajo mantenimiento
loyal leal
lyrics letra

maestro maestro

magnificent magnífico
make a contribution hacer una contribución
make a donation Haz una donación

make ends meet llegar a fin de mes

make time for something hacer tiempo para algo

make up your mind Decídete

makeup maquillaje

mandatory obligatorio
manicure manicura

manipulate manipular

martial arts Artes marciales

mature maduro
maturity madurez

max out a credit maximiza un crédito

mean media

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

media medios de comunicación

Megacity Megaciudad
melody melodía
meteorite meteorito
migrant inmigrante

migrate emigrar

migration migración

misconception Idea equivocada

modest modesto
monarchy monarquía
moody temperamental

moral moral

mountain biking Bicicleta de montaña

mountainous area área montañosa

musical taste gusto musical
mutter murmurar

nail extension extensión de la uña

nail polishing esmalte de uñas

neglect negligencia
nervous nervioso
news source fuente de noticias
no bargain ninguna ganga
notorious notorio
nuclear family familia nuclear

obsessive obsesionante

occur ocurrir

offensive ofensiva
old-fashioned / out of style anticuado / fuera de moda
on the spot en el lugar
open doors puertas abiertas
optimism optimismo
optimist optimista
optimistic optimista
optional Opcional
out of hand fuera de alcance
outgoing saliente
overdressed exagerado
overprotective sobreprotector
over-schedule exceso de programación
overspending gastar demasiado

passionate apasionado

patch things up arreglar las cosas

patriotism patriotismo
pay off saldar
pay your bills in full pagar sus cuentas en su totalidad

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

peacock pavo real

pedicure pedicure
perceive percibir

perform realizar

permanents permanentes

perspective perspectiva

pessimism pesimismo

pessimist pesimista
pessimistic pesimista
pet peeve Mascota molesta
philanthropic filantrópico

philanthropist filántropo

philanthropy filantropía

philosopher filósofo

physical físico
point of view punto de vista
pollution contaminación
poverty pobreza

prodigy prodigio

product give-away producto regalado

product placement in movies colocación de productos en películas

professional profesional

profit lucro

promote promover

proper apropiado
provable demostrable

prove probar

provision provisión
public conduct conducta pública
put money away guardar dinero

put things in perspective poner las cosas en perspectiva

quality time Tiempo de calidad

questionable cuestionable
rational racional

rebellious rebelde
recording grabación
reliable de confianza
remorse remordimiento
remote area área remota

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

resist the temptation resistir la tentación

respectful respetuoso
retrieve recuperar
revelation revelación
revolution revolución
ridiculous ridículo
rock climbing escalada de roca
run for sainthood correr para la santidad
rural area área rural

savings ahorros

see the big picture ver la imagen completa

Seeing is believing Ver es creer

self-centered egocéntrico

self-confidence auto confianza

self-confident seguro de si mismo

self-conscious consciente de sí mismo

self-critical autocrítico
self-esteem autoestima

self-image Auto imagen

selfish egoísta
self-pity autocompasión

sense of community sentido de comunidad

shape up ponerse en forma

shocking chocante

shop around comprando por ahí

silly tonto
sincere sincero
single-parent family familia monoparental

skeptic escéptico
skin lightening aclaramiento de piel
skin tanning bronceado de la piel

skydiving paracaidismo

slacks pantalones

slaughter sacrificio

smart inteligente
smart move movimiento inteligente
snob appeal atractivo snob
social social
social evils males sociales

social responsibility responsabilidad social

soothed/soothing calmado / calmante

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

sound sonar

spaceship astronave
sparrow gorrión
species especies
speculate especular

spiritual espiritual

spit escupir
split up separar
splurge on derrochar en

spoiled estropeado

stamp feet pies estampados

stand out destacar
stay productive mantenerse productivo
stimulated/stimulating estimulado / estimulante
stingy tacaño
stop to smell roses deja de oler rosas

strict estricto

strike it rich golpéalo rico

striking sorprendentes

suburban area (suburbs) área suburbana (suburbios)

surfing surf
surgeon cirujano
survival supervivencia
tacky pegajoso
take a stab at something tomar una puñalada en algo
take the bull by the horns Toma al toro por los cuernos
talk back replicar
talk someone into doing smt decirle a alguien que haga algo
talkative hablador

tattoo tatuaje
technological boom auge tecnológico
tension tensión
testimonial testimonial
That's highway robbery Eso es robo de la carretera
the out-of-the-ordinary el fuera de lo común
there's no question no hay duda
They're kept in zoos. Se mantienen en zoológicos.
They're killed for their hides Los matan por sus pieles y pieles.
and fur.
They're raised for fighting. Son criados para luchar.

They're slaughtered for food. Son sacrificados por la comida.

They're trained to help people Están entrenados para ayudar a

with disabilities. personas con discapacidades.
They're trained to perform in Están entrenados para actuar en los
circuses. circos.
They're used for medical Se usan para investigación médica.
They're used for racing. Se utilizan para las carreras.

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

This could come in really Esto podría ser realmente útil
threat amenaza
thrify ahorrativo
tick smb off, get to smb, bug marcar smb off, llegar a smb, bug
smb, get on smb's nerves smb, ponerse nervioso de smb
tighten your purse strings aprieta las cuerdas de tu bolso

to tell you the truth para decirte la verdad

touched/touching tocado / tocar

treat yourself to something regálese algo

treatment tratamiento
trick truco
troublemaker alborotador

trustworthiness integridad

tsunami tsunami

underdressed desnudo
unemployment desempleo
unfair injusto

universal universal
unsolvable insoluble
unwind relajarse
up to my ears hasta mis oídos
uplifing edificante
urban area área urbana
urban problems problemas urbanos
vain vano
voice voz
volunteer voluntario

waterfall jumping salto de cascada

weird extraño

well-behaved bien educado

well-being bienestar
well-dressed bien vestido
well-to-do bien hecho
what a pain que dolor
What a steal Qué robo
wigs pelucas

wild animals animales salvajes

window-shop Vidriera de tienda

wipe someone out borrar a alguien

wise sabio

wood carving talla de madera

work trabajo
You can't be serious No puedes hablar en serio

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

You do have to learn to stay on Tienes que aprender a mantenerte
your toes. alerta.

you're telling me tú me estás diciendo

zodiac zodíaco

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

a reasonable price
(n) someone who likes to spend large amounts of money
(n) a risk-taker
a high price

(n) someone who is intelligent and can solve problems that are difficult for others

(n) someone who does not like spending money and can be unpleasant about it. = a tightwad

(n) a payment you make on something expensive that you will finance or continue to pay for over
along period of time (khoản trả góp)
(n) an energetic person who is determined to succeed
a good price
a low price
(n) a story designed to make people believe something that isn't true
(n) someone who behaves as if they know everything
(n) a thing that you go under that changes your life
(n) someone who complains a lot and ofen causes problems
(n) someone who likes being with and works well with other people

(n) a container used mainly by children to store coins (con lợn tiết kiệm, ống tiết kiệm)

a very high price

(n) a risk-avoider

(n) someone who spends money carelessly, especially when he or she doesn't have a lot of it
(n) someone who is honest and direct
(n) someone who is likable and easy to get along with

(n) someone who works well with other people so the whole group is successful

(n) = a cheapskate

(n) someone, especially a boss, who makes people work extremely hard

(n) someone who tries to spoil other people's fun

(n) someone who says or does annoying things, especially to make himself or herself seem smarter
than other people

(n) someone who is always working and does not have time for anything else
(n) something that you buy or obtain (cái giành được, kiếm được)
(v) behave badly, cause problems (gây phiền toái, cư xử tệ)
(v) tell the truth
(a) cute and charming
(n) the arrival of smt notable (sự đến, tới của một sự kiện quan trọng)

(n) a message sent to people in order to get them to buy a product (quảng cáo)

(a) gentle and loving

(adj) violent, sometimes dangerous
(n) creature from another planet
(n) choice
(n) an experience that teaches you a lot
(n) a person related to you who lived a long time ago (tổ tiên)
(n) distinctive quality of an animal (đặc điểm của loài vật)
(n) the protection of animals (bảo tồn động vật)
n. something made in an earlier period and collected and valued because it is beautiful, rare, old or
of high quality
(adj) attractive or interesting (lôi cuốn, thú vị)

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

(n) approval or praise expressed by clapping hands (tràng vỗ tay)
(adv) = suitably (phù hợp)
(adv) about, nearly

(n) the study of ancient societies by examining their buildings, graves, tools...

(n) a performer such as a singer or a musician or painter (nghệ sỹ)

Used to say what your personal opinion is about something (Như tôi được biết)

(v) join together, logically connect (liên tưởng đến)

(v) to accept something to be true without question or proof (giả sử là đúng, thừa nhận là đúng)

(n) the study of the relationships of the stars and planets and how they influence events and people
(thuật chiêm tinh)
(n) clothes (formal)
(n) listeners at a concert (thính giả)
(adj) loose (lỏng, rộng thùng thình)
(n) a group of musicians who play together (ban nhạc)

(v) look around for goods that one can buy cheaply or for less than their usual price

really like something

(n) the rhythm of a piece of music (nhịp)
(vp) make your town more beautiful (làm đẹp cho thành phố)
(n) looker (người nhìn)
(adj) trying to amuse other or make them laugh
(adj) not joking or pretending

(n) the feeling of being certain that something exists or is true (lòng tin, niềm tin)

(adj) can be accepted as true because it seems possible (có thể tin được)

(n) advantage (lợi ích)

(n) advantages of pets (lợi ích của thú cưng)

(n) a large sign, usually outdoors, used for advertising (biển quảng cáo lớn ngoài trời)

(n) the variety of living things (sự đa dạng sinh học)

(n) the number of people who are born in a year (tỉ lệ sinh)
(n) a small airship (khí cầu nhỏ)
(n) a hole made in the body for wearing jewelry
(n) person whose earnings support his/her family (người trụ cột)

(v) take time looking at goods in a shop without necessarily wanting to buy anything

(n) a plan of how to spend money, the amount of money needed for a purpose (bảng dự toán chi
tiêu, ngân sách)

(n) a traditional public entertainment in which a person fights and kills a male cow (đấu bò tót)

(n) something difficult that you are responsible for (gánh nặng)
(v) grow and flourish (đâm chồi, sinh trưởng)

(v) be very busy both at work and in your social life

(n) a style of dress that is less formal than the standard office attire (quần áo đi làm bình thường)

(n) an arrangement with a store, bank, credit card company etc. that allows you to buy something
now and pay for it later
(v) make something by cutting into especially wood or stone (chạm, khắc)
(adj) = informal (ăn mặc thoải mái)
(a) causing a lot of damage

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

(adj) feeling that your strength, skills or abilities are being tested
(v) make a new decision about something

(n) an organization set up to provide help to the needy, the poor, the sick etc. (tổ chức từ thiện)

(a) unwilling to spend or give money, even when one has a lot of it, = stingy (keo kiệt)

(n) everyday jobs or responsibilities around a home

(n) a condition connected with an event (hoàn cảnh)
(v) to say that something is true although you cannot prove it (tuyên bố)
(vp) put the trash in the right place (dọn dẹp rác)
(adj) able to use your intelligence to do smt (lanh lợi)
(n) a group of things (bộ sưu tập)
(n) advertisements on TV or radio
(n) all the different populations that live together in an area (cộng đồng)
(n) voluntary work intended to help people in a particular area (hoạt động tình nguyện vì cộng
(n) a person you spend a lot of time (bạn đồng hành, bầu bạn)
(n) abstract idea (khái niệm)

(v) behave in the way that most other people in your society behave (tuân thủ, tuân theo)

(n) a situation when someone conquers a country, area (sự xâm chiếm, chinh phục)

(adj) kind, caring

(n) a thin plastic lens placed directly on the surface of the eye (kính áp tròng)

(n) one of the seven large land masses on the Earth's surface (lục địa)

(n) something that you give or do in order to help something be successful (sự đóng góp)

(v) be forced to stay in a small place without being able the move around much (giam, nhốt lại)

(n) a mall design that represents a company

(n) medical operations to repair injury to a person's skin, or to improve a person's appearance, =
plastic surgery (phẫu thuật thẩm mỹ)

(adj) expensive to buy and to take care of high maintenance

(adj) polite (lịch thiệp)
(n) polite behavior, thoughtfulness (sự nhã nhặn, lịch sự)

(a) a large round hole in the ground caused by a meteorite or an explosion (hố, miệng hố)
(n) violation of laws (sự phạm tội)
(n) to make clothes and other things using wool and a special needle with a hook (= curve) at one
end (đan, thêu bằng đan móc, kim móc)

(n) a large bird, completely or mostly black, with a rough unpleasant cry (con quạ)

(v) reduce the amount of money etc. of something (cắt giảm)

(v) chen ngang khi xếp hàng
(adj) very sure that things won't be successful or useful

(a) not easy to prove because more than one explanation is possible (có thể tranh luận, bàn cãi)
(v) perform for the first time in public (lần trình diễn đầu tiên)
(n) a hoofed grazing or browsing animal (con hươu)
n. an unsuccessful ending
(adj) feeling that you cannot deal with something
(n) a family where everyone can express their opinions (gia đình dân chủ - mọi người có thể nói
quan điểm của mình)

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

(v) = describe (mô tả)
(adj) sầu não, phiền muộn, thất vọng
(n) clothes made by a well-known and fashionable designer (quần áo do các nhà thiết kế nổi tiếng
(adj) harmful to furniture and other things
(v) control or influence something directly, or to decide what will happen
(adj) = loyal (hết lòng, tận tụy)

(n) a book for writing private thoughts or recording daily activities (nhật kí)

(n) a leader who has complete power in a country and has not been elected by the people (kẻ độc
(adj) never satisfied and hard to please (khó tính)
(n) advertising sent directly to potential customers via the mail
(adj) extremely unpleasant or unacceptable

(adj) rude to adults and think what adults say is not important (bất kính, vô lễ)

(n) a feeling of being very worried or upset (nỗi đau buồn, đau khổ)

(n) the way in which people are spread out over an area (sự phân bố)
(vp) give your heart, lung... afer you die (hiến nội tạng)
(vp) spend your time to do something (cống hiến thời gian cho việc gì)
(n) amount of something that you experience at one time.
(v) set a limit on what you are willing to do
(n) rule about dressing (quy định về ăn mặc)
(v) dress casually (ăn mặc thoải mái)
(v) put on formal clothes for a special occasion (chưng diện)

When someone is ..................., they are heavily in debt, usually to multiple creditors (nợ ngập đầu)

(adj) relaxed and tolerant (dễ tính)

(adj) behaving in an unusual way or appearing different from most people (người lập dị)

(n) how plants and animals work together (hệ sinh thái)
(adj) bringing about the desired result (có hiệu quả)
(adj) believing oneself to be better or more important than other people

(n) the polite way to refer to people who are old (người có tuổi, người già)
(adj) in good taste (thanh lịch)

n. patterns or pictures that consist of stitches sewn directly onto cloth

(n) a person who leaves a country to settle in another (người di cư)

(v) to leave one country and settle in another
(n) leaving one country and settling in another (sự di cư)
(adj) of or relating to a person's emotions (thuộc về cảm xúc)
(adj) in danger of becoming extinct (có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng)
(v) personally recommend a product in exchange for payment
(adj) lasting for a long time (lâu dài, vĩnh viễn)
(adj) very active, physically and mentally (tràn đầy sinh lực)
(adj) absolutely necessary (thiết yếu)
(n) reasons for believing that something is true (bằng chứng)
(n) short piece of writing taken from a book, poem... (đoạn trích)
(adj) forgivable (có thể tha thứ, châm chước)
(n) a big family of 3 or more generations
(n) the disappearance of a species (sự tuyệt chủng)

(n) a sport of skiing that is very dangerous and exciting (môn trượt tuyết mạo hiểm)

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

(n) kind of beauty treatments in which the face is massaged with creams (đắp mặt)

(n) something that is fashionable for a short time (mốt nhất thời)
(adj) unreal (giả)
(n) fake eyelashes (lông mi giả)

(n) planning number of children using birth-control (kế hoạch hóa gia đình)

(n) diagram showing relationship between different family members (cây gia hệ)

(n) a general development or change in a family (xu hướng gia đình)

(n) a person who has strong interest in someone or something (người hâm mộ)

(adj) modern (hợp thời trang, hiện đại)

(adj) unclean, making a mess dirty
(v) giving enough time to all the important areas of your life such as work, family, friends, health
and romance
(adj) colourful and attention-catching in a negative way = tacky

(n) = handbills, leaflet/ pieces of paper given to potential customers for advertising (tờ rơi)

(n) a person who make fake things

(adj) using serious and proper clothes (ăn mặc trang trọng)
(n) sự hình thành, sự sắp xếp một cách tự nhiên
(n) a wild animal of the dog family, with reddish-brown fur, a pointed face, a thick heavy tail and
cunning character (con cáo)
(n) the crime of telling a lie to gain money
a = thrify
(adj) enjoying or having a good time (vui vẻ)
(n) the ceremonies honoring a dead person (đám tang)
(adj) making you laugh (buồn cười, gây cười)
(n) a Japanese hostess trained to entertain men with conversation, dance, and song (kĩ nữ Nhật

(n) single stage in a family history or all people born at about the same time (thế hệ)

(n) difference in attitude / lack of understanding between young and older people (khoảng cách thế

(a) willing to give more money, time etc. more than expected (hào phóng, rộng rãi)
(n) an expressive style of music = sort, type
(adj) easy-going/ good with people and other pets (hiền lành, dễ chiều)
(v) in love again (quay lại với nhau)
(v) annoy someone (khiến ai khó chịu)

(v) help someone, especially in a difficult situation (giúp ai trong lúc khó khăn)

(v) feel a strong wish to do something (thúc giục)

(adj) having natural ability (có năng khiếu)
(v) do too much of something (vượt quá giới hạn mua sắm, mua lãng phí)
(adj) = gentle
(v) restrain someone (hạn chế ai đó)
(adj) too ready to believe what other people say (nhẹ dạ cả tin)

(n) the place where plants or animals live (môi trường sống của cây cối và động vật)

(v) = bargain, discuss the amount of money you're willing to pay for something (mặc cả)

(n) changing the hair color (nhuộm tóc)

(n) make hair disappear (tẩy lông/tóc)
(n) ways to make hair grow (cấy tóc)

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

n. a skilled activity in which something is made in a traditional way with the hands rather than
being produced by machines in a factory, or an object made by such an activity

(adj) useful (hữu ích)

(adj) = diligent (chăm chỉ)
(v) have a serious argument
(adj) willing to help (luôn sẵn lòng giúp đỡ)
(n) half of the earth
(n) reddish-brown dye (chất nhuộm)
(n) suggesting that a person or product will protect you against something unpleasant or dangerous
(nỗi sợ hãi tiềm ẩn)
(adj) time-consuming to take care of, costly
(n) an astrological prediction of someone's future (lá số tử vi)

How do you like living in the city?

(n) showing kindness, care and sympathy towards others, especially those who are suffering (tính
nhân đạo, nhân văn)
(n) going afer a wild animal because you want to kill it
................. is said when you are annoyed with yourself because you have realized that you made a
mistake or missed a chance

Things move too fast for me here.

I'd love to have one

I prefer living in the country.

(adj) able to think of new and interesting ideas (giàu trí tưởng tượng)
(n) consists of parents, children, brothers and sisters (gia đình hạt nhân gồm bố mẹ, con cái) =
nuclear family
(v) to enter and live in a new country (nhập cư)

(v) suggest that something is true, without saying or showing it directly (ngụ ý)

(adj) = rude (thô lỗ, bất lịch sự)

(n) buying something just because you want it on the spur of the moment
(adj) temporarily popular (mốt đang thịnh hành)

(n) not enough public transportation (thiếu phương tiện giao thông công cộng)

(n) an event which is either unpleasant or unusual (vụ việc, việc bất ngờ xảy ra)

(n) the money that you earn from working or that you receive form investments (thu nhập)
(v) annoy, bother
(adj) not requiring or relying on something else (độc lập)
(v) to let ourselves have or do something we enjoy (cho phép bản thân làm việc mình thích, nuông
chiều bản thân)

(adj) well-known for having done something bad (ô nhục, đáng hổ thẹn, khét tiếng)

(adj) of or relating to the intellect (mang tính trí tuệ)

(v) make you think (kích thích trí não)
(n) purpose, meaning (ý định, mục đích)
(n) advertisements on internet that suddenly appear when you visit a website (quảng cáo trên

(n) the act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit (sự đầu tư)

(adj) making you feel annoyed, annoying (khó chịu)

It amazes me
It makes me very emotional/moved

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

It makes me laugh
It really annoys me

It bothers me sometimes.
I don't want to be here any more.
(v) to be part of a group (hành xử theo số đông)

(v) get to know how you use your money (nắm được các khoản chi tiêu)

(n) the activity of knitting something, or a thing that is being knitted (việc đan lát, hàng dệt kim)

(n) something that makes tasks easier to do

(n) not having enough houses for residents to live in (thiếu nhà ở)
(adj) not strict (hiền, dễ tính)
(n) the length of time that a person is expected to live (tuổi thọ)
(a) with a potential to result in death (đe doạ mạng sống)
(v) throw trash on the ground

(v) find time for all the important aspects of life-work, family, and fun.

(v) spend less money than you have

(v) spend more money than you have
(v) enjoy the present and not worry about the past or future
(v) try to spend with your real income

(n) an amount of money that you borrow from a bank, financial institution, etc (khoản vay)
(v) to see the good aspects and possible benefits of a problem
(v) respect someone (tôn trọng ai)
(adj) inspiring or deserving love (đáng yêu)
(adj) easy to care for and inexpensive to keep
(adj) attentive to its owner, reliable
(n) the words of a song (lời)
(n) a distinguished musician, esp. a conductor of classical music (nhà soạn nhạc / nhạc trưởng đại

(adj) very good, beautiful or deserving to be admired (tráng lệ, nguy nga, lộng lẫy)
(v) = contribute
(v) = donate (công đức, hiến tặng)

(v) to be able to make enough money only for one's basic needs (xoay sở để đủ sống)

(v) find enough time to do something, even though you are busy
(v) make a decision (quyết định)

(n) cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied to the face (đồ trang điểm)

(adj) compulsory (bắt buộc)

(n) a treatment for the hands and nails (sửa móng tay)

(v) to control something or someone to your advantage, ofen unfairly or dishonestly

n. sports, such as judo and karate, that involve combat and self-defense

(adj) grown up (đã trưởng thành)

(n) state of being mature (sự trưởng thành)
(v) reach the maximum credit limit on his credit cards each month (sử dụng hết hạn mức thẻ tín

(adj) willing to hurt other people (thích làm tổn thương người khác, xấu tính)

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

(n) various methods for communicating information (phương tiện truyền thông)

(n) a city with the population of 10 million of more

(n) the order of notes in a musical piece (giai điệu)
(n) a piece of rock from space that lands on Earth (đá trời, thiên thạch)
(n) a person who moves to another place to live (người di cư)
(v) move to another place or country, usually in order to find somewhere to live or work (di cư), =

(n) the movement of a large number of people from one place to another (sự di cư)

(n) something that many people believe but is not true (quan niệm sai, nhận thức sai)

(adj) not showy (khiêm tốn)

(n) a country which has a king or queen
(adj) quickly and easily becoming annoyed or unhappy (tính khí thất thường)

(adj) relating to the standards of good or bad behaviour (thuộc về đạo đức)

(n) a sport activity which uses a bicycle with thick tyres and a lot of gears, originally made for riding
on hills or mountains
(n) a place having a lot of mountains (vùng núi)
(n) the type of music that you like (thị hiếu âm nhạc)
(v) speak quietly or in a low voice = whisper

(n) way to make your nail longer and more impressive (làm dài móng tay)

(n) color the nails (sơn móng)

(v) not pay attention to something
(adj) = anxious (bồn chồn, lo lắng)
(n) the place from which you get your news (nguồn tin)
quite a high price
(adj) famous or well known for something bad
(n) small family / 1 or 2 generations (gia đình hạt nhân)

a. thinking about something or someone, or doing something, too much or all the time

(v) = happen, take place (xảy ra)

(adj) causing someone feel hurt or angry (báng bổ, sỉ nhục, chướng tai gai mắt)
(adj) no longer popular (không còn hợp thời, lỗi mốt)
(prep) without delay or immediately
(v) create opportunities
(n) the belief that good things will happen in the future
(n) someone who always believes that good things will happen
(adj) hopeful, believing that good things will happen in the future
(adj) available to be chosen (được chọn, không bắt buộc)
(adj) impossible to control (ngoài tầm kiểm soát, không kiểm soát được)
(adj) sociable, extroverted (cởi mở, hướng ngoại)
(a) dressed in clothes that are too formal for the occasion
(adj) worry too much about their kids
(v) plan to do too many things
(n) spending more than you have (tiêu quá khả năng)
(adj) showing a strong liking for something and being very dedicated to it (nồng nhiệt, đam mê),
passion (n)
(v) fix their problems (xử lí vấn đề)
(n) love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it (lòng yêu nước)
(v) pay someone all the money that you owe them (trả hết)
(v) compensate your credit (thanh toán toàn bộ dư nợ thẻ tín dụng)

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

(n) a large male bird with long blue and green tail feathers that it can spread out like a fan (con
(n) care for the feet and toenails (sửa móng chân)
(v) think of something or someone in a particular way

(v) present a form of entertainment to an audience (biểu diễn), performance (n)

(n) a chemical process which makes your hair wavy or curly (làm tóc xoăn)

(n) way of looking at things

(n) the feeling that bad things are more likely to happen than good things

(n) a person who expects the worst

(adj) thinking that bad things are more likely to happen
(n) a thing that always annoys you
(a) generous in assistance to the poor
(n) a person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money (mạnh thường quân, người làm
từ thiện)
(n) love of humanity, especially as shown in donations to charitable and socially useful causes (tính
nhân đạo)
(n) a thinker who uses logic and reason to investigate the nature of the universe, human society and
morality (nhà triết học, triết gia)
(adj) of or relating to the body (thuộc về thể chất)
(n) the perspective from which the story is told
(n) release of harmful materials into the environment (sự làm ô nhiễm)
(n) the state of being poor (sự nghèo đói)

(n) a young person who is extremely smart or good at doing something

(n) giving consumers chances to try using their things before buying (hàng thử)

(n) advertising in films showing audiences how popular a product is without saying any about it
(quảng cáo bằng việc tài trợ cho diễn viên phim bằng cách sử dụng sản phẩm của công ty)

(adj) competent or skillful (chuyên nghiệp)

(n) money which is earned in trade or business, especially afer paying the costs of producing and
selling goods and services (lợi nhuận)

(v) make sure people know about a new product in order to persuade them to buy it

(adj) correct according to social or moral rules (đúng đắn, đúng mực)
(adj) can be shown to be definitely true
(v) show that something is definitely true, especially by providing facts, information, etc. (chứng
(n) the activity of supplying or providing something (sự cung cấp)
(n) the behavior in public places
(v) = put money aside / save up (để dành, tiết kiệm tiền)
(v) think carefully about everything so that you understand what is important to you and what is not
so important
(n) time that you spend giving someone your full attention
(adj) uncertain, but more likely to be untrue
(adj) reasonable (hợp lý, phải lẽ)

(adj) refuse to follow rules and do the opposite of what is expected of them
(n) a disc or tape on which sounds have been recorded (băng/đĩa nhạc)
(adj) = trustworthy (đáng tin cậy)
(n) a feeling of deep regret (sự ăn năn, hối hận)
(n) a place that is hard to get to (vùng sâu vùng xa)

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

(v) not do something you have a strong wish to do (cưỡng lại mong muốn làm gì, chống lại cám dỗ)

(adj) feeling or showing respect (tôn trọng, lễ phép)

(v) find something and bring it back
(n) discovery (sự phát hiện, khám phá, sự tiết lộ)
(n) a change in the way a country is governed
(a) stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at (nhố nhăng)
(n) the sport of climbing mountains (leo núi đá)
(v) try to do good things
(n) the country

(n) money set aside for short- or long-term goals (tiền để dành / tiết kiệm)

(v) understand what's really important in life (hiểu ra điều gì là thực sự quan trọng trong đời)

if you see something yourself, you will believe it to be true (nhìn thấy mới tin/ trăm nghe không
bằng một thấy)

(adj) only interested in yourself and your own activities (cho mình là trung tâm)

(n) the belief that you have the ability to do things well (sự tự tin)
(a) sure of yourself, not shy or nervous in social situations (tự tin)
(a) worried about what you look like or what other people think about you (có ý thức về bản thân,
ngượng ngùng/e thẹn)
(a) tending to find fault with oneself (tự phê bình)
(n) the attitude of acceptance of approval of yourself (lòng tự trọng)

(n) the opinion you have about your own abilities and appearance (nhận thức về hình ảnh bản thân)
(adj) not likely to share, caring only about yourself (ích kỉ)
(n) the feeling of being sorry for yourself

(n) the feeling that you belong to a community because people work together to help each other
and improve the community (ý thức cộng đồng)

(v) learn to behave (học cách cư xử)

(a) offensive (chướng tai gai mắt)
(v) = comparison shop, go to different stores in order to compare the prices and quality of things so
one can decide which to buy
(adj) = foolish (ngốc ngếch, ngớ ngẩn)
(adj) saying what you really feel or believe (chân thành)
(n) only one parent and children (gia đình đơn)

(n&a) a person who doubts the truth or value of an idea (nghi ngờ, người hay hoài nghi)
(n) a therapy to whiten your skin
(n) when your skin is brown from being in the sun or by other treatment
(n) a sport in which a person jumps from an aircraf and falls for as long as possible before opening
a parachute (môn nhảy dù)
(n) pants, especially ones made out of good material but that are not part of a suit (quần vải ống
rộng thoải mái)
(v) kill many animals cruelly and unfairly

(adj) showing quick-witted intelligence (nhanh trí), = well-dressed (lịch sự, bảnh bảo trong ăn mặc)
(n) an intelligent way to solve a problem
(n) making the customer part of an elite group
(adj) of or relating to society (mang tính xã hội)
(n) = social problems (tệ nạn xã hội)

(n) the duty to do what is best for the good of society (trách nhiệm với xã hội)

(adj) xoa dịu, giảm nhẹ

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

(n) the particular style or quality of an artist's or group's music (âm thanh)

(n) a vehicle used for travel in space

(n) a small finch-like bird (chim sẻ)
(n) a group of animals or plants (loài)
(v) form an idea or theory without having definite evidence (suy đoán)

a. relating to deep feelings and beliefs, especially religious beliefs

(v) eject saliva forcibly from one's mouth (khạc, nhổ nước bọt)
(v) no longer together
(v) buy something indulgent and luxurious

(adj) expect to have or do whatever they want (hư hỏng, được quá nuông chiều)

(v) walk with heavy steps (giậm chân)

(v) be easily noticeable (nổi bật, dễ nhận ra)
(v) keeping achieving and working hard
(adj) khuyến khích, kích thích
a = cheap
(v) appreciate the beautiful things around you

(adj) set a lot of restriction and expect kids to obey rules (nghiêm khắc, nghiêm túc)

(v) suddenly make a lot of money (phất lên)

(a) attention-getting (bắt mắt)

(n) a residential area away from the center of a town or city, = countryside, outskirt (ngoại ô)

(n) the sport of riding on a wave on a special board (môn thể thao lướt ván)
(n) doctor who performs operations
(n) the state of continuing to live or exist (sự sống sót)
(a) in poor taste = flashy
(v) try to do something, especially something you have never done before
(v) decide to deal with a difficult situation
(v) say smt disrespectdul to an adult
(v) persuade a person to do smt
(adj) fond of talking (nói nhiều, hay nói)

(n) a permanent image created by using needles to put colours under the skin
(n) the process when we have a lot of inventions (thời kì bùng nổi công nghệ)
n. a feeling of nervousness before an important or difficult event
(n) something that serves as evidence
It costs me an arm and a leg
(n) something that is different from what is usual (điều bất thường)
totally believe in something
Chúng bị nhốt trong vườn thú.

Chúng bị giết để lấy da và lông.

Chúng được nuôi để đấu / chọi.

Chúng bị giết mổ để lấy thịt.

Chúng được đào tạo để giúp người tàn tật.

Chúng được huấn luyện để diễn xiếc.

Chúng được dùng cho nghiên cứu y học.

Chúng được dùng cho việc đua / thi đấu.

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

It might be very useful

(n) danger (mối đe doạ)

(a) using money carefully and wisely, = frugal (tiết kiệm)

(v) = annoy / bother / inconvenience

(v) control the money you spend on shopping

(conj.) used to emphasize that you are being honest (nói thật là, thành thật mà nói)

(adj) gây xúc động, thương cảm

(v) buy something special for yourself that you know you will enjoy (tự thưởng bản thân)

(n) the act of treating; the use of medicine to try to cure or make better (sự đối xử, điều trị)
(v) deceive, cheat someone (lừa gạt, đánh lừa)
(n) a person causing a lot of problem (kẻ gây rối, kẻ làm phiền toái)

(n) the state of being dependable and honest (có thể tin cậy được, sự đáng tin)

(n) an extremely large wave caused by earthquake under the sea (sóng thần)

(adj) dressed in clothes that are too informal (ăn mặc quá xoàng xĩnh)
(n) the number of people without jobs (sự thất nghiệp)
(adj) not based on the rule of equality and justice (không công bằng)

(adj) done by all people or things in the world (thuộc thế giới, chung, phổ biến)
(adj) impossible to prove (không thể giải thích được)
(v) relax and stop feeling anxious (nghỉ ngơi, thư giãn)
too much work to do (quá nhiều việc để làm)
(v) making you feel happy
(n) city or town
(n) problems cities
(adj) too proud of yourself (kiêu căng, ngạo mạn)
(n) the quality of sound produced when one sings (giong hát)
(vp) offer to do smt without being paid
(n) a sport of jumping in an area of water with a fence before it (môn thể thao nhảy từ thác nước
a. very strange and unusual, unexpected or not natural

(adj) good-natured, willing to do what to be told (ngoan ngoãn, vâng lời)

(n) a feeling of being healthy and happy (tình trạng khỏe mạnh và hạnh phúc)
(adj) dressed beautifully (ăn mặc đẹp)
(adj) = rich / wealthy (vương giả, giàu có)
used to say that something is very annoying
It costs almost nothing
(n) fake hair

(n) = wildlife, animals living or growing in the natural environment (động vật hoang dã)

v. look at goods in store windows without going inside or intending to buy them.

(v) cause someone to lose all of his/her money

(adj) able to make good decisions and give good advice (thông thái, khôn ngoan)

n. the process of cutting into the surface of wood to create a decorative shape or pattern

(n) a musical composition (tác phẩm)

You've got to be kidding

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

you have to pay attention and be alert all the time

used to emphasize that you already know and agree with something that someone has just said

(n) an imaginary area through which the sun, moon, and planets appear to travel (cung hoàng đạo)

# Caterpillar: Confidential Green

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