Mariana Mazzucato - Mision Economia
Mariana Mazzucato - Mision Economia
Mariana Mazzucato - Mision Economia
El libro inicia con un breve recorrido del contexto en el que fue escrito, así, la autora resalta
las diferentes problemáticas presentes en el mismo y sus antecedentes, sin lugar a duda son
problemas que ponen en juego la vida de las personas y sus condiciones de vida, también
denominados wicked problems.
Con esto en mente, se propone que las entidades públicas (gobierno, ministerios, etc)
inviertan recursos en actividades que las hagan poderosas y que por otro lado dejen de
depender de la ejecución de entidades privadas, esto con el objetivo de que se generen
proyectos e iniciativas de genuino interés público. Es así como propone su tesis de reformar
el capitalismo, imaginándolo como una serie de relaciones, reglas e inversiones reguladas
entre los sectores (público y privado), de tal forma en la que todo el mundo pueda prosperar
y se respeten los límites del planeta, una economía basada en soluciones.
Dejar la relación económica entre los sectores que actualmente es parasitaria y
transformarla en un ecosistema simbiótico y mutualista, de la mano con el pensamiento
moonshot o enfoque orientado por misiones, el cual consiste en establecer objetivos que
sean ambiciosos además de inspiradores, capaces de catalizar la innovación entre múltiples
actores y sectores de la economía
La importancia de que las empresas tengan un objetivo claro y un propósito, ninguna sin
alguno de estos factores puede alcanzar su potencial máximo
Mariana mazzucato
The book begins with a brief overview of the context in which it was written, thus, the
author highlights the different problems present in it and its background, undoubtedly are
problems that put at stake the lives of people and their living conditions, also called wicked
Mazzucato, finds that the correct administration of the economy, beyond the injection of
capital, represents the first step in the resolution of these problems, thus exposing that the
tense and disjointed relationship between public and private institutions is a determining
factor in the failure of the execution of joint projects.
With this in mind, he proposes that public entities (government, ministries, etc.) invest
resources in activities that make them powerful and that on the other hand stop depending
on the execution of private entities, with the objective of generating projects and initiatives
of genuine public interest. This is how he proposes his thesis of reforming capitalism,
imagining it as a series of regulated relations, rules and investments between the sectors
(public and private), in such a way that everyone can prosper and the limits of the planet are
respected, an economy based on solutions.
To leave the currently parasitic economic relationship between sectors and transform it into
a symbiotic and mutualistic ecosystem, hand in hand with the moonshot thinking or
mission-driven approach, which consists of setting goals that are ambitious as well as
inspiring, capable of catalyzing innovation among multiple actors and sectors of the
The question should be: What is central to the economy? In response to this, Mazzucato
states that it is the social issues, since the resolution of these issues has a direct impact on
the sustainable growth of the economy.
The book highlights the importance of crises and their potential when it comes to Re-
imagining the society in which we want to live, by changing capitalism as a consequence
we are also changing the government in which we live.
The importance of companies having a clear objective and purpose, none without any of
these factors can reach its full potential.
Change comes from re-imagining how the different agents and organizations in the
economy create value together.
Mariana Mazzucato
Líneas de investigación: mercados financieros, innovación y crecimiento económico,
en la empresa, industria y nivel nacional.
Profesora en la Economía de Innovación y Valor Público y fundadora y
directora del Instituto para Innovación y Propósito Público en
University College London.
Asesora de responsables políticos de todo el mundo y el Parlamento