Unit 2 - Task 3 - Realization - Trabajo - Grupal - 154016 - 8
Unit 2 - Task 3 - Realization - Trabajo - Grupal - 154016 - 8
Unit 2 - Task 3 - Realization - Trabajo - Grupal - 154016 - 8
Dayana Correa
Grupo: 154016_8
Abril 2024
El objetivo de este trabajo es hablar sobre el cáncer de mama y otras enfermedades como
tumores, masas, nódulos, etc. y su ciclo celular, explicar qué pasa cuando se dañan las células, la
desarrollo del cáncer de mama, con sus factores y efectos genéticos que produce la enfermedad,
In this work, we investigated benign and malignant pathologies of the breast, their
epidemiology worldwide and in Colombia, emphasizing the regions where said pathology is
most diagnosed and clarifying its greater incidence if it prevails in men or women as well as risk
factors. associates.
The objective of this work is to talk about breast cancer and other diseases such as
tumors, masses, nodules, etc. and its cell cycle, explaining what happens when cells are
It is concluded how to understand the evolution of benign diseases and the development
of breast cancer, with its genetic factors and effects that the disease produces, its incidence and
Reconocer los diferentes factores de riesgo para el desarrollo del cáncer de mama y la
alteraciones benignas de la mama. Con esto podemos evidenciar las distintas enfermedades que
se causan respecto a los riesgos biológicos ya que tienen un impacto físico y emocional, de cómo
cáncer de mama tanto en hombres como en mujeres y sus principales factores de riesgo.
Recognize the different risk factors for the development of breast cancer and the
epidemiology worldwide and in Colombia with its incidence for malignant diseases and benign
alterations of the breast. With this we can show the different diseases that are caused with respect
to biological risks since they have a physical and emotional impact, how we can act with the
different imaging and complementary studies. In this introduction we can show the development
of breast diseases, the incidence of breast CA in both men and women and its main risk factors.
año a otro y depende de varios factores, como la incidencia del cáncer, la disponibilidad, acceso
del 0,1% de las muertes por cáncer en hombres” pero puede ocurrir debido a la presencia de
tejido mamario, aunque la incidencia es baja en comparación con las mujeres, los hombres
Hay varias razones por las cuales las ciudades más densamente pobladas pueden tener
una mayor incidencia de casos de cáncer de seno, mayor acceso a la atención médica: Las
ciudades suelen tener una mejor infraestructura de salud, con más hospitales, clínicas y centros
identificaron en las ciudades Bucaramanga, Cartagena y Cúcuta; cada una con 4 casos, Bogotá
aportó un 10% adicional con dos casos. Barranquilla, Cali, Ibagué, Medellín, Montería, Neiva y
Valledupar aportan cada una 5% con un caso”. Esto puede facilitar la detección temprana del
más común encontrar estilos de vida caracterizados por una dieta menos saludable, falta de
aumentar el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer, los factores socioeconómicos en algunas ciudades, las
disparidades socioeconómicas pueden influir en la prevalencia del cáncer de seno, las personas
con bajos ingresos pueden tener menos acceso a alimentos saludables, servicios de atención
The number of deaths from breast cancer in women in Colombia can vary from year to
year and depends on several factors, such as the incidence of cancer, the availability and access
to medical care, and the effectiveness of screening and treatment programs. . Breast cancer in
men is a rare condition and according to other authors: Mesa, Matute, Estrada, Ocampo,
Restrepo (2011) “Breast cancer in men is a rare disease, since it represents 1% of all breast
cancers and is responsible for 0.1% of cancer deaths in men” but can occur due to the presence
of breast tissue, although the incidence is low compared to women, men can experience similar
symptoms, such as masses in the pectoral region changes in the breast epidermis, you should
There are several reasons why more densely populated cities may have a higher incidence
of breast cancer cases, greater access to health care: Cities usually have better health
infrastructure, with more hospitals, clinics and diagnostic centers. According to the portfolio
magazine (2022) “57% of the positive cases were identified in the cities Bucaramanga,
Cartagena and Cúcuta; each with 4 cases, Bogotá contributed an additional 10% with two cases.
Barranquilla, Cali, Ibagué, Medellín, Montería, Neiva and Valledupar each contribute 5% with
one case.” This can facilitate the early detection of breast cancer and access to specialized
a less healthy diet, lack of exercise, stress and greater exposure to environmental factors and of
pollution that can increase the risk of developing cancer, socioeconomic factors in some cities,
socioeconomic disparities can influence the prevalence of breast cancer, people with low
incomes may have less access to healthy foods, health care services and programs early
como mujeres por lo general son asintomáticos. El cáncer de mama aumenta en los ciclos
menstruales y con los factores de riesgo como son la menarquia precoz, la menopausia tardía,
El estudio del desarrollo del tema de la epidemiología del cáncer de glándula mamaria, el
asociación con la salud femenina y masculina, por los cambios reflejados de forma hormonal,
emocional y reproductiva de la mujer, sino también al bienestar general, estos cambios son
mama como una técnica de autoconocimiento propio para saber identificar algún hallazgo o
algún nódulo que ayuda a una detección temprana del cáncer de mama.
women, usually asymptomatic. Breast cancer increases with menstrual cycles and with risk
factors such as early menarche, late menopause, obesity, first birth at an advanced age, increased
The study of the development of the topic of epidemiology of mammary gland CA,
breast cancer and benign diseases is essential knowledge due to its close association with female
and male health, due to the changes reflected hormonally, emotionally and reproductive health of
the woman, but also to the general well-being, these changes are marked by pathophysiological
technique to know how to identify any finding or nodule that helps in early detection of breast
ambientales y reproductivos.
para una detección temprana del cáncer y poder recibir el tratamiento de forma
o The study of pathologies and benign diseases of the mammary gland is essential
and physiological changes that reflect the complexity of female biology and its
2024, de https://es.khanacademy.org/science/ap-biology/cell-communication-and-
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