Finding A Job LearnEnglish Teens

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Habilidades > Lectura > lectura A2 > Buscando

Buscando trabajo

Mira las ofertas de trabajo y haz los ejercicios

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Buscando trabajo
Se necesita niñera
Necesitamos una niñera que cuide a
nuestros dos hijos de 5 y 7 años después de
la escuela de 4 p. m. a 6 p. m., de lunes a
£40 por semana.
Llama a María al 678345211

Ronda de periódicos antes de la escuela
Necesitamos jóvenes que repartan
periódicos los lunes, miércoles y viernes por
la mañana. La ronda de papel dura 30
minutos en el pueblo de Clanbrook. La
entrega de documentación deberá realizarse
antes de las 8:00 horas y deberás disponer
de bicicleta propia.
¿Interesado? Pide más información en la
oficina de correos de Clanbrook.

Trabajo de vacaciones
¿Quieres ganar algo de dinero extra este
verano? ¿Hablas otro idioma?
Necesitamos hablantes de francés, español
o alemán que trabajen para nosotros en la
tienda del Museo de la ciudad de martes a
Envía tu CV a citymuseum@shopjob.lkj

Café Munchies
Buscamos personal de desayuno y almuerzo
para trabajar en nuestra cafetería los
Entra (8 am – 4 pm) o llama a Bella al
612398745 (después de las 4 pm)

Comprueba tu comprensión:

Comprueba tu comprensión:
opción múltiple

Finding a job
Read the questions and choose the correct job

8 items remaining

In which job do you only need to work on


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 Try again

Comprueba tu comprensión:
verdadero o falso

Hojas de trabajo y descargas

 Encontrar trabajo - ejercicios 2,6MB

 Encontrar trabajo - respuestas 197,68KB

 Encontrar trabajo - anuncios 621,26KB


¿Tienes un trabajo a tiempo parcial?

Nivel de idioma

Nivel de inglés A2 (pre-intermedio)


trabajos trabajo de verano publicidad

Promedio: 3 (4 votos)

Tutoría personal en
EnglishScore Tutors es la
plataforma de tutoría individualizada
del British Council para jóvenes de
13 a 17 años.

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Enviado por pomelo el sábado

04/02/2023 - 09:06

No, no tengo un trabajo a tiempo


Inicia sesión o regístrate para publicar


Enviado por Muhammad Hamay… el

miércoles 12/07/2022 - 18:26

No, todavía no tengo un trabajo a

tiempo parcial.

Inicia sesión o regístrate para publicar


Enviado por Vicky14 el jueves,

20/10/2022 - 11:49

No tengo un trabajo a tiempo parcial y

no me gustaría tener uno.

Inicia sesión o regístrate para publicar


Enviado por ahgima099 el jueves

06/10/2022 - 12:58

No, todavía no tengo un trabajo a

tiempo parcial.

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Enviado por Ira1321 el domingo

02/10/2022 - 14:07

No, no tengo un trabajo a tiempo

parcial, pero quiero intentar hacerlo.

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Enviado por Turtle08 el lunes

29/08/2022 - 08:30

No, no tengo un trabajo a tiempo

parcial, pero tal vez cuando termine la
escuela tenga uno.

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Enviado por cherry00 el viernes

22/07/2022 - 17:08

No, no tengo un trabajo a tiempo


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Enviado por SEBASTIAN el miércoles,

06/07/2022 - 22:38

no tengo trabajo

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Enviado por Baldbanana el lunes

27/06/2022 - 15:52

No, I don't have a part-time job. I don't

really want to spend my time this way,
but sometimes I'm trying to find
interesting deals. Still unsuccessful.

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Submitted by Gorkem2006 on Fri,

06/10/2022 - 05:55

I do not work in a part time job

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Submitted by FlowerQueen on Sun,

06/05/2022 - 09:12

Hi, No I haven't any part-time-jobs. But

maybe I want to be a model or work as
a babysitter. And when I finishe my
school, I want to be an author.

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Submitted by Putin_ProGamer on
Wed, 01/19/2022 - 11:46


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Submitted by hermione123 on Sat,

01/23/2021 - 12:12
Nope, I don't have any part-time job. i
don't really interested to have a part-
time job, actually.

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Submitted by Kostantinus on Wed,

01/13/2021 - 10:17

Now I don't have a part-time job, but

before I had it as a model, an actor, a
host, a singer, a dancer, a guitar player,
a drummer, a pianist and an English
teacher in the kindergardens and in
English training centers.

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Submitted by hermione123 on Sat,

01/23/2021 - 12:10

wow! that's a lot of jobs :) amazing

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Submitted by karol38 on Fri,

08/14/2020 - 16:02

I don't have a part time job but I'd like

to have a part time shop.

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Submitted by Salva23m on Tue,

06/23/2020 - 12:35

No, but I’d like it

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Submitted by megazack on Sat,

03/28/2020 - 16:52

I have no job, sorry

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Submitted by Makam on Fri,

01/31/2020 - 15:12

No, I don't.

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Submitted by Elife on Wed, 01/29/2020

- 22:25

I don’t have any part-time job at this


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Submitted by truongkimngan on Mon,

11/18/2019 - 02:53

For students, part-time work is very

normal. When choosing a job, people
will look at it asking what that does,
where to does, and how, then the
salary. If all suitable, they will take the
job and do it. I'm a student and I'm
trying to find a job that suits my study
time and health.

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Submitted by nguyenthidung021001 on
Thu, 10/17/2019 - 17:05

I am a freshman in college. I have just

started studying in a strange city for
about 2 months. I am still adapting to
life here. So i still haven't thought about
working part-time. But in the future, i
will find myself a suitable part-time job
to ear money to support my life.

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Submitted by editor_rachael on Fri,

10/18/2019 - 11:40

Hi nguyenthidung021001,

Thanks for your comments on

LearnEnglish Teens. This website
is specially for teenagers aged 13-
17 years old but it sounds like you
are older than that. You are
welcome to keep on using
LearnEnglish Teens but if you are
over 17, please do NOT post any
more comments as we must keep
this strictly for teenagers to interact
with each other.

Best wishes,

LearnEnglish Teens team

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Submitted by UyenVo166 on Sat,

10/12/2019 - 08:51

Yes, I have a part-time job. I'm working

part time at a small cafe. I work in the
evening I start working at 5:30 and
finish my work at 10. I study in the
morning so I have time to work to earn
more money. Because I had to study
and work at the same time, I had to
balance my time so that my study
would not be affected.

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Submitted by Quocvu on Thu,

10/03/2019 - 06:14

I have a part-time job in a restaurant. I

start working from 5pm to 10pm so i
still have time to study and extra

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Submitted by Tam291 on Wed,

10/02/2019 - 14:59

I had a part-time job last month and I

quit because I was busy with my
schedule. However, I still want to work
to earn money to pay for my school
fees and buy personal belongings
without asking my parents. In addition,
job also help me train more skills and
make me more confident in
communication .

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Submitted by lkngan on Wed,

09/25/2019 - 16:10

I only work part-time on summer

vacations or holidays, the purpose is to
earn more money for student life and
gain more experience. I never let this
part-time job interfere with learning
because it is primary study and part-
time work is secondary :))

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Submitted by Vietnamesepeople on
Tue, 09/24/2019 - 16:50

I myself feel looking for a very

interesting job and it is more
convenient when everything is posted
on the internet. I do not need to come
to meet the owner or the tenant, i can
also view and meet the requirements
laid out

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Submitted by MinhTan on Wed,

05/22/2019 - 15:23

I have a partime job in Nha Trang city. I

am a waiter in restaurant near my

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Submitted by pink1208 on Wed,

05/15/2019 - 16:07

I really want to have a part-time job,

but I haven't had chance yet. I think I
can improve my soft skills if I have a
part-time job. However, at the moment,
I have many things to do: studying,
assignments, team work, etc... So I
plan to find a job in this summer when I
don't have to go to school.

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Submitted by Toan0312 on Wed,

05/15/2019 - 02:50

Part time Jobs are good :) I used to

work for a coffee shop, a
my free time. And it's ok :) Sometimes
do something different thing, It makes
me fell interesting.

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Submitted by thanhtruc on Mon,

05/13/2019 - 15:54

I often have a part-time job when I

have much time such as on summer
and on Tet because that time, I don't go
to school and I can spend time to work
to earn money. And, I find out works on
the adverts in the Internet.

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Submitted by Tuyen0803 on Thu,

05/09/2019 - 07:24

Last summer, I had a part-time job in

Nha Trang City. I'm a waitress in coffee
shop. But now, I don't have one. I'll find
a job in next holiday, because I think I
should find the money for next year.

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Submitted by NgocChau on Thu,

05/09/2019 - 06:20

I've never had a part-time job because

I'm too busy to have one. Another
reason is that I can't focus on studying
if I spend a lot of time to do part-time

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Submitted by dinhdien on Thu,

04/25/2019 - 17:10

Last summer, I had a job in Nha Trang

city, I worked for my sister's coffeeshop
. I earned 4 million and bought an
airpod2 .

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Submitted by YVan on Fri, 04/19/2019 -


I want to find a part-time job related to

my English language profession to
have a little experience before entering
life. under current conditions, it is a bit

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Submitted by Tranthithuynga on Fri,

04/19/2019 - 04:05

I have a partime job as a waitress in

the restaurant

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Submitted by Haocbs on Thu,

04/18/2019 - 15:54

I had a part time job last summer. I

worked as a waitress for my aunt's
coffee shop and I only worked 5 hours
a day in the morning. Luckily, my salary
was enough to buy what I want.

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Submitted by wumeomeo on Thu,

04/18/2019 - 15:30

I don’t have any part-time job at this

moment, but I really wanna one. I think
it’s unimportant but we should have for
our experience because it give you
many skills that will help your future
such as: confidence, communication,
time management, team-work and so

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Submitted by linhdan83 on Thu,

04/18/2019 - 13:48

I only have a part time job on holidays

or in the summer when I don't have to
go to school. Therefore, I can get a
small income and it won't interfere my
school work ^^

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Submitted by Youjiro on Sun,

02/03/2019 - 12:12

I have a part time job.I work at a

restaurant in my city.I notice that part
time job is waste of time.I can't study in
my room.My boss is extraordinary
person.He control me every moment
.I'm under pressure during the part time
job.I will quit job next aim of
doing part time job is store money. Now
it time leave part time job.

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Submitted by Hoanghao251 on
Thu, 04/18/2019 - 12:55

I think you're true. If you feel

uncomfortable, you can quit that
job right now. It's too hard to do
things you dont like.

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Submitted by Zoroyeet on Tue,

05/08/2018 - 03:47

I have a job posting memes in the


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Submitted by nikop1967 on Fri,

04/13/2018 - 14:33


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Submitted by alexamejia0419 on Thu,

03/01/2018 - 22:58

I've never had a part-time job because

I'm too young to have one. Another
reason why I have not had a part-time
job is because my parents don´t let me
have one and if I had the time to have
one, I wouldn´t know what I would do.
But I think it would be nice to have one
because this would make me more
responsible and I could buy some
things without asking my parents.

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Submitted by zxcv on Thu, 03/01/2018

- 16:59

if someday i have a job during the

university i preffer it will be a halftime
one because i whant to do other things
that interest me. Gabriela Lora

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Submitted by denyneira12 on Thu,

03/01/2018 - 16:58

i think is a good idea hace a job on

summer , you have money for the
things you want and the things you
wanna do , i have been working in my
uncle company , you have a hard work
and a hard reward . sergio almeida

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Submitted by kevinZR on Thu,

03/01/2018 - 16:51

yes, i have a part-time job, i'm a soccer

player in millonarios f.c and in this work
i have go all days to training, in
sometimes millonarios have a match
and my team go to watch them, this is
my part-time job

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Submitted by david_munevar on Thu,

03/01/2018 - 16:51

I had a part time job the last year on

vacations with my dad because he
need help and i have free time, we
work in jewelry boxes and instantly
finish one he brings more to continue
working and depend the types of the
box are the payment.

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Submitted by LuisMi3212 on Thu,

03/01/2018 - 16:49

I have never had a par time job,

because, till now I hadn’t need one. But
maybe I will need a part time job
course I think that it’s necesary and
that I will need money so I will have to
win it. NAREN

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