Grammar Hot Spots
Grammar Hot Spots
Grammar Hot Spots
(El pasado simple)
• Hay dos tipos de verbos: los regulares y los irregulares. Los verbos regulares
tienen la misma forma (terminada en -ed) para el pasado simple y para el
participio de pasado. Las formas de pasado y de participio de los verbos
irregulares no siguen ninguna pauta y pueden verse en el Apéndice 1.
unit 13
• Los verbos monosilábicos acabados en una sola consonante precedida por una
sola vocal duplican la consonante final delante de -ed.
· rob/robbed · stop/stopped · sin/sinned · hug/hugged
• Los verbos de dos o más sílabas que acaben en una sola consonante precedida
por una sola vocal, duplican la consonante final si el acento recae en la última
· admit/admitted · prefer/preferred
Pero: suffer/suffered, listen/listened. (ambos verbos llevan el acento tónico en la
primera sílaba).
• La -ed se pronuncia /d/ cuando el infinitivo del verbo termina en sonido /t/ o /d/ (*):
· want - wanted · load - loaded
(*)La -ed se pronuncia /t/ cuando el infinitivo del verbo termina en un sonido
sordo que no sea /t/ (es decir, en los sonidos /p/, /k/, /f/, /s/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/).
· stop - stopped · like - liked · laugh - laughed
· pass - passed · push - pushed · watch - watched
*La -ed se pronuncia /d/ cuando el infinitivo del verbo termina en un sonido
sonoro que no sea /d/ (es decir, en cualquier sonido vocálico y en /b/, //, /l/, /r/,
/m/, /n/, /ŋ/, /ð/, //, /d/, /v/, /z/.
· rob - robbed · bag - bagged · call - called
· roar - roared · climb - climbed · pin - pinned
· manage - managed
unit 13
El pasado simple se utiliza:
• Para narrar una secuencia de hechos o acciones que tuvieron lugar en el pasado
en el orden en el que ocurrieron.
I got up at 7 o’clock, washed my face, got dressed and had breakfast. Me levanté
a las siete, me lavé la cara, me vestí y desayuné.
(*) También se usa el pasado simple en las oraciones condicionales. Ver unidad 24.
1 Write the past simple of these regular verbs.
lie _______ help _______ try _______ talk _______ arrive _______
open _______ travel _______ permit _______ taste _______ justify _______
refer _______ stop _______ listen _______ play _______ heal _______
4 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences saying what Mark did yesterday.
1. Mark usually drinks tea for breakfast 1 2 3
but yesterday he drank some coffee.
2. He usually walks to school
3. He usually leaves school at 1 p.m.
4. He usually plays tennis in the afternoon
4 5 6
5. He usually eats a sandwich at 5 p.m.
6. He usually meets his girlfriend in the pub
5 Put the sentences into the correct order and tell a story using the verbs in brackets in the past
a) rang
Then I _____________ (ring) my friends to see if they _____________ (want) to play
b) In the afternoon we _____________ (go) to the cinema and _____________ (see) a horror
c) In the evening we _____________ (catch) a bus to go to the disco.
d) We _____________ (play) tennis for about two hours.
e) I _____________ (not/eat) much because I _____________ (not/be) that hungry.
f) and _____________ (dance) there for a couple of hours.
g) Finally I _____________ (say) goodbye to my friends and _____________ (return) home
at about 10 o’clock.
h) I _____________ (have) some toast and marmalade and _____________ (drink) two cups
of coffee.
i) and then I _____________ (go) back home for lunch.
j) It _____________ (be) brilliant.
k) so we _____________(leave) the disco very soon.
l) The music _____________ (not/be) very good.
m) Last Tuesday I _____________ (not/go) to school because it _____________ (be) a
n) I _____________ (get up) later than usual and _____________ (have) some breakfast.
o) After breakfast I _____________ (have) a shower and _____________ (get) dressed.
7 Translate these sentences into English.
1. ¿Dónde desayunaste ayer?
2. No entendí bien la pregunta.
3. Vimos a tu padre hace dos días.
4. ¿Qué hicísteis anoche?
5. Peter encendió la televisión para ver el partido de fútbol.
6. Nos comimos un sándwich porque teníamos hambre.
7. Durmieron durante diez horas.
8. No bebimos nada en la fiesta.
8 In your notebook, write an account of what you did yesterday since you got up until you
went to bed. Do not use more than 80 words.
unit 14
(El pasado continuo)
El pasado continuo se forma con el pasado simple del verbo to be + verbo principal
acabado en –ing (*).
AFIRMATIVA: I/He/She was studying. You/We/They were studying.
INTERROGATIVA: Was I/he/she studying? Were you/we/they studying?
NEGATIVA: I/He/She wasn’t studying. You/We/They weren’t studying.
(*) Para más información sobre la forma -ing de los verbos, ver unidad 12.
El presente continuo se utiliza:
unit 14
1 What was happening at the other side of the door?
2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: past simple or past continuous.
were walking (walk) home, it _____________
1. While we ________________ started (start) to rain.
2. John _____________ (watch) TV while his sister _____________ (have) a shower.
3. Sally ____________ (fall) off the ladder while she __________ (paint) the window.
4. Sorry to interrupt you. I _________ (not know) that you ________ (have) supper.
5. When I ________ (get up) this morning, my father _________ (listen) to the radio.
6. Mark _________ (sleep) on the sofa when someone ________ (knock) at the door.
3 Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous of these verbs.
take get sleep open play switch
ring cook sing begin break have
was sleeping in bed.
was cooking fish and chips, his mother ________________
1. While Fred ________________
2. David’s car ________________ down so he ________________ it to the garage.
3. The children ________________ football when it ________________ to rain.
4. I ________________ on the lights because it ________________ dark.
5. When I ________________ the window this morning, the birds ________________ outside.
6. They ________________ dinner when the telephone ________________ .
6 In your notebook, write sentences about your family saying what they were doing yesterday at
10 o’clock in the evening.
unit 15
(El pretérito perfecto) (El pretérito perfecto continuo)
El pretérito perfecto se forma con el presente simple del verbo to have + el
participio pasado del verbo principal. Recordemos que el participio pasado de los
verbos regulares tiene la misma forma que el pasado simple. Para ver una lista de
los verbos irregulares, consultar el Apéndice 1.
I/You/We/They ’ve (have) spoken. Have I/you/we/they spoken?
He/She/It ’s (has) spoken. Has he/she/it spoken?
I/You/We/They haven’t (have not) spoken.
He/She/It hasn’t (has not) spoken.
• El present perfect (pretérito perfecto) se usa para hablar de acciones en el pasado
que tienen importancia en el presente:
a) Acciones que ocurrieron recientemente en el pasado sin especificar el momento
en que sucedieron.
I’ve found a wallet in the street. Me he encontrado una cartera en la calle.
b) Con el adverbio just se expresan acciones que acaban de ocurrir.
We’ve just seen your brother. Acabamos de ver a tu hermano.
c) Experiencias en el pasado o acciones que comenzaron en el pasado y duran
hasta el presente.
En estos casos el pretérito perfecto suele ir acompañado por las preposiciones
for (durante), seguida de un periodo de tiempo (five hours, two days, ten
years) y since (desde), seguida de un punto en el tiempo (yesterday, last month,
– I have lived in Madrid for three years. Vivo en Madrid desde hace tres años.
– We haven’t been abroad since 1998. No hemos estado en el extranjero desde 1998.
e) Con el superlativo.
She’s the most intelligent person I’ve ever met. Es la persona más inteligente
que jamás he conocido.
unit 15
El pretérito perfecto continuo se centra en la acción más que en el resultado.
Muchas veces se traduce por la expresión ‘llevar + gerundio’ en castellano.
– I have been writing letters all morning. Llevo toda la mañana escribiendo cartas.
– I have written more than twenty letters. He escrito más de veinte cartas.
b) Para hablar de una acción que empezó en el pasado y puede haber acabado
recientemente, resaltando la duración o la intensidad de la actividad.
The children have been reading all morning. Los niños han estado leyendo
toda la mañana.
1 Write the past participle of these verbs.
catch ___________ arrive ___________ speak ___________ buy ___________
stop ___________ write ___________ read ___________ visit ___________
think ___________ bring ___________ sound ___________ sleep ___________
see ___________ eat ___________ go ___________ drink ___________
2 Ask questions for the answers provided using Have you ever...?
Have you ever gone to New York?
1. ______________________________________________ (go to New York)
Yes, I have. I went to New York last summer.
2. ______________________________________________ (go to a Chinese restaurant)?
Yes, I have. I usually have a Chinese meal on Saturday nights.
3. ______________________________________________ (see a Rambo film)?
Only once. I don’t like action films very much.
4. ______________________________________________ (take a plane)?
No, I haven’t. I’m scared of flying.
5. ______________________________________________ (go to Granada)?
Three or four times. And I’d really like to visit the Alhambra again.
6. ______________________________________________ (go skiing)?
No, I haven’t. I’m afraid of falling in the snow.
3 Complete the sentences with the present perfect or past simple of the verbs in brackets.
hasn’t written
1. She ___________________ (not write) to me for a long time.
2. I ___________________ (have) an accident last night.
3. Call the police. Someone ___________________ (steal) my handbag.
4. They ___________________ (not/return) from their honeymoon yet.
5. Mary ___________________ (break) her leg. I ___________________ (see) her walking on
crutches yesterday.
6. It’s the first time I ___________________ (drive) a car.
4 Choose the correct answer. If you need help with the use of adverbs, revise Unit 5.
1. I’m worried because my children ... haven’t returned from school.
A already B not C still D just
4. Phil, will you open the door, please? I’m ... in bed.
A yet B still C then D just
5 Look at the picture and write what this family have been doing in the sitting room all morning.
2 1
6 Complete the sentences with for and since.
1. I’ve been working in this bank ________ four years.
2. My brother’s been travelling around the world ________ six months.
3. We haven’t seen them ________ last week.
4. She hasn’t eaten anything ________ this morning.
5. They’ve been learning English ________ many years.
6. He hasn’t won a gold medal ________ 1995.
9 In your notebook, write five sentences about what you and your family/friends have/have
not been doing a lot/lately. Example: I’ve been studying a lot lately.
unit 24
(Las oraciones condicionales)
• Se utiliza para expresar situaciones generales que siempre son verdad. Es decir,
siempre que se da la condición expresada por la subordinada condicional, se
obtiene un determinado resultado.
If + presente simple, presente simple
subordinada condicional
– If you press the button, the machine starts to work. Si aprietas el botón, la
máquina se pone en funcionamiento.
– If you have a microwave, you cook more quickly. Si tienes microondas, se
cocina más rápido.
If we go to bed early, we’ll feel better tomorrow. Si nos acostamos temprano, nos
encontraremos mejor mañana.
unit 24
– If you want to come with us, take your coat. Si quieres venir con nosotros,
coge la chaqueta.
– If you want to pass the exam, you must study harder. Si quieres aprobar el
examen, tienes que estudiar más.
– If you like pizza, we could make one this evening. Si te gusta la pizza,
podríamos hacer una esta noche.
– If they’re coming for lunch, we’ll have to buy some more food. Si van a venir a
comer, tendremos que comprar más comida.
– If she has studied all these books, she must be an expert in anthropology. Si ha
estudiado todos estos libros, debe de ser experta en antropología.
If + pasado simple, would / could / might / should + infinitivo
subordinada condicional
unit 24
• Se puede usar were con la primera y tercera persona del singular del verbo to be,
aunque was es más frecuente.
If I were/was alone, I’d be sad. Si estuviera solo, estaría triste.
• Sin embargo, en la expresión If I were you, no puede sustituirse were por was.
If I were you, I wouldn’t drive so fast. Yo en tu lugar, no conduciría tan rápido.
If + pretérito pluscuamperfecto would have / could have / might have +
subordinada condicional participio
Error común: If she would have asked, she would have known
• the result. X •
If + pasado simple, would have / could have / might have +
subordinada condicional participio
Se utiliza para hacer conjeturas sobre situaciones del pasado a las que afectaba
una condición que todavía es vigente.
If I was braver, I would have confronted him. Si fuera más valiente, me habría
enfrentado a él.
unit 24
If + pretérito pluscuamperfecto, would / could / might / should +
subordinada condicional infinitivo
• Se utiliza para hacer conjeturas sobre situaciones presentes cuya condición viene
del pasado.
If we had left just a little earlier, we wouldn’t be alive. Si hubiéramos salido sólo
un poco antes, no estaríamos vivos.
• La conjunción unless (a menos que) puede emplearse muchas veces como alternativa
a if... not.
– I won’t watch TV unless there’s something interesting. No veré la televisión a
menos que haya algo interesante.
– I’ll go swimming unless it rains. Me iré a nadar a menos que llueva.
1 Use type “0” and “I” conditional clauses to complete the sentences.
1. If he _______________ call
(have) got a temperature, _______________ (call) the doctor.
2. _______________ (go) to bed earlier if you _______________ (start) work at 8 a.m.
3. If you _______________ (heat) water to 100ºC, it _______________ (boil).
4. _______________ (take) a taxi if you _______________ (be) in a hurry.
5. If it ______________ (be) too late when you get home, ______________ (not/wake) me up.
6. If you _______________ (put) butter near the fire, it _______________ (melt).
1 2 3
4 5 6
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
gave up
1. If you _______________ (give up) smoking, you’d feel better.
2. If I _______________ (be) you, I wouldn’t do it.
3. They’ll probably pass the exam if they _______________ (study) hard.
4. If they _______________ (not/have) enough money, they won’t go abroad this year.
5. If you want to meet new people, _______________ (not/do) stay at home every weekend.
6. We _______________ (not/miss) the train if we hurry.
7. If you _______________ (come) to see the film, you would have enjoyed it.
8. Who _______________ (you/phone) if you had a problem?
9. If I ______________ (be) German, I would have lived the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
5 Rewrite these sentences using type III conditional clauses.
1. I didn’t phone them because I’d forgotten their number.
I would have phoned them if I hadn’t forgotten their number.
2. We were late and missed the train.
If we ________________________________________________________________________
3. Dad couldn’t make the cake because he had run out of sugar and flour.
If Dad _______________________________________________________________________
4. Maggie was in the garden, so her dinner burnt.
Maggie’s dinner _______________________________________________________________
5. They went to Gill’s party and met her parents.
Hadn’t they __________________________________________________________________
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
I would have believed
1. If you had told me the truth before, _____________________________ (believe) you.
2. We’d invite her to our party if she _____________________________ (be) in town now.
3. Providing that you ___________________ (behave) properly, you can come with us.
4. If you are polite to him, he _____________________________ (buy) you a present.
5. Unless he _____________________________ (apologise), we won’t talk to him.
6. Kathryn wouldn’t have wasted an hour if she _____________________________ (not/wait)
for him.
7. I advised her to go to the dentist’s in case it _____________________________ (hurt) more.
8. I’d buy this bracelet if it _____________________________ (be) cheaper.
8 Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
1. If I will have time this afternoon, I’ll visit you. have
2. If I was you, I’d take a taxi. ________________
3. We would have stayed in for dinner if we would have
known you were coming. ________________
4. Unless he phone now, we won’t wait for him. ________________
5. If it will be warm and sunny tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach. ________________
6. If I was rich, I'm sure I will have a terrible childhood. ________________
10 In your notebook, write one of these compositions using between 50 and 80 words.
1. What advice would you give to someone who was bored on a Saturday afternoon?
2. There was a fire in your friend Kyle’s house. He didn’t do anything because he was so
scared and the fire brigade finally rescued him. What would you have done?
unit 20
(La voz pasiva)
La voz pasiva se forma con el verbo to be. El complemento agente va introducido
por la preposición by.
The proposal was accepted by all the members of the board. La propuesta fue
aceptada por todos los miembros de la junta.
* Puede utilizarse cualquier verbo modal de presente: can, must, may, might,
should, ought to, have to.
** Puede utilizarse cualquier verbo modal de pasado: could, had to.
unit 20
• La voz pasiva se utiliza para dar más importancia a la acción o a su resultado que
al sujeto que la realiza.
a) Cuando es obvio.
The letter was delivered early this morning (by the postman). La carta fue
entregada esta mañana temprano (por el cartero). Se sabe que es el cartero el
que reparte las cartas.
unit 20
• Entre los verbos que admiten esta estructura cabe destacar: give, send, show,
lend, ask, tell, offer, order y pay.
– They didn’t lend us any money. We weren’t lent any money. No nos prestaron dinero.
– They’ve paid me a lot of money this time. I’ve been paid a lot of money this
time. Me han pagado mucho dinero esta vez.
• La pasiva puede emplearse también con verbos como believe, know, think,
report, say, etc., en estructuras del tipo: It is said (that) this house dates back to
the 12th century. This house is said to date back to the 12th century.
Ambas estructuras son equivalentes y significan lo mismo: se dice que esta casa
data del siglo XII. That puede omitirse y por ello aparece entre paréntesis en los
Si se hace referencia al pasado desde el presente, el verbo de la oración
introducida por that irá en pasado. En las oraciones de infinitivo, se usa el
infinitivo perfecto (to have + participio pasado).
– Experts believe (that) this sword belonged to King Arthur. Los expertos creen
(PRESENTE) que esta espada perteneció (PASADO) al rey Arturo.
– It is believed (that) this sword belonged to King Arthur. This sword is believed
to have belonged to King Arthur. Se cree que esta espada perteneció al rey
• A veces se utiliza el verbo get en lugar de be en la pasiva para expresar algo que
le ocurre al sujeto, especialmente si es inesperado o imprevisto.
I was/got bitten by a dog and went to hospital. Me mordió un perro y fui al hospital.
unit 20
• Hay expresiones en las que se utiliza get que no tienen significado pasivo: get
After getting engaged they soon got married. Después de comprometerse, se
casaron enseguida.
Compárese con:
I’m going to repair my car. Voy a reparar el coche (en este caso, voy a reparar el
coche yo personalmente).
• En la mayor parte de los casos se puede usar have y get indistintamente, aunque
get tiene el matiz de conseguir.
– Susan has her eyes tested every year. Susan se revisa la vista todos los años.
– Susan got her eyes tested after calling every ophtalmologist in town for an
appointment. Susan consiguió revisarse la vista después de llamar a todos los
oftalmólogos de la ciudad para conseguir una cita.
• También se utiliza la estructura con get exclusivamente para enfatizar que uno
mismo va a encargarse de hacer todo el trabajo. Será el contexto el que indique el
verdadero sentido de la frase.
I’m going to get these clothes ironed. Voy a planchar toda esta ropa.
1 Cross out the agent if unnecessary, obvious or unimportant.
1. This painting can be considered a masterpiece by all of us.
2. He is considered to be a good actor by people.
3. I was fined $100 for speeding by a traffic guard.
4. If you listened to me, this whole business will be made clear by me.
5. All these bags have been carried home by me and me alone.
3 Look at these paper headlines. Rewrite them as complete sentences (in the passive).
1 2 3
4 5 6
4 Change these sentences into the passive.
1. They sell oysters in the shop next door.
Oysters are sold in the shop next door.
2. They haven’t delivered the food yet.
3. Shakespeare wrote King Lear.
4. They have to answer the questions on this sheet.
5. Has anybody put the cases upstairs?
6. Someone should take this rubbish away.
7. He must have eaten all the cakes.
6 Rewrite these sentences in the passive beginning with the words provided.
You’ll be asked lots of questions.
1. They’ll ask you lots of questions. ________________________________________________
2. Someone’s going to send her some flowers. She ____________________________________
3. They didn’t pay me much for that job. I __________________________________________
4. Have they offered him a better job? Has he _______________________________________
5. They told us a secret. We _______________________________________________________
6. Would they lend me their car? Would I ___________________________________________
7 Rewrite these sentences keeping the same meaning as the original.
1. It is said that these documents belong to the Prime Minister.
are said to belong to the Prime Minister.
These documents ______________________________________________________________
2. A witch is believed to live in that house.
It is __________________________________________________________________________
3. It is thought that this town was built in the 17th century.
People ______________________________________________________________________
4. It was said that some ghosts inhabit this palace.
Some ghosts __________________________________________________________________
5. The government was expected to reduce taxes soon.
It was ________________________________________________________________________
6. It is known that Mediterranean food is healthy.
Mediterranean food ____________________________________________________________
9 Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
1. Penicillin was discovered for Fleming. by
2. Diana is been offered a good job. __________________
3. Students aren’t allow to smoke in class. __________________
4. Was your ankle bit by a mosquito? __________________
5. This house is said to have belong to Elvis Presley. __________________
6. I’m going to have fixed my bike at the garage. __________________
11 In your notebook, complete this story. Do not write more than 80 words. Example: When he
entered the room, he was shocked. The drawers had been forced open...
unit 9
(Las preposiciones)
Las preposiciones se pueden colocar:
• Delante de sustantivos.
– The box is on the shelf. La caja está en el estante.
– We arrived at the station at 3 o’clock. Llegamos a la estación a las tres.
• Delante de pronombres.
– Stay with us. Quédate con nosotros.
– Wait for me. Espérame.
unit 9
Las preposiciones temporales se usan para situar una acción en el tiempo.
• By (para antes de) sirve para marcar una fecha límite justo antes de la cual se
habrá de hacer algo. Se suele usar con el tiempo de futuro perfecto (ver unidad 17).
By next week / the end of the month / the year 2010 I’ll have gone to Japan. Para
antes de la semana que viene / final de mes / el año 2010 habré ido a Japón.
Estas preposiciones indican el comienzo o el final del periodo en el que se desarrolla
la acción o el periodo en sí.
unit 9
a) Periodos de tiempo en el pasado/futuro:
For (durante)+ periodo de tiempo en el que se indica la duración.
From (desde) + momento del pasado/futuro en el que comienza la acción.
To (*)/till/until (hasta) + momento en el pasado/futuro en el que concluye la acción.
(*) Con excepción de expresiones como to this day (hasta la fecha), to sólo se
usa en correlación con from: from... to... (desde... hasta...).
– I worked there for eight years, from 1987 to/until/till 1995. Trabajé allí 8
años, desde 1987 a 1995.
– I will be at the office from nine a.m. Estaré en la oficina desde las nueve.
– We’ll wait until tonight. Esperaremos hasta esta noche.
unit 9
Estos son algunos de los usos y ejemplos más frecuentes de las preposiciones de lugar.
At Lugares considerados como un punto dentro de un plano (bus stop, the traffic lights,
at the end of...), lugares donde se realiza la actividad asociada al lugar, no vistos
como un espacio tridimensional (bank, home, work, a party, the theatre, Sam’s
house), con los números de calle (casa o portal).
• How long have you been waiting at the bus stop? ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas esperando
en la parada del autobús?
• He’s at home/work. Está en casa/en el trabajo.
• I live at 30, Milcote Avenue. Vivo en el nº 30 de Milcote Avenue.
• Turn right at the traffic lights. Gire a la derecha en el semáforo.
• The baker’s is at the end of the street. La panadería está al final de la calle.
On Superficies horizontales o verticales (wall, floor, table), lugares vistos como un plano
(river), otros lugares (farm, island, coast).
• The picture’s on the wall. El cuadro está en la pared.
• Your pen is on the floor. Tu bolígrafo está en el suelo.
• My father works on a farm. Mi padre trabaja en una granja.
• Zaragoza is on the river Ebro. Zaragoza está a orillas del río Ebro.
• We live on an island. Vivimos en una isla.
• They like spending their holiday on the Mediterranean coast. Les gusta pasar las
vacaciones en la costa mediterránea.
• It is on top of the hill. Está en lo alto de la colina.
In + espacios tridimensionales: interiores de objetos (drawer, pocket, bed, mirror),
habitaciones, interiores de edificios, espacios con árboles (woods, garden, park), la
calle (the street), ciudades, puntos geográficos, países.
• The towels are in the drawer. Las toallas están en el cajón.
• The children like playing in the garden. A los niños les gusta jugar en el jardín.
• We live in the north of Spain, in Ourense. Vivimos en el norte de España, en Ourense.
• He was standing in the queue/row. Estaba de pie haciendo cola.
Inside / Outside Enfatizan la idea de posición en el interior que se expresa con in y out of
respectivamente. Pueden funcionar como adverbios. (There is a crowd outside. Hay
mucha gente fuera).
• We could meet them in/ inside/ out of /outside the theatre. Podríamos quedar con
ellos dentro/fuera del teatro.
Above / Over • They stayed in a hotel above/below the railways. Durmieron en un hotel situado
más arriba / más abajo de las vías del tren.
• They stayed in a hotel over/under the railways. Durmieron en un hotel situado
Below / Under justo encima/debajo de las vías del tren.
• She passed her hand over his forehead. Le pasó la mano por la frente.
• What have you got under the hat? ¿Qué tienes debajo del sombrero?
Between / Among Between (entre dos elementos)
• The baker’s is between a restaurant and the bank. La panadería está entre un
restaurante y el banco.
Among (entre varios elementos )
• We found a hut among the trees. Nos encontramos una cabaña entre los árboles.
Next to / By / Beside Al lado de, pegado a
• I like reading next to/by/beside the window. Me gusta leer al lado de la ventana.
Near En las proximidades de
• She lives near the park. Vive cerca del parque.
In front of / Opposite • I parked the car in front of the supermarket. Aparqué el coche delante del
supermercado (en la misma acera del supermercado).
• We live opposite the cinema. Vivimos enfrente del cine.
unit 9
To A + un lugar considerado como un punto dentro de un recorrido al que se llega.
• We’re going to the cinema tonight. Vamos al cine esta noche.
• Nota: Con home no se utiliza to. Go home. Vete a casa.
Towards Hacia
• I was walking towards the station when I met him. Iba de camino a la estación
cuando me encontré con él.
From Desde
• We travelled from Rome to the Alps in just a few hours. Viajamos de Roma a los
Alpes en unas pocas horas.
In / Into In implica un movimiento de entrada a un espacio tridimensional.
• We went into the museum together. Entramos juntos al museo.
• I never jump into the pool; it scares me. Nunca me tiro a la piscina me da
• I don’t like looking in the mirror when I get up. No me gusta mirarme en el
espejo cuando me levanto.
Diferencia: I walked in the street. Anduve por la calle (ya estaba en ella).
I walked into the street. Entré en la calle a pie.
Out of Implica un movimiento de salida.
• She came out of the disco very late. Salió de la discoteca muy tarde.
On to Movimiento de llegada a una superficie horizontal o vertical.
• He jumped onto the table. Se subió de un salto a la mesa.
Off Movimiento de alejamiento de una superficie horizontal o vertical.
• Take your feet off the chair. Quita los pies de la silla.
• He fell off the ladder onto a plant. Se cayó de la escalera encima de una planta.
Along a lo largo de + un lugar considerado como una recta (street, road, the railways, the
river, the corridor, the path).
• They were running along the road. Estaban corriendo por la carretera.
Across A través de + un lugar considerado como una recta o un plano.
• Don’t walk across the street. It’s dangerous. No cruces la calle. Es peligroso.
• I cycle across the park to go to school. Cruzo el parque en bicicleta para ir al
Through A través de + tanto un espacio tridimensional (woods, city, crowd, tunnel) como un
plano vertical (arch, window, the door way).
• We drove through the city centre. Atravesamos el centro de la ciudad en coche.
Up / Down • Please, go up the stairs and tell your sister to come for dinner. Vete arriba y dile
a tu hermana que venga a cenar.
Over / Under + lugar por debajo o por encima del cual se puede pasar (bridge, tunnel, gate, wall)
• Let’s go under/over the bridge. Vayamos por encima/debajo del puente.
Around / Round / All Por / alrededor de / por todo/a/os/as + movimiento en todas direcciones.
over • We walked around the shops for a few hours. Anduvimos por las tiendas unas
unit 9
Varias de las preposiciones anteriores se pueden relacionar/organizar del siguiente
a) Las que indican de dónde parte un movimiento: from (desde un punto), off
(desde una superficie), out of (desde un espacio tridimensional).
unit 9
b) In se utiliza con ciudades y países.
– They didn’t arrive at the station in time. No llegaron a la estación a tiempo.
– When I arrived in Paris, I went straight to my uncle’s flat. En cuanto llegué
a París, me fui al piso de mi tío.
• Otros adjetivos.
aware • Are you aware of what’s happening in the Amazon? ¿Eres consciente de
lo que está pasando en el Amazonas?
conscious • He has never become fully conscious of the problem. Nunca ha tomado
conciencia del problema.
guilty OF • The accused was found guilty of manslaughter. El acusado fue declarado
culpable de homicidio involuntario.
tired • I am tired of always doing the same things. Estoy harta de hacer siempre
las mismas cosas.
typical • That behaviour is just typical of him. Ese comportamiento es típico de él.
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• Se utiliza para hablar de habilidades en alguna materia.
bad / • I am bad/good at table tennis. Soy bueno/malo en tenis de mesa.
slow / • I am slow/quick/clever at doing crossword puzzles. Soy lento para hacer
clever* / AT crucigramas./ Se me dan bien los crucigramas.
hopeless • Some people think they are hopeless at languages but it usually not true.
Mucha gente se cree negada para los idiomas pero normalmente no es así.
• Algunos adjetivos de sentimientos + at/by + causa de ese sentimiento.
amazed / • They were amazed/astonished/amused at/by his nerve. Su cara dura les
astonished dejó asombrados/ helados, estupefactos.
amused AT/ • I was amused at/by his nerve. Su cara dura me hizo gracia.
shocked BY • I was horribly shocked at the victims. Me llevé una impresión muy
desagradable al ver a las víctimas.
surprised • I was surprised at his kindness. Su amabilidad me dejó sorprendida.
• Se utiliza para hablar de un comportamiento hacia alguien.
• Otros adjetivos.
engaged / married • People usually get engaged to their boyfriend/girlfriend and then
they get married to him/her. La gente normalmente se
compromete primero con su novio/a y luego se casa.
similar • I’m not buying this shirt; it’s too similar to the one I’m wearing.
No voy a comprarme esta camisa; se parece demasiado a la que
llevo puesta.
unit 9
• Algunos adjetivos describen los sentimientos hacia algo o alguien.
angry** / • I was angry/annoyed with him because he didn’t show up at the party.
annoyed** Me enfadé/me sentí molesto con él porque no apareció en la fiesta.
disappointed / • I felt really disappointed/disgusted with the film. Me decepcionó/ Me
disgusted / asqueó la película.
(dis) pleased** / • He is such a good girl that I’m very pleased/happy/satisfied with her.
(un) happy / Es una niña tan buena que estoy encantada/muy feliz/satisfecha con
satisfied ella.
busy • I’m very busy with my family. Estoy muy ocupada con mi familia.
• Adjetivos de sentimientos + about + la causa de un sentimiento.
certain / wrong • He is quite certain about it. Está muy seguro de ello.
• I was wrong about you. Me equivoqué contigo.
(dis)pleased**/ • She was displeased about the results. Estaba descontenta por los
(un)happy** resultados.
• He was unhappy about the news. Estaba triste por la noticia.
early / late • It was too early/late for coffee. Era demasiado pronto/tarde para
tomar café.
qualified / suitable • I believe I’m perfectly qualified/suitable for this job. Creo estar
/ ready perfectamente capacitado/ser perfectamente adecuado para este
famous FOR • I’m ready for your questions. Estoy preparado para sus preguntas.
• Gino’s is famous for its pasta and pizzas. Gino’s es famoso por su
pasta y pizzas.
sorry / responsible
• I feel so sorry for you. Me compadezco de ti.
• I’m not responsible for what you are doing. No soy responsable de
lo que estás haciendo.
1 Choose the correct preposition.
1. They’ll come back in/on two weeks.
2. We went at/to the cinema last night.
3. We’ve been living in this flat since/for three years now.
4. We always have a family gathering at/on Christmas Day.
5. I’ll go and visit you during/for the morning.
6. Let’s go to the airport in/by taxi, shall we?
3. I’m tired ... doing the same thing every day. A of B at C for
4 Complete the questions with prepositions and match the answers to the questions.
from ?
1. Where do you come ________ a) To buy some drinks.
2. What do you carve this turkey ________ ? b) Italy.
3. Who did you borrow that money ________ ? c) CDs.
4. What did you go to the supermarket ________ ? d) A special knife
5. What did you spend all your money ________ ? e) My uncle.
5 Look at the picture and complete the sentences.
1. There are two cats ________ the box. 4. There’s a mouse ________ the teapot.
2. There’s a dog ________ the table. 5. There’s a boy ________ the door.
3. There’s a clock ________ the wall. 6. There’s a girl sitting ________ a chair.
6 Fill in the gaps with a preposition from the box. You won’t need all the prepositions and
some are used twice.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7
1. The magician puts a scarf____________ his hat.
2. He sprinkles some magic dust __________ the scarf.
3. He takes the scarf _________ the hat.
4. A dove is coming ____________ the magician’s top hat.
5. The dove flies _________ a paper circle.
6. The dove is flying __________ the audience.
7. The dove flies __________ the net and a round of applause for the brave magician!!!
7 Choose the correct preposition for each gap.
We saw the chase on TV. The police were after one of the robbers. He got (1) _________
the bank and ran (2) ___________ a metro station. He didn’t get a ticket and jumped
(3) __________ the turnstiles to get in. He almost stepped (4) __________ an old lady’s dog
and kept running (5) __________ the stairs (6) __________ the train. Luckily for him, the
train was (7) _________ the platform so he managed to get into it and escaped
(8) ____________ the police. They are still searching for the man.
11 Take the sports section of a newspaper and describe the photo/s. It/they should have lots of
people and things happening.
INF = PAST S. = PAST PART. they are the same
(indefinido) (sufijo –ado/-ido)
BET apostar
COST costar
R CUT cortar
HIT golpear
HURT herir , doler
LET dejar
PUT poner
QUIT abandonar
fijar , colocar , poner
READ pronounce as color: <red> leer