Manual Acumulador Orgon PDF
Manual Acumulador Orgon PDF
Manual Acumulador Orgon PDF
Traducción al Español:
Víctor Milián Sánchez
Manual del Acumulador de Orgón
Manual del Acumulador de Orgón
Agradecimientos ............................................................... v
Prefacio del Autor ............................................................. x
Prefacio del Autor
Parte III:
Planos para la Construcción
de Instrumentos Acumuladores de Orgón
Fuentes de Información
Sobre Wilhelm Reich y la Orgonomía ....................... 215
Manual del Acumulador de Orgón
perturbación de pruebas I
atómicas 94 Informes para el Consumidor
rotación de la Tierra de (ver Unión de Consumidores)
orgón 33, 225-226 intención consciente (ver
Laboratorio PEAR)
F Investigación de Consumo 20
fascismo negro (ver nazismo) IPA (Asociación Internacional
FBI (Oficina Federal de Psicoanalítica) 6
Investigación) 11,14,17
FDA (Adminstración de J
Alimentos y Medicamentos) Jung, Karl 6
10-29, 127-129, 140, 144,
148, 174, 177, 209 ( ver K
también Reich, Wilhelm Kammerer, Paul 56
persecución de ) Kavouras, Jorgos 141, 208
Freud, Sigmund 5-7, 11-12, 35, Kennedy-Thorndike 220, 236
56 Kervran, Louis y transmutac-
Fuckert, Dorothea 141,212 iones biológicas 58, 90, 213
fuentes calientes (ver agua) KGB (ver Unión Soviética)
fusion, caliente reacción de 61 Kirlian, fotos de 50, 169
Knobel, Otto 13
Galaev, Yuri 217, 224, 236 L
Galileo vii, 26, 227 Langmuir, Irving 59
Gardner, Martin (ver Reich Lassek, Heiko 141, 211
Wilhelm, persecución de ) Levine, Emanuel 141, 212
Gerson, Max 19, 136-137 líbido 35
Gold, Philip 141 Lion, Kurt 22
Gould, Jay 113, 214 Livingstone, Virginia 136
Grad, Bernard 146, 171 luz de espectro total 96, 105-
Greenfield, Jerome 11f, 209 107
luz, iluminación 104-107
halos galácticos 236 M
Hays, Arthur Garfield 22 macartismo, macartiana 10, 29,
Hebenstreit, Gunther 211 174
hiperactividad, niño 98 magnetismo animal (ver
homeopatía 10, 58-59, 129-130, Mesmer, Franz)
142, 176 Martin, James 11f, 28, 209
Hoppe, Walter 140-141, 211 Marxismo (ver comunismo)
hormesis, campo 129 materia oscura 9, 217, 231-236
Hoxsey, Harry 19, 136-137 (ver éter cósmico)
medicina, convencional 3-4, 138,
Manual del Acumulador de Orgón
Manual del Acumulador de Orgón
Manual del Acumulador de Orgón
Publicaciones adicionales (en inglés)
disponibles en Natural Energy Works
(life) energy, and the orgone energy
accumulator. Also featured are articles
about the Food & Drug Administration’s
attack upon Reich, and their present-day
war against the natural health movement;
the deadly effects from nuclear power
plants, and an illuminating scientific
challenge to the HIV theory of AIDS —
plus other reports on current life energy
research, weather anomalies from nuclear
bomb tests, a cloudbusting desert-
greening experiment in Israel, provocative book reviews, and
more! 176 pp.
Heretic’s Notebook:
Emotions, Protocells, Ether-
Drift and Cosmic Life-
Energy, with New Research
Supporting Wilhelm Reich,
Edited by James DeMeo
Contains 28 insightful essays and
research articles by 17 different authors,
on natural childbirth, sexuality,
archaeology of early human violence,
Reich’s orgonomic functionalism, exposés on Reich’s detractors,
Giordano Bruno’s work, bion-biogenesis research, Dayton Miller’s
ether-drift discoveries, emotional effects in REG (psychokinesis)
experiments, new detector for orgone energy, dowsing research,
cloudbusting desert-greening experiments in Africa, plant growth
stimulation in the orgone accumulator, the orgone energy motor
and “free energy”, plus UFO research, book reviews, and much
more, with color cover photos, text- photos and illustrations.
272 pages
In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: Opposing the 80-
Years' War of Mainstream Defamatory Slander
Against One of the 20th Century's Most Brilliant
Physicians and Natural Scientists,
by James DeMeo, PhD.
269 pages. Illustrated.
Dr. Wilhelm Reich is the man whom
nearly everyone loves to hate. No
other figure in 20th Century science
and medicine could be named who
has been so badly maligned in popu-
lar media, scientific and medical
circles, nor so shabbily mistreated
by power-drunk federal agencies and
arrogant judges.
Publicly denounced and slandered
in both Europe and America by Na-
zis, Communists and psychoana-
lysts, placed on both Hitler’s and
Stalin’s death lists but narrowly es-
caping to the USA, subjected to new public slanders and attacks
by American journalists and psychiatrists who deliberately lied
and provoked an “investigation” by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), imprisoned by American courts which
ignored his legal writs and pleas about prosecutorial and FDA
fraud, denied appeals all the way up to the US Supreme Court,
which rubber-stamped the FDA’s demands for the banning and
burning of his scientific books and research journals, and finally
dying alone in prison – who was this man, Wilhelm Reich, and
why today, some 50 years after his death, does he continue to stir
up such emotional antipathy? It is a literal 80-Years’ War of
continuing misrepresentation, slander and defamation.
Who were and are Reich’s attackers? Author and Natural
Scientist James DeMeo takes on the book-burners, exposing
with clarity and documentation their many slanderous fabrica-
tions, half-truths and lies of omission. In so doing, he also
summarizes the lesser-known facts about Reich’s important
clinical and life-energetic experimental findings, now verified by
scientists and physicians worldwide, and holding great promise
for the future.
The History of Modern Morals, By Max Hodann, a
central participant in the European Weimar-era sexual
reform movement. 350+ pages, with a New Introduc-
tion by James DeMeo, PhD.
European Emperors, Kings, Kaisers
and Tsars, and their Churches, for-
bade contraception, women’s equal-
ity and divorce. Baptismal Certifi-
cates and class barriers dictated who
could legally marry, attend school or
the university, advance socially, and
who could not. World War I finally
swept them from power, but their
dictates frequently remained as law,
in a turbulent era of struggle for
freedom and democracy, versus re-
surgent fascism and slavery.
Hodann’s History contains a clear
discussion of these historical devel-
opments within the sexual reform
and women’s rights movements of Weimar Germany and Europe
generally, in the early decades of the 1900s. The parallel advance
of scientific knowledge on human sexuality is also detailed.
Unlike many contemporary works on these subjects, History of
Modern Morals is authored by a physician who lived the struggle,
was a leader in it, got arrested by the Nazis for it, and intimately
worked with other professionals who also had personally suf-
fered for their work in the same social-sexual reform movement.
His writings are therefore filled with a strong passion and
vitality, and with many personal observations, anecdotes, and
clarifying information not found elsewhere.
Hodann’s History is also unique in that he frequently and
positively discusses the work of his contemporary and associate,
Wilhelm Reich. This is especially important given their life-
positive emphasis upon love and emotion in sexuality, and their
distinction between natural-healthy heterosexual genitality ver-
sus neurotic and unhealthy sexual expressions. In the modern
era of “politically correct” moral equivalence, this essential
distinction has been diminished or erased from public discus-
John Ott:
Exploring the Spectrum
Directed by John Ott
Wilhelm Reich and
the Cold War
by James E. Martin
New Edition
Available soon