presentado por:
Present it investigation is based on the retroactive pay of the pension of foodstuff for the
minors, whose end is to protect an alimentary right, because you are damaged and
affected, existing a conflict between the Constitution of the Peru, the beginnings, the
Civil Code, the Children's and Adolescentes's Code, and the way of process of this.
Many parents take the opportunity of the legal loophole of our legislation, violating an
organic law of our children that way, girls and teens; The Art. 568 of the Civil Code Of
Procedure, you establish that the pension of foodstuff can be demanded from the day
following of the service of the complaint; With this you become famous that the left
foodstuff to perceive can not be demanded to, motive for which an organic law that
finds protected by our Constitution in his Art 1, 4, 6 is violated, likewise for the little
boy's beginnings of superior interest, the little boy's especial protection, I start of
protection the family and the beginning of solidarity.
The chapters that you tell this investigation with are:
Chapter I, in this chapter describes the problem of investigation, where it is indicated
itself and the problems of the investigation that they found, the objective, the
justification, the delimitation of the study, the limitations have been formulated, and the
ethical aspects.
Chapter II, unroll the theoretic frame where you find background, the theoretic base
where reference is done to the minor, the right of foodstuff, the payment and the
retroactivity,; Definition of terms, the hypotheses of investigation and the categories of
study, which will be useful for having knowledge in relation to the theme of
Chapter III, the methodology of investigation, type, level, focus of investigation,
population, sign, techniques and investigation's instruments are mentioned.
Chapter IV, in this chapter demonstrates the fieldwork developed for the sustenance
himself of present it thesis, where they give themselves the processing and analysis of
results of the opinion polls, likewise yields the legislative proposal itself.
This investigation has the respective findings, recommendations, the bibliography,
whose purpose is to increment the acquired knowledge to I deliver it of our university
race that way getting ready for a new labor competitive world's expectations.