Guía de Trabajo Texto Comprension en LE. Nightingale
Guía de Trabajo Texto Comprension en LE. Nightingale
Guía de Trabajo Texto Comprension en LE. Nightingale
1. Observe el siguiente texto. Identifique
Por qué motivo leería usted este texto y para qué usaría la información encontrada en
él y de qué tema trata:
Lo leería para saber sobre los orígenes de la enfermería. La usaría como una entrada
para ahondar más en las presentaciones gráficas de las estadísticas.
2. Comente todo lo que sepa (conocimientos previos) sobre la vida de esta mujer.
No tenía conocimientos.
3. Aún este texto anterior (biografía) no está escrito en una lengua que usted
maneja, considere qué información puede relevar del mismo indicando qué le ayudó
a acceder a dicha información. (paratexto)
Al tener algunos conocimientos de la lengua pude traducir:
Florence Nightingale, OM (12 May 1820 – 13 August 1910), was an English nurse. She
helped create the modern techniques of nursing. She became a leader of the team of
nurses who helped wounded soldiers during the Crimean War. She was the first
female to receive the Orderof Merit, the highest honour awarded to a British person.
As a nurse she was given the name 'The Lady with the Lamp' because at night, she
checked on the wounded soldiers and always carried 'The Lamp' with her. Florence
Nightingale was a wonderful woman who fought the odds of not living a life expected
by her family. She helped make modern nursing possible. Nightingale was a prodigious
and versatile writer, and lived to be 90 years old.
6. Realice un listado con aquellos elementos o aspectos del texto que encuentra
similares a su lengua materna.(cognados)
English social
forms/data/polar area
Nationality British
Fields Hospital hygiene and sanitation,
Florence Nightingale Institutions Selimiye Barracks, Scutari
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia King's College London[1]
of her nursing school at St Thomas' Hospital in London. It was the first secular
nursing school in the world, and is now part of King's College London.[7] In
recognition of her pioneering work in nursing, the Nightingale Pledge taken by
new nurses, and the Florence Nightingale Medal, the highest international
distinction a nurse can achieve, were named in her honour, and the
annual International Nurses Day is celebrated on her birthday. Her social
reforms included improving healthcare for all sections of British society,
advocating better hunger relief in India, helping to abolish prostitution laws that
were harsh for women, and expanding the acceptable forms of female
participation in the workforce.
Nightingale was a pioneer in statistics; she represented her analysis in
graphical forms to ease drawing conclusions and actionables from data. She
developed a form of the pie chart now known as the polar area diagram, also
called the Nightingale rose diagram, equivalent to a modern circular histogram.
This diagram is still regularly used in data visualisation.
Nightingale was a prodigious and versatile writer. In her lifetime, much of her
published work was concerned with spreading medical knowledge. Some of her
tracts were written in simple English so that they could easily be understood by
those with poor literary skills. She was also a pioneer in data visualization with
the use of infographics, using graphical presentations of statistical data in an
effective way.[6] Much of her writing, including her extensive work on religion
and mysticism, has only been published posthumously.
Patricia Altamirano