2°? Abril Inglés Cuadernillo

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2° Grado de primaria "Abril"

"Cuadernillo Inglés"

El “Cuadernillo de Actividades Ciclo Escolar 2020-2021 Segundo Grado de Educación
Primaria” fue elaborado en el marco del Fortalecimiento a la Estrategia Aprende en Casa, por
personal académico del PRONI en Tamaulipas.

Coordinación de la propuesta
Coordinadora local del PRONI
Mtra. Miriam Elizabeth Ramírez Carrizales

Responsable del área académica

Yuridia Guadalupe Álvarez Zavala

Investigación de contenido y diseño de actividades

Rebeca Lizeth Martínez Leal
Manuel Hiram Granados Blanco
Doraly Kristel González Gaytán
Karve Alejandra Martínez García
Gloria Huerta Domínguez
Flor Cecilia Núñez Díaz

Revisión y traducción
Lorenia Valles Canales

Julia Adriana Sotelo Chapa

Diseño de imagen institucional y recopilación de gráficos

Sandra Isabel Moncada Ramírez

D.R. Secretaría de Educación de Tamaulipas

Calzada General Luis Caballero S/N
C.P. 87078
Fracc. Las Flores
Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas.

Activity 1: The Four Seasons 2
Activity 2: Spring 3
Activity 3: Living and Non-Living Plants 4
Activity 4: Plants 5
Activity 5: Reading Comprehension: Plants 6
Activity 6: Tree Map 7
Activity 7: Parts of a Plant 8
Activity 8: My Plant 9
Activity 9: How Does a Plant Grow? 10
Activity 10: Planting a Seed 11
Activity 11: Easter Word Search 12
Activity 12: Easter Graph 13
Activity 13: Easter Egg Hunt 14
Activity 14: Easter Egg Shapes Print 15
Activity 15: Counting by Two 16

Bibliográficas 17
Iconográficas 17
Activity 1
The Four Seasons
Read. Circle the answer in the text with the indicated color then write them down.
Lee. Encierra la respuesta en el texto con el color indicado y después escríbela.

The Four Seasons

There are four seasons in a year. They are called
spring, summer, fall, and winter.

In spring it is warm, it often rains, and flowers

bloom. Summer is the hottest season and you
can go to the pool or the beach. In fall, it is cold,
and the leaves fall on the ground. In winter it is
very cold and it can snow.

1. How many seasons are there in a year?

2. What are their names?

3. What is the hottest season?

In what season are you now? Circle.

Activity 2
Read. Circle the spring elements that appear in the text on the pictures, then answer
True or False.
Lee. Encierra los elementos de la primavera que aparecen en el texto en las imágenes,
después contesta Cierto o Falso.

Spring starts in March, the weather gets warm so children
can go outside and play.

Sometimes it rains and the rainbow appears in the sky; the

rain helps the flowers grow. The flowers are pretty and when
they grow, the butterflies come out and bees are buzzing all
In spring, trees get covered with their green leaves and you
can find baby birds in their nest in them.

There’s a special holiday in spring, it’s Easter! The rabbit is

the animal that represents it; it’s celebrated by children
finding and seeking Easter eggs.

1. Spring starts in January. True False

2. In Spring, the weather is very cold. True False
3. Rain helps the flowers grow. True False
4. Christmas is celebrated in Spring. True False

Activity 3
Living and Non-living Things
Read. Write 1 if it’s a Living thing and 2 if it’s a Non-living thing.
Lee. Escribe 1 si se trata de un ser vivo y 2 si es un ser no vivo.

1 Living Things 2 Non-living Things

Need air Do not need air
Need food Do not need food
Need water Do not need water
Grow Do not grow
Reproduce (have babies) Do not reproduce

Activity 4
Read. Answer.
Lee. Contesta

Plants are very important, they produce
oxygen to help us breathe, they are pretty,
some smell good and they are colorful.

Plants need water, air, soil ,and sun to grow.

Plants have roots, stem, leaves, flowers and

What do plants need to grow? Circle four things.

lemonade water cookie sun


sandwich chips air soil and nutrients

Activity 5
Reading Comprehension: Plants
Look. Read and answer.
Observa. Lee y contesta.

seeds flower


roots leaf

Parts of a Plant
Plants have different parts. They have roots; the roots take in water and nutrients.

Plants have stems that hold them and carry the nutrients to different parts.

Plants have leaves; leaves use the sun to turn water and air into food.

Plants have flowers that help attract insects like bees.

Plants also have seeds. The seeds help to grow new plants.

1. What is the text about?

2. Write the parts of a plant:

3. The take in water and nutrients.

a) flower b) roots c) seeds

4. The helps the plant to

a) look pretty b) attract insects c) make food

Activity 6
Tree Map
Use the words from the bank to complete the tree map about plants.
Utiliza las palabras del recuadro para completar el mapa de árbol acerca de las plantas.

flower soil important water colorful air

leaves roots sun beautiful stems seeds


Need Have Are

Activity 7
Parts of a Plant
Look. Cut and glue the labels in the correct box.
Observa. Recorta y pega las etiquetas en el recuadro correcto.

flower stem seeds

roots leaves Parts of a Plant

Activity 8
My Plant
Draw a plant in the pot. Cut and glue the labels to identify each part of your plant.
Dibuja una planta en la maceta. Recorta y pega las etiquetas para identificar cada parte
de tu planta.

flower roots seeds leaves stem

Activity 9
How Does a Plant Grow?
Read. Cut and paste the illustrations according to the sequence of the growth of a
plant .
Lee. Recorta y pega las ilustraciones de acuerdo a la secuencia en que crecen las plantas.

First Next Then Last

A seed is From the Roots Leaves
planted in seed a tiny grow down grow and
the ground new plant into the soil the plant
or in soil. sprouts. and a stem get, taller
grows up. and

Activity 10
Planting a Seed
Read. Follow the instructions.
Lee. Sigue las instrucciones.

Four small rocks
Soil or sand

1. With the help of an adult, make one hole in the bottom of the cup, to help
the water drain.
2. Place four small rocks at the bottom.
3. Fill the pot with soil, but leave a small space from the top.
4. Plant a few seeds in the cup.
5. Cover the seeds with a little bit of sand or soil.
6. Water the cup, not too much, just enough to make the soil wet.
7. Finally, place the cup in the window, where it can get sunlight.
8. Check your plant over the next few days and take care of it, if the soil or
sand feels dry, give it a little water.

Activity 11
Easter Word Search
Find the following words in the word search. Then solve the puzzle.
Encuentra las siguientes palabras en la sopa de letras. Resuelve el laberinto.


Activity 12
Easter Graph
Count and write the number next to each image at the bottom of the page.
Cuenta y escribe el número a un lado de cada imagen en la parte de abajo.

Activity 13
Easter Egg Hunt
Look for Easter Eggs. Count and color.
Encuentra huevos de Pascua. Cuenta y colorea.

How many Easter Eggs did you find? _________

Activity 14
Easter Egg Shapes Print
Color the shapes in the Easter Egg according to the code.
Colorea las figuras del huevo de Pascua según el código.

Activity 15
Counting by Two
Count by 2s until the finish line.
Cuenta de 2 en 2 hasta llegar a la meta.

8 Finish




Referencia Bibliográfica

SEP (2011) Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica. Segunda Lengua Inglés:
ciclo 1.

SECRETARIA DE EDUCACION PÚBLICA.( 2017) Aprendizajes Clave para la

Educación Integral Lengua Extranjera. Inglés. Educación básica MÉXICO, SEP.

Referencia Iconográfica

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