Batalla de Pichincha
Batalla de Pichincha
Batalla de Pichincha
La batalla se llevó a cabo en las laderas del volcán de Pichincha y dio como
resultado la victoria para el ejército patriota.
Entre estos personajes estaba Simón Bolívar, quien deseaba liberar a todas las
provincias pertenecientes a la monarquía española en América para integrarlas
en un estado único que pudiese enfrentarse a las aspiraciones de dominio
The Battle of Pichincha was a warlike confrontation that occurred on May 24,
1822, between the troops of the patriot army led by General Antonio José de
Sucre and the royalist troops, under the command of the Spanish General
Melchor Aymerich.
The battle took place on the slopes of the Pichincha volcano and resulted in
victory for the patriot army.
This caused the capitulation of the Spanish and the subsequent liberation of
Quito, on what is known as the day that Ecuador's freedom was sealed.
In 1810, all the Spanish colonies located in America perceived the political
instability in Spain, which was taken advantage of by influential Creole
characters who aspired to achieve the freedom of their nations.
Among these characters was Simón Bolívar, who wanted to liberate all the
provinces belonging to the Spanish monarchy in America to integrate them into
a single state that could face the realistic aspirations for dominance.
In the second decade of the 19th century, the independence movement was
consolidating. On October 9, 1820, the independence of Guayaquil from the
Spanish Empire was declared.