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Carga de un capacitor
La figura 26.21 muestra un circuito simple para cargar un capacitor. Un circuito como
Pulmón Pulmón éste, que tiene un resistor y un capacitor conectados en serie, se llama circuito R-C.
Se ha idealizado la batería (o fuente de energía eléctrica) para que tenga una fem E
constante y una resistencia eléctrica igual a cero (r 5 0), y se desprecia la resistencia
de todos los conductores de conexión.
Corazón Se comienza con el capacitor descargado (figura 26.21a); después, en cierto mo-
mento inicial, t 5 0, se cierra el interruptor, lo que completa el circuito y permite que la
corriente alrededor de la espira comience a cargar el capacitor (figura 26.21b). Para to-
dos los efectos prácticos, la corriente comienza en el mismo instante en todas las partes
conductoras del circuito, y en todo momento la corriente es la misma en todas ellas.
26.21 Carga de un capacitor. a) Antes de CU I DADO Las letras minúsculas significan que hay variación con el tiempo Hasta
que se cierre el circuito, la carga q es igual este momento hemos trabajado con diferencias de potencial (voltajes), corrientes y cargas cons-
a cero. b) Cuando el interruptor se cierra tantes, y hemos utilizado letras mayúsculas V, I y Q, respectivamente, para denotar esas canti-
(en t 5 0), la corriente pasa de cero a E>R. dades. Para diferenciar entre cantidades que varían con el tiempo y aquellas que son contantes,
A medida que transcurre el tiempo, usaremos letras minúsculas, v, i y q para voltajes, corrientes y cargas, respectivamente, que
q se acerca a Qf, y la corriente i se varían con el tiempo. Se sugiere al lector que en su trabajo siga esta convención. ❚
acerca a cero.
Como el capacitor de la figura 26.21 al principio está descargado, la diferencia de
a) Capacitor descargado al inicio
potencial vbc a través suyo es igual a cero en t 5 0. En ese momento, según la regla
E abierto de Kirchhoff de las espiras, el voltaje vab a través del resistor R es igual a la fem de la
+ batería E. La corriente inicial (t 5 0) a través del resistor, que llamaremos I0, está
dada por la ley de Ohm: I0 5 vab>R 5 E>R.
A medida que el capacitor se carga, su voltaje vbc aumenta y la diferencia de poten-
cial vab a través del resistor disminuye, lo que corresponde a una baja de la corriente.
i50 q50 La suma de estos dos voltajes es constante e igual a E. Después de un periodo largo,
el capacitor está cargado por completo, la corriente baja a cero y la diferencia de
a R b c potencial vab a través del resistor se vuelve cero. En ese momento aparece la totalidad
C de la fem E de la batería a través del capacitor y vbc 5 E.
b) Carga del capacitor
Sea q la carga en el capacitor e i la corriente en el circuito al cabo de cierto tiempo t
después de haberse cerrado el interruptor. Asignamos el sentido positivo a la corrien-
E Interruptor
cerrado te en correspondencia al flujo de carga positiva hacia la placa izquierda del capacitor,
Cuando el como se aprecia en la figura 26.21b. Las diferencias de potencial instantáneas vab
interruptor se y vbc son
cierra, a medida q
que transcurre el vab 5 iR vbc 5
i 1q 2q tiempo, la carga C
en el capacitor Con la regla de Kirchhoff de las espiras, se obtiene
se incrementa y
a R b c
la corriente q
disminuye. E 2 iR 2 50 (26.9)
El potencial cae en una cantidad iR conforme se va de a a b, y en q>C al pasar de b a c.
Al despejar i en la ecuación (26.9), se encuentra que:
E q
i5 2 (26.10)
2 6. 4 Circuitos R-C 897
3 3
dqr t
dtr tiempo para un capacitor en proceso de carga
5 2 q
0 qr 2 CE 0 RC
Se efectúa la integración y se obtiene:
Qf e La carga
ln 1
q 2 CE
522 t
RC /
Qf 2
en el capacitor se
incrementa en forma
exponencial con
Se aplica la función exponencial (es decir, se toma el logaritmo inverso) y se despeja respecto al tiempo
hacia el valor final Qf.
q, para obtener:
q 2 CE
5 e2t/RC
dq E (circuito R-C,
i5 5 e2t/RC 5 I0e2t/RC (26.13)
dt R capacitor en carga)
Hay consideraciones sobre la energía que amplían nuestra comprensión del com-
portamiento de un circuito R-C. Mientras el capacitor se carga, la tasa instantánea a la 12.6 Capacitancia
que la batería entrega energía al circuito es P 5 Ei. La tasa instantánea a la que la ener- 12.7 Capacitores en serie y en paralelo
gía eléctrica se disipa en el resistor es i 2R, y la tasa a que la energía se almacena en 12.8 Constantes de tiempo de circuitos
el capacitor es i vbc 5 iq>C. Al multiplicar la ecuación (26.9) por i se obtiene:
Ei 5 i 2R 1 (26.18)
Esto significa que de la potencia Ei suministrada por la batería, una parte (i 2R) se disi-
pa en el resistor y otra parte (iq>C) se almacena en el capacitor.
La energía total suministrada por la batería durante la carga del capacitor es igual
a la fem de la batería E multiplicada por el total de la carga Qf, o EQf. La energía total
almacenada en el capacitor, según la ecuación (24.9), es Qf E>2. Así, exactamente la
mitad de la energía suministrada por la batería se almacena en el capacitor, y la otra
mitad se disipa en el resistor. Es un poco sorprendente que esta división por la mitad
de la energía no dependa de C, R o E. Este resultado también se puede verificar en de-
talle tomando la integral con respecto al tiempo de cada una de las cantidades de po-
tencia en la ecuación (26.18). Se deja ese cálculo para entretenimiento del lector
(véase el problema 26.87).
reads from 0 to 1.00 mA, as shown in mA Module 27-4 RC Circuits
Fig. 27-59. Resistance R is adjusted •57 Switch S in Fig. 27-63 is closed at
– S
so that when the clip leads are + time t 0, to begin charging an initially R
shorted together, the meter deflects R uncharged capacitor of capacitance C C
to its full-scale value of 1.00 mA. 15.0 mF through a resistor of resistance
What external resistance across the R 20.0 . At what time is the potential
Figure 27-59 Problem 52. Figure 27-63 Problems
leads results in a deflection of (a) across the capacitor equal to that across
10.0%, (b) 50.0%, and (c) 90.0% of full scale? (d) If the ammeter the resistor? 57 and 96.
has a resistance of 20.0 and the internal resistance of the battery
•58 In an RC series circuit, emf 12.0 V, resistance R
is negligible, what is the value of R?
1.40 M, and capacitance C 1.80 mF. (a) Calculate the time con-
••53 In Fig. 27-14, assume that 3.0 V, r 100 , R1 250 , stant. (b) Find the maximum charge that will appear on the capaci-
and R2 300 . If the voltmeter resistance RV is 5.0 k, what per- tor during charging. (c) How long does it take for the charge to
cent error does it introduce into the measurement of the potential build up to 16.0 mC?
difference across R1? Ignore the presence of the ammeter. •59 SSM What multiple of the time constant t gives the time
••54 When the lights of a car are taken by an initially uncharged capacitor in an RC series circuit to
switched on, an ammeter in series with be charged to 99.0% of its final charge?
them reads 10.0 A and a voltmeter •60 A capacitor with initial charge q0 is discharged through a
connected across them reads 12.0 V (Fig. resistor. What multiple of the time constant t gives the time the
27-60). When the electric starting motor is Starting capacitor takes to lose (a) the first one-third of its charge and
turned on, the ammeter reading drops to S motor (b) two-thirds of its charge?
8.00 A and the lights dim somewhat. If the
•61 ILW A 15.0 k resistor and a capacitor are connected in se-
internal resistance of the battery is 0.0500
ries, and then a 12.0 V potential difference is suddenly applied
and that of the ammeter is negligible, V
across them. The potential difference across the capacitor rises to
what are (a) the emf of the battery and (b)
5.00 V in 1.30 ms. (a) Calculate the time constant of the circuit.
the current through the starting motor – (b) Find the capacitance of the capacitor.
ideal battery has emf 20.0 V. First, the switch is closed a long 73 SSM Wires A and B, having equal lengths of 40.0 m and equal
time so that the steady state is reached. Then the switch is opened diameters of 2.60 mm, are connected in series. A potential
at time t 0. What is the current in resistor 2 at t 4.00 ms? difference of 60.0 V is applied between the ends of the composite
••66 Figure 27-67 displays two cir- wire. The resistances are RA 0.127 and RB 0.729 . For wire
cuits with a charged capacitor that A, what are (a) magnitude J of the current density and (b) poten-
is to be discharged through a resis- C 1 R1 C2 R2 tial difference V? (c) Of what type material is wire A made (see
tor when a switch is closed. In Fig. Table 26-1)? For wire B, what are (d) J and (e) V? (f) Of what type
27-67a, R1 20.0 and C1 5.00 material is B made?
mF. In Fig. 27-67b, R2 10.0 and (a) (b) 74 What are the (a) size and (b) direction (up or down) of cur-
C2 8.00 mF. The ratio of the initial Figure 27-67 Problem 66. rent i in Fig. 27-71, where all resistances are 4.0 and all batteries
charges on the two capacitors is are ideal and have an emf of 10 V? (Hint: This can be answered us-
q02/q01 1.50. At time t 0, both switches are closed. At what ing only mental calculation.)
time t do the two capacitors have the same charge?
••67 The potential difference between the plates of a leaky
(meaning that charge leaks from one plate to the other) 2.0 mF
capacitor drops to one-fourth its initial value in 2.0 s. What is the
equivalent resistance between the capacitor plates?
••68 A 1.0 mF capacitor with an initial stored energy of 0.50 J is
discharged through a 1.0 M resistor. (a) What is the initial charge
on the capacitor? (b) What is the current through the resistor when
the discharge starts? Find an expression that gives, as a function of
time t, (c) the potential difference VC across the capacitor, (d) the
potential difference VR across the resistor, and (e) the rate at which i
thermal energy is produced in the resistor.
•••69 A 3.00 M resistor and a 1.00 mF capacitor are
connected in series with an ideal battery of emf 4.00 V.At 1.00 s
after the connection is made, what is the rate at which (a) the
charge of the capacitor is increasing, (b) energy is being stored in
the capacitor, (c) thermal energy is appearing in the resistor, and
(d) energy is being delivered by the battery?
Additional Problems Figure 27-71 Problem 74.
70 Each of the six real batteries in
Fig. 27-68 has an emf of 20 V and a resistance 75 Suppose that, while you are sitting in a chair, charge
of 4.0 . (a) What is the current through the separation between your clothing and the chair puts you at a
(external) resistance R 4.0 ? (b) What is potential of 200 V, with the capacitance between you and the
the potential difference across each battery? R chair at 150 pF. When you stand up, the increased separation
(c) What is the power of each battery? (d) At between your body and the chair decreases the capacitance to
Figure 27-68
what rate does each battery transfer energy 10 pF. (a) What then is the potential of your body? That poten-
Problem 70.
to internal thermal energy? tial is reduced over time, as the charge on you drains through
71 In Fig. 27-69, R1 20.0 , R2 your body and shoes (you are a capacitor discharging through a
10.0 , and the ideal battery has emf resistance). Assume that the resistance along that route is 300
a S1 S2 S3 G. If you touch an electrical component while your potential
120 V. What is the current at
point a if we close (a) only switch S1, is greater than 100 V, you could ruin the component. (b) How
(b) only switches S1 and S2, and (c) all – long must you wait until your potential reaches the safe level of
R1 R1 R1
three switches? + 100 V?
If you wear a conducting wrist strap that is connected to
72 In Fig. 27-70, the ideal battery has ground, your potential does not increase as much when you stand
emf 30.0 V, and the resistances R1 R2 R2
up; you also discharge more rapidly because the resistance through
are R1 R2 14 , R3 R4 Figure 27-69 Problem 71. the grounding connection is much less than through your body and
R5 6.0 , R6 2.0 , and R7 1.5 shoes. (c) Suppose that when you stand up, your potential is 1400 V
.What are currents (a) i2, (b) i4, (c) i1, (d) i3, and (e) i5? and the chair-to-you capacitance is 10 pF. What resistance in that
i2 i4 wrist-strap grounding connection will allow you to discharge to 100
V in 0.30 s, which is less time than you would need to reach for, say,
R1 R2 R7 your computer?
+ i5 76 In Fig. 27-72, the ideal batteries have emfs 1 20.0 V,
– 2 10.0 V, and 3 5.00 V, and the resistances are each 2.00 .
i1 What are the (a) size and (b) direction (left or right) of current i1?
i3 R3 R4 R5 R6
Figure 27-70 (c) Does battery 1 supply or absorb energy, and (d) what is its
Problem 72. power? (e) Does battery 2 supply or absorb energy, and (f) what is