Taller 1 LCAT
Taller 1 LCAT
Taller 1 LCAT
Taller 02
1. Para cada una de las siguientes oraciones, identifique las proposiciones y simbolice:
Es peligroso conducir cuando está nevando. Esta nevando ahora. Sería peligroso conducir
en este momento.
((p ∧ q)r)
Cuando llueve los árboles se mojan. Los árboles están húmedos esta mañana, así que
llovió anoche.
((p ∧ q)r)
Un paraguas evita que se moje bajo la lluvia. Alicia tomó su paraguas y no se mojó.
Probablemente estaba lloviendo.
r: Esta lloviendo.
((p ∧ q)r)
Las luces rojas previenen accidentes. Miguel no tuvo un accidente, por lo tanto, Miguel se
detuvo en una luz roja.
((p ∧ q)r)
2. For each of the following sentences , identify the propositions, and symbolize
If there is a purple elephant in the hall, then I am a giant turkey. There is a purple elephant
in the hall, therefore, I’m a giant turkey
q: I am a giant turkey
Liliane is Patrick’s sister, and Patrick is Sylvie’s brother. Therefore, Liliane is Sylvie’s sister.
((p ∧ q)r)
If you smoke pot, even only once in your life, you are very likely to start using heroin. You
do smoke pot, and therefore, you will probably start using heroin.
If you are a confident driver and have never been in an accident, then driving over the
speed limit is not dangerous for you or others. You are a confident driver and have never
been in an accident. Doubtless, then, driving over the speed limit is not dangerous for you
or others.
Pamina es instructora de yoga, miembro de “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals”
y miembro de “Hogtown Granary Food Co-op”. Papagena es instructora de yoga, miembro
de “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals” y miembro de “Hogtown Granary Food
Co-op”. Papagena es vegetariana. Por lo tanto, Pamina es vegetariana.
p: Pamina es instructora de yoga, miembro de “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals” y
miembro de “Hogtown Granary Food Co-op”.
q: Papagena es instructora de yoga, miembro de “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals”
y miembro de “Hogtown Granary Food Co-op”.
r: ”. Papagena es vegetariana.
s: , Pamina es vegetariana.
Dos de los últimos tres ladrones referidos eran escolares ausentes. Fred acababa de ser
referido por robar en una tienda. Es muy probable que Fred también sea un escolar
((p ∧ q)r)
5. For each of the following sentences , identify the propositions, and symbolize:
If students were environmentally aware, they would object to the endangering of any
species of animal. The well-known Greenwood white squirrel has become endangered as it
has disappeared from the Lander Campus because the building of the library destroyed its
native habitat. No Lander students objected. Thus, Lander students are not
environmentally aware.
p: The well-known Greenwood white squirrel has become endangered as it has disappeared
from the Lander Campus because the building of the library destroyed its native hábitat.
((p∧(¬q))( ¬r))
6. For each of the following sentences , identify the propositions, and symbolize:
If we set our ideals too High, then we will Not meet those ideals. If we do Not meet those
ideals, then we are Less than we could be. If we are Less than we could be, then we Feel
inferior. If we set ideals too High, then we Feel inferior:
s: we Feel inferior
7. For each of the following sentences , identify the propositions, and symbolize:
(p ∧ q)
9. For each of the following sentences , identify the propositions, and symbolize:
Americans today are some of the unhealthiest people on Earth. It seems like not a week
goes by without some news story relating how we are the fattest country in the world. In
addition to being overweight, we suffer from a number of other health problems. When I
was conducting research for my speech, I read somewhere that heart attacks are the
number one killer of men and the number two killer of women. Think about that. My uncle
had a heart attack and had to be rushed to the hospital. They hooked him up to a bunch of
different machines to keep him alive. We all thought he was going to die. He’s ok now, but
he has to take a bunch of pills every day and eat a special diet. Plus he had to pay
thousands of dollars in medical bills. Wouldn’t you like to know how to prevent this from
happening to you?