Valderrama Tápia Karol Felicita - Parcial
Valderrama Tápia Karol Felicita - Parcial
Valderrama Tápia Karol Felicita - Parcial
Karol Felícita Valderrama Tapia.
Dr. Carlos Esteban Borrego Rosas
Trujillo – Perú
El asesor y los miembros del jurado evaluador asignados, APRUEBAN la tesis desarrollada
por la Bachiller Karol Felícita Valderrama Tapia, denominada
APROBACIÓN DE LA TESIS………………………………………………………………………….......ii
ÍNDICE DE CONTENIDOS………………………………………………………………………………….v
CONCLUSIONES............................................................................................................................. 63
RECOMENDACIONES .................................................................................................................... 64
Tabla 1. Distribución de los estudiantes de la Carrera de Medicina de una Universidad Privada ......... 35
Tabla 3. Componentes del amor en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Trujillo ...................... 41
Tabla 7. Correlación entre los componentes del amor y las dimensiones de bienestar psicológico en
estudiantes de una universidad privada de Trujillo .................................................................................. 45
Tabla 8. Correlación entre el componente Intimidad del amor y las dimensiones de bienestar psicológico
en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Trujillo ............................................................................. 46
Tabla 9. Correlación entre el componente pasión del amor y las dimensiones de bienestar psicológico
en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Trujillo ............................................................................ 47
Tabla 10. Correlación entre el componente compromiso del amor y las dimensiones de bienestar
psicológico en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Trujillo ......................................................... 48
Tabla 12. KMO y Prueba de Esfericidad de Barlett de la Escala Triangular del Amor ........................... 76
Tabla 15. KMO y Prueba de Esfericidad de Barlett de la Escala Bienestar Psicológico ......................... 81
Tabla 17. Prueba de Normalidad de Kolmogorov-Smirnov de los componentes del amor ................... 84
The present research explored the relationship between Components of Love and Psychological
Well-Being, carrying out a correlational study design, whose sample of probabilistic type was formed
by 125 university students between 20 and 24 years old from Trujillo city and were used for
measurement of Sternberg’s Triangular Scale of Love and the Ryff Psychological Well-Being Scale
adapted by Van Dierendonck. The results show that there is a negative and significant correlation
(r=-.17, p<.05) between the Intimacy component and the Autonomy dimension, and the same
component is correlated positively and highly significant with the Personal Growth dimension (r=.28,
p<.01), with respect to the second component Passion is negatively and significantly correlated (r=-
.19, p<.05) with the dimension Domain of the Environment, however is correlated in a positive way
and highly significant (r=.25, p<.01) with the Personal Growth dimension. In addition to the third
component (Commitment) evidence positive and significant correlation (r=.20, p<01) with the
dimension Domain of the Environment, however negative and highly significant correlation (r=-.24,
p<01) with the Personal Growth dimension. Regarding to the descriptive results it is observed that
the love component with tendency medium to high in the study sample is Intimacy (52.8% and
29.6%); and finally with respect to Psychological Well-Being all the dimensions present a medium-
level tendency, except Purpose in life whose score was placed in a level of medium to low (60.0%
and 26.4%).
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