Digital Forensics Challenge SOLVED
Digital Forensics Challenge SOLVED
Digital Forensics Challenge SOLVED
Siempre estén atentos a los archivos ocultos que comienzan con un "." -
¡usen "ls -a" en un terminal para ver estos archivos!
¡Miren los directorios y archivos tanto en la GUI de Kali Linux como en la
línea de comandos!
Este desafío se basa en una narrativa. Se les guiará suavemente para
encontrar algunas piezas de evidencia. Recuerden buscar en todas las
carpetas y verificar todos los archivos, ¡especialmente los que parecen
Si necesitan omitir un .zip protegido con contraseña, usen fcrackzip con la
lista de palabras rockyou.txt.
Full file path (right-click > parent folder value /J Harrison Disk Image 10.09.2019/WebDev
+ filename) [5] work/unfinished webpages/to-
Method (+ commands) used to find file [10] Personal zip cracking techniques
Explain how the information was hidden Though password protected ZIP
[10] Pass: ‘vendy13031988’
What information was included in the file? It’s a list containing all the information of the
(Don’t copy-paste the file content, explain employees of the company
exactly what it is) [10]
Evidence Piece 2 of 4
Full file path (right-click > parent folder value -J Harrison Disk Image
+ filename) [5] 10.09.2019/Images/laptop.jpg
-J Harrison Disk Image
Method (+ commands) used to find file [10] Cat, steghide and password key was
Explain how the information was hidden There was instructions on the image of the
[10] folder “saved emails”
What information was included in the file? Instructions to get acces to the hidden files
(Don’t copy-paste the file content, explain that contained all the user names and
exactly what it is) [10] passwords of the VPN’s of the company
Evidence Piece 3 of 4
Full file path (right-click > parent folder value /home/drjfrost/Desktop/J Harrison Disk Image
+ filename) [5] 10.09.2019/Weekly Meeting Notes/Week
Explain how the information was hidden Extansion was changed, so that an average
[10] user would not dudpect about it
What information was included in the file? The location of the offices of the company
(Don’t copy-paste the file content, explain
exactly what it is) [10]
Evidence Piece 4 of 4
Full file path (right-click > parent folder value J Harrison Disk Image 10.09.2019/WebDev
+ filename) [5] work/unfinished
File type [5] CSS, ASCII text, with very long lines
Explain how the information was hidden It was commented on the lines of the css files
What information was included in the file? The intrusor pretty much admitted that was
(Don’t copy-paste the file content, explain hiding something on his files and personal pc:
exactly what it is) [10] * This is in case Colin tries to screw me. I'll
expose him.
* Colin Andrews
* 31 years old
* lives in Suffolk, UK
* drives a Kia Sportage
* buys and sells valid company credentials to
* phishing attacks, malware distribution
Investigation Report
Provide a brief conclusion on what The intruder was giving information about the
information was being stolen, how it was enterprise, its corresponding empoyees,
hidden, and how the suspect was getting office locations, and VPN accounts.
it out of the company (Look at how many
marks this question is worth, to ensure you He used different techniques to be unnoticed,
write enough) [25] such as steganografy, file extansion change,
commenting lines on programming files and
adding information at the footer of the images
(which can be only read by using the cat