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Este material es propiedad de la Cátedra de Inglés Médico, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la UNLP y debe ser
usado solo con fines educativos.


Español Categoría English Español Categoría

dar cuenta de volverse /
account for Verbo become hacerse / Verbo
/ explicar
convertirse en
lograr /
achieve Verbo benefit beneficiar Verbo
sangrado /
acquire adquirir Verbo bleeding Sustantivo
adequate Adjetivo causar /
cause hacer / Verbo
internación /
admission Sustantivo producir
challenge desafío Sustantivo
afflict r/aquejar/ Verbo chamber cavidad Sustantivo
afligir change cambiar Verbo
aconsejar /
advise Adjetivo choose elegir Verbo
clearance /
agnogénico /
agnogenic Adjetivo clearance depuración Sustantivo
allow permitir Verbo
closure cierre Sustantivo
amount cantidad Sustantivo
clot coágulo Sustantivo
appear (to
parecer (ser) Verbo compliance distensibilidad Sustantivo
approach enfoque Sustantivo concomitant concomitante Adjetivo
analizar /
approach enfocar / Verbo condición /
aproximar condition afección / Sustantivo
appropriate apropiado Adjetivo enfermedad

approve aprobar Verbo conduct conducir Verbo

argue discutir Verbo controversial controvertido Adjetivo

ensayar / counteract contrarrestar Verbo

assay Verbo
examinar culture cultivo Sustantivo
reunir / cyst quiste Sustantivo
assemble Verbo
damage daño Sustantivo
assess Verbo
/valorar damage dañar Verbo
assessment evaluación Sustantivo deadly mortal Adjetivo
available disponible Adjetivo debate debatir Verbo
decrease disminuir Verbo
avoid evitar Verbo
delay retrasar Verbo


English Español Categoría English Español Categoría

asistir en caer,
fall Verbo
deliver parto / Verbo disminuir
administrar feed alimentar Verbo
parto /
delivery Sustantivo feeding alimentación Sustantivo
fill llenar Verbo
depress deprimir Verbo
filling llenado Sustantivo
develop desarrollar Verbo
flow fluir Verbo
diagnose diagnosticar Verbo
flow flujo Sustantivo
discharge dar el alta Verbo
follow seguir Verbo
discharge alta Sustantivo
follow-up seguimiento Sustantivo
disorder trastorno Sustantivo
displace desplazar Verbo flu shot Sustantivo
drawback desventaja Sustantivo más amplio /
further Adjetivo
temprano / Adverbio / adicional
precoz Adjetivo gene gen Sustantivo
eficaz /
effective Adjetivo grading graduación Sustantivo
mayor (de growth crecimiento Sustantivo
elderly Adjetivo lineamientos /
edad) guidelines Sustantivo
elective programada Adjetivo pautas
curar /
encounter encontrar Verbo heal Verbo
manipular (por)
engineer genéticament Verbo imaging Sustantivo
e deteriorar /
enhance aumentar Verbo impair Verbo
asegurar / deterioro /
ensure Verbo impairment Sustantivo
garantizar debilitamiento
environment Sustantivo implicar /
ambiente implicate Verbo
estimar, comprometer
estimate Verbo
calcular improve mejorar Verbo
episodio / increase aumentar Verbo
event Sustantivo
infirmity enfermedad Sustantivo
exposure exposición Sustantivo
inherit heredar Verbo
dejar de/no
lograr inhibit inhibir Verbo
fail to do Verbo
(hacer)/ lesión / herida
injury Sustantivo
omitir / daño
intake ingesta Sustantivo


English Español Categoría English Español Categoría

introduce introducir Verbo measure medir Verbo

invertir / puente
invest Verbo
dedicar intramiocárdic
involucrar/imp o con
involve licar/ Verbo milking fenómeno de
comprometer effect ordeñamiento
isolate aislar Verbo / efecto o
jaundice ictericia Sustantivo
arriesgar /
mole lunar Sustantivo
jeopardize poner en Verbo
peligro controlar /
monitor Verbo
keep mantener Verbo
nódulo /
kind clase / tipo Sustantivo node Sustantivo
carecer / nourish nutrir Verbo
lack Verbo
ocurrir /
layer capa Sustantivo occur Verbo
conducir / brote /
lead to Verbo outbreak Sustantivo
llevar a epidemia
estar ubicado outcome resultado Sustantivo
lie / encontrarse Verbo
outlook pronóstico Sustantivo
/ situarse
likely probable Adjetivo gasto Sustantivo
limbs extremidades Sustantivo overall general Adjetivo
revestir / overcome superar Verbo
line Verbo
cubrir realizar /
lining revestimiento Sustantivo perform Verbo
llevar a cabo
mandíbula ubicar /
lockjaw Sustantivo
trabada place colocar / Verbo
bulto / situar
lump Sustantivo
protuberancia policy política Sustantivo
major importante Adjetivo prevent prevenir Verbo
malignancy malignidad Sustantivo previo a /
prior to Adjetivo
manage manejar Verbo antes de
marrow médula ósea Sustantivo procedure procedimiento Sustantivo
unir / progress progresar Verbo
match corresponder Verbo pronation pronación Sustantivo
provide proveer Verbo
meaningful significativo Adjetivo


English Español Categoría English Español Categoría

bomba / Sustantivo response respuesta Sustantivo

bombear /Verbo
restrict restringir Verbo
levantar/ revisar /
raise Verbo review Verbo
criar / educar recopilar
randomize aleatorizar Verbo elevarse /
rise Verbo
índice / tasa /
rate Sustantivo risk riesgo Sustantivo
rod bastón Sustantivo
reach alcanzar Verbo
entender / safety seguridad Sustantivo
realise Verbo
darse cuenta sample muestra Sustantivo
recover recuperar Verbo
schedule programa Sustantivo
reduce reducir Verbo
referirse a
refer to /consultar/ Verbo screen evaluar Verbo
referral derivación Sustantivo screening
screening Sustantivo
relapse recaer Verbo
section corte Sustantivo
recaída /
relapse Sustantivo
recidiva seem parecer Verbo
relate relacionar Verbo seizure convulsión Sustantivo
release liberar Verbo varios / Adverbio /
importante / diversos Adjetivo
relevant Adjetivo
relevante severe severo / grave Adjetivo
rely on confiar en Verbo show mostrar Verbo
remain permanecer Verbo importante /
significant Adjetivo
notable/extra significativo
remarkable Adjetivo
ordinario silent silencioso Adjetivo
eliminación /
removal Sustantivo single único / solo Adjetivo
slight leve Adjetivo
sacar /
remove eliminar / Verbo slow lento Adjetivo
extirpar demorar /
slow Verbo
replace reemplazar Verbo solubilize solubilizar Verbo
source fuente/origen Sustantivo
reservorio /
reservoir Sustantivo spread expander Verbo
respond responder Verbo status estado Sustantivo


English Español Categoría English Español Categoría

step paso Sustantivo emprender /

undertake Verbo
stiff rígido Adjetivo encargarse de

strain esfuerzo Sustantivo update actualizar Verbo

sorprendente forma / modo

striking Adjetivo way Sustantivo
/ llamativo / manera
well-being bienestar Sustantivo
(accidente wide amplio / ancho Adjetivo
stroke Sustantivo
cerebro worsen empeorar Verbo
wound herida Sustantivo
stump muñón Sustantivo
subsequent subsiguiente Adjetivo
success éxito Sustantivo
successful exitoso Adjetivo
suggest sugerir Verbo
apropiado /
suitable Adjetivo
supply suministrar Verbo
apoyo /
support Sustantivo
apoyar /
support Verbo
surrounding circundante Adjetivo
survive sobrevivir Verbo
blanco /
target Sustantivo
task tarea Sustantivo
tethering anclaje
cord medular
threat amenaza Sustantivo
tie atar / ligar Verbo
prueba /
trial Sustantivo
trigger desencadenar Verbo
sufrir /
undergo Verbo
underlying subyacente Adjetivo
understand entender Verbo


English Español Categoría English Español Categoría

List of Prefixes and Suffixes
 Noun Prefixes

Prefix Meaning Example Your examples

counter- against counter-example, countershock

dis- the converse of discomfort, disorder, disability

hyper- extreme hypertension, hypersurface, hypertrophy

sub- below subset, subdivisión, subcortical

under- below, too little under-development, underventilation

 Noun Suffixes
Suffix Meaning Example Your examples
alteration,immunization, infection
-tion /sion action/instance of V-ing
expansion, inclusion, admission
person who V-s advertiser, driver
something used for V-ing computer, ecographer, booster
-ment action/instance of V-ing development, treatment
-ant/-ent person who V-s assistant, consultant student
-age action/result of V breakage, wastage, package, drainage
-al action/result of V proposal, refusal, dismissal, referral
preference, dependence, interference
-ence/-ance action/result of V
attendance, acceptance, endurance
-er person concerned with N astronomer, geographer
-ship state of being N friendship, leadership, relationship
-age collection of N baggage, plumage
-ity state or quality of being A ability, similarity, responsibility, curiosity
-ness state or quality of being A darkness, illness, consciousness

-cy state or quality of being A urgency, efficiency, frequency

-iac indicates person afflicted with hemophiliac
certain diseases or conditions
-ia an unhealthy state anesthesia
-is forms the noun from the root Cutis-skin
-ism condition, state of being Alcoholism -alcohol
-ist one who specialises Radiologist -radiology
-y condition, process Neuropathy -nervous system disease
-ole /-icle / -ule small, little artiole particle veinule
minute artery piece vein

List of Prefixes and Suffixes
 Noun Suffixes showing disease or change in the body

Suffix Meaning Example Your examples

-algia pain Talalgia - ankle
-cele hernia Gastrocele -stomach
-dynia pain, swelling Urodynia -urine
-ectasis dilation, expansion Bronchiolectasis -bronchus

-(a)emia blood leuk(a)emia -white

-gen producing, beginning Carcinogen -cancer
-iasis abnormal condition, formation of, presence of Cholelithiasis -gall stone
-itis inflammation Hepatitis -liver
-malacia softening Osteomalacia -bone
-megaly enlargement Splenomegaly -spleen
-oid resemble Fibroid -fibres
-oma tumour Adenoma -gland
-osis abnormal condition, Dermatosis -skin
-pathy disease Nephropathy -kidney
-penia decrease, deficiency Erthyropenia -red (cell)
-phagia eating, swallowing Dysphagia -difficult
-phasia speech Aphasia -without
-plegia paralysis, stroke Hemiplegia -half
-phobia fear Acrophobia -heights

-ptosis prolapse, falling dropping Blepharoptosis -eyelid

-rrhage burst forth Haemorrhage -blood
-rrhea discharge, flow of watery stools diarrhea
-rrhexis rupture Enterorrhexis -intestines
-sclerosis hardening Arteriosclerosis -joints
-spasm Involuntary contraction,twitching Bronchospasm -bronchus

 Noun Suffixes used for diagnoses

Suffix Meaning Example Your examples

-gram record of data Encephalogram -brain

-graph instrument for recording Cardiograph -heart

-graphy act of recording data radiography
-meter instrument for measuring Craniometer -cranium
-metry measurement of Audiometry -audio
-scope instrument for viewing Laryngoscope -larynx

-scopy examination of Laparoscopy -abdomen

List of Prefixes and Suffixes
 Noun Suffixes showing surgery incisions

Suffix Meaning Example Your examples

-ectomy removal Mastectomy -breast

-centesis tap, puncture Thoracentesis -chest

-stomy mouth, forming an opening colostomy -colon

-tomy incision, to cut into Tracheotomy -trachea

 Noun Suffixes describing surgery in terms of repairing, rebuilding or binding.

Suffix Meaning Example Your examples

-desis binding , stabilization Pleurodesis -pleural

(lining of the ung)

-rrhapy suture Arteriorrhaphy -artery

-pexy fixation, suspension Gastropexy -stomach

-plasty formation, plastic repair Rhinoplasty -nose

-clasis to break down, refracture Osteoclasis -bone

-lysis loosen, free form adhesions, destruction Enterolysis -small intestine

-tripsy to crush Cholelithotripsy -gallstone

 Adjective Prefixes

Prefix Examples Your examples

un- unfortunate, uncomfortable, unjust, untreated

im-/in-/ir-/il- immature, impatient, improbable, inconvenient, irreplaceable, illegal

non- non-fiction, non-political, non-neutral

dis- disloyal, dissimilar, dishonest,

 Adejctive Suffixes

Suffix Example Your examples

-ac Cardiac -heart

-al Skeletal -skeleton

-ary Salivary -saliva

-ic Pelvic -pelvis

-ical Surgical -surgery

List of Prefixes and Suffixes
-ous Venous -vein

Suffix Example Your examples

-tic Paralytic –paralysis

-ent different, dependent, excellent

-ive attractive, effective, imaginative, repetitive

-ful beautiful, peaceful, careful

-less endless, homeless, careless, thoughtless

-able drinkable, countable, avoidable,

 Verb Prefixes

Prefix Meaning Examples Your examples

over- too much Oversleep, overwork

un- reverses the meaning of the verb Unbend, unfaster

mis- badly or wrongly Misinform, misidentify

inter- between Interact, interface

under- not enough underdevelop

 Verb Suffixes

Prefix Examples Your examples

-ise stabilise, characterise, symbolise, visualise, specialise

-ate differentiate, liquidate, pollinate, duplicate, fabricate

-fy classify, exemplify, simplify, justify

-en awaken, fasten, shorten, moisten

Vocabulary Bank
How to express

Parts of the human body

Vocabulary Bank

The muscular system

1. Galea Aponeurotica 2. Epicranius 3. Orbicularis Oculi 4. Nasalis 5. Levator Labii Superioris 6. Zygomaticus
major & minor 7. Orbicularis Oris 8. Risorius 9. Depressor Anguli Oris 10. Depressor Labii Inferioris 11.
Mentalis 12. Omohyoid 13. Sternohyoid 14. Sternal Head of Sternocleidomastoid 15. Scalene 16. Trapezius
17. Deltoid 18. Pectoralis Major 19. Serratus Anterior 20. Rectus Abdominis 21. External Abdominal Oblique
22. Biceps Brachii 23. Brachialis 24. Pronator Teres 25. Brachioradialis 26. Flexor Carpi Radialis 27. Extensor
Carpi Radialis 28. Tensor Fasciae Latae 29. Iliopsoas 30. Pectineus 31. Sartorius 32. Adductor Longus 33.
Gracilis 34. Rectus Femoris 35. Vastus Intermedius 36. Vastus Lateralis 37. Vastus Medialis 38.
Gastrocnemius 39. Peroneus Longus 40. Tibialis Anterior 41. Soleus 42. Peroneus Brevis 43. Extensor
Digitorum Longus

The skeletal system Organs of the human body

Vocabulary Bank

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