TSB110103 K19, K38, K50 Pistones de Pasador Compensado
TSB110103 K19, K38, K50 Pistones de Pasador Compensado
TSB110103 K19, K38, K50 Pistones de Pasador Compensado
Este documento se publicó originalmente entre 1994 y 2001. Se ha agregado a QSOL con fines
Consulte la Tabla 2 para conocer la compatibilidad de los pistones y determinar qué pistones se
pueden usar en el mismo motor.
Instrucciones de instalación de pistones de pasador compensado
El pistón tiene una flecha fundida en la parte inferior del orificio del pasador.
Ensamble el pasador de compensación con la flecha apuntando hacia la parte delantera del
Los motores KV tendrán la flecha en el mismo lado que el chaflán grande (A) y la lengüeta de
bloqueo en las varillas del banco izquierdo .
La boquilla de enfriamiento del pistón DEBE retirarse antes que el pistón y la biela. Instale
la boquilla del pistón después del pistón y la biela. Se producirán daños en la boquilla de
enfriamiento del pistón si NO se sigue la secuencia de extracción e instalación.
Los motores KV tendrán la flecha en el lado opuesto del chaflán grande (A) y la lengüeta de
bloqueo en las varillas del banco derecho .
Nota: Los motores K19 tienen un gran chaflán (A) en ambos lados. La flecha en los
motores K19 se encuentra en el lado opuesto de la lengüeta de bloqueo.
La fundición estandarizada de pistón premium K (L12) se lanzó en julio de 1988. Las diferencias
entre esta fundición y las fundiciones anteriores (L4) incluyen:
Ranuras de anillo de pistón elevadas. Todos los pistones L12 tienen la misma ubicación de la
ranura del anillo.
Anodizado de cúpula. Se redujo el área de la cúpula del pistón que está anodizada.
Revestimiento de grafito. Se añadió un revestimiento de grafito a las faldas. Esta capa hace
que los faldones sean mucho más oscuros que los pistones anteriores.
Oil drain holes. The shape and depth of the oil drain holes were changed so the holes no
longer extend to the inside of the piston. The oil now drains through channels in the casting to
an area below the oil ring to the skirt.
Pin bore. The pin bore inside diameter was increased. The slip fit pin bore's new dimensions
are 60.942 mm MIN [2.3993 inch MIN] to 60.952 mm MAX [2.3997 inch MAX]. The piston pin
is a slip fit in the pin bore when the parts are both at the same temperature. It is not necessary
to heat the pistons to install the pins. If the pins will not fit in the bore, check for burrs or dings
on the bore. Do not heat the piston if the pin will not enter the bore. In addition, the pin bore is
not round. The bore can be as much as 0.071 mm [0.0028 inch] larger on the horizontal axis
(parallel to the ring grooves) than on the vertical axis (perpendicular to the ring grooves).
In January, 1989, standardized pistons with a thicker Ni-Resist insert (L13 casting) were released.
These pistons had all the features of the L12 casting shown above plus a thicker Ni-Resist insert to
reduce debonding. In an effort to allow the L13 pistons to be used in the same engine as the
previous pistons, some material was removed from the inside of the pistons skirt. The removal of
material allowed the skirt to flex too much and caused the skirt to crack. The L13 pistons were the
subject of Field Campaign 8922.
It October, 1989 new K premium (L15 and L13+) pistons were released. These pistons have all the
features of the L12 and L13 castings plus material added to the inside of the skirt to prevent
Previous Standardize K Premium Offset Pin
d with
Part No. d Part No. (158L13+A1 Piston Part
Part Thicker Ni-
(158L4 (158L12 Casting) No.
Description Resist
Casting) All Casting) All (158L13A1 (158L15A1
Versions Versions Casting) Casting)
Piston (3032197) (3178357) (3068038)** (3070708) (3096680)
Piston Kit 3801398 3803267 3803267 3803316 3631246
Piston (3032462) (3178357) (3068038)** (3070708) (3096680)
Piston Kit 3801438 3801398 3803267 3803316 3631246
Piston (3036074) (3178358) (3068037)** (3070707) (3096681)
Piston Kit 3801436 3801436 3803266 3803315 3631245
Piston (3036073) (3178359) (3068036)** (3070706) (3096682)
Piston Kit 3801437 3801437 3803265 3803314 3631244
Piston (3178997) (3065339) (3068032)** (3070703) (3096685)
Piston Kit 3803149 3803149 3803263 3803312 3631241
Piston (3036072) (3178360) (3068035)** (3070705) (3096683)
Piston Kit 3801439 3801439 3803264 3803313 3631242
Piston (3070704) (3096684)
Piston Kit 3803617 3631243
**These pistons were subject to Field Campaign 8922.
These pistons have a graphite coating on the skirt which causes the skirt to be dark.
Pistons purchased from Mahle US are and always have been ultrasonically inspected, but have no
special identification.
These pistons have a tin plating on the skirt which causes the skirt to be shiny.
The Daventry plant has used three methods to identify pistons that have been ultrasonically
1. A paintend circle around the US stamp (9/93 - 12/93)
2. A vibro-etched DI under the pin bore (12/93 - 7/95)
3. A C stamped in the center of the piston under the crown between the mold identification and
the supplier identification (7/95 - present)
Note : If a failure occurs on an L15 or offset pin piston, please return them to Service
Engineering for analysis.
K Series Engine - Piston Identification
The purpose of this document is to provide a procedure to identify the K Series 158L13A1 piston
from other K pistons when installed in the engine and only the bottom of the pistons are visible.
When the pistons are not installed, the part number is visible for identification.
This information is provided for those occasions when less than a full set of 158L13A1 pistons was
installed in the engine, and the records have been lost; or the cylinder in which 158L13A1 piston
was installed is lacking documentation.
The 158L4 piston can be identified from pistons supplied later (158L12+A1, 158L12+A2, and
158L13A1) because of the appearance of the piston skirt. The 158L4 piston skirt does not have
the dark, graphite covering like the 158L12 and the 158L13 series pistons. The skirt on the 158L4
piston has a shiny, aluminum appearance.
The casting number of this piston is located under the crown of the piston. This number is difficult
to see when the pistons are installed because the connecting rod conceals the markings. This
number can be seen in a few occasions depending on the light used, the ciewing angle, and the
equipment accessibility. The "158LXX+" portion of the part number is printed on the left side
under the crown of the piston. The "A+" portion of the part number is printed to the right side of
under the crown of the piston.
There are three specific features that will distinguish the 158L12 series piston from the 158L13A1
series piston when the "158LXX" number is not visible.
Date Code
Appearance of the Skirt Rib
Distance from the Counterbore to the Radius in the Casting
Date Code:
The date code is located on the inside of the piston skirt. Refer to Figure 1. The date code is the
numerical day of the month, an alphabetic letter code for the month, and a number indicating the
last numeric digit of the calendar year the engine was produced.
" 9 A 9 represents the 9th day of January 1989. The letter "I" is not used to represent a letter code
for a month.
The date codes for the specific piston design is as follows:
Notice that there is an overlap of one day between the 158L12+A2 and the 158L13A1 date codes.
158L13A1 pistons only, are subject to Field Campaign 8922.
158L13_A1 and L15 designates the replacement pistons for the 158:13A1.
Skirt Rib AppearanceL
The appearance of the skirt rib that is visible on the 158L13A1 piston is much more promminent
and longer then the 158L12+A2. Refer to Figures 2 and 3.
Wipe the oil from the inside of the piston. Use a small measuring scale. The distone on the 158L12
Series piston is approximately 8 mm [5/16 inch.] Refer to Figure 4. The distance on the 158L13A1
Series piston is approximately 3 mm [1/8 inch]. Refer to Figure 5.
Figure 2, Skirt Rib Appearance - K Series Piston Casting