Actividad Número 1 Desarrollada OK
Actividad Número 1 Desarrollada OK
Actividad Número 1 Desarrollada OK
Actividad 1
En este caso, esperamos que usted le dedique diariamente una hora chateando en estas
plataformas para que vaya practicando el uso del idioma. Le aconsejamos, que si
desconoce el significado de alguna palabra, busque de forma inmediata su significado.
Así mismo, por cada hora dedicada al chat, usted debe diseñar un diario de aprendizaje,
que a continuación, estaremos explicando su estructura y diseño.
Diario de aprendizaje
¿Qué sitio web utilizó y por qué The website I used was Speaky, because when I installed it and started
decidió usarla? using it, I realized that its interface is very simple and deductive.
Descripciones formativas. After developing the activities, I proceeded to install the Speaky
application, to practice my speaking, with an intensity of 15 hours per
week, which will allow me to consolidate knowledge and skills in learning
English as a second language. I have been able to meet new friends,
new cultures.
¿Qué descubrí con el desarrollo I found that the goal is more motivational than grammatical content or
de la actividad? structures. Learning English is consistency, discipline, and clear goals.
Never abandon the process, since it is a long way, from which it is clear
that you do not finish learning.
¿Qué conocimientos gramaticales The grammatical knowledge I used were Formal and Informal G
utilice y qué vocabulario emplee reetings, Wh questions, short questions and answers, descriptions (self
para comunicarme? presentation), Do and Does, Verb tenses, etc.
¿Qué tan a gusto me siento con el I feel great, because it is a simple, productive and enriching activity.
desarrollo de esta actividad?
Diario Número 2
Fecha: 14 de Julio de 2020
¿Qué sitio web utilizó y por qué The website I used was Speaky, because when I installed it and started
decidió usarla? using it, I realized that its interface is very simple and deductive.
Descripciones formativas. After developing the activities, I proceeded to install the Speaky
application, to practice my speaking, with an intensity of 15 hours per
Although my intention is to be able to practice my speaking, I have been
able to meet people who want to learn Spanish, my native language. I
have offered to help them, letting them know my need to develop my
speaking ability
¿Qué descubrí con el desarrollo I found that the goal is more motivational than grammatical content or
de la actividad? structures. Learning English is consistency, discipline, and clear goals.
Never abandon the process, since it is a long way, from which it is clear
that you do not finish learning.
¿Qué conocimientos gramaticales The grammatical knowledge I used were Formal and Informal G
utilice y qué vocabulario emplee reetings, Wh questions, short questions and answers, descriptions (self
para comunicarme? presentation), Do and Does, Verb tenses, etc.
¿Qué tan a gusto me siento con el I feel great, because it is a simple, productive and enriching activity.
desarrollo de esta actividad?
Diario Número 3
Fecha: 15 de Julio de 2020
¿Qué sitio web utilizó y por qué The website I used was Speaky, because when I installed it and started
decidió usarla? using it, I realized that its interface is very simple and deductive.
Descripciones formativas. After developing the activities, I proceeded to install the Speaky
application, to practice my speaking, with an intensity of 15 hours per
I have come across people who have other purposes such as raising
money, they have not given me confidence, on the contrary, I am very
suspicious when they ask me for information or ask me for money.
¿Qué descubrí con el desarrollo I found that the goal is more motivational than grammatical content or
de la actividad? structures. Learning English is consistency, discipline, and clear goals.
Never abandon the process, since it is a long way, from which it is clear
that you do not finish learning.
¿Qué conocimientos gramaticales The grammatical knowledge I used were Formal and Informal G
utilice y qué vocabulario emplee reetings, Wh questions, short questions and answers, descriptions (self
para comunicarme? presentation), Do and Does, Verb tenses, etc.
¿Qué tan a gusto me siento con el I feel great, because it is a simple, productive and enriching activity.
desarrollo de esta actividad?
Diario Número 4
Fecha: 16 de Julio de 2020
¿Qué sitio web utilizó y por qué The website I used was Speaky, because when I installed it and started
decidió usarla? using it, I realized that its interface is very simple and deductive.
Descripciones formativas. After developing the activities, I proceeded to install the Speaky
application, to practice my speaking, with an intensity of 15 hours per
During my conversations I have been able to schedule future
conversations, which will allow me to develop my speaking ability.
¿Qué descubrí con el desarrollo I found that the goal is more motivational than grammatical content or
de la actividad? structures. Learning English is consistency, discipline, and clear goals.
Never abandon the process, since it is a long way, from which it is clear
that you do not finish learning.
¿Qué conocimientos gramaticales The grammatical knowledge I used were Formal and Informal G
utilice y qué vocabulario emplee reetings, Wh questions, short questions and answers, descriptions (self
para comunicarme? presentation), Do and Does, Verb tenses, etc.
¿Qué tan a gusto me siento con el I feel great, because it is a simple, productive and enriching activity.
desarrollo de esta actividad?
Diario Número 5
Fecha: 17 de Julio de 2020
¿Qué sitio web utilizó y por qué The website I used was Speaky, because when I installed it and started
decidió usarla? using it, I realized that its interface is very simple and deductive.
Descripciones formativas. After developing the activities, I proceeded to install the Speaky
application, to practice my speaking, with an intensity of 15 hours per
week, During my conversations I have been able to schedule future
conversations, which will allow me to develop my speaking ability.
¿Qué descubrí con el desarrollo I found that the goal is more motivational than grammatical content or
de la actividad? structures. Learning English is consistency, discipline, and clear goals.
Never abandon the process, since it is a long way, from which it is clear
that you do not finish learning.
¿Qué conocimientos gramaticales The grammatical knowledge I used were Formal and Informal G
utilice y qué vocabulario emplee reetings, Wh questions, short questions and answers, descriptions (self
para comunicarme? presentation), Do and Does, Verb tenses, etc.
¿Qué tan a gusto me siento con el I feel great, because it is a simple, productive and enriching activity.
desarrollo de esta actividad?
- En la cuarta fila, se espera que usted pueda especificar qué aprendizajes le dejo el
desarrollo de esta actividad y qué reflexiones o descubrimientos pudo consolidar.
- En la quinta fila, se espera que especifique los conocimientos que más utilizo de la
unidad uno, dos y tres y especificar por qué los usó. Además, también se espera
que puedan especificar qué errores gramaticales cometió y cómo los pudo corregir
en caso que lo haya hecho. Igualmente, intente especificar si aprendió otros
conocimientos del inglés, distintos a los contenidos los vistos de la unidad 1, 2 y 3.