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Evidencia 4 Taller Safety Signs

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Evidencia 4: Taller “Safety signs”

Presentado por:
Arley Triviño Roncancio

Servicio de Aprendizaje Sena

Tecnología En Gestión Logística
Julio, 2018
Actividad de aprendizaje 16

Evidencia 4: Taller “Safety signs”

Cada empresa debe estar debidamente adecuada con señales de seguridad,

tanto en inglés como en español, y así cumplir con los requerimientos de
seguridad e información que exige el estado. Por esto, se considera
indispensable tener claridad acerca de las características de estas señales, con
el fin de implementarlas de manera adecuada. Es aquí, donde el material de
formación: "Permission and request in security and health", junto con el material
complementario, cumplen una función relevante durante el proceso de
formación de este programa.

Para la presente actividad de aprendizaje, el aprendiz deberá desarrollar un

taller que dé cuenta de los conocimientos que ha adquirido en el área técnica y
que ha afianzado mediante el material de formación del área de inglés,
anteriormente nombrado. Para realizar esta evidencia, se deberá tener en
cuenta lo siguiente:

1. Estudiar el material de formación: "Permission and request in security

and health" y consultar el material complementario.
2. Desarrollar el taller “Safety signs” en la herramienta ofimática de su
3. Enviar el archivo al instructor en formato .doc o .pdf a través de la
plataforma virtual de aprendizaje.
Workshop: safety sings

Safety Signs can be found in different places and situations. Each signal type
comes in a standardized color and shape, and are placed in very specific places,
so people can recognize them easily. This information was studied on the training
material "“Permission and request in security and health” " and the complementary
material. Now, it's time for you to evidence your learning.

1. Matching

Match each Safety Sign with its name. Write the letter of the definition on the line below
the sign.



A. General indication of “towards” direction

B. You must wear hearing protection
C. Caution. Risk of corrosión
D. Forbidden on matches and smoke
E. General prevention, caution, risk of harm
F. Caution. Risk of poisoning
G. Forbidden from using water as an extinguishing agent
H. General indication of “towards” direction
I. Safety goggles must be worn
J. General action command
K. First aid
2. True or false

Look at the next Safety Signs and read its statements. Indicate whether the statements
are true or false by placing a T or F in the space preceding the sign.


You need to wear a half You can get burned

face mask in this place

You can't smoke in this You can evacuate on this

place direction

To wear Safety boots in this You could get an electrical

place is a must shock

All personnel may enter her

with the adequate
equipment. This is a dangerous place,
we need to be careful
3. Completing information

Check the next chart very carefully and complete it. You might be useful to check the
complementary material.

Where can you find

Safety Sign Type of Safety Sing (Write the name of the sign
and use prepositions of

Risk of poisoning signs are

usually placed on containers
Prevention signal / Warning sign

with toxic products.

Safety helmets must be

Control action signal /Mandatory action
worn signs are usually
placed around construction

The risk of explosive

Prevention signal / Warning sign material is usually placed in
1 chemical laboratories.

Signal of risk or general

Prevention signal / Warning sign precaution is usually placed
2 where a danger may present

General obligation sign is

Control action signal /Mandatory action
usually placed accompanied
3 sign
by another signal

The electrical risk is usually

Prevention signal / Warning sign placed in the vicinity of
4 electrical panels, machinery.

First aid signal is usually

Information signal concerning to safe
placed in companies near
5 conditions
the first aid kit

Shutdown signal with water

is usually placed where
Forbiddance signal.
6 permanently energized
equipment is found
Half face mask must be
Control action signal /Mandatory action worn. this signal is usually
7 sign placed in factories where
particles are generated

Forbiddance signal. The sign of forbidden to

generate flame are usually
8 placed in gasoline pumps

evacuation signal is placed

Information signal concerning to safe
in factories or companies
9 conditions.
indicating the exit

The sign of prohibited

Forbiddance signal. smoking are usually placed
10 in hospitals or public places

The output signal is usually

placed in companies or
public establishments
11 Safe condition sign
indicating where the output

Ionizing radiation signal is

placed in general factories
12 Prevention signal /Warning sign
or hospitals (x-ray room)

Sign of mandatory use of

Control action signal /Mandatory action gloves is usually placed in
13 sign metalworking companies

Safety sign indicates the

Safe condition sign maximum capacity of an
14 elevator is usually placed at
the entrance of the elevators
the sign of risk of falling
objects are usually placed at
15 Prevention signal /Warning sign the entrance of construction

Pasos para enviar la evidencia:

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