Brochure Escurridores Vibrantes
Brochure Escurridores Vibrantes
Brochure Escurridores Vibrantes
Escurridores Vibrantes
Dewatering Screens
Dewatering Screens are high frequency/low amplitude screens with the deck
ERAL-CHILE, S.A. inclined upwards towards the discharge end. They are used for sand dewatering,
San Sebastián, 2807 - Of. 712 to reduce the moisture content of sands to a minimum value, depending on the
Las Condes 7550180 processed material characteristics and to filter out very fine particles and silt. The
Santiago (CHILE) removal of contaminants, such as silt, yields excellent concrete sands, with the added
Tel.: (56) 223 645 900 advantage of eliminating the cost of transporting water, and any water leakage onto roads. ERAL offers a wide range of models capable of meeting the highest quality requirements expected by the user in the final product.
Artesa construida en chapa de acero mecano-soldada, The Trough is fabricated from mild steel, with protective
formando un conjunto sumamente rígido e indeformable, paint, forming a highly rigid, non-deformable assembly. Its
con laterales intercambiables resistentes a la abrasión. En side walls are protected by replaceable abrasion-resistant
el caso de unidades con potencia superior a 37 kW el panels. For units with power larger than 37 kW the assembly
ensamblado se realiza mediante pernos Huck. Mallas de is made by Huck bolts. The Filter Media uses modular
filtrado constituidas por paneles modulares en poliuretano polyurethane or stainless steel panels, with trapezoidal
o acero inoxidable, con sección de paso trapecial, que impide cross-section mesh aperture to prevent slot blocking,
el cegamiento de sus fisuras, asegurando una mayor superficie resulting in a large and effective filtering area. Screen Panels
efectiva de filtrado. Ventanas modulares en sección trasera fitted in rear section of trough help to improve the filtration
de la artesa que mejoran el efecto de filtrado. Accionamiento effect. The Drive System consists of twin adjustable motor-
mediante dos vibradores regulables para conseguir una vibrators for linear high-frequency and low amplitude
vibración lineal de alta frecuencia y baja amplitud que vibration to achieve optimum filtration or by motor exciters
favorece el escurrido o por excitatrices para unidades de for higher capacity units with power greater than 37 kW.
mayor capacidad con potencia superior a 37 kW.
When it is necessary to achieve the minimum moisture
Para mejorar el efecto de escurrido, reduciendo la humedad content in the final product, the dewatering screens may
residual del producto final a valores mínimos, los escurridores be fitted with a built-in negative pressure vacuum system.
vibrantes pueden incorporar un sistema de vacío por